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2er123, 1245 ‘Circutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automdtico | Projlos de circultos casero Circuitos.de, caf REShasE te Bilecia Op Amp com corte automatico Ultima atualizagéo em7 de agosto de 2023por Swagatam (https://www.homemade- circuits. com/about/) Apostagem discute circuitos de carregador de bateria com corte automatico baseados em dois amplificadores operacionais IC 741 e LM358 que nao sao apenas precisos com seus recursos, mas também permitem uma configuragao rapida e descomplicada de seus limites de corte alto/baixo. Baterias de alta corrente também podem ser carregadas usando esses circuitos. SE ya Bee Mag See Rea Aideia foi solicitada pelo Sr. Mamdouh. Objetivos e Requisitos do Circuito Assim que eu conectar a alimentagao externa automaticamente ela desconectard a bateria e alimentard o sistema, enquanto isso carregara a bateria Protegao contra sobrecarga (incluida no design acima). Indicagées de bateria fraca e cheia (inclufdas no design acima). Além disso, nao sei qual é a férmula para ajudar a determinar a voltagem necessaria na Pen minha bateria para carregé-la (a bateria ser extraida de laptops antigos. O total sera de 22 V com 6 horas sem carga) a Além disso, nao sei a formula para indicar quanto tempo minha bateria vai durar e como caloular o tempo se quiser que uma bateria dure duas horas. Além disso, 0 ventilador da CPU também sera fornecido pelo sistema. Seria otimo também a nipsifmaewhomemade-cicuits,comlopamp-low-high-battery-charger! ‘1103 2e123, 1245 Circuitos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros adicionar a op¢ao de dimmer, meu plano original era variar entre 26-30 v nao preciso de muito mais que isso. Diagrama de circuito O+ Charging Input Supply 1N4007 x 2n0s, A1-A2= 4.7V zener LM 358 Nota: Substitua o 10K em série pelo 1N4148, por um 1K Caution: Electrical experiments can be dangerous! By using this site you acknowledge that you are aware of this fact and want to proceed at your own risk! O design Em todos os meus circuitos anteriores de controlador de carregador de bateria com corte automatico, usei um Unico amplificador operacional para executar 0 corte automatico de carga total e empreguei um resistor de histerese para ativar o interruptor de carregamento de baixo nivel para a bateria conectada. No entanto, calcular corretamente esse resistor de histerese para obter a restauracao precisa de baixo nivel torna-se um pouco dificil e requer algum esforco de tentativa e erro que pode consumir muito tempo. (https/www,.homemade-circuits,com/2016/05/opamp-hysteresis- hitps:ivwwshomemade-creuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 210s. 2er123, 1245 CCircutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automdtico | Projlos de circultos caseiros explained htm!) No circuito controlador do carregador de bateria baixo, corte automatico de alta corrente proposto acima, dois comparadores de amplificador operacional so incorporados em vez de um, 0 que simplifica os procedimentos de configuragdo e alivia o usuario de longos procedimentos. Referindo-nos figura podemos ver dois amplificadores operacionais configurados como comparadores para detectar a tensdo da bateria e para as operagées de corte necessdrias. Supondo que a bateria seja de 12 V, a predefinigao de 10K do opamp A2 inferior é definida de forma que seu pino de saida n° 7 se torne ldgico alto quando a tensdo da bateria cruza a marca de 11 V (limiar de descarga inferior), enquanto a predefinicao do amplificador operacional A1 superior é ajustada tal que sua saida aumenta quando a tensdo da bateria atinge o limite de corte mais alto, digamos, 14,3V. Portanto, em 11V, a saida A‘ fica positiva, mas devido a presenga do diodo 1N4148 este positivo permanece ineficaz e impedido de se mover para a base do transistor. Abateria continua a carregar até atingir 14,3 V, quando 0 amplificador operacional superior ativa © relé ¢ interrompe o fornecimento de carga para a bateria. Asituagao é instantaneamente travada devido a incluso dos resistores de feedback nos pinos 1 e3.de At. O relé fica travado nesta posigao com a alimentagao da bateria completamente cortada. ntipsutiaww.homemade-creuits,comfopamp-low-high-battery-charger! 310s, 2er123, 1245 ‘Circutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automatic | Projlos de crcultos caseiros Be ec] Bee Mag Dacre MRE aT Abateria agora comega a descarregar lentamente através da carga conectada até atingir seu nivel inferior de descarga em 11 V, quando a saida A2 é forcada a ficar negativa ou zero. Agora o diodo em sua saida torna-se polarizado diretamente e quebra rapidamente a trava, aterrando o sinal de feedback de travamento entre os pinos indicados de A1 Com esta ago, 0 relé é instantaneamente desativado e restaurado a sua posigao NIC inicial e a corrente de carga comega novamente a fluir em diregao a bateria. Este circuito de carregador de bateria baixo alto com corte automatico pode ser usado como um circuito UPS DC também para garantir um fornecimento continuo para a carga, independentemente da presenga ou auséncia da rede elétrica, e para obter um fornecimento ininterrupto durante seu uso. Afonte de carga de entrada pode ser adquirida externamente de uma fonte de alimentacdo regulada, como um circuito de tensao constante variavel de corrente constante LM338. Como definir as predefinigées + Inicialmente, mantenha o feedback 1k/1N4148 desconectado do amplificador operacional At * Mova 0 controle deslizante de predefinigdo A1 para o nivel do solo e mova 0 controle deslizante de predefinigdo A2 para o nivel positivo. + Através de uma fonte de alimentagao variavel, aplique 14,2 V, que é 0 nivel de carga total para uma bateria de 12 V, nos pontos “Bateria” + Vocé encontrara o relé sendo ativado. + Agora mova lentamente a predefinigao A1 em diregao ao lado positive até que o relé soja desativado. + Isso interrompe a carga total. nipsutiaww.homemade-creuits,comfopamp-low-high-battery-charger! anos. 2er123, 1245 CCircutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automdtico | Projlos de circultos caseiros Agora, conecte o 1k/1N4148 novamente para que 0 A1 trave o relé nessa posicao. Agora ajuste lentamente a alimentagdo varidvel em diregdo ao limite inferior de descarga da bateria, vocé vera que o relé continua desligado devido a resposta de feedback mencionada acima. Ajuste a fonte de alimentacdo para o nivel inferior de descarga da bateria. Depois disso, comece a mover a predefini¢o A2 em diregdo ao lado do terra, até que isso coloque a saida A2 em zero, o que quebra a trava A1, ¢ liga o relé de volta ao modo de carregamento. Sé isso, 0 circuito esta totalmente configurado agora, sele os presets nesta posigdo. As respostas para outras perguntas adicionais na solicitagio so fornecidas em: A férmula para calcular o limite de corte de carga total é: Classificagao de tensao da bateria + 20%, por exemplo, 20% de 12 V é 2,4, entéo 12 + 2,4 = 14,4 V é a tensao de corte de carga total para uma bateria de 12 V Para saber o tempo de reserva da bateria pode ser usada a formula a seguir, que fornece o tempo aproximado de reserva da bateria Backup = 0,7 (Ah/corrente de carga) Outro projeto alternativo para fazer um circuito de carregador de bateria com corte automatico de carga excessiva / insuficiente usando dois amplificadores operacionais pode ser visto abaixo: ntipsutiaww.homemade-creuits,comfopamp-low-high-battery-charger! 51103 2er123, 1245 ‘Circutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automdtico | Projlos de crcultos caseiros Te ear) Be cag See Rea TRt 10Amp mains Input 220VAC Como funciona Supondo que nao haja bateria conectada, 0 contato do relé esta na posigao NIC. Portanto, quando a alimentagao ¢ ligada, 0 circuito do amplificador operacional néo consegue ser alimentado e permanece inativo. Agora, suponha que uma bateria descarregada esteja conectada no ponto indicado, 0 circuito do amplificador operacional é alimentado pela bateria. Como a bateria est descarregada, ela cria um potencial baixo na entrada (-) do amplificador operacional superior, que pode ser menor que opino (+). Devido a isso, a saida superior do amplificador operacional fica alta. O transistor e o relé séo ativados e os contatos do relé se movem de NIC para N/O. Isso agora conecta a bateria a fonte de alimentacdo de entrada e ela comega a carregar. Depois que a bateria estiver totalmente carregada, o potencial no pino (-) do amplificador operacional superior torna-se maior do que sua entrada (+), fazendo com que o pino de saida do amplificador operacional superior fique baixo. Isso desliga instantaneamente o transistor e 0 nipsutiaww.homemade-creuits,comfopamp-low-high-battery-charger! eros, 2er123, 1245 ‘Circutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automdtio | Projlos de circultos caseiros relé. Abateria agora esta desconectada da fonte de carregamento. diodo 1N4148 entre (+) e a saida do amplificador operacional superior trava de forma que, mesmo que a bateria comece a cair, ela nao tera efeito na condigao do relé. Entretanto, suponha que a bateria nao seja removida dos terminais do carregador e uma carga seja conectada a ela para que comece a descarregar. Quando a bateria descarrega abaixo do nivel inferior desejado, o potencial no pino (-) do amplificador operacional inferior fica menor do que o pino de entrada (+). Isso instantaneamente faz com que a saida do amplificador operacional inferior fique alta, o que atinge o pino 3 do amplificador operacional superior. Isso quebra instantaneamente a trava e liga © transistor e o relé para iniciar o processo de carregamento novamente. Projeto de PCB Adicionando um estagio de controle atual Os dois projetos acima podem ser atualizados com um controle de corrente adicionando um médulo de controle de corrente baseado em MOSFET, conforme mostrado abaixo: ntipsutiaww.homemade-creuits,comfopamp-low-high-battery-charger! 703. 2er123, 1245 ‘Circutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automdtico | Projlos de circultos caseiros Te ear) Be cag Dacre MRE aT TR1 10m , Mains Input zov.Ac R2= 0,6 / corrente de carga Adicionando um protetor de polaridade reversa Uma protegao contra polaridade reversa pode ser incluida nos projetos acima, adicionando um diodo em série com o terminal positivo da bateria. catodo ira para o terminal positive da bateria e o Anodo para a linha positiva do amplificador operacional. See related topics Circuits > nipsfmaewhomemade-cicuits.comlopamp-low-high-battery-charger! anos, 2e123, 1245 Circuitos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros Capacitors > 412v 10 Amp Battery Charger Circuit Diagram > 20 Amp Battery Charger Circuit Diagram > 24v 10a Battery Charger Circuit Diagram > Certifique-se de conectar um resistor de 100 Ohm neste diodo, caso contrario o circuito nao iniciaré o processo de carregamento. Removendo o relé No primeiro projeto de carregador de bateria baseado em corte automatico, pode ser possivel eliminar o relé e operar o processo de carregamento através de transistores de estado sélido, conforme mostrado no diagrama a seguir: Charging Input Supply AL-AQ= 87Vzener LM 358 Como funciona 0 circuito + Vamos supor que a predefinicao A2 seja ajustada no limite de 10 V e a predefinigado A1 seja ajustada no limite de 14 V. hitps:ivwwshomemade-creuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! sro, 2e129, 1245 ‘Circulos de carregador de bateria Op Amo com corte automdtio | Projlos de circultos caseiros Suponha que conectemos uma bateria descarregada em um estagio intermedidrio de 11 V. Nesta tensdo 0 pino 2 de A1 estaré abaixo do potencial de referéncia do pino 3, conforme configuragao do preset do pino 5. Isso faré com que o pino 1 de safda de A1 fique alto, ligando o transistor BC547 e o TIP32. Abateria agora comegara a carregar via TIP32, até que a tensdo do terminal atinja 14 V. Em 14 V, conforme configuracao do preset superior, o pino 2 de A1 ird para mais alto que seu pino 3, fazendo com que a saida fique baixa, Isso desligara instantaneamente os transistores e interrompera 0 processo de carregamento. Ago acima também travaré 0 amplificador operacional A1 através do 1kK/1N4148, de modo que, mesmo que a tensdo da bateria caia para 0 nivel SoC de 13 V, 0 A1 continuaré mantendo a saida do pino 1 baixa. Em seguida, a medida que a bateria comega a descarregar através de uma carga de saida, a tenso do seu terminal comega a cair, até cair para 9,9 V. Neste nivel, de