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A fan-made Signalis TTRPG system.

By Kintarotpc

This game is unofficial, unlicensed, and neither Barbara Wittman nor Yuri Tern were
consulted in the making of it. Nothing inside this is endorsed by the two creators,
and any depictions of their works within this fan-made media does not reflect on
the creators, publishers, or anyone else associated with them.

Signalis the video game is by Barbara Wittmann and Yuri Stern, published by Humble
Games and can be found on Steam, Nintendo Switch , Xbox, and Playstation


It would be disingenuous to try to recreate the exact story from the original game.
This system is designed to explore different tales about Replika units being
involved in different conflicts while maintaining what will hopefully have the same
feel as playing the video game. I encourage folks running or playing the game to
deviate from your experience with the video game and attempt to make something
personal to your play group.
Table of Contents
The Player Character..................................................5
Replika Unit Types....................................................6
Gestalt Memories...................................................13
The Stats............................................................14
Doing Things.........................................................16
Rolling Dice.......................................................16
Determining Success................................................16
Moving around in Combat............................................22
Using Bioresonance.................................................23
Equipment and Inventory..............................................24
Weapon Special Rules...............................................25
REM- 64 Longwave Radio...............................................29
Persona Destabilization..............................................30
Computer Use.......................................................34
Running the Game.....................................................36
General Advice...................................................36
Enemy Encounters.................................................37
Enemy Replika Stat Blocks..........................................39
Useful Charts and References.........................................42
Guten Morgen, Comrade...
Is this the first time
or have I woken before?
The Player Character
You are a biomechanical humanoid made by AEON (Arbeits- und Erziehungsorgan der
Nation / National Ministry for Work and Education)

Your purpose is to do work. The entire reason for your existence in fact, is to do
the sort of work that is too dangerous for your Gestalt (normal, living human)

You were created from a template - a copy of a Gestalt’s persona - and paired with
a frame designed to do specific kinds of work.

Are you a Protektor unit designed to enforce the law and protect your comrades from

Are you a Control unit meant to coordinate work efforts or extract information from

This is all that you are.

Or is it?

Remember comrade, such questions will result in thorough interrogation by your

ranking Control unit.

These eyes have seen so many things.

So many shores which don’t belong to this planet.
So many friends who’s names escape me.
I feel as though I carry a weight with me at all times.
A sturdy steel box upon my back.
I am always searching for the key, but I do not know why.
Replika Unit Types
Your unit type will define a few things about yourself from the beginning. This
will determine your starting stats, your starting equipment, special abilities and
quirks derived from your template.

Persona = 3 Empathy = 2 Logic = 3 Armor = 3 Combat = 5 Speed = 6
-'Storch'- Height: 240cm (Security Technician Controller Replika, 'Stork')
Frame: Biomechanical with Polyethylene Shell and Bullet-Resistant Armor Plating

Under ideal circumstances, security cadre’s are overseen by Controller Units, one
of the most commonly deployed being the STCR or “Stork” style unit. As one of the
tallest of Replika models, these Controllers enjoy the heightened viewpoint thanks
to their extra long legs. As leaders they are prone to a militaristic level of
matter-of-factness which others may read as cold and impersonal. Sometimes they are
seen as cruel, but those who deploy them often consider this a feature rather than
a bug. It is not uncommon to encounter a STCR who has lost their cool as the series
is known to have a volatile temperament. They are naturally impatient and can be
considered slightly unstable. Nevertheless, they are reliable in combat and
excellent for keeping others in order.

Storches prefer to be clean and as such gain +1 dice to Persona Destabilization

checks when they have a shower or bath available to them. A book about History or
Mythology will also provide the same bonus.
STCR units begin play with the following equipment:

Shotgun / Stun Baton / 10 Shells / Repair Patch

Persona = 4 Empathy = 2 Logic = 4 Armor= 4 Combat = 5 Speed = 4
-'Star'- Height: 220cm (Security Technician Guard Replika 'Starling')
Frame: Biomechanical with Polyethylene Shell and Bullet-Resistant Armor Plating
Similar to the STCR controller units, STARs enjoy a slight height advantage over
other Replika models due to their extended legs. They are faster than many other
types and employ an attitude similar to the collected and icy demeanor of the STCR.
Where they differ in personality though, the STARs come off as slightly more
personable and are sometimes considered more approachable.

STARs are trained in both close combat and ranged and perform best in combat
scenarios when led by one of their own kind. When receiving orders, commands, or
requests from someone they perceive as having a lower status than themselves, they
may become irritable. When in the presence of a STCR or other STAR friendly unit,
they enjoy the comradery of a Replika with similar ideals as themselves and receive
+1 dice to Persona Destabilization rolls. When equipped with a Military weapon,
such as the Revolver, Rifle, Pistol, or Shotgun, they enjoy a similar bonus.

Star units begin play with the following equipment:

