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8 The Spokesman Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mina arrival Establishment’s

MAKKAH: Muslims arrive at the Mina tent camp during the annual Hajj pilgrimage near the holy city of Makkah, Saudi
Arabia on Friday. AFP interference in
judiciary will end soon,
says LHC CJ
 Bureau Report

LAHORE: Lahore High Court Chief

Justice Malik Shahzad Ahmad has
publicly condemned interference in
judicial matters by “institutions,” stat-
ing that he has received numerous
complaints and letters, both written
and verbal, alleging such interference.
Addressing an event in Rawalpin- blackmail or intimidation, empha-
di, Justice Ahmad expressed confi- sizing the importance of resisting
dence that this interference will soon pressure and upholding their duty
end, citing both his faith and person- to justice.
al experience as evidence. He urged He praised former LHC Chief
judges to face such pressure with Justice Iftikhar Mohammad
bravery and courage, believing that Chaudhry for his courage in chal-
justice will ultimately prevail. lenging a military dictator, recall-
The Chief Justice highlighted the ing the lawyers’ movement that led
specific case of a Sargodha Anti-Ter- to his reinstatement. Justice Ahmad
rorism Court (ATC) judge who had highlighted the significance of this
alleged interference by the Inter-Ser- movement in securing a long period
vices Intelligence (ISI). He quoted the of civilian rule and permanently clos-
judge as saying that he was unafraid ing the door on martial law.
of the alleged incidents and was The Chief Justice urged lawmak-
prepared to make any sacrifice to ers to play their role in improving the
uphold justice. country, reminding them that their
Photo: AFP Addressing his fellow judges, positions are temporary and that
Justice Ahmad encouraged them to they have a responsibility to serve
stand firm against any attempts at the nation.

Million-plus take part in Hajj Govt committed for

under shadow of Gaza crisis transforming Pakistan
 News Desk


structure draped in black
cloth with gold trimmings
that millions of Muslims pray
annual rites, this year held in
intense heat with forecast daily
highs of 44 degree Celsius.
depending on how much each
pilgrim paid for their Haj
Elsewhere, a group of
Moroccan pilgrims was
into digital economy:
million Muslims packed the
giant tented city of Mina near
Makkah on Friday for the Hajj
towards every day.
Chanting “God is great”
and “God, we answer your
“It’s very, very hot,” said
Fahad Azmar, 31, from Paki-
stan. “But I thank God for the
Many worshippers were
tightly packed inside as
they sat and lay on narrow
growing angry, claiming to
have been given a raw deal by
the agent who booked their
Minister IT
pilgrimage held in sweltering call”, many were awash with opportunity to be here.” mattresses close to each other pilgrimage.  Commerce Desk
heat and against the grim spiritual fervour as they They are spending the night on the floor. “There’s more people than
backdrop of the Gaza crisis. followed in the footsteps of at Mina, a rocky valley several “There should be more are allowed in the tents … ISLAMABAD: GSMA’s Head of Asia
Robed worshippers arrived the Holy Prophet’s (Peace Be kilometres outside Makkah, space between the beds, and they’re asking us to share Pacific Mr. Julian Gorman called on
on buses or on foot, many Upon Him) final pilgrimage before climbing Mount Arafat the air-conditioning doesn’t tents with people who paid Minister of State for IT and Tele-
shaded by umbrellas, at the nearly 1,400 years ago. for the Haj’s climax on Satur- work very well … but the hajj half of what we spent,” fumed communication Shaza Fatima
vast encampment in Mina Participants, who day. is all about patience,” said Hicham, who did not want to Khawaja here on Friday.
after performing the “tawaf ” numbered 1.5 million by Accommodation in Mina’s Intisham al-Ahi, a 44-year- give his surname. During the meeting matters relat-
— the circumambulation of Monday, have travelled from air-conditioned tents is organ- old Pakistani who was shar- He said he paid about ed to digital transformation, and
the Kaaba, the large cubic all parts of the world for the ised by nationality and price, ing a tent with dozens of his 17,000 euros for his trip. upcoming GSMA Digital Nation
Summit were discussed.
Country Lead Digital Transfor-
mation, Pakistan, GSMA, Saira

Pakistan Embassy in The Hague Faisal was also present in the meet-
Minister of State for IT Shaza
Fatima said that the government
will extend full support and facilita-
tion regarding GSMA Digital Nation
Summit to be held on August 7.

hosts reception to celebrate National Day, is committed for digitalization and

transform Pakistan into Digital
Mr. Julian Gorman expressed his
gratitude to MoITT for their support
of the GSMA Digital Nation Summit

Youm-e-Takbir She said Ministry of IT will play

pivotal role in GSMA Digital Nation
Summit. Ministry of IT & Telecom
in August and assured full support
to the government in their digitiza-
tion journey.