acordo com a configuragao da predefinicdo inferior, o pino 5 de A2 caird abaixo do pino 6, fazendo com que o pino 7 de saida fique baixo Este ponto baixo no pino 7 de A2 puxard 0 pino 2 de A1 para quase 0 V, de modo que agora © pino 3 de A1 fica mais alto que seu pino 2. Isso quebrard imediatamente a trava A1 ea saida de A1 ficara alta novamente, permitindo que 0 transistor seja LIGADO e inicie 0 processo de carregamento. Quando a bateria atingir 14 V, 0 processo repetira o ciclo mais uma vez Como definir as predefinicées Inicialmente mantenha o brago do limpador do pré-ajuste A1 no nivel do solo e mantenha o brago do limpador do pré-ajuste A2 no nivel de alimentacao positivo. Pegue uma fonte de alimentagao varidvel, ajuste sua tensdo para o nivel de carga total da bateria e conecte a alimentago ao circuito do “lado da bateria” (ndo do lado do emissor do TIP32), Vocé vera que o LED VERMELHO acendeu. ntpsutiaww.homemade-creuits,comfopamp-low-high-battery-charger! son103 2er123, 1245 ‘Circutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automdtio | Projlos de circultos caseiros Be ec] Bee Mag See Rea Agora, ajuste lentamente a predefinicéo A1 até que o LED VERMELHO apague. O corte de carga total esta agora definido. Depois disso, diminua a tensao da fonte de alimentagdo até um ponto que corresponda ao nivel de baixa descarga da bateria, no qual o carregamento precisa ser reiniciado. Agora ajuste a predefinigéio A2 lentamente até que o LED Verde e o LED VERMELHO acendam juntos. O nivel de recarga da bateria fraca agora esta definido. Isso 6 tudo, agora vocé pode tentar testar o circuito em uma bateria realmente descarregada, mas desta vez certifique-se de conectar a fonte de carga do lado do emissor do TIP32. Circuito de carregador de bateria automatico com amplificador operacional inico Os carregadores automaticos de bateria simplesmente nao so econémicos, mas a protegao que fornecem contra sobrecarga e possivel degradagao da bateria é extremamente atraente. O circuito ilustrado aqui pretende ser um substituto de baixo custo para carregadores totalmente automatizados disponiveis no mercado. nipsifmaewhomemade-cicuits,comlopamp-low-high-battery-charger! sites. 2e123, 1245 ‘Circutos de carregador de bateia Op Amo com corte automstice | Projlos de circus caseiros Be ec] Be cag See Rea O coneeito é escolher um carregador de bateria basico e instalar um médulo adicional que verificaré automaticamente a condigao da bateria e desligard a corrente de carga assim que a bateria estiver totalmente carregada Como funciona O circuito é composto simplesmente por um comparador que verifica a tensao da bateria em relagao a um valor de referéncia predefinido. Quando a tensdo da bateria ultrapassa um determinado valor de pico, um relé é desligado, fazendo com que a corrente de carga seja encerrada. Quando a tensdo da bateria cai abaixo de um determinado limite inferior especificado, 0 relé é ativado, permitindo que a corrente de carga flua novamente Um amplificador operacional 741 serve como comparador. A tensdo de alimentagao do amplificador operacional é estabilizada por R3 e D1, portanto, é imune a flutuagoes na tenso da bateria, npsfmaewchomemade-cicuits.comfopamp-low-high-battery-charger! sanos 2er123, 1245 ‘Circutos de carregador de batera Op Amo com corte automdtio | Projlos de circultos caseiros Atensao de referéncia, que é fornecida a entrada nao inversora do amplificador operacional através de R4 e D2, é gerada através desta fonte estabilizada. Atensdo de referéncia 6 comparada com a tensao de carga da bateria, através do divisor resistivo. A medida que a bateria carrega, a tensao na entrada inversora do amplificador operacional finalmente se torna mais alta do que na entrada nao inversora, fazendo com que a saida do amplificador operacional fique baixa, desligando T1 e T2. Isto faz com que o contato normalmente fechado do relé se abra, cortando a corrente de carga de entrada para a bateria. SE ya Bee Mag See Rea O nivel maximo da bateria acendera o LED D3 para mostrar que est4 completamente carregada Uma parte da tensdo de saida do amplificador operacional é enviada de volta para a entrada inversora através de P2 e R5 para desencorajar a reversao da bateria para o modo de carregamento com a menor redugdo na tensdo da bateria. © amplificador operacional, portanto, funciona da mesma maneira que um gatilho Schmitt, com P2 determinando o nivel de histerese ou o potencial da bateria onde a saida do amplificador operacional pode ficar baixa novamente. Como configurar Amaneira mais facil de configurar o circuito é usar um ajuste de tensao estabilizada para simular a tensao da bateria. nipsifmvewhomemade-cicuits.comlopamp-low-high-battery-charger! 131103 2er123, 1245 Circuitos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros Uma tensdo de entrada de cerca de 14,5 V é determinada e P1 é ajustado para que o relé simplesmente desligue (abra). Atensao da 'bateria' é entaéo reduzida para 12,4 V e P2 é ajustado até que o relé se reconecte e ligue. Como P1 e P2 terao efeito um sobre o outro, a operagao devera ser realizada inumeras vezes. Receba novos diagramas de circuitos em seu e-mail Nome ou nome completo E-mail Vocé também vai gostar de: 1. Carregar uma bateria de celular com uma bateria de laptop (https://www,homemade- circuits.com/charging-cellphone-battery-with-laptop/) 2. Cit circuits .com/sec-exciter-powered-hv-capacitor/) 3. Circuito carregador de bateria de célula de gel [corrente constante, tensao constante] (https:/www.homemade-circuits.com/gel-cell-battery-charger-circuit-constant-current-constant- voltage/) 4. Como iluminar LEDs de 1 Watt com carregador de celular (https://www.homemade- circuits.com/making-powerful-1-watt-led-driver-using/) 5. Circuito carregador de bateria de polimero de litio (Lipo) (https:/Avww.homemade- ito carregador de bateria solar 48V com corte alto/baixo (ht ith) 6 circuits com/48v-solar-battery-charge www.homemade- Sobre Swagatam ) swagatam é engenheiro eletrénico, hobbyista, inventor, designer de ‘7* — esquematicos/PCB e fabricante. Ele também 6 o fundador e autor do site: https:/www.homemade-circuits.com/, onde adora compartilhar suas ideias inovadoras de circuitos e tutoriais. Se vocé tiver alguma diivida relacionada ao circuito, poder interagir por meio de comentarios e obter respostas garantidas do autor. hitps:ivww:homemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! anos 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros Comentarios ilio diz 25 de setembro de 2023, Sr.swagatam, sé quero agradecer por este étimo site. Aprendi muito com vocé ¢ ainda aprendo mais. Deus te abengoe. RESPONDER ‘Swagatam diz 25 de setembro de 2023 Muito obrigado Julio, Fico feliz que este site esteja ajudando vocé a aprender mais. Por favor, mantenha o bom trabalho. RESPONDER Manjunath diz 12 de julho de 2023, la Swagatam, Como construir um circuito de indicagao de bateria fraca para minha bateria LiFePo4 de 72 V 50 Amp. RESPONDER ‘Swagatam diz 13 de julho de 2023, (14 Manjunath, vocé pode tentar 0 seguinte conceit: httosiwww.homemade-citcuits.com/low-battery-indicator-circultusing-two/ (https /www homemade-circuits.com/low- battery-indicator-cirouit-using-two/) RESPONDER Binoj K diz 27 de maio de 2023 hitps:uwichomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 151103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros a senhor, boa noite... Em relagao ao pentitimo circuito usando transistor Lm358 e TIP 32, este circuito pode ser usado para carregar uma bateria de 6v, 4,5Ah? Alguma alteragao pode ser aplicada em relago ao zener ou algo parecido? Eu 6 preciso de um carregador opamp para 6v com corte automatico. RESPONDER ‘Swagatam diz 28 de maio de 2023 01a Binoj, Sim, vocé pode carregar uma bateria de 6V com esse circuito. Vocé tera que mudar os diodos zener para diodos zener de 3 V. No entanto, vocé nao precisa deste circuito complicado para carregar uma bateria de 6 V, vocé pode simplesmente fazé-lo com um carregador baseado em IC LM317 ou LM338. Vocé s6 precisa definir a tensao de saida para 7 V e isso ¢ tudo, e sua bateria de 6 V sera carregada perfeitamente com uma vida util mais longa. RESPONDER Neddan diz 26 de marco de 2023 Ola @Swagatam, estou construindo o peniiltimo circuito que usa os dois ics ¢ o TIP32 Quero saber como posso adicionar uma fungo para interromper a descarga da bateria quando ela atingir 9v (bateria de 12y).. usando outro TIP32 como temos no lado da entrada RESPONDER ‘Swagatam diz 26 de margo de 2023, Ola Neddan, \Vocé pode aplicar o seguinte conceito para evitar a descarga da bateria abaixo de um determinado nivel especificado: https:/www_homemade-circuits,com/battery-deer circuits. com/batte lischar: RESPONDER Neddan diz 26 de marco de 2023, ‘Thank you for the link to that circuit it seems interesting as well, As for this circuit I have some questions as well Using the circuit that replaces the relay, | have built the circuit according except for a few differences, 4: | could only find a 1.2K resistor so | used that instead of the 1K.. and 2: | could only find 50k potentiometer instead of the 10k. hitps:vwwchomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 161103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros so after connecting the desired full charge voltage when setting A1, the LED does not go off or in other words | am not ‘sure of what should be the equivalent of the relay switching in the transistor variant of the circuit. And also, are the changed parts having a detrimental effect in the operation of the circuit? REPLY ‘Swagatam says March 27, 2023, Thank you for your questions, | will ry to solve them, Yes 1.2K resistor will work instead of 1K. Ifyou use 50K preset that will be slightly difficult to set the precise cut off levels. But still they should work. have updated the information in the above article how to setup the presets of the circuit without the relay. Please try that setup, | hope it will help you to adjust the cut off levels correctly. REPLY Neddan says March 27, 2023, Thank you for your swift reply as always. ‘The updated steps are very clear and easier to follow. AAs for my circuit | found out | made a very silly mistake of connecting the BJTs like MOSFETS effectively reversing their pin connections. | hope | didn’t break any of them as | was testing it on only 12V. Once | correct that hopefully it should work now ‘Swagatam says March 27, 2023 Yes the TIP32 pinouts are different to a mosfet, glad you could find the mistake. However, please note that while setting up the presets the charging supply needs to be connected from the battery side, not from the TIP32 side, REPLY Neddan says March 27, 2023, Yes I connected the supply to the battery terminals. Ihave a different question concerning A2, which is the lower discharged level preset. Is the output of pin7 always high as long as the battery is between 10v and 14v ? And then becomes low when battery falls below 10v say 9.9v and stays low unless the charger is present to charge the battery above 10v?. hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! a7n03 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros | don't know if it makes sense but the idea is that if that's the case, would it be possible to add an output transistor or mosfet and connect the load via that transistor with the gate signal being the output of AZ. {lam trying to learn more about opAmps so pardon the curiosity. REPLY ‘Swagatam says March 27, 2023, ‘Your understanding is perfectly correct, that is exactly how A2 is supposed to work. The low signal from A2 breaks the latching of A1 and causes A1 output to turn high again so that the transistors are switched ON again and the charging is initiated, I think that's a great idea to connect an extra transistor with A2 output and use it to control the load, so that when the battery voltage tends to drop below a certain level, the load is switched OFF REPLY Neddan says March 27, 2023, Atright, that is greatl. | will try that modification and see if it completes my requirements. ‘Swagatam says March 27, 2023 OK, no problem! Jason says March 21, 2023, ‘And also I would lke to know if it is possible to pair one of the op amp battery charger circuits with automatic cut-off with the circuit of the 03 leds which indicate the state of charge of the battery. REPLY ‘Swagatam says March 21, 2023 You can connect the 3 LED circuit directly across the battery positive/negative line for the required indications. REPLY Jason says March 