Revolver / 12 revolver bullets / Repair Spray / Stun Baton
Persona = 3 Empathy = 6 Logic = 2 Armor = 3 Combat = 2 Speed = 4
Kommando-Leiteinheit Bioresonanztechnik-Replika
-'Kolibri'- Height: 152 cm (Command Control Unit Bioresonance Technology Replika
Frame: Biomechanical with Polyethylene Shell and Bullet-Resistant Armor Plating
Looked down upon (literally) by many Replikas, the KLBR unit is a highly capable
Bioresonant companion whose role is tantamount to many functioning facilities. Able
to tune into, amplify and produce their own Bioresonant signals, the KLBR unit
makes up for its lack of combat capabilities with a strong sense of empathy. These
units can influence the minds of Gestalt and Replika units to either speak to them
through walls, create illusions, and even force others to perform acts. In
enforcement roles, KLBR units are adept at obtaining information from enemies by
probing their mind and reading their subconscious.
KLBRs perform best when surrounded by other similar units. Ideally this means other
KBLRs but EULRs are also highly compatible. Though very capable of helping others
to maintain their persona and avoid destabilization, KLBRs may be prone to
destabilizing quickly themselves, even when attempting to help others. They have a
natural tendency to amplify the emotions around them. When in the presence of
another KLBR or EULR unit, they receive +1 dice to Persona Destabilization rolls.
When they have any sort of book on their person, they enjoy a similar bonus.
KLBR Unit Bioresoance abilities are as follows:
[1] Comms - a KLBR can communicate to any friendly Replika unit any and
all of their senses including messages directly into the brain. Information IS
limited to 6 seconds.
[2] Mirror Image - a KLBR can replicate their visage within a room
a number of times equal to the number of hits the get on their test. Any time
someone tries to interact with them, whether helping or harming, they must roll a
d6 per duplicate. If the # of hits is equal to or more than the number of
duplicates, they interact with the real KLBR, after which all mirrors are lost.
[4] Befehl - the KLBR unit overrides the natural bioresonance of an enemy
and forces them to do one of three things - attack an ally, attack themselves, or
do nothing.
KLBR units begin play with the following equipment:
Pistol / 20 bullets / Repair Patch
Persona = 5 Empathy = 5 Logic = 3 Armor = 2 Combat = 2 Speed = 4
Einfache Universelle Leichte Replika
-'Eule'- Height: 175 cm (Simple Universal Light Replika 'Owl')
Frame: Biomechanical with Polyethylene Shell
EULRs may be one of the most well liked of the Replika units among both Gestalts
and other Replikas. Eules are seen as highly personable, fun, and an uplifting
presence on any base of operations. Employed primarily for menial tasks such as
cleaning, cooking, medical and office work, Eules may also be employed on the
battlefield though it is not advised.
Eules works well in groups and thrive in environments where they can enjoy the
company of others and entertain by singing, dancing and playing musical instruments
or soaking in music. As some units may destabilize in the presence of some or all
music, it is advised to be cautious in the placement of EULR units within a base
(See LSTR), but among EULR and KLBR units, this is a non-concern. EULR units enjoy
a stronger baseline of stabilization when they can check their appearance
frequently such as having access to a mirror. When they are in the presence of a
KLBR or another EULR, they receive +1 dice to Persona Destabilization rolls.
While not particularly highly effective combat units, EULR units are stalwart
support units and are adept at helping other units who may be experiencing Persona
EULR units are able to manipulate other replikas and gestalts using Bioresoance.
[1] Comms - a EULR can communicate to any friendly Replika unit any and
all of their senses including messages directly into the brain. Information limited
to 6 seconds.
[3] Synchronizität - The EULR taps into the frequency of each of
their squad mates, helping to coordinate movement, feelings, and intentions. Being
on the same frequency, the entire squad enjoys an extra free hit on all tests as
long as the EULR is undisturbed. If the EULR unit is attacked, this disrupts their
concentration and this effect ends. The EULR can still move, manipulate objects and
even attack while using this ability, but any retaliation will end it. This
includes if an enemy tries to Fight Back.
EULR units begin play with the following equipment:
Pistol / 20 bullets / Repair Spray / Autoinjector
Persona = 4 Empathy = 4 Logic = 5 Armor = 2 Combat = 3 Speed = 3
Allzweck-Reparatur-Arbeiter Replika
-'Ara'- Height: 185 cm (All-Purpose Repair Worker Replika 'Macaw')
Frame: Biomechanical with Titanium-Reinforced Polyethylene Shell
ARAR units form the baseline of functionality for any establishment which requires
any sort of upkeep - which is all of them. These are the maintenance workers of the
Replika units and are probably the most produced of all types. They are excellent
general purpose units, perfect for deployment in dangerous places for terraforming,
research, resource gathering, etc. Inexpensive to maintain themselves, just the
right size for most operations and expendable. These units have taken the place of
most if not all Gestalt workers in places where the risk would otherwise not be
worth the cost of a life.
Some people consider the ARAR units to be rather simple, well behaved and largely
uninteresting. Those who hold this opinion have never had much interaction with one
though. All ARARs feature a relatively higher than average empathy and are quick to
judge those who appear to be less than kind or unjust. When dealing with one,
politeness goes a long way. ARARs may not get along well with STCR or STAR units.
Sometimes seen as introverted, ARARs enjoy solitude, especially in tunnels they
construct under floors or in walls when working.
EULRs and KBLRs have a better time reading ARARs expressions, who gain +1 dice to
Persona Destabilization rolls when in the presence of either of these.
Tunneling - ARARs may create or find tunnels through places other units normally
cannot go. If there is an existing ARAR tunnel, they may roll Logic + Logic. If
they get 2+ hits, they find a tunnel if it exists.
They may create a tunnel by rolling Logic + Logic. On 3+ hits, they may create a
tunnel up to 12 meters which begins and ends in the same room. Only an ARAR may use
it. This tunnel may allow them to access spaces past barriers such as gates, fallen
debris, fires, etc. This does not allow them to bypass doors or entire floors as
security protocols have made doing so impossible with advents of more robust
architecture. On a failure, they many not attempt this again for the same room.
ARAR units begin play with the following equipment:
Pistol / 20 bullets / Flashlight Module / Thermite / Repair Spray+
Persona = 2 Empathy = 2 Logic = 4 Armor = 4 Combat = 6 Speed = 3
Landvermessungs-/Schiff-Techniker Replika
-'Elster'- Height: 178 cm (Land Survey/Ship Technician Replika 'Magpie')
Frame: Biomechanical with carbon fiber-reinforced Polyethylene Shell and Titanium
One of the most versatile units apart from the ARAR, LSTRs are much more suited to
combat scenarios than the maintenance workers. These are adept survivalists and
though their Logic and Empathy are lower than many of their counterparts, they make
up for this with the strong Combat Capabilities and considerable armor. LSTR units
are perfect for long trips into space as their template is reliable under long-term
isolation. This trait also makes them suitable for land survey, solo exploration
and infiltration.
LSTR units do have some difficulties with Persona Destabilization due to their
Gestalt template, but this is primarily an issue encountered when they are not on
solo missions - a less than likely scenario. LSTRs may be conversed with in short
bursts but benefit greatly from people keeping their distance. You should not
attempt to befriend an LSTR unit, nor should you talk to one about War.
Additionally, they may experience Persona Destabilization when exposed to Music,
some Art, Movies, or photographs of those familiar to the Gestalt template.
Unfortunately, information on who this template was has been lost, so it is best to
avoid as much as possible
LSTR units begin play with the following equipment:
Pistol / 30 Bullets / Repair Spray

