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www .previou: ATOMIC ENERGY EDUCATION SOCIETY Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400 094 2015 - Open Advertisement Candidates Examination Post— Principal Date 26.09.2015 Time - 1 Hour 30 Minutes Maximum Marks - 50 Instructions 1. There are 50 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ} in this paper. Each question carries 1 mark. There will be negative marking of 0.25 per wrong answer. 2. Answer should be darkened/marked in the OMR answer sheet only. 3. Use of any electronic gadget (e.g. calculator, mobile phone, ete.) is not permitted, in the examination hall. 4, In case a candidate has not signed the Attendance Sheet or the OMR Answer Sheet is not signed by the Invigilator, it will be dealt with as a case of unfair means. 5. On completion of the test, the candidates MUST HAND OVER THE OMR ANSWER SHEET AND QUESTION PAPER TO THE INVIGILATOR in the room/hall. 6. The candidates should ensure that the OMR answer sheet is not folded or damaged. To be filled by the candidate Name of the Candidate: Roll Number: OMR Number: No of printed pages -7 www .previou: 2015-OPEN CANDIDATES-PRINCIPAL-QP- Q.1 The Annual Stalus of Educational Report is about: a learning levels of children ». school infrastructure ‘©. number of teachers in school 4d. pupilteacher ratio Q.2 The Right to Education Act provides free and compulsory education for children in the age group: a. 3-6 years b, 6-9 years ©. 912 years 4. 6-14 years Q3 The concept of Zone of proximal development was given by: a. Vygotsky b. Erikson c. Piaget 4 Freud Q4 The stages of moral development in children were given by a. Kohlberg b. Erikson ©. Vygotsky 4, Froud Q5 Father of pychoanalysis a. Anna Freud b. Sigmund Freud e. Carl Jung d. Erikson Q.6 whois Sudhir Kakkar? a, Psychoanalyst , Musician ¢. Drummer 4. Kabaddi player ©.7 Meaning of rationalisation in psychology means . giving good instead of real answer b. giving a reasonable answer ¢. unreasonable argument ¢. telling fies Q.8 The Literacy Rate of india according to 2011 census is 2.68% b. 74.04% ©. 73.01% 4.70% Q9 The lowest female Literacy Rate is in a. Uttar Pradesh Jharkhand ‘¢, Bihar d. Gujarat a0 an a1 13 a1 ats Q16 arr are How many seats did Aam Aadmi Party win in recent Delhi Assembly elections? 3.64 b.65 668 4.67 ‘What is the national game of india? a. Cricket b. Kabaddi ©. Badminton 4. Hockey ‘Whats the opposite of emaciated? b.fat d. beautiful Complete the following “Spare the rod... ‘2, Spoil the child b. encourage the child ¢. pamper the child d. discourage the child which one is correct? ‘a. pneumonia b. numonia ¢. pnumonia d. pnuemonia ‘What does contemporary mean? a. past b.present future d. later ‘Complete the following, “when in Rome,.... a. do as the French b. don't do as the Romans ¢. doas the Romans 4d. copy them People living in glass houses should not throw stones a, One should not throw stones as it may hit oneself, b, It's a bad habit to throw stones, c. Throwing stones is a waste of time. 4d. Dont criticise other people if you are not perfect yourself. ‘One of the following is not correct a. children b deers ©. equipment 4. dozen ang Q20 a1 22 0.23 Q.24 O25 Q26 27 Virtual reality provides a. sharp pictures ¢. participatory experience b. individual audio 4. preview of new fms Which of the following cannot be inferred from correlations ? a. cause and effect relationship . direction of relationship ‘Speaker of Lok Sabha a. Sumitra Mahajan c.Anun Jaitley Headquarters of ASEAN a, Tokyo . Jakarta, ‘Swacch Bharat is aimed at a. removing corruption ¢. cleaning parks. . covariance between variables 4. percentage of explained variance b. Pramod Mahajan d. Suresh Prabhu b. Myanmar d. Bangkok b. beautifying India 4. cleaning roads, streets and infrastructure ‘of the country, ‘Who is the architect of the indian Constitution? a. Pandit Nehru . Babasaheb Ambedkar ‘What is the full form of GDP? a. Gross Domestic Product ©. Gross