21, 2023, hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! sen03 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros Good evening please | would like to obtain the electrical circuit of an audio amplifier (100 watt approximately) that can operate through bluetooth or a jack port with all the connections between these elements. THANKS. REPLY ‘Swagatam says March 21, 2023, Sure, no problem....You can try the last circuit from this article: httosi/www, homemade-circuits.com/how-to-make-simplest-100-walt-mosfet! (hitpsi/www.homemade-circuits.com/how- to-make-simples att-mostet/) REPLY Zen says February 4, 2023 if want to add a blinking led indicator while charging. where can i connect the led. in this circuit? REPLY ‘Swagatam says February 4, 2023 blinking LED will require another separate circuit which can make the design complex. Vishnu Kumar says December 31, 2022 Dear Swagatham, First, | would like to thank you for the superb knowledgeable website. | have learned a lot of technical details about your site and your projects. ‘And | am planning to build a 5A to 8A Charger for Lithium-ion batteries (for an Electric scooter) and | wish to build this charger with a good transformer. | hope this circuit is a perfect ft for it I want to build a charger for a 72V 20A battery (the 20s. 3.7v 20Ah Lithium-ion 20 batteries in series) this charger has to auto cutoff on 84.0V another charger I want to build for 60V 20Ah (16s. 3.7V 20Ah lithium-ion batteries 16 in series) this charger has an auto hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! s9n03 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométca | Projetos de circuits caseiros cutoff on 67.2V I think both chargers can be done in a single circuit, for this project can you please advise me on what kind of Transformer I have to select? and what modifications | have to do to this circu Regards. REPLY ‘Swagatam says December 31, 2022 Thank you so much Vishnu, am glad this website helped you to learn more You can use a 0-60V 10 amp transformer ideally and use it to charge the two batteries individually. Make sure to altach a bridge rectifier at the output of the 0-60 V transformer using 20 amp diodes. ‘Also, for the filter capacitor you can use a 6800UF/100V capacitor or any other with higher uF value will also do. By the way which circuit are you referring to for the charging your batteries. Do you have it ready made? Vishnu Kumar says, December 31, 2022 Hi Swagatham, Happy New Year. Frankly, | never expect this much faster replyl! Thank you So much, and | am trying to build the PCB design you have provided here. Vishnu Kumar says December 31, 2022 Have another question. I just try for experiments. Two EV bike chargers (72V 2.5A ) in parallel to charge the battery (to fast charge) and once | connect in two chargers in parallel il shows on the Monitor 72V 5A. and my Battery was 72V 40Ah, from a 2.5A charger it takes a whole day to charge. and high amp chargers are very ‘expensive. so | try on this way. itis ok to charge the battery lke this? | have to connect any diode between both chargers terminals to avoid any short circuits? if this way is correct can | connect the Parallel 2.5A charger and 5A charger together to get 7.5A? REPLY ‘Swagatam says hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 2oni03 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros vanuary 1, 2029 Since your batteries are Li-ion they can be charged at 1C current rate, meaning your 40 Ah battery can be charged with 40 amp current....80 5 amp is quite less and perfectly safe for your battery. However, ideally when series cells are used, it needs to be charged through a balance charger. But in general you can use the present method, with a simple 5 amp charger. ‘The charger should be having a diode internally, so external diodes may not be required, however for better safety you can connect external diodes also You can connect a 10 amp diode at the outputs of the two chargers. To ensure there's minimum drop across the diodes you can use schottky diodes instead of rectifier diodes. REPLY Vishnu Kumar says. January 1, 2023 Thank you. Thank you so much for your kind help. and I build my battery pack with a proper BMS. and it has a balancer too. and | am just following your circuit design, not the PCB. it is possible to build this charger (84V SA or 10A) with an SMTP transformer instead of a heavy transformer. Thank you REPLY ‘Swagatam says January 1, 2023 | think if you have a BMS then the above op amp circuit will not be required at all. You can simply connect the 84V DC from the transformer to the BMS and charge the batteries. However, if you intend to have an extemal auto cut off also for the 84V DC then | can suggest you a single op amp easy circuit for your application, Please let me know if that will work for you. ‘Any transformer can be used as long as it is a 50 Hz 60 V 10 amp transformer. REPLY Vishnu Kumar says. January 1, 2023 Hi Swagatham, Thank you very much again for your clear reply. and yes | wish to build an external auto cut-off circuit for the power supply with an indicator ( buzzer or any LED after fully charged. if you have any Circuit for it, kindly share it with me. hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 2anos 2e123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automético | Projetos de circuitos caseiros ‘Swagatam says January 2, 2023 Thank you Vishnu, You can try the following op amp circuit with auto cut off. Itis a solid state circuit without a relay, https:/www.homemade-circuits,com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/80-V-charger-circult jg (https:/hwww.homemade- circuits.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/80-V-charger-circuit jpg) For setting up, feed 84V DC or any full charge battery level DC from the battery side (left side). Then adjust the 10K preset until the RED LED just shuts off. That's all While actual charging feed the charging voltage from the right side of the circuit. REPLY Vishnu Kumar says January 2, 2023 Hi Swagatham, ‘Thanks again I will build this power supply and let you know my result asap. Regards. ‘Swagatam says January 3, 2023, Ok, great! let me know how it goes. Vishnu Kumar says. January 4, 2023 Good Evening Swagatham, already built the circuit and waiting for the transformer. | ask my friend to wind the transformer. | will check it and let you know when it arrives, ‘And I want to ask one more thing, Is it possible to increase the current value of the original EV bike charger? Like | have a 72V SA lithium bike charger, is there a way to increase the 5 amps from the circuit to 10? Regards. hitps:uwizhomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 22/103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros ‘wagavam says January 5, 2023 Hi Vishnu, Ihope you are able to make the circuit successfully. Upgrading the current spec of your charger can be difficult, Because you will have to open the charger and do some complex modifications through calculations which may not be possible for you. ‘Swagatam says January 1, 2023 Thank you Vishnu, Happy New Year to you too! | am glad to help! ‘Are you trying to build the following circ https:/www_homemade-circuits,com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/op-amp-battrey-charger-compressed jpg (https:/www homemade-circuits, com/wp-contentuploads/2020/12/op-amp-battre Please don't order the PCB design yet, first build the circuit over a strip-board by soldering the components...if you are able to build the circuit successfully then you can go for the PCB design ‘iso this PCB was not designed by me, it was purchased from an external source, so the PCB design is not verified. You harger-compressed jpg) may have to verify the tracks physically before ordering it. REPLY Jesse says December 24, 2022 I think my previous comment did not post correctly but I'm not sure, so | apologize if this is a duplicate The circuits described in this post are precisely what | have been trying to find. | have made some simple circuits with standard automotive relays for my car stereo, and | am mechanically inclined, however | do not know any of the terminology for circuit design. Ihave solar panels totalling 45 amps, a 60 amp mppt controller, and (3) 100 Ah deep cycle lead acid batteries that | want to charge sequentially as seperate banks, putting load on a fully charged battery, not recharging it until 45%, and continue to cycle through the 3 batteries this way. 1am also considering possibly adding a different mppt controller that has the feature of linking to the alternator of my van as well | would like to know if the circuit shown in the following link is the same as the one discussed in this post: sircuits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/24-V-ralay-module.jpg) ‘Are any other pieces needed? am hoping to create the circuit using pre manufactured components | can purchase without having to design the circuit hitps:uwizhomemade-crcuitscom/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! 2si103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automético | Projetos de circuitos caseiros and all its tiny elements from scratch. Thank you for your expertise, and happy holidays! ~Jesse REPLY ‘Swagatam says December 24, 2022 The unit shown in the link appears to be an opto coupler isolated relay module having 4 relays, itis not a battery charger. The circuits explained in the above article are precision battery chargers with automatic cut off feature. So the design shown in the image is not the same as what is explained in the above article. REPLY Jesse says. December 26, 2022 Thank you! | guess I was thinking the features of the circuit could be connected to the single charge output from my 60 amp mppt charge controller so that it could charge 3 seperate battery banks one at a time without having to change any connections manually. The three batteries/banks would be 1) charging 2)fully charged and ready 3) powering my loads until low threshold reached. | would like to configure a circuit to make this automatic so the load would not have to wait while | manually switched to the next charged battery available. It seemed like the circuit discussed in this blog featured a relay and cutoff exactly like | am looking for that could help make charging my multi-bank system fully automatic, ‘Thank you very much for the response! Jesse REPLY ‘Swagatam says December 26, 2022 hitps:uwizhomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 240s 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros Yes, that seems possible, | think you can connect separate charger circuits with the individual battery banks to charge them separately through a common source. You can use the N/C contacts of the relays for powering the load, All the best to you! Sakis V says November 6, 2022 Hi again Swagatham, ‘Thanks for your prompt reply. In order to reduce battery consumption during an AC mains power failure | need at that time to isolate the LM358 control circuit incorporating leds too as well as an ampvolt meter | added to monitor the charging process and not only the laptop transformer and the step down module. T'm thinking of an optocoupler isolation circuit, if you have a page link or a better idea I would be glad. ‘Swagatam says November 6, 2022 Hi Sakis, Without seeing the full schematic of your design it can be difficult for me to understand the situation and propose a solution. Or you can let me know how do you want to connect the opto coupler, | will try to figure it out REPLY Sakis V. says November 6, 2022 Hi Swagatham, Iwant to connect my burglar alarm system with a 12 V 12Ah battery charging by a laptop charger 19V. use a step down module at 15V and put on a breadboard the above charger circuit with the tip 32 transistor. It looks working fine after necessary adjustments from 13.4 to 14.2V. In case of ac power cut i realised that when the battery drops below 13.4V the whole circuit consumes unwanted power ‘even the charger's led is it Can you please suggest a solution? Thank you in advance! REPLY ‘Swagatam says November 6, 2022 hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 251103 21123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéico | Projetos de circuits caseiros Hi Sakis, you can put a diode in between the charger and the battery which will prevent the battery power from going back to the charger circuit during an AC mains power failure and stop the battery from getting discharged via the charger LED REPLY Alex says October 30, 2022 Hi Swagatham, am looking at the circuit under removing the relay, with the LM358, which you posted. Could | use that circuit to charge a 12V 35 Ah lead acid battery from a 80W 17.5 Vmp (VDC) Solar panel. The load would be a 12W wifi router. From what | Understand does the circuit exactly what I need like charging a battery and then when full ets the load use the battery voltage. Do | need to change any of the parts you used and to what should | change them? Or could you say how I could find the correct values? Thank you very much ‘Swagatam says October 30, 2022 HiAlex, you assumed it correctly. The load keeps getting the power while the battery is charging and also when itis fully charged. However there's no facilty to cut off the battery from over discharging when the battery goes very low. You don't need to change anything in the circuit for your 12V battery and the 17.5V solar panel. But do remember that the setting up procedure of the circuit is not easy, so you must make sure you understand the working of the circuit and setting up procedure perfectly before implementing this concept, so that you don’t run into problems. REPLY Alex says. October 30, 2022 Hi Swagatam, Thank you very much for the quick reply. How could | implement the cut off for the battery from over discharging when the battery goes very low? And could you ‘explain what the 6A4x2nos is? Thank you. hitps:ivwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! 