Rifle / 2 Rifle Bullets / Autoinjector

Pistol / 10 Bullets / Flare Gun / Signal Flare x2 / Repair Patch
Persona = 6 Empathy = 2 Logic = 5 Armor = 6 Combat = 2 Speed = 2
Minenarbeit-, Nukleartechnik-, Hochsicherheits-Replika
-'Mynah'- Height: 260 cm (Mining, Nuclear Tech, High-Security Replika 'Mynah')
Frame: Biomechanical with High-Security Reinforced Armor-Plated Servoshell

There are no better Replika units for the most dangerous and hostile environments
as the MHNR. Able to withstand lethal radiation, zero gravity, absurd atmospheric
pressure, caustic environments, heat and cold, the MHNR can handle almost anything
you throw at it. In addition to all of these features, the MHNR template offers a
strong, calm, nurturing demeanor which adapts to all social groups and is a welcome
pairing to any other Replika unit.
Many confuse the MHNR unit as being a frame similar to the LSTR unit placed inside
of a large, hulking, heavily plated suit of environmental armor, but the truth is
that the MHNR - is - the entire suit. This causes some confusion when the massive
face shield is lifted to reveal an entirely normal sized face inside copious
amounts of padding within the helmet. The face has been installed to enable easier
MHNRs are exceptionally stable out of the box. Where others enjoy stabilization
benefits from the presence of others or certain objects, this is unnecessary for
the MHNR. However, they should not be exposed to stuffed animals resembling cats -
which may trigger the recollection of Gestalt Memories.

Carving - MHNR units are adept at using the signature Mining Lasers both to carve
away debris as hard as stone (but also anything softer as well such as wood). They
may completely remove an obstacle up to 6 cubic meters with one use of the mining
laser. Additionally, they may expend their whole battery to carefully carve through
a metal door, bypassing locks. This has been an oft-debated feature due to security
concerns but was maintained for its applicability to emergency situations.

MHNR units begin play with the following equipment:

Mining Laser / Mining Laser Battery / Flashlight / Thermite
Note: the Mining Laser takes up TWO inventory slots and requires both hands to
Perhaps one of these days
when I wake up after dreaming of that song
It’s memory won’t fade so quickly
And I’ll recall her name
And why she had to go

Gestalt Memories

With each of the Replika playbooks, on the back side there is a list of question
prompts which will ask you about your Gestalt Memories. Think about who your
Replika may have been made from. What sort of person they are, who they may have
loved, hated, lost or betrayed. Make sure you have an answer for each prompt, even
if you don’t feel especially strongly for some of them. These will be important

If two or more Replika units of the same type are being played, coordinate with the
other player to generate answers to your Gestalt Memories, since you were both
based off the same template.

The white lotus petals upon my lap

What did they mean?
Why do I feel as though I should cry?
Do I even get to call these tears?
The Stats
A measure of the Replika’s hold on their base reality versus the gestalt template
they were created from. Higher numbers mean a stronger level of stabilization.
Lower numbers indicate a tendency to experience emotions and memories from a life
which isn’t theirs.

A measure of a replika’s ability to understand and influence the actions of
others. Replikas with higher empathy can help another with Persona Destabilization
but are easier for others to influence.

The ability to interface with computer systems, operate or bypass locks, see the
world for how it is logically rather than emotionally, and figure out paths for
sneaking. This is a measure of a Replika’s ability to reason through problems
under pressure. Logic also has it’s own special section later on.

A simple measure of a Replika’s ability to weather and deflect incoming damage.
This stat is referenced every time damage is taken, whether that is being shot,
stabbed, shocked, or falling.

A simple measure of a Replika’s ability to perform in combat. Aiming, shooting,
tackling, stabbing, punching, etc. This is a stat for doing damage or subduing

The measure of a Replika’s ability to cover ground. This is also a measure of a
Replika’s reaction time which is used when determining some combat mechanics as
well as performing tasks under a time crunch.
All Replikas, even the weakest of them are sturdy and resiliant
constructs able to withstand a vast array of outside stresses ad
environmental effects. As Biomechanical units, they aren’t
perfect machines though and require sustenance.

They are also affected by many of the same things as the

Gestalts they were based on, to some to a lesser degree.
Disease, heat, cold, radiation and suboptimal levels of oxygen
are all things which can affect a Replika.

Each unit may take up to 20 points of damage before they cannot

be refurbished. A Replika which exceeds 20 damage is permanently
decommissioned and a new unit must be requisitioned.

If they are decommissioned, don’t worry.

Another will be built swiftly to replace them on the
battlefield, workshop, or remote station.

Do not mourn the loss of your comrades.

Mourning may result in rapid onset Persona Destabilization. In

the event of decommission related rapid onset Persona
Destabilization, consult with your ranking Control unit or a
EULR, KLBR. Failure to do so in a timely manner may result in
thorough interrogation, imprisonment, and ultimately
If you are the ranking Control unit and you experience rapid
onset Persona Destatbilization, it is advised that you draft a
report, distribute it to your Supervisor, then decommission
yourself. It is for the safety of the Eusan Nation.