 Spokesman Report Pakistan Movement. He high-

lighted the successful cooper-
THE HAGUE,:The Embas-
sy of Pakistan in The Hague,
Netherlands on Friday hosted
ation between Pakistan and
the Netherlands in various
fields, including politics, trade,
Pakistan High Commissioner
a grand reception to celebrate
Pakistan’s National Day and
investment, agriculture, water
management, climate change,
Rabia Shafiq assumes charge
The event was attended by
technology, education, culture,
and sports. in Singapore
senior Dutch officials, diplo- He also acknowledged the
mats from other countries, significant role of the Paki-  Spokesman Report
international organization stani community in promot-
representatives, members of the ing friendly relations between SINGAPORE: Pakistan’s High
Pakistani community, Dutch the two countries. Commissioner to Singapore Rabia
and Pakistani business leaders, Director Wouter Jurgens Shafiq arrived in Singapore and
intellectuals, and journalists, emphasized the importance of assumed responsibilities as Paki-
said a press released issued by cooperation between Pakistan stan’s High Commissioner on
the embassy. and the Netherlands, saying Friday.
Wouter Jurgens, Director of that their relations were built Having joined the Foreign Service
the Asia and Oceania Depart- on friendship and mutual of Pakistan in 2001, Rabia Shafiq
ment at the Dutch Ministry of understanding. Jimmy Nelson had worked at Headquarters in
Foreign Affairs, was the special presented a special presenta- Political Divisions (Europe, Iran &
guest of the event. Renowned tion showcasing the vibrant Turkey, East Asia Pacific), protocol
photographer and visual story- culture of Pakistan and shared and administration. Prior to joining as the high
teller, Jimmy Nelson, also presence. Suljuk Mustansar Tarar paid of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali his experiences from his recent She has held diplomatic assign- commissioner to Singapore, she was
graced the occasion with his In his address, Ambassador tribute to the founding father Jinnah, and the heroes of the visit to the country. ments in Pakistan Missions in Paris, serving as Director General Minis-
Ankara and Chicago. try of Foreign Affairs.

Govt stands with police SECP launches NDMA issues advisory

against terrorism Companies on weather during Pakistan issues visas
for durable peace: Regularization Scheme Eid-ul-Azha to pilgrims on Ranjeet
Balochistan CM  Commerce Desk  City Desk
 Bureau Report ISLAMABAD: The Securities and Exchange
Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has launched a
ISLAMABAD: The National Disaster Manage-
ment Authority (NDMA) on Friday issued an advi-
Singh’s death anniversary
QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz regularization scheme for companies grappling sory for public awareness regarding the weather on  City Desk Warraich underscored Pakistan’s
Bugti on Friday said that the provincial government with defaults on annual filings. upcoming Eid-ul-Azha. continued commitment to extend all
stood with the police in the fight against terrorism The regularization window will remain open “[This advisory is] in light of the forecast of a ISLAMABAD: Pakistan High possible facilitation to the pilgrims,
for maintaining durable peace in the province. from June 15, 2024, to September 15, 2024, warmer than average temperature and chances of Commission in New Delhi issued said a press release received here
Addressing the 100th passing out parade cere- providing an opportunity for companies to file their rain, wind and thunderstorms from June 15-19, 509 visas to Sikh pilgrims from India Friday.
mony of Balochistan Police, he said that police was overdue annual returns, documents and accounts which is likely to extend up to June 22,” according to attend the death anniversary of The issuance of visas is covered
a sacred profession. by simply paying regular filing fees. There will be no to the advisory. Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, scheduled under the framework of Pakistan-In-
He said Balochistan Police was working under additional charges, penalties, or late fees for filing The national disaster management body empha- to be held in Pakistan from June dia Protocol on Visits to Religious
difficult conditions. Many brave officers and jawans overdue returns during the scheme period. sized proactive preparedness through enhanced 21-30, 2024. Shrines, 1974.
of the force have been martyred in the war against The Companies Regularization Scheme applies vigilance and mass public awareness. The addi- Extending his heartfelt felici- Every year, a large number of Indi-
terrorism. to a wide range of companies, including non-list- tional guidelines can be received from the already tations to the pilgrims, Pakistan an pilgrims visit Pakistan to observe
He reiterated his resolve to eliminate terrorists ed public companies, private companies, SMCs, issued Tourist Guidelines & Checklist available on Charge d’Affaires Saad Ahmad various religious events.
and condemned terrorism in any form. foreign corporations, and nonprofit organizations the NDMA Website.
Bugti said that the terrorists have the support established under Section 42 of the Companies Act. Also, NDMA has released the ‘Pak-NDMA
of the Indian agency “RAW”, which have targeted However, this regularization scheme is not applica- Disaster Alert’ application on Google Play Store
many innocent people in their nefarious activities.
The chief minister said that this fight against
ble to listed companies. The scheme covers defaults and iOS Application Store to provide general
committed up to October 28, 2023. To make the public with up-to-date alerts, advisories and hazard
PTI backtracks on talks offer ...
terrorism was not only for our forces but also for all process simple and easy, companies are required to specific guidelines, public service messages and Continued from Page 1 focus remains on the ‘Tehreek-i-Ta-
of us and we would defeat terrorism with the power make physical filings so that returns for multiple more. The forecast indicated that due to this weath- hafuz-i-Aain-i-Pakistan’ (Movement
of the state and with the help of Allah. years can be filed simultaneously. er system, rain, wind and dust storm and thunder- Assembly Omar Ayub added that the for the Protection of the Constitution)
On this occasion, Balochistan CM also SECP’s Company Regularization Scheme aims storm are expected in most of country including PTI’s precondition for any talks was and that Mahmood Khan Achakzai,
announced Rs 05 million for ladies constable and to promote compliance and ease regulatory burden Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Gilgit, Azad Jammu and the withdrawal of all cases against the president of the movement, would
Rs 05 million for best performers and position by allowing companies to regularize filing defaults Kashmir, South Punjab and some parts of Sindh in Khan, his wife Bushra Bibi, and other be welcome to hold negotiations on
holders. without heavy penalties. stipulated period of time. PTI leaders. He stated that the party’s its behalf.
Published by: Almass Ayoub Sabir from Zero Point Printers Rawalpindi

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