261103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros REPLY ‘Swagatam says October 30, 2022 HiAlex, ‘The 6A4 are 6 amp rectifier diodes. If you are not able to read the diode symbols then | am afraid this circuit may not be easy for you to build For preventing over discharge, you can integrate the first circuit from the following article: hhitps:/Awww.homemade-circuits.com/battery-deep-discharge-protection-circuil/ (htips:/iwwwhomemade- circuits, com/battery-deep-discharge-protection-circuit/) REPLY Alex says October 30, 2022 Hi Swagatam, | see that itis a diode | was just confused with 2nos as | have not encountered this term yet. ‘Thank you again for the quick reply. ‘Swagatam says October 31, 2022 OK, no problem, then it is fine. REPLY Alex says November 8, 2022 HI Swagatam, One further question about the circuit under “removing the relay” (https:/iwww.homemade-circuits.com/wp- ‘content/uploads/2020/06/op-amp-transistor-solid-state-auto-cut-off.png), with the LM358, which you posted. Does this circuit also work with AGM lead acid batteries? And if not, could you recommend a circuit that works with that kind of battery, preferably with a 12V 35Ah battery, that has the same features, lke that it stops charging the battery when the battery is full and starts charging when it reaches a specific point? ‘And am | assuming correctly that to integrate the first circuit from the following article, to prevent over discharge: hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 2703 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros can place this circuit between the battery and load and before the rectifying diode? ‘Thank you very much REPLY ‘Swagatam says November 8, 2022 Hi Alex, The mentioned circuit can be used for charging all types of batteries since it has an automatic cut-off facility, So AGM batteries can be also used with this circuit. For your 35 Ah battery just make sure that the input current is restricted to around 12% ofits Ah value. That's right, the deep discharge protection circuit needs to be configured between the battery positive and the load, before the 6A4 diode, REPLY Sait says September 12, 2022 Hi can you send me gerber file please ? my email= saidpala2000@gmail.com (mailto:saidpala2000@gmail.com) REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 12, 2022 Sorry, | do not have the gerber files for these design, I would recommend you to first build the circuits over a general purpose strip board and confirm the results, before manufacturing the actual PCBs REPLY MAli says September 9, 2022 Hi Swagatham, iam am looking for a Auto charging cut-off circuit for Electric bike/scooters. This circuit i have to use for below batteries. 48V 12Ah to 20Ah hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 2an103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros 60V 20Ah to 50Ah battery 72V 20Ah to S0Ah Lead acid/Nicad/ and Lithium batteries. REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 9, 2022 HiMAli you can build the following circuit for all the 3 types of batteries. Just make sure to limit the current to 10% of the battery Ah for each of the mentioned batteries, accordingly, avr Zonet, emade-c| MAI says September 9, 2022 Hi Swagatham, ‘Thank you so much for your fast response and i will study this circuit and let you know my feedback, REPLY MAli says September 9, 2022 hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 2ani03 2e123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéico | Projetos de circuits caseiros Hi Swagatham, There are some questions | have to ask about this circuit. we are charging all kind of batteries from Normal 2.5A or 5A EV scooter chargers. we don't have any charger more than 5A. 1 now in this circuit my main doubt is how this circuit understands what kind of battery (voltage) is attached and when it has to stop charging. 210K preset what we will adjust on this circuit 3 TIP36 emitter is for Charge in or Out? 4.12V 1W zener on this circuit it will be same for all 48V,60V,72V, or that zener has to change according to the battery voltage? REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 9, 2022 HIMAli, With a 5 amp charger power supply you can charge a maximum of 50 Ah lead acid battery. You cannot charge anything beyond this because then the charging process will become extremely slow. In the above circuit, op amp pin#2 which is connected to preset detects the baltery voltage. Because initially when the circuit is connected to the battery the charger voltage will drop to the battery level. This will be detected by the op amp and its output will switch ON the transistors, then as the battery charges and its terminal voltage reaches 56V this will be again detected by the op amp pin#2 and its output will switch off the transistors and cut off charging voltage to the battery. You can adjust the 10K preset in the following manner: Do not connect any battery first and keep the preset wiper arm towards the ground line. Take a variable power supply and adjust its output to 56V or the full charge level of the battery, and connect this supply from the battery side of the circuit, The LED will be seen illuminating. Now, slowly adjust the 10K preset unti the LED just shuts off, That's all, the circuit is all set now to auto cut off at 56 V or at any other selected full charge level. Now when you connect a real discharged battery, the LED will illuminate initially and as the battery reaches the full charge level, the LED will shut off indicating that the battery is fully charged. TIP36 emitter connects with the charging supply from the power supply. 42V zener will remain as itis for all batteries higher than 12V. For 12V and smaller batteries, all the 22K resistors, 10K resistor and the 12V zener diode can be removed, and pin#t7, preset's upper terminal can be directly connected with the positive line, and the 4.7V zener resistor can be replaced with a 1K re REPLY MAli says September 10, 2022 hitps:uwizhomemade-crcuitscom/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! 30103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automética | Projetos de circuits caseiros ‘Swagatham, ‘Thank you So much for your fast response and Help. Best Regards, REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 10, 2022 Thank you MAli. | am always glad to help! REPLY lan Pool says August 15, 2022 Good day Mr Swagatam. (1a)1 would like to know if i can use the op amp transistor solid state auto cut off circuit to charge four times NiMH AA cells connected in series with this circuit. | will use a power supply with an out put voltage set at 5,8 volt 1 amp ( or a bit higher volts). What components and their values do i need to change for this circuit to charge the 4 NiMH 2000 AH AA cells. connected in series. The other circuit for the solar charger that you helped me with, now works beautiful. Thank you so much Mr Swagatam. | ‘am going to save some money now on not buying disposable batteries anymore, (1b)Can this above circuit also works from a 6 volt 4 what solar panel. | will connect a de dc boost converter between the ‘solar panel and the circuit to keep solar panel voltage output as stable as possible. This last question marked (1b) is just for curiosity. REPLY ‘Swagatam says August 16, 2022 Good Day lan, Yes you can use the op amp circuit without a relay for automatic charging of your NiMH batteries. You can change the 10K resistors to 4k7, and replace the 4.7V zener diodes with 4nos of 1N4148 inverted diodes in series, meaning their cathodes facing the ground line. Yes the same circuit can work with a solar panel also provided the solar panel voltage is relatively constant. |Lam glad the previously suggested circuit is working for you. REPLY hitps:uwizhomemade-crcuitscom/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! 31103 2e123, 1245 Circuitos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométca | Projetos de circuitos caseiros lan Pool says September 25, 2022 Good day Mr. Swagatam, I would like to know if the setup of the over charge and over discharge for the charge controller without the relay is the same as for the charger with a relay (the Solidstate charger with transistors). | have built the circuit now and have changed the 10K resistors with 4K7 resistors and I have changed the Zener diodes to as per your instructions and now | just have to set the 2 presets, | am going to charge 4 x NiMH 2000 mAH batteries in series. The fully charge cutoff will be 5,7 V and discharge cut off will be 4 V. Is my fully charged and discharge values, correct? REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 26, 2022 Hilan, yes the setting up procedures are the same. | hope you are able to set it up correctly. REPLY lan Pool says October 9, 2022 Thave used the figure 7 voltage regulator with protection diodes circuit found on the data sheets of the LM317T Datasheet = LM217, LM317 ~ 1.2 V to 37 V adjustable voltage regulators (mantech.co.za' (https:liwww.mantech co.za/Datasheets/Products/LM317T-DG-200206A.pdf) And the 220-volt AC to 12-volt 1 Amp DC switch mode power supply is a normal wall plug power supply that belonged to keyboard that does not work anymore. (The switch mode power supply still works100%) Is there may be a current limiting on that figure 7 circuit diagram? REPLY ‘Swagatam says October 9, 2022 Yes the figure 7 and figure 8 have current limiting restrictions, REPLY lan Pool says October 9, 2022 Good dav MR Swanatam hitps:uwichomemade-creuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 2/103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros ‘The Solidstate op amp circuit is working now. Presets are all set with a variable power supply and the red and green Led's respond to the over charge and over discharge voltages. | just want to find out why my circuit takes so long to charge 4 x 2100 mAh AA cells connected in series. I use a 1 Amp 12 Volt switch mode power supply to bring 220 Volt AC down to 12-volt 1 Amp and then a LM317T variable power supply to bring the 12 Volt down to just over 6 Volt for the op ‘amp circuit. When | put 4 discharged batteries in, the charging from 4 Volt to 4,9 Volt happens fairly quick (about 1Hour 50 minutes.), but then from 4,9 Volt to 5,7 volts (5,7 Volt is my overcharge cut out point.) it takes forever. (More than 24 hours.) Do you have any idea why it takes so long? REPLY ‘Swagatam says October 9, 2022 Good Day lan, Glad it is working now. NIMh batteries can be charged at 1C rate meaning you can probably supply up to 2 amps to your batteries and check the response. Alternatively you can try using 7V or 7.V input instead of 6 V and check how it responds. It can be safe to use over 7V since the auto cut offis set at 5.7 V. Ifyou still have problems you can try the relay version and check whether it charges the batteries at a faster rate or not. You can try the last circuit from the following article: ttps:/Awww.homemade-circuits com/usb-automatic. {tomatic-li-ion-battery-charger/) n-battery-charger/ (https:/www.homemade-circuits.com/usb- lan Pool says November 6, 2022 Good day Mr. Swagatam. This op amp charger is working VERY NICE now, thank you Mr. Swagatam, | would just like to know if | can increase the 4K7 resistor value in series with the charging red LED at the base of BC547(As per your instructions i had to change all the 10K resistors to 4K7). The LED glows VERY bright at the slightly higher input charging voltage as per your instructions and | am scared that the LED might fail and causing the circuit to stop working, The very bright LED is also annoying at night. To what value can increase this resistor so that BC547 still switches correctly, but the LED is not so bright. LED VF= 2 — 2.6volt. ‘Thank you Mr. Swagatam REPLY ‘Swagatam says November 7, 2022 hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 33103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros That's great lan, Glad to know itis working fine. ‘Yes definitely you can increase the base resistance of the BC547 to decrease the base current and the LED brightness. ‘The base resistor value of the BBC547 actually depends on its collector current. The formula is R = (base voltage — 0,6) x hfE / Collector current However, in your case any resistor value upto 22K should work without any problems. REPLY ‘Swagatam says November 7, 2022 You can also try the following configuration: hhttps:/Awww.homemade-circuits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/ 1 1/how-to-connect-LED-with-BJT-base.jog REPLY Binoj K says July 29, 2022 Hi Sir, have made a 4v battery charger with relay cutoff using BC 547 and 10k preset to set the cutoff. But I'm really struggling hard to achieve a well defined cutoff voltage, When i set up the cutoff at roughly 4.6v, and then when i recheck the cut off vottage,it will trip quite early even at 4.2v or 4.3 v. | used the actual battery that is to be charged for setting up the cutoff. Ldont know what actually is happening. | will give the circuit | hv assembled. Your suggestions I'm really looking for.. Thanks srr. REPLY ‘Swagatam says July 29, 2022 Hi Binoj, Asingle transistor cut off circuit will never work accurately, and you will find extremely difficult to set it up. Ifyou want an accurate cut off you will have to use an op amp circuit. You can try the following op amp circuit for your application USB 3.7V Li-lon Battery Charger Circuit (httes://www.homemade-circuits.com/usb-automatic-I-ion-battery-charger/), REPLY Binoj K says July 30, 2022 hitps:uwichomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 34103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros Hi sir, can | use this suggested circuit for a 4v SLA battery or need any modifications ?hv to replace the zener to some other value? And sir pls suggest whether this circuit is good for charging a 6v battery and the modifications needed REPLY ‘Swagatam says July 31, 2022 Hi Binoj, The above circuits can be used for 6V charging, but might not work properly for a 4V battery. For 6V battery you can also try the following design: circuits.com/make-6v-4ah-automatic-battery-charger/) REPLY MORRIS says June 27, 2022 Mr Swagatam, the first circuit in this post is working as illustrated when | connect the variable supply to the battery point. ‘And whn I connect the battery it can not cut off even whn the battery drains to the low threshold level then the two green and red led lights up. Is it the opam that cannot hold the current and fails or what could be the problem? Is there any other circuit that | can use | a 200ah battery pliz to auto cut in full and low level. Guide pliz. REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 27, 2022 Morris, all the circuit above will auto cut off and auto restore if the presets are setup correctly. It can be actually very difficult for me to tell what may be wrong in your circuit without seeing it practically. You will have to follow the set up procedures exactly as mentioned in the article and also you will have to understand the circuit thoroughly so that you can troubleshoot the circuit yourself. f you are not able to understand any part of the circuit then | can help. Ifyou want an easier design you can refer to the second diagram from the following article: homemade-ciruits.comvhow. MORRIS says July 10, 2022 hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 35/103 21123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros Hello sir, | tried to make the first auto cut off in this article. I's working but sometimes | hear relay triggering trrerererlt Then stops later. How can I prevent it from oscillation? REPLY ‘Swagatam says July 10, 2022 Hello Morris, you can try adding a 100uF capacitor parallel with the relay coil and see that helps to stop the chattering ramesj says May 30, 2022 Thank you for your kind consideration. Now | understood A1 and A2 of LM358 is a single unit and | remove one number then connections are changed . Now battery charger function good. Thank you very much sit REPLY ‘Swagatam says May 31, 2022 That's great, glad you could understand and modify the design as per your own requirement. MORRIS says May 30, 2022 Hello Mr. Swagatam, | tried the first circuit here after the failed me and it now works, Thanks a lot sir! Now can u refer me to the best low cut off circuit tha I can use to detect whn the reaches 10.5v to switch off the battery to inverter? Advice sir, the battery is 200ah. REPLY ‘Swagatam says May 30, 2022 That's areat Morris. Glad i's warkina naw The lower an amn A? works like the low valtaae detector Se val ean confiaure hitps:vwishomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 36/103 21123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros a BC5S7 transistor to pin#7 of A2 via a 10K resistor and connect another relay at the collector of this transistor for ‘enabling the load cut off. Make sure to add a freewheeling diode parallel to the relay coil REPLY MORRIS says June 1, 2022 Hello Swagatam, i have configured beS57 with 10k resistorto pin #7 of opam A2. The collector to the relay and emitter to {ground but it's not enabling the relay to activate despite connecting in4007 diode parallel to relay. What could be the problem? Or can u reframe to the other best batty low cut off for inverter pliz REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 1, 2022 Morris, you must configure the BC557/relay in the following manner: +DC REPLY MORRIS says June 1, 2022 Sir what's the rating for this relay? | have configured the bcS57 and now am getting 12v and whn | connect the relay it drops to around 1 Sv. | have used 12v 30amp relay there. | u have another low cut off for battery to inverter u can as well refer me to the circuit pliz. Thanks REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 1, 2022 hitps:ivwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! 37/103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros Ifthe voltage is dropping it means your BC557 may be blown, because 30 amp relay cannot be used with a BC5S7 or C547. Rating of the relay is 10 amp for contacts and 400 ohms for the coil For other alternative circuit you can try the following: to-make-simpl attery-voltage/) REPLY ramesh says May 29, 2022 Respected sir Lassembled the battery charger using tip32, LM358. But one number IC LM358 gets heated (uper IC-A1). Circuit connection are checked no problem. Please tell what is the reason, REPLY ‘Swagatam says May 30, 2022 Ramesh, A1 and A2 are from a single IC LM358, they are not separate ICs. This IC can become hot either if its output pin is shorted or if the IC itself is faulty, ori the supply voltage exceeds 32V....otherwise this can never heat up. REPLY MORRIS says May 19, 2022 Hello my Swagatam, hope you are fine. In this article | see automatic cut off circuit diagrams for battery charger. | want Use the one with dual opam(Lm358) and the last circuit with single opam(Lm471). Do they work property sir? Advise....and do | use a 12v 30amp to carry the charging? Thanks. REPLY ‘Swagatam says May 20, 2022 Hello Morris, all the circuits will work properly if you build and test them properly. So itis very important that you first understand the working perfectly and only then build it, this will help you troubleshoot the circuit if there are any issues with the connections, hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 38/103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéico | Projetos de circuits caseiros The transformer current will depend on the battery Ah rating. Use a transformer having a current rating that's 1/10th of the battery's Ah rating. | am referring to a lead acid battery MORRIS says May 20, 2022 Hello Swagatam, lead acid battery is the one being topped up with acid or distilled water or it's is dry sealed battery? Can the circuit work with dry sealed batteries (free maintenance battery) then. Advise and help me differentiate, I beg. Thanks. REPLY ‘Swagatam says May 20, 2022 Hello Morris, the circuit can work with all types of batteries, just make sure the input current is controlled and limited as per the battery specs. All lead batteries whether sealed or unsealed must be charged at 1/10th of their Ah value. REPLY MORRIS says May 25, 2022 Hello sir, how can | set the two presets in the second cut off circuit with rectifier? | have tried the procedure for the first Circuit but i's not cutting off when the battery reaches the maximum voltage 14.2v, Which one of the four circuit can | build? REPLY ‘Swagatam says May 26, 2022 Hello Morris, all the circuit will cut off correctly if the presets are set correctly as per the instructions. | have tested the uits, they all worked for me. REPLY Hennie Bester says December 20, 2021 Hi Swagatam Thank you for sharing your knowledge with so many of us who are not always privileged to go to university, but still have the desire and passion to lear and play with electronics — thank you ever so much. want to confirm with you if my thinking is correct ~ | have a 36V Li-ion battery charger, | want to add overcharge hitps:uwizhomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 39/103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros protection to the unit using your dual op-amp circuit. The problem | am having is that the LM358 can only operate to a maximum supply voltage of 32V. How will | bootstrap the opamps to tolerate the high charger voltage? | do not have immediate access to the high voltage opamps such as the LT6090 or LT6091, your kind response will be appreciated. REPLY ‘Swagatam says December 20, 2021 Thank you Hennie, the pleasure is all mine! For 36V lion charger you can try applying the simple concept which is explained in the following article: For the input supply | guess you will have to use 37.8 V harger! (https:/www.homemade- circuits, com/make-this-48v-automatic-battery-charger!) REPLY Hennie Bester says December 20, 2021 ‘Swagatam, thank you for the prompt response. I will build the simplified automatic circuit and let you know if | experience any issues. Thank you for your kind support. REPLY ‘Swagatam says December 20, 2021 No problem Hennie, | am always glad to help! REPLY Nimel says September 14, 2021 Pz sir u modified the 2nd design by reconnecting the output pin of |C2 to the base of the bc547 via a 1n4148 zener, Plz sir what could be the reason REPLY Swagatam says September 14, 2021 hitps:uwichomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 40/103 2e123, 1245 Circuitos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéico | Projetos de circuits caseiros Nimel, | don't remember the previous diagram so can't clarify the reason Nimel says September 14, 2021 I mean the design that has a transformer REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 14, 2021 cannot see any diagram that has 1N4148 at the base of BC547 REPLY Nimel says September 14, 2021 Plz sir in the second design i think the upper LED should be reconnected as:cathode to pin and anode to pint to indicate the batt full condition since at the high threshold level the upper IC's pin1 goes low and no LED will be illuminated at batt full instead they illuminate during charging process REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 14, 2021 Nimel, you can do that by connecting a 3rd LED. However, for this LED the cathode will go to the op amp output and the anode to pin#8 or the + supply line. Make sure to add a 1K or 2k2 resistor in series with the LED. REPLY Mohankumar Anna says August 30, 2021 