I died once. No…

Or was it the girl in the blue dress?
Doing Things
To play this game you will need many six-sided dice. 12 may be a ideal number of
dice to have on hand, so using an electronic dice roller, such as a discord bot, a
virtual tabletop or even simply a web site will help.

Rolling Dice

Anytime you want to do something, you will roll a

number of dice equal to the Stat referenced.
For example: If something tells you to roll Empathy
+ Logic and you are playing an LSTR unit, you would
roll 2 + 3 for a total of 5 dice.

When the dice rolled show a 5 or 6, this is called

a Hit.

A die which shows a 2, 3 or 4 is a miss.

A die which shows a 1, is a fault.

A 1 on any single die does not mean you have failed

a task. This will only matter if the number of 1s
is greater than the number of hits - and only sometimes. See Fehlr, later.

Determining Success

Most dice rolls will fall under one of the following categories: Targeted or

A Targeted roll will be a test against a set number, normally based on a level of
difficulty determined by your GM. To succeed on a roll of this nature, you want to
have a number of hits equal to or greater than the Target number. The number of
hits you are looking for can be referenced on Targeted Difficult chart on the next
page, based on how difficult a task is.
Targeted Difficulty
When rolling against an
Enemy, these rolls are
Opposed Rolls instead.

In this sort of conflict,

both parties will roll their
relevant tests and compare
the results. The person with
the larger amount of hits

It is possible for both

parties to get something out
of an opposed roll even if it
is not a tie. This will happen with some frequency in combat.

When you roll, and you did not get enough hits to succeed, you have failed at
whatever task that was.

If you have failed and the number of 1s you rolled is greater than the number of
hits, then this is a Kritischer Fehler - critical failure. Something real bad is
gonna happen. Your GM will decide on a punishment.

They always tried to put me in that cage

When I made those mistakes
And I was always making them
But She was always there to take the blame
except for the last time.

I wonder why she wanted to protect me.

What did I mean to her?

When doing things which are time sensitive, actions begin to matter more than when
players are simply exploring, chatting, and administering care to each other.

When time matters, such as in combat, the game is played in rounds. Each round is a
measure of 6 Seconds of activity. During these 6 seconds, each participant will
have a chance to act. Outside of combat, resolve these actions in whichever order
the players and GM desire. See Combat for more information on that topic.

During a round, players may perform Simple actions or Complex actions. They may
also move, which is neither a Simple nor Complex action.

A Simple Action is something which happens

very quickly. For example: Dropping an item.
Pulling a lever, or opening a door. If you are
unsure if an action is simple, ask yourself
“Can this be accomplished within 2 seconds?”
If the answer is yes, it is a simple action.

Explicit Simple Actions: Press a Button , Pull

a Lever, Aim, Speak, Adjust Your Radio,
Equipping a Tool or Weapon.

A Complex Action is something which is a bit more intense, takes concentration and
effort, or could fail. Examples of complex actions include: Shooting, Reloading,
Moving an object around a room etc. When trying to determine if something is a
complex action, ask yourself “Can this be accomplished within 2 seconds and
requires almost no effort?” If the answer is no, it is a Complex Action.

Explicit Complex Actions: Attack, Reload, Climb A Ladder, Use a Computer, Move a
Heavy Object, Pilot a Vehicle, Use a Bioresonance Ability, Sneak, Use an Item.

During a single round, each player may perform 1 Simple Action and 1 Complex

You may exchange 1 Complex Action for 1 Simple Action to do 2 Simple Actions, but
not vice versa.
When initiating combat, the first thing to do is determine who acts first.

Determine turn order for both players and enemies in the same way.
Each participant will roll Speed + Speed.

Rather than counting Hits, Sum Up the total value of the dice for each participant.

For example, a result of 4,5,2,1 would be “12”, rather than “1 hit”.

The turn order is then determined in descending order from whoever has the highest
total to the lowest. In the instance of ties between opposing forces, the one with
the highest Speed stat goes first. If they are still tied, then players act first.
If the tie is between allies, then resolve at your leisure.


To attack another, roll Combat + Speed and

count your hits.
The one you are attacking will then have a
choice of how to react, if they are aware
of the incoming strike.

They may:
Fight Back - Roll Combat + Speed to try to hit you first.
Dodge - Roll Speed + Speed to avoid being hit.
Block - Roll Armor + Armor to soak any incoming damage.
When Fighting Back : Your opponent gets to roll Combat + Speed to see if they can
get an attack off on you first. If they roll and get more hits than your Attack
roll, they get to do damage to you first. This, however, does not stop your attack
from landing and you will deal damage even if they get you first. In the case of a
tie, the one with the higher Speed stat deals damage first.
A person cannot Fight Back when wielding a melee weapon and being attacked more
than 1 meter away unless they throw their weapon. Stun Batons are useless when

When Dodging: The opponent tries to duck and move out of the way of your incoming
attack. If they get more hits than your Attack roll, then you miss and your attack
will do no damage.

When Blocking: The opponent eschews dodging and instead tries to negate as much
damage as possible by placing sturdier parts of themselves or their equipment in
the way. Any hits they get from this roll will reduce the amount of damage you do
by 1 each. This damage is reduced before their armor ALSO reduces your damage.

These options are always available to both players and non-player characters.

If an Non-Player Character fighting back would kill a PC
before their damage goes through, resolve both damages
anyways as the PC fights with their last bit of strength.
If a PC fighting back would kill an NPC before their damage
would go through, the NPC immediately dies and does not get
to do damage.


During an attack, you wish to take care to manage your aiming. Doing so is a Simple
Action and confers 1 extra die to your attack roll. You may take this action a
number of times sequentially up to your Combat stat to gain a cumulative extra die
each time. Doing any action other than aiming or making a ranged attack clears any
bonuses you gained from aiming.
There may be times when you want to do something which isn’t shooting, stabbing or
shocking enemies. The following is a list of common maneuvers which may be
attempted. If you want to do something which is not listed, work with your GM to
figure out a suitable resolution.