Gomestic Productivity. ». Nallabhai Patel 4. Bhagat Singh b. Gross Debt Product 4. Gross Delhi Product, ‘The 2014 Commonwealth Games were held in 2. Scotland . Shanghai Vishakha guidelines pertain to @. sexual harassment at workplace ©. unequal pay scales b. Hongong 4. London b. domestic abuse d. permanent jobs for women wew .previouspapers 28 Dadabhai Phalke award is given for contribution to a. Indian cinema b. sports theater d. music: 29. The novel Joothan is written by a. Om Prakash Valmiki b. Prem Chand . Maithili Sharan Gupt . Purshottam Agarwal 2.30 The term patriarchy means a. male dominance bb. fathers dominance brother's dominance 4. female authority 2.31. Article 17 in the Constitution ‘a, Abolition of child labour b. abolition of untouchabilty . equal pay for equal work 4. abolifon of manual scavenging Q.32 Lokpal Bill rélates to a. anti-corruption bill b. anti-homosexuality ¢. cleanliness . right to information, Q.33 The mean marks obtained by a class of 40 students is 65. The mean marks: of half of the students is found to be 45, The mean marks of the remaining students is a.85 v.60 6.70 4.65 Q.34 Antara is twice as old as Meenu. Three years ago, she was three times as old as Meenu. The present age of Antara is a. 6 years b. 8 years 6.12 years 4. 16 years Q.35 Aman pointing to a lady said, “The son of her only brother is the brother of my wife’. ‘The lady is related to the man as a. Mother's sister b. Grand mother ¢. Mothersineiaw d. Sister of Father-in-law ‘waw Q.36 A person has to buy both apples and mangoes. The cost of one apple is Rs, 7/- whereas that of a mango is Rs. 5/-. IF the person has Rs. 38, the number of apples he can buyis af be e3 a4 2.37 A person writes all the numbers from 0 to 99, The number of times digit 3 will be written is ate bia 6.20 4.24 2.38 train 150m long is running at a speed of 68 kmph. How long does it take to pass a ‘han who is running at 8 kmph in the same ditection as the train? a.5sec b.9 sec 6.12 sec d. 15sec Q.39 46,12,14,28,307 a.40 b.50 ©.60 4.65 2.40 A, B and © are employed to-do a piece of work for Rs.529. A and C are supposed to finish 19/23 of the work together. How much shall be paid to 8? a.92 b. 108 110 4.120 ‘Q.41 If the series 4, 5, 8, 13, 14, 17, 22, .... is continued in the same pattem, which one of the following number will follow now ? 23. b.24. 6.25 4.26 Q.42 If 30% of a number is 12.6, find the number? 039 b.40 oat 4.42 Q.43. This is the boy ~~ told you of a. Who whom that . which, ‘waw Q.44 He rode as swiftly as he a. could b. can . should d. must Q.45 What's the meaning of obstinate? 2. Stubborn b. foolish ¢. orthodox 4. ancient Q.46. The measurement of funds in accounting is always based on the concept a. Accrual b. statistic ©. Fund 4. Investment Qar of an industrial concer is invested in assets lke plant building, and land. a. working capital b. variable capital ©. Foced capital 4. operating capital 2.48 Onthe costs are expressed as a percentage of sales a. Balance sheet b. income statement . sales budget d, cash budget Q.49 Amounts due from customers when goods are sold on credit are called a, Trade balance b, trade debits «¢. trade discounts 4. trade off 2.50 During inflation, a rupee has. than a rupee in the future. a) Higher purchasing power ) lower purchasing power ) higher market value ) lower market value ‘waw Sorts: Tee dutucuncsusqeoemed Jeve:su cele: Bar-weRennees teomat-eae Wace snk: Open Advertisement Candidate exam 26.09.2016- Principal ‘ANSWER KEY 2 tad 34. (b) 2a) 32. (a) 3. 33. (a) 4 34.(€) 5. (0) 35. (d) 6. (0) 36.() 7. a) 37.(¢) 8. (b) 38. (b) 9. a 39.(c) 10.(¢) 40. (a) 1.04) : 12. (b) 42.(@) 13.10) B(2) 14. (a) 44. (a) 15. (b) 45. (a) 16.(¢) 46.(2) 37.(¢) 47.4c) 18. (b) 43.(b) 19.() 49.(0) 20.(8) 50.(a) 21.(3) 2.0) 23.(d) 24.10) 25.(a) 26.(0) 27.(a) 28. (a) 29.(a) 30. (0) ation Pp wore: www. The Information provided bere: 4s only-for references Fé-mey-vecy thesd: ern’:

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