Hello Swagatam, Just wanted to convey my Thanks for this charger circuit (solid state transistors model). | could successfully built it and Put it into use for my router at home as a mini UPS. Glad, | found your website last year; since then, | go through several UPS related circuits and comments. Admire your hitps:uwizhomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! anri03 2e123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros dedication towards electronics; Amazing patience to answer almost all questions; You are a Great Soul Note: | was an electronics hobbyist during my 10th standard. Revisiting now, at the age of 53. Thanks Mohan REPLY ‘Swagatam says August 30, 2021 ‘Thank you so much Mohan, I am glad you found the concept useful, and I truly appreciate your kind feedback! Please keep up the good work! REPLY Mohankumar Anna says September 3, 2021 Hello Swagatm, Seeking your help on the above transistor based op amp charger circuit that | have built recently. It works fine with 12v 0.5A router (Mi Router 4c). But it does not work with 12 1A router (Linksys E5600). My setup has: charger circuit + two li-ion cells (18650 2c) + XL6009 step-up booster module. If try with mere li-ion cells + XL6009 step-up converter module, it works. am unable to identity root cause and believe it should be handling 1A current rating too, but itis not Appreciate your guidance. Thanks for sparing your time, Thanks Mohan ‘Swagatam says September 3, 2021 Hello Mohan, can you please explain how all those units are connected with the circuit. And also please specify what is exactly not working? REPLY hitps:vwichomemade-creuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! a2r103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros — Mohan says September 3, 2021 Hello Swagatam, For flexibilty, units are connected using DC Jacks, pin headers, female-to-female dupont cables. Working of this circuit seems unpredictable. Before writing this message, | tried to test it several times and write a problem-description. It worked well as expected except one time (occurring similar scenarios frequently). Here is my observation of the problem: (On mains supply, the router works fine. On power failures (actual power failure and mimicking), both Charging LED and Battery Low LED are ON for a short time, say 2 or 3 minutes, then Charging LED goes OFF or DIMMED. Now, Router’s power goes off, internet conneetivity is lost. In such scenario, it seems router is getting only 4 volts and hence causing router to power off. Waited for few more minutes, circuit's both LEDs are getting ON, router gets 12v and powered on Hope this description helps. Thanks REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 3, 2021 Hello Mohan, | meant to say where is the boost converter connected and why itis being used? As you can see in the diagram, the charging supply and the battery both are directly connected to the load, the op amp circuit has nothing to do with the router, so it cannot affect or get affected by the router, itis only responsible for charging the battery, and indicating the charging ON/OFF conditions, Do you mean to say the battery is not getting charged when a 1 amp router is connected? Stephen says ‘August 2, 2021 Pls is they video for this circuit ? Pls can | substitute the preset resistor for a variable resistor?, Can it charge car battery 12V? hitps:vwichomemade-creuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 43103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros REPLY ‘Swagatam says August 2, 2021 Sorry | do not have a video for this, but | can assure that the circuits will work. You can replace the presets with fixed resistors after confirming the values REPLY Yamza says June 20, 2021 What is the block diagram of automatic battery charger REPLY Chayanath says June 5, 2021 Sir can we do physically is it works. REPLY Vijitha K says May 5, 2021 Ihave tried the above “alternative design” both on TINA-T simulator and on PCB, both works like a charm. If one seeks ‘greater precision over different extemal conditions, guess the Zenners could be replaced by TL431 and the potentiometers with DigiPOTs, with other appropriate discrete components. Many thanks for the great article. ‘Swagatam says May 5, 2021 Thank you so much for verifying the design in your simulator tools... yes definitely, all those mentioned parts can be upgraded appropriately for getting enhanced precision REPLY john c bristol says February 27, 2021 hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 4art03 2e123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros on this battery charger circuit with auto cut off wheres the 1n4007 in series with the relay on the PCB layout,and on D1,D2 witch one is red and green.Im going to use a LM324 do you have a PCB layout for that? thanks your admierer, JOHN REPLY ‘Swagatam says February 28, 2021 I think the PCB design may have some flaws as it was designed by a nonprofessional designer, please check it and correct the faults accordingly. ‘Yes LM324 can be used by replacing the pinouts appropriately. REPLY sheraz says February 13, 2021 dear sit! | also made a circuit someone like this, but i'm facing a problem continuously when i connect the charging circuit output terminal (O/P = 13.8vdc) to 12v/65AH battery. the battery goes instantly to 13.8vdc and relay cutout. actually the battery is not charged to 13.8vde but when charger {goes to connect it cutout instantly not really charging the battery but instantly cutting out relay what's the possible solution to this problem? REPLY ‘Swagatam says February 14, 2021 Dear Sheraz, what is the current rating of the charger output? | hope it is below 15 amps. In that case your battery is defective, it is not accepting the current from the charger and the voltage across its terminal is rising quickly due to lack of current absorption, REPLY sheraz says February 14, 2021 it's an smps battery charger, the charger output rating is above 15 Ampere by putting heavy load, also the battery is new ‘12vdc/65Ah battery. but the circuit is showing the problem with every 12vdc/3Sah, 65Ah, BOAh etc. not the problem that the battery is defective. hitpsiuwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! 451103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros REPLY ‘Swagatam says February 14, 2021 ‘Then it means your battery is already fully charged. A fully charged 12V battery will stabilize to 12.5 V (SoS) in idle conditions. Make sure your SMPS current is not more than 15 amp at any cost for 65 Ah battery, ideally it should be 7 amps, or 10% of the Ah value REPLY Nandhakumar says January 28, 2021 Hi sir, nice explanation about the circuit. [need 48v 6amp lead acid battery charger circuit. Can you please explain REPLY ‘Swagatam says January 29, 2021 Hi Nandhakumar, you can try the following circuit: hhttps:/Awww.homemade-circuits com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/48V-charger-using-TIP142.png (https:/www homemade-circuits, com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/48V-charger-using-TIP142,png) REPLY BG says December 10, 2020 hi Sir, what changes to made on the above circuit to charge 24 v 150AH battery. Thanks, REPLY ‘Swagatam says December 11, 2020 hitps:vwichomemade-creuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 45/103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros Hi BG, no major changes will be required, just replace the relay with a 24 V relay, and the charging supply with a 29V DC. supply REPLY ‘Swagatam says August 23, 2020 Here's what you exactly need to do, the LED status will clarify the positions of the various stages ‘And please do not assemble it over a breadboard, that would be like inviting mistakes, Assemble the circuit over a veroboard or strip board by properly soldering the parts. ‘Also please replace the BC547 with 2N2222 ‘REPLY ‘Swagatam says August 23, 2020 Make sure the charaina innut sunolv is 1 V hiaher than the hattery full eharae snec hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battey-charger! a7ri03 21123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automélico | Projetos de circuits caseiros REPLY Thierry says August 30, 2020 Thank you for taking the time and effort to explain the why’s and whatnot’. | built the last circuit with the TIP127 and it works the way it is supposed to with the triggers when testing with bench power supply to but there is a major heat issue ‘on the 100 Ohms 2 watts so | could not finish charging a battery in full when testing in real life. | have measured the temperature of the resistor to be 105.8°C and it was already cooling down so | stopped everything and | am wondering if putting resistors in parallel at the base of TIP32 would help in taking the heat or if there is another solution to keep charging at 1 A at least without risking a fire? If using MOSFETs, what would be your solution? | am more used to building small circuits where power sources are not much of an issue but my current project is tougher than I thought it would be. REPLY ‘Swagatam says ‘August 31, 2020 Glad itis working now! ‘There are a few things that must be correctly calculated to ensure proper working of the circuit The input current must be preferably no more than 50% of the mAh rating of the Litton cell. For example ifthe the cell is rated at 2600 mAh, then the charging current should be kept below 1.5 amps. ‘The base resistor of TIP32 must be calculated using the formula R = Input V - Battery V / Charging Current R wattage should be = (Input V - Battery V) x Charging Current. Ifa MOSFET is used in place of the TIP32, then the gate resistor becomes immaterial, and this could be an ordinary 1k 1/4 watt, However, the battery charging voltages should be in the range of 10 V to 15 V REPLY Thierry says September 2, 2020 I replaced the TIP32C with a MOSFET IRF4905 and now, I can charge my 12V 7000 mAh in about 8h with no alarming heat which is great. However, that was the proof of concept phase with low voltages. | would need to use this circuit with a25.2V Li-ion battery and when | try to set the high threshold, the charging LED dims a litte bit but never switches off When the LED on the TIP127 lights up thus, the other triggers do not work. It seems that the highest voltage accepted for the battery around 15V and above 15.5V, the locks do not work anymore. Which resistor should | change to make it working with voltages above 24V? REPLY Swagatam says September 3, 2020 hitps:ivwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! 49/103 2e123, 1245 CCircutos de carregador de bateria Op Amo com corte automdtico | Projlos de circutos casero Please try the following modified configuration, and check the results: Thierry says September 3, 2020 ‘Thank you for your super quick new design, | was not expecting so many changes. May | kindly ask you which value should be used for the Zener diode at the charging point in this new design? REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 3, 2020 You are welcome! The zener diode can be a 15 V 1/4 watt diode. REPLY Thierry says September 5, 2020 Unfortunately the circuit daes not accent a hiah threshold aver 21 BV The charaina LED never switches OFF but rather nipsutieww.homemade-creuits,comfopamp-low-high-attery-charger! 49/103 21123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automélico | Projetos de circuits caseiros dims a lot and the “full” LED switches ON quite dim as well and the locks only work at = or < 21.8V, over this voltage, the locks do not work at all. | am wondering if we should not change the potentiometer at A1 for a higher value. What do you think? REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 5, 2020 The input pins of all op amps have very high resistance, so the value of the preset shouldn't be relevant. Any preset, between 1k and 100k can be tried, all should work equally well. ‘The problem could be due to high currentivoltage at pin8 of the op amp which might be causing high offset or leakage voltage at the output of the op amp and is not allowing a full OV at the output. You can try a 10k resistor in series with the pin8 of the op amp, and then put a 12V or 15V zener across pin8 and the ground, This should solve the issue, but now this will not all the battery side MOSFET to switch OFF, since a 12V or 15 V output from the op amp will be lower than the 25V at the source of the MOSFET which will never allow it to shut off. This can be remedied by adding another BC547 stage for the gate drive of this MOSFET, You can try this later on once the op amp switching problem is solved using the above explained procedures. Thierry says September 7, 2020 Unfortunately, nothing seems to be workingwomen it comes to use any voltage above 20.8V for some reason. | have tried the 10k resistor in series with the pin8 of the op amp and both the “charging” and “full” LED were glowing dimmed but could only latch at 20.84, it did not work above this voltage. | tried with the 15V zener across pin8 and the ground in addition to the 10K resistor in series and this time, the “low battery” LED was switching ON as soon as the voltage reached 15.5V and stayed ON all the way up. It only dimmed OFF only around the 15.2V and switched back ON on preset 15V. | could not go higher than 20.8V either to latch the settings. | even tried to power the LM358 with 12V and then 5V using 7812 and 7805 ICs with no more luck. Itis way above my current skills. REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 7, 2020 ‘Yes the low battery will now stay ON, because pin7 is turing high with 15V, while the green LED anode is at 24V.To correct this please connect the green LED anode side with pin8 of the IC, and replace the a 10K at pin8 with a 1k so that the LED can get proper current. Now, to check whether your op amp is working correctly or not, you can remove the left side MOSFET stage entirely, then hitps:ivwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-batter-charger! 50/103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros remove the latching feedback also across the A1 op amp. ‘After this supply the upper and lower thresholds from the battery side using a variable power supply, and then rotate presets to make sure the LEDs switch ON and switch OFF according to the general rules or a comparator (https:/www.homemade-circuits. com/how-to-use-ic-741-as-comparator ‘The basic rule is that when the voltage at the (+) input pin of the op amp is higher than its (-) input pin, its output will turn high (or equal to its pin8), when the (+) is lower than (-) then the output will turn OV. Please conform the above using a multimeter, if you find the op amp output not turning OV fully, which may keep the transistor switched ON permanently, you can correct this by adding another red LED in series with the BC547 base which should cut off the excess leakage voltage and allow a total switch OFF for the BC547. REPLY Thierry says September 8, 2020 We are making some progress! Now with the “Low” LED on 8 and 1K with the 15V Zener in addition to a second LED in series with the charging and the left side MOSFET detached, the latches work even though the “full” LED starts to dim ON at 17V all the way up to 25.2V but this time, the charging LEDs switch OFF, Once the charging LEDs are OFF, output 4 measures 1.12V @ 25.2V. Output 1 reaches 0.9V only @ 18V. Output 7 works perfectly but is never @ OV, it reads 4.02V when set @ 15V. However, when | reattach the left MOSFET side, the high latch does not work anymore. REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 8, 2020 The latch will break and the charging process will be restored only when the “Iow’ at pin7 pulls the pin2 level of At below its pin3 level. Since A1 output is 0.9V this means the pin3 will be dragged approximately at this 0.9V level by the 1N4148/1k feedback, When the A2 output tums low at 15Y, it's output tums 1.2 V, which looks a bit higher than the 0.9V, which implies the latch cannot break. For the latch to break the A2 output must drag the pin? of A1 below the pin3 level. This could be probably adjusted by increasing the 1K in series with the 1N4148 to may be around 4k7 or 10k ete The left side MOSFET will not work correctly in this modified version unless a separate BC547 driver is also added with this MOSFET REPLY Thierry says September 9, 2020 ‘Thanks a lot far vour time! The main issue was more on keenina the latch than breakina it actually | could verify all the hitps:vwishomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 5103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros latch breaking, thanks to your explanation. | managed to keep the latch @ 25.2V by just changing the 10K in series with the “Full” LED by a 15K. Now PIN 8 has a 12V Zener instead of 15V since the battery itself will drain down to 15V. The second “Charging” LED in series has been removed as it was rendered unnecessary. Now | need to find a way to drive properly the left N-Channel MOSFET IRLZ44N, Should | use a P-Channel MOSFET on the left too? REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 9, 2020 Glad you could solve it so quickly! For the load side MOSFET a P-channel will be required and will be more suitable than a N-channel....you can do the following modifications: 1) Add another 8C547, by connecting its base with the collector of the existing BC547, emitter to ground line, and collector directly with the gate of the load side p channel MOSFET. 2) For the MOSFET, just connect a 10K across its gate/source, and nothing else. The source pin will connect with the battery positive as done earlier, and the drain will connect with the load side output, as per earlier configuration. REPLY Thierry says September 10, 2020 ‘Thank you so much, it works great! Now, do you have any suggestion for the 1N5408 which is burning hot when charging the battery @ over 2A? A 7000mAh Li-ion battery takes too long to charge if we reduce the amperage too much but | don't want to bur a lab either. | also noticed a current surge on the load output when connecting the charger: the high amperage required to charge the empty battery seems to leak a bit too much to the load but this, | think, | can find a fx. REPLY ‘Swagatam says ‘September 10, 2020 Glad it's finally working as required! 1N5408 is rated to handle 3 amps max, so 2 amps can make it red hot indeed, You can replace it with a 6A4 diode, but even this diode might get significantly hot and will require a good heatsinking. Alternatively you can also check the response without including this diode at all. Thierry says September 11, 2020 hitps:vwichomemade-crcuits.com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 52/103 2e123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros Ihave changed the 1N5408 for a 6A4, it should be OK (the battery must drain before next test). Up to now, I was focused ‘on the charging side but now there is a new issue: there is a 4.5 to 4.8V drop between the battery terminals and the ‘output and | measured the drop to happen right at the MOSFET drain on the output side. This is so weird! Even stranger: if [plug an unpowered a charger, | get the full voltage of the battery at the output! When powering the charger, it works as expected, but | am puzzled by the 4.8V drop on battery only. ‘Swagatam says September 11, 2020 Did you measure it with respect to the ground line? Meaning, the meter probes connected across drain and the battery negative? You can also try shorting Gate terminal directly with the battery negative and check the response ‘And did this happen with an appropriate load connected at the output side or without a load? Please confirm the same with a load connected. REPLY Thierry says September 11, 2020 Yes, all measures were done with respect to battery ground with or without a load. The only moment | could get full voltage at the output was when | tried to short the gate of the MOSFET to ground but then, the battery would be charging when the charger is connected even if the « charging » LED was OFF. | think, | will try to go back to the TIP127 for the output ‘Swagatam says September 11, 2020 But that again sounds against the standard laws of electronics. If you short circuit the collector/emitter of the BCS47 associated with the charging MOSFET (right side MOSFET), would mean shorting the base of the other BC547 associated with the battery side MOSFET (left side MOSFET). In this situation, the other BC547 will stop conducting, Cutting-off ground bias for the left side MOSFET, and this should shut down the left side MOSFET, so how is it possible that you are getting full voltage in this situation, ......which will also mean that the battery will be depleting while charging. REPLY Thierry says September 11, 2020 Well | discavered the source af the issiie with the hiah thrashald which didn't want ta latch it was a noor eantact an the hitps:uwichomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battry-charger! 55/103 2er1123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automélco | Projetos de circuits caseiros ‘A2 trimpot towards ground, that was all my fault, so | fixed it and I got back to original 10K at the “full” LED and it worked, also removed the 15V zener and the 10K which were connected to pin 8 of the LM358 and that reduced the voltage drop down to 0,35V which is way better, The voltage drop actually occurs as soon and as long as the “full” LED switches ON with or without a load. | kept the output MOSFET though. REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 12, 2020 No problem, actually a hardware fault is a common thing that we all come across with electronic circuits, and this inevitably happens with all hobbyists and engineers. However, ifthe circuit is thoroughly understood then troubleshooting becomes easy and quick. Coming back to the circuit, if you remove the 15V zener from pin8 of the IC, then the low battery indicator (green LED) might not work correctly. ‘And, as long as the red LED is ON (battery charging), the left side MOSFET is supposed to be fully cut off, therefore getting any voltage at the drain of the left side MOSFET should not be possible? Thierry says September 15, 2020 Moving the diode did not change much. Self discharging will always occur anyway due to the BMS but it is more about laboratory safety that I need to have a switch to disable the device when not in use. This circuit is the closest, to date, | could find on the web for the very specific usage I need. Itis going to be used in a laboratory setting to power a liquid flow meter where ambiant air may be filed with ethanol and a power socket might no be available. | will implement a battery meter with a push button for quick readings and a low battery alarm with a buzzer to make sure people will react when battery is going to die to plug the power in time. Due to the specific requirements of the device, | had to add an adjustable voltage step up at the output and this makes all the voltage monitoring a bit difficult. | also needed an adjustable power boost to charge the battery when empty which would not trigger the high threshold too easily. At 25V, itis way more difficult than at 12V!! But it works, thanks to you and I really appreciate your help!! REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 15, 2020 The diode will protect self discharging only from the 10k presets and the associated opamp circuitry. Anyway, glad the uit helped you to achieve your objective, now it needs to be confirmed over a well deigned PCB before the final implementation. hitps:iuwwchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 541103 2e1123, 1245 Circuitos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros REPLY Thierry says September 16, 2020 |1do have an issue | cannot understand now that | am testing the system completely. I removed the “Full” LED as it was more of a distraction. The system is complete with a load running on a fully charged battery, no LED “ON” which is normal but if connect the power at the input, the battery disconnects from the load and start charging while the load is powered by the charger. Isn't the charging supposed to start only if the “Low” LED triggers the “Charge” LED? | have checked multiple times the circuit against the schema and | don't see an error. ‘Swagatam says September 16, 2020 That is normal, because when the charging input is switched OFF, the latch breaks, and when the charging supply is switched ON back the A1 restores the battery charging by switching ON the transistors. This can be perhaps corrected by adding the following circuit in the existing design: To Ping of AL To + Charging Supply Source REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 16, 2020 You can chanae the 1k to 10k for reducing unnecessary currant dissination hitps:luwnchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 55/103 2e1123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros REPLY Thierry says September 21, 2020 found the reason why the input kept charging despite the battery being full with no LED ON: the P-MOSFET on the load side leaks through the drain toward the source when power applied at the input. So | changed this MOSFET for a N- MOSFET IRLZ44N and a 1K between gate and source, that stopped the bleeding but there is still a tiny leak | cannot figure. If the battery is charging with “charging” LED ON then the battery is disconnect from the load and zero Amp is consumed as long as it charges but when the charge stops with the charger still powering the load, the battery reconnects to the load or something else and it draws 0.0048 A for a 12V battery. | tried with a TIP127 and it draws 0.0037 Ain the very same condition. ‘Swagatam says September 21, 2020 But the battery is connected at the source side of the MOSFET, then how can the leakage be from drain towards source? Is it the load side MOSFET or the charger side MOSFET that you are referring to? Also remember there's an internal diode with every MOSFET, so check if that is affecting the situation? ‘And if you change the load side mosfet with an channel, then you will have to eliminate the new BC547, and connect the gate directly with the old existing BC547, and also remove any resistor previously suggested across gate/source of the n- channel mosfet. Thierry says September 13, 2020 ‘The second BC547 driving the output MOSFET was fried actually, | replaced it with a new one and to be sure we are on the same page, | went back to the zener and 10K at PIN8. The locks are working now and | get full voltage at the output, Now, you told me earlier how to connect the output MOSFET but without the feedback with the 1K between gate and PIN1, | cannot get any output, Just for test, | temporarily have connected an LED with a resistor in series on the output MOSFET drain with the output to check if it was disconnecting when charging at the input and it does, I removed it as it was dropping too much voltage at the output. A last thing, I need to use a switch to save the battery when not in use but when the battery comes back online with a lower voltage than the higher threshold or if the battery is full and a load kicks ‘on, the charging LED lights up, is there any trick to avoid this? Do we need another Opamp as a comparator? REPLY Swagatam says September 13, 2020 hitps:luwnchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 56/103 2er1123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros ‘The second BCS47 shouldn't have burned because its base is protected by the 4k7 resistor and the collector by the 1k across gate/source of the MOSFET REPLY ‘Swagatam says September 13, 2020 ‘Are you referring to the battery self discharging through the 10k preset while it is not being used? This can be probably prevented by shifting the 6A4 diode from the indicated position to the point exactly between extreme left 10k preset positive connection and the battery positive, REPLY Chandrasekhar says August 22, 2020 Hi Swagtam, can u make a circuit practically amd make a video on it.. coz, alot of ppl around here are facing some sort of problems. Pls i also gave up making a 3.7volt lion battery charger. My idea was not fulfilled REPLY ‘Swagatam says August 23, 2020 Hi Chandrashekhar, Can you please explain the testing procedures you have used to confirm the various stages of your circuit? if you try it randomly without understanding the steps then you are bound to have problems. | have already tested and applied similar designs many many times for battery charger applications successfully. These are very basic concepts using op amp compartor. Ityou can specify a mistake in my design then definitely I'll lok into it. But for that you must be first able to check it yourself, ight? You can see one such working example here using a single op amp’ USB 3.7V Li-lon Battery Charger Circuit (https/Awww.homemade-circuits com/us 1utomatic-I-ion-battery-charger/) REPLY ‘Swagatam says ‘August 19, 2020 You can anniv the follawina modifications around the TIPA?: hitps:iuwuchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 57/103 2e1123, 1245 Circuitos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte autométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros REPLY patrick says August 15, 2020 Good day sir, please if use a 12volts,400ohm relay for the above charger,willt be okey for 10Amp requirement bearing in mind that vir = i> 12/400 =0.03amps.Will the relay and the transistor handle this current level ?.What do you suggest sir?.Another thing the resistor needed for the constant current will be too small to find in the market. ‘Swagatam says August 15, 2020 Patrik, the 400 ohm is the resistance of the relay coil, and cannot be used for the calculations. The best way is to check the printed rating on the relay itself. It should be rated at 30 amps/220 V to handle 10 amps comfortably. REPLY Chandrasekhar says July 19, 2020 Hi Swagtam, i have tried every possibility but the Im358 never gives the exact output as the vec voltage... always there is a drop of 1.3 volts... Pls make a video on the output volt. REPLY ‘Swagatam says July 19, 2020 Hi Chandrashakhar thera mav be some affset valtaae differance at the qutnut af an an amn but still that is enouah to hitps:uww homemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery- charger! 58/103 2er1123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automélco | Projetos de circuits caseiros switch ON the transistor. In your case it is 3.7 - 1.3 = 2.4 V which is more than enough to tu on the BUT. REPLY Eshu singh says July 18, 2020 Hello sir, Can iuse this circuit to charge a 12 volt battery while providing output to a 12 volt 2 ampere load with an adapter of 12 volts? Iyes then please guide Many thanks in advance REPLY ‘Swagatam says July 18, 2020 Hello Eshu, yes that's possible using the first circuit but the input supply current must be sufficiently rated to charge the battery and also handle the output load, REPLY Eshu singh says July 20, 2020 Thanks for your response and help Actually i don't want to use a relay for switch over, Can i use the last circuit for my requirement as i want fast switching from mains to battery to supply the load REPLY ‘Swagatam says July 20, 2020 yes surely, you can try it, REPLY henry haskell says July 7, 2020 i vam usina a variac tranformer for a variable sunnly with a bridae rectifier this works well i can charaa anvthina ta anv set hitps:luwuchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 50/103 2e1123, 1245 Circuitos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros volts and amps all your work of great interest REPLY chandrasekhar says June 19, 2020 Hi swagtam , i want to use the 1st circuit without using a relay. can it be possible to use transistor based circuit beside relay? REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 20, 2020 Hi Chandrashekhar, | have updated the required design at the end of the post, you can check it out. Remember to disconnect the feedback 1k/1N4148 while adjusting the presets. Connect it back once the adjustments are done. REPLY chandrasekhar says June 21, 2020 Hi swagtam, in the last circuit where u put TIP transistor, i saw the unusual behavour in the spice simulation. Is is works in real circuit. pls confirm. coz i will make an good quality pob for the circu ‘Also i want to charge 3.7v 6600mAh LION battery. Is TIP transistor ok for that . Please confirm early. ALso tell the zener value for 3.7v charger circuit. Is it Svolt zener.?? ‘Swagatam says June 21, 2020 Hi Chandrashekhar I cannot comment on simulator behavior, but according my own brain simulation the circuit is perfect and will work. However, the person who is building the circuit must first understand the working of each and every component, otherwise troubleshooting may become impossible in case an issue arises. So | would recommend you to spare some time to understand the opamp comparator working, and only then proceed. Also, a PCB must be designed only when the prototype is tested and confirmed on a veroboard...these are the some basic electronic rules that all must follow. TIP will support 3 amp current (on heatsink) so it looks ok to me, You can replace the zeners with two series ‘1N4148 diodes, with cathode towards the ground line. REPLY chandrasekhar says June 21, 2020 hitps:uwwshomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 003 2er1123, 1245 Circutos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéco | Projetos de circuits caseiros ok, thanks for early reply. i definitely trust on ur Brain Simulation. | will frst try on blank pcb coz i have no veroboard then i will make an peb... ‘Thanks for giving such wonderful Website. REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 22, 2020 Thank you for trusting me Chandrashekhar, | wish you all the best. I have made a couple of changes around the upper op amp pin2/3 connections, please make sure to do it accordingly. REPLY chandrasekhar says June 24, 2020 k Sir, Ihave given a circuit diagram link with necessary modification for automatic LED on-off feature. Pls have a look and suggest ifs there any correction in it. 02 Sasso Dt 150) er la Y= Rs me Sa wm Stk ‘et Rs 4k ‘our vec IN. 20ur E s ef mw ile ine i 3 a[ ih fa GN Zine de-clei a ———homem le-cifcuits. cont scs«78 8550 zp snaraon ‘ts L. ‘te a0 Boor ftN4732A | — Ri? a0 Thanking you for your kind co-op. REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 24, 2020 nipstiewy.homemade-creuits,comfopamp-low-high-attery-charger! e103 2e1123, 1245 Circuitos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros Thank you Chandrashekhar, that looks great...however due to lack of time | won't be able to confirm your version of the schematic. If you have any questions regarding the schematic which I have updated in the above atticle, please let me know I'll solve it for you. REPLY chandrasekhar says June 28, 2020 Ok, Sir pls let me confirm that on your last circuit which u have designed, i want to charge 3P Li-ton batlery (.e 3600Mah 4.2v) with it and load LED will be 250MA total. Hence pls tell me the resistors, zener and transistor for the circuit for modification. Awaiting for early reply REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 29, 2020 Chandrashekhar, for the mentioned application you can change the zener diodes with two series 1N4148 diodes with cathodes towards ground side, and replace the red LED with a short REPLY Chandrasekhar says July 4, 2020 Qsn no-1: Sir, how to over discharge feature will add to your last circult.? Pls expain. {Qsn no-2: Again for a comparator, when inverting input get low than non inverting then we can get full input voltage. But in my case the voltage drop by 1.3volt why. Pls. ‘Swagatam says July 8, 2020 Chandrasekhar, | have updated the explanation at the bottom of the article, When the (+) input of the comparator goes higher than the (-) input, its output will become equal to the ICs Vcc voltage or the full supply voltage. Check your comparator with 6 V or 12 V, may it is malfunctioning, How to Use an Op amp as a Comparator Circuit (https:/Amww,homemade-circuit fhow-to-use-ic-741. REPLY evans mworeh says June 23, 2020 hitps:luwnchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 52/103 2e1123, 1245 Circuitos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuitos caseiros hello sir swagatam,please let me know the changes i should make to the circuit incase am monitoring a 24v battery? httosiwww homemade-circuits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/op-amp-transistor-solid-state-auto-cutoff png (https:/www.homemade-circuits.com/wp-contentluploads/2020/06/o) ransistor-solid-state-auto-cut-off,png) REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 23, 2020 Evans, Use a 24 V relay, and a 24 V battery, rest everything can be as it is. REPLY Revocatus says June 12, 2020 hi, this is REvocatus from Tanzania | want to know how can use a transformer from UPS lated at 850VA as a battery charger for 100AH or SOAH battery with auto cut off, I you have a diagram or any advise please provide it, I hope you will help me, Thanks REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 13, 2020 Hi, you can refer to the following two articles for more info: -customized-battery- Designing a Cuslomized Battery Charger Circuit (tins ww homemade-crcuts.com/designin charger) Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuits (https:/www.homemade-ci ccom/high-current-10- REPLY Revocatus says June 13