* Anyone who is prone rolls Dodges with 2 fewer dice and may only move 2 meters per turn. Attacks made
against a prone target gain +2 dice. Standing takes all of your movement for a round.

** This maneuver requires a full ammo clip from the Submachine Gun, Pistol, Revolver or Shotgun. The
Rifle, Flare Gun, and Mining Laser cannot be used for Suppressing Fire.


Damage dealt is determined primarily by the weapon you are using. Refer to the
weapons chart in the equipment section for more information.

Of note though, if the number of Hits you

got on your Attack roll is larger than
that of someone who is Fighting Back,
Dodging or Blocking, you will do 1 extra
damage for each Hit greater than your
opponents hits.
Moving around in Combat

The speed stat decides how far

a Replika can get in a turn.
Each point in Speed represents
1 meter cleared per second.

Moving may be done in addition

to Complex and Simple Actions.
It does not stop you from
performing either of them.


To creep around anything you

would like to not be detected
by, you must stay out of it’s
line of sight and roll Logic +
Combat - Armor. For every empty
inventory slot, they also
receive a +1 to this dice roll
as well.. This is an roll
opposed by an Empathy + Logic
roll by the enemy. If there are
multiple enemies being snuck by, only roll once but add +1 die to their collective
roll for each enemy between the player and their goal.
Sneaking: Logic + Combat – Armor
+ 1 per empty inventory slot
Opposed by Empathy + Logic

For example: if an ARAR tries to sneak they will roll Logic

(5) plus Combat (3) minus Armor (2) for a total of 6 dice.
If they have 2 empty inventory slots, they would roll with
a total of 8 dice.
If the enemy has more hits than the person sneaking, then they and all enemies in
the room are alerted to the presence and position of the person who failed to
sneak. This will most likely result in the start of combat.
As largely unknowledgeable as the empire is about what Bioresonance actually is, it
has been a vital part of technological advancement. This, even at the detriment of
other technologies. Bioresonance tech is as much a tool as it is a crutch. Its use
requires a kind of thinking which bypasses logic and dives deeply into the realm of
feelings. Those who have more logic than empathy, as such, cannot utilize it. (EULR
and KLBR being the only Replikas who can)

Its application is varied though. Tuning a radio to another’s Bioresonance

Frequency can offer information about their mental state and surface thoughts, but
this can be dangerous as well.

Tuning to another’s Bioresonance Frequency is restricted

to snooping on non-player Replikas.

Bioresonance is also all around us at all times, but since not all can hear its
tune, the majority of the empire’s population is largely unaware of its presence.
Humming along these inhuman frequencies are cosmic truths, echoes from the past,
secrets unspoken, and things which mortal minds were never meant to hear - let
alone understand.

This ever present force is also capable of being utilized to alter reality, affect
the natural forces of the world, and bend them to your will. For example, the
Induced gravity present on space-faring vessels allows Gestalt and Replika alike to
walk around as they would on Vineta. Bioresonance is in fact the same force by
which a Gestalt mind is duplicated to a Replika.

Using Bioresonance

Using Bioresonance requires a roll of Empathy +

Persona. If the number of hits is equal to or more
than the number listed by the power, it succeeds.
If you fail, nothing happens, though your GM may
invoke a small penalty in the event of a Kritischer
Equipment and Inventory
All units can only hold 6 objects no matter how small and that includes both tools,
weapons and ammunition. Some items may stack, such as repair items and ammunition.
The max number a Replika can carry is listed along side each item’s description.
Even if the Replika has otherwise open inventory slots, they can only carry as much
ammunition as can fit in their weapon clip, and the maximum allowed per item stack.
If a stack limit is not listed, that number is 1.

For example, a Replika may possess 30 rounds of Pistol ammunition at once, so long
as there are 10 rounds loaded, and have a stack of 20 in one slot.

Each unit may also only equip one weapon and one Tool item at a time. Equipping
these do not free up an inventory slot.
Weapon Special Rules

Unarmed - Anyone fighting back against your unarmed attack gets a bonus die.

Knife - When used in melee, people fighting back against

you with anything other than a melee weapon roll with 3
fewer dice. People attempting to dodge roll with 1 fewer
die. Can be thrown up to 4 meters.

She wouldn’t put it down. I had to shoot.

Stun Baton - Single use, may be placed in the Tool Slot. This
weapon only works in melee range but will also hit 1 other enemy
if they are within 1 meter of the first. (Stack 4)

I still get muscle twitches sometimes.

Shotgun - Can hit up to three targets if they are

within 1 meter of the initial target.

Took me a week to finish getting it all out of her leg.

Rifle - This high powered armor piercing rifle may

only be used safely by frames with 3 or more
armor. If used by a Replika with 2 armor or less,
they will take 3 damage from the knockback with
each shot. Gestalts using the rifle are instantly
knocked out.

You don’t even feel it leave your body.

Submachine Gun - Anyone taking the Dodge action in response to
being fired upon with this weapon roll with 2 fewer dice.
Fires 5 rounds per shot. With a clip capacity of 30, it may be
shot six times before it must be reloaded.

Almost musical, the way it rattles

Flare Gun - Only holds one shot before it must be reloaded,

however anyone hit by the flare is on fire. While on fire
they take 1 damage per turn and make all rolls with 4 less
dice until put out. They may take 2 complex actions to put
themselves out. Grenades also fit into the Flare Gun, which
do damage in a 5 meter radius from the point of impact.

Hilf mir! hilf mir!

Mining Laser - usable only by MHNR Replika units.

This is partially due to how heavy it is, but more
importantly because it operates off a replaceable
battery installed in MHNR frame.

The red incandescence left after a proper carve reminds me of a camp fire I’ve
never seen. I know the coals glow red but I don’t know when I ever saw them
Not fast enough

Repair Patch - Repairs 5 damage over 2 turns (12 seconds)

(Stack 6)

Repair Spray - Repairs 10 damage over 2 turns (12 seconds) (Stack 6)

A proper fixer
May be used to repair damaged hulls (1 Sq Meter). May be combined
with Repair Patch to create Repair Spray +

Repair Spray + - Repairs 15 damage instantly. (Stack 6) May be

used to repair damaged hulls (1 SQ Meter).
The good stuff

Autoinjector – Repairs 10 damage instantly. May be equipped

to the tool. When the Replika would take damage that would
decommission them, the Autoinjector instantly repairs 10
Damage (After the initial damage is done entirely) (Stack 4 )
Emergency use only

Pistol Ammo - 10 mm ammunition for the standard Pistol. (Stack 20)

Tried and true

Shotgun Ammo - 18.5mm flechette ammunition. (Stack 10)

Perfect for weddings

Revolver Ammo - 12mm hollow-tipped ammunition (Stack 12)

The worst thing to get hit by

Rifle Ammo – 16mm PTFE-coated High Powered Armor-piercing ammunition.
Bypasses armor 4 and below. May pierce 2 targets. (Stack 6)
A real party stopper

Signal Flare - 26.5mm emergency signal flare. Burns bright red.

Applies the Burning condition to Replika’s who are hit. Bypasses
Armor 4 and below) (Stack 6)

It was never enough to help me

Grenade Shell - 26.5mm grenade. Explode on impact. 10m diameter. (stack 6)

Crowd Control

Mining Laser Battery – Wattage: 4 GigaWatts. Expended completely

during Carving. (Stack 1)

They never found any other uses for it.

Flashlight – Equipped into the Tool Slot. Used to see in dark areas.
Many security systems require doors to be properly lit before they will
open, even when unlocked. A Flashlight will provide proper
Perfect for reading late at night
but you do get caught all the time

Thermite – Very hot. Applied in close quarters to anything

softer than Titanium or Diamond which should be melted.
Will destroy Replika’s even with Titanium Bones, as the
artificial musculature is softer. Will reduce a MNHR Unit’s
Armor by 2 per application. Must be equipped to the tool
slot before use. (Stack 4)

Kills you, and you know it’s killing you the whole time it’s killing you.
Have you ever noticed the numbers which feel important to you?

REM- 64
The radio is installed in all
Replika models, allowing for the
receiving of signals from
transmitters even at long distances
but it does not allow the Replika
to broadcast. AM Frequencies
available are between 50khz and

There are two kinds of broadcasts

which the REM-64 radio can receive
and output via its built-in

When tuned to a station with a

subcarrier signal, the [Signal]
Label will ignite.

When tuned to a station transmitting a datastream, the [Data] Label will ignite and
the transmitted data will be displayed in the transcription field at the bottom.

Information about puzzles, broadcasts of enemy positioning, and other bits of

useful information may be available on certain frequencies in specific areas.
Because there may also be a datastream, this means actual data may be transmitted
from the speaker of your radio to any microphone listening for ambient noise.

These frequencies may also have an effect on Replikas so be careful how you use
your radio.

Like you are the numbers and the numbers are you
Persona Destabilization
A Replika is a biomechanical humanoid made by AEON (Arbeits- und Erziehungsorgan
der Nation). Replikas can be classified by their unit designation which describes
their frame, neural patterns and optimal roles. Their personalities and traits are
determined by the neural patterns of the Gestalts which their template was based
on. Gestalts are civilians, workers, and officers in the Eusan Nation, i.e. the
fleshy human you likely are as a player.

Because Replikas are based on humans, and stripped of the full lived experience
they originally had, memories, feelings, and ideas can crop up which do not adhere
to the lived experiences of the Replika. In these instances cause confusion, and
the Replika’s personality may start to drift from their “ideal”. They may start to
question what is real, if their feelings are true, if their motives are false, if
their purpose is correct. They may start to remember things which never actually
happened to them or hear, smell, see or otherwise experience things which aren’t
perceived by other Replika’s around them. This is known as Persona Destabilization
– shortened to PD.

When experiencing PD for the first time, they will roll Persona + Logic. If the
number of hits is equal to or greater than 3, they have stabilized. If the number
of hits is less than 3, they begin to destabilize.

Persona Destabilization Test: Persona + Logic

3 or More hits? -> Success


In the event of a failed Persona Destabilization roll, you have begun to

destabilize. You must now refer to a memory from those in your playbook. Your
Replika will begin to perceive that thing in places where it otherwise should not
exist. Do they smell the perfume of a lover they never knew? Do they hear a song
which reminds them of a mother they never had? Do they see the face of another when
they look at a reflection?

Whenever you experience this thing which reminds you of this memory, make another
test. If you fail this test again, reduce your Persona stat by 1 and refer to
another Gestalt memory. You begin to perceive something related to this memory as
When your Replika loses Persona, they become less
and less sure if they are the Replika which has
been their entire lived existence so far or the
Gestalt who’s template they were made from.

A Replika’s persona cannot be reduced to 0.

A Kritischer Fehlr during Persona Destabilization rolls means that you must
reference another Gestalt Memory and begin to experience something from that on top
of your first – immediately. (Two memories experienced)


If making a PD roll in the presence of another Replika, they may be coached,

calmed, and otherwise reassured of what is real - or perhaps guided into accepting
that their Gestalt memories are real but not their own. This is known as Coaching.

To do so, the other Replika may roll Empathy. Any hits from this roll can be added
to the destabilizing Replika’s PD roll. Only one person may help at a time.

Coaching: Empathy Hits are added to a friend's PD roll.

Additionally, when there is time to reflect, relax and talk, a Replika may make a
Stabilization check to help another. Only one Replika may help the destabilized one
in this way.
The helping Replika makes an Empathy + Persona roll. If the number of hits is equal
to or more than 3, the one receiving care increases their Persona by 1. This
increase cannot bring their Persona above their starting value. This may only be
done once per cycle (1 day on any given planet) but the Replika perceiving
something from that specific Gestalt memory will not have to make PD rolls for one

Stabilization Roll: Empathy + Persona =/> 3 ?

Increase your friend’s Persona by 1

On a failure, the Replika remains destabilized.

On a Kritischer Fehlr, the helping Replika must
make a PD roll as they become less certain of
their own memories.

If a Replika is destabilizing in the presence of another who shares their type,

then the one who is not actively destabilizing receives a 1 hit penalty on all PD


Any time a Replika witnesses a traumatic event or experiences something dramatic,

they must make a PD roll.

Traumatic events include but at not limited to:

The death of an ally / the loss of a fetish item / being at 10 or more damage /
encountering restricted literature / experiencing some music related to their
Gestalt Memories / witnessing some art related to their Gestalt Memories.
(Computers, Piloting, Repairs)

Most of the stats have been thoroughly used in the previous sections, but Logic can
be a difficult attribute to pin down uses for. As described earlier in this
document, Logic can be called for in repairs, working with computers, and Piloting

When Piloting any vehicle, whether that is a Land Vehicle, Space Ship, Mining Cart,
Air Bike, etc any time there is something dangerous happening, a Piloting roll will
be required.

Piloting rolls call for Logic + Speed

These rolls may be done against a Target Number or as an Opposed roll versus
someone else’s Piloting roll or against an attack.

When being attacked, any hits you have in excess of the hits your attacker has,
reduces the amount of damage done to you by 1. This happens before accounting for
your armor. Having fewer hits than your attacker -does not- increase your incoming

If an opponent is attempting to ram your vehicle, outrun you, or if you are

attempting to lose them, roll an opposed Piloting roll. If you have more hits than
your opponent, you may attempt the same action against them. Otherwise you suffer
no harm. When attempting to lose them, scoring even 1 hit more than them will allow
you to escape into traffic, the environment, around a corner, etc. You will have
lost your tail.

A Kritischer Fehlr during a piloting roll may look like accidentally locking the
brakes, crashing or getting yourself lost.

In the course of your game play is it incredibly likely that you will encounter
something which is in need of repairs. Most of the time this obstacle will be
something you can bypass by searching whatever facility or environment you are in
and finding something which can be used to fix the problem. In addition to this,
you may attempt to repair certain things using simply your wits and whatever tools
you may have on hand.

Repairing an item, switch, door, etc calls for a

roll of Logic + Logic
The target number will be set by your GM based on
how difficult the task will be.
If you fail a repair roll, you may find that you
have made your situation worse, but only in the case of a Kritischer Fehlr. How
much worse will be determined by your GM.
It may be the case that a certain item is irreparable without a key item. The GM
will notify you of this before you attempt this roll.

Computer Use

Most computers you encounter will

not be hindrances but instead
avenues to clues, useful
passwords and otherwise important
information. On occasion however
you may find yourself locked out
of a computer, a system which was
not designed for normal users, or
something which is only vaguely
computer adjacent.

When operating a computer to perform any task which has a risk associated with
failure, one must roll Logic + another stat.

Logic + Speed to quickly hack open a door in the middle of combat or when under a
time crunch.
Logic + Combat when a system or other hacker is trying to lock you out of the
Logic + Logic when you have time to complete the task without pressure.
All of these rolls are made against a target number determined by your GM.

Failure may look like being unable to open an electronic lock before an enemy
finishes their patrol, failing to hack into classified documents before the system
locks you out, or simply failing to bypass a security system.

A Kritischer Fehlr during Computer Use may look something like turning on dormant
turrets, alerting a facility to your exact location, frying a keypad so that even
the correct keycard or combination will not work, or something else equally
- CLASSIFIED INFORMATION – Game Master Eyes Only -

Running the Game

If you have elected to run this game, the following pages offer some monster stat
blocks, general guidance, and a collection of charts for the different kinds of
rolls. It is recommended to read through the general advice to get a feel for the
design principles of this fan game to help create an experience for your group
which will fit into the intended playstyle. This is just advice though, so
obviously whatever you decide to do is up to you.

General Advice

This game was designed with the intention of following the same general formula as
the game which is:

Explore a zone - discover locked doors, safes, items which you need - find clues to
solve puzzles to bypass locks - manage your resources to survive - kill enemies in
your way if you cannot pass them safely.

Ammunition should be sparse. Deciding when and how to engage an enemy should be a
considered decision. Simply moving around an enemy will likely be harder for some
units, and as a human operating the enemy intelligence, you have a chance to be far
more relentless than the video game’s AI. Try to create encounters which encourage
different modes of play, tactical thinking, teamwork, and resource management.

Players are able to hold six items only, but you likely have more than one player.
In the game, this is an incredibly harsh limitation and encourages careful
navigation and planning. As a Tabletop game you have two major complications to
achieving the same feeling. One is that players will understand that they can
simply drop an item anywhere and pick it up later when they have space. Two is that
your players have a lot of inventory slots between them.
Players are very likely to want to hold onto items, especially their weapons and
healing items. This is your ticket to encouraging careful management of their
inventory. While the video game offers storage boxes in save rooms to place key
items, you are under no such obligation to offer this.

As a tabletop game, you can allow players to put an object down wherever they
desire. They will simply need to remember where it was. They may also have to
consider if an enemy has an interest in that item and may pick it up.

As a tabletop game, one cruelty of the six item limit is negated though, which is
finding an object one wants to use, such as a repair patch or some ammunition they
wish to load, and being unable to pick it up in the video game.

Players may simply drop an item, consume the new one, and then pick up the original
item once again. There is no real justification for disallowing this, so don’t be
afraid to offer at least this small kindness.

Enemy Encounters

In Signalis, all enemy encounters are melee encounters (with the sort of exception
of the Kolibri). Additionally, just about every encounter is initiated by the
player, putting them almost entirely in control of when they alert someone and
begin combat.

As a tabletop game, there are two considerations. One, is that while the above
situations are perfectly suitable for a video game, as a collective experience they
may become quite stale as a pen and paper game. Second, having most or even all
enemies continue to be melee only is perfectly fine and may even be preferable in
most cases because if enemies are allowed to shoot back at players, combat
encounters will become very deadly rather quickly.

This may be exactly what you are looking for. Design enemy encounters for exactly
the sort of feeling you would like.

Enemies and doors don’t mix in the game. You run through a door? No enemy problem
anymore. In a tabletop game this does not necessarily fly. This is especially true
when you are attempting to shuttle more than one player through a doorway to escape
an encounter.
If you are attempting to run a more intense survival horror experience, allow
enemies to travel through doors, and even open some. Allow enemies to pursue, to
track, and hound players through halls they thought were already cleared.

The key to horror gaming is to take away the feeling of safety for the player
character. Enemy ARAR units are excellent for this, being able to pop out of walls
and floors but other types work great as moving encounters.

Enemies DO NOT drop ammunition or healing items. These should only be recoverable
via exploration. Weapons used by enemies are unusable by players. If you choose to
have enemies with guns, those firearms are either destroyed in combat or locked
behind a biometric scanner.

During the course of gameplay, damage may not be the most appropriate result of a
failed roll, especially a Kritischer Fehlr. The following conditions may be applied
as a result of horrible failures, both in and out of combat. Clearing these
conditions depends on the circumstances and your personal ruling.

Prone – People attacking you receive 2 more dice. Your movement is limited to 2m.
On Fire – Every 6 seconds from the time you take on this condition, you take 8
Suffocating – You may only take simple actions and move.
Sprained – Your movement is reduced to 2 meters.
Dizzy – You take a -3 dice penalty to attacks.
Frazzled – You cannot use Bioresonance Abilities.
Deafened – You cannot hear. -3 dice penalty for rolls which require hearing.
Blind – You cannot see. -3 dice penalty for rolls which require sight.
Sick – You receive a -2 penalty to all rolls.
Starving – You receive a -1 dice penalty to all rolls involving physical
Stressed - You receive a -1 dice penalty to all rolls involving mental activities.
Enemy Replika Stat Blocks

Note about Damage - Enemies have increased damage numbers purposefully to punch
through the average armor of a player character. The one exception is the Mining
Laser, which requires no help.

Bioresonant Frequency: An EULR or KLBR may turn their radio to this signal to gain
some insight into the surface thoughts of the enemy unit. This is typically
something such as “I must remain at my post.”, “I hope no one looks under my bunk
and finds my spare key.” or “I’m going to run at the first thing that looks

This information should be mildly informative for making combat decisions before
starting an encounter, a small warning of what may be in an adjacent room, or a
clue as to the whereabouts of a useful item. Tuning into the BRF of an enemy is not
risk free though. Any time a EULR or KLBR does this, the enemy may roll 5d6. If
they have more hits than the EULR or KLBR, they become immediately alerted.

There may be times when a normal Radio signal is operating on the same frequency as
the BRF of the enemy. In this case the radio signal is too strong and disallows the
above information exchange.

HP [ 6 ]
A= 2 C= 3 S= 3 Melee: 8 Damage Ranged: 7 Damage
BRF = 64khz
Weapons: Wrench / Shotgun
ARAR’s love to pop out of vents, floor tiles, and from behind machines when it is
least convenient.
HP [ 6 ]
A= 3 C= 1 S= 4 Melee: 7 Damage Ranged: 8 Damage
BRF = 70khz
Weapons: Knife / Pistol
Kolibri’s in groups can make formidable obstacles, disrupting bioresonances around
them which cause internal damage. If three or more Kalibri’s resonate together and
cause a feedback loop, the signal is amplified.
Any hostile Replika or Gestalt who ends their turn in 1 meter of a KLBR takes 1
damage automatically. If three or more KLBRs resonate together in the same room,
this damage increases to 6.

HP [ 6 ]
A= 4 C= 6 S= 3 Melee: 7 Damage Ranged: 8 / 12 / 17 Damage
BRF = 96khz
Weapons: Knife / Pistol / Revolver / Rifle
Elster units excel in many ways, and they are notably the most versatile of units.
Because of their rounded nature, they also have nothing particularly special about
them. They are still very effective combat units though.

HP [ 6 ]
A=3 C= 4 S=6 Melee: 12 Damage Ranged: 8 / 9 Damage
BRF = 82khz
Weapons: Metal Baton / Pistol / Shotgun
Storchs make for terrible foes due to their ability and enthusiasm for blitzing
their target from across the room thanks to their long legs.
HP [ 10 ]
A= 6 C= 2 S= 2 Melee: 11 Damage Ranged: 15 Damage
BRF = 94khz
Weapons: Bash Attack / Mining Laser
Not common enemies to encounter at all, slow and cumbersome, Mynah’s are no
slouches when it comes to a fight, but it is rare to encounter one in such a
context. Their mining laser causes serious issues though, and they can take their
time getting their shot right by simply weathering damage.

HP [ 8 ]
A= 3 C= 5 S= 4 Melee: 12 Damage Ranged: 12 / 10 Damage
BRF = 101khz
Weapons: Metal Baton / Revolver / Submachine Gun
When blocking, Star units subtract 2 from incoming damage on top of their hits when
STAR units wielding a Submachine Gun may take the Suppressive Fire action.

HP [ 6 ]
A= 2 C= 2 S= 3 Melee: 7 Damage Ranged: 8 Damage
BRF = 55khz
Weapons: Knife / Pistol
Eules generally don’t make for very good combatants, but can be problematic in
numbers. If there are three or more Eules in a room, they instinctively go for
flanking positions and gain an automatic extra hit when making all rolls.
Useful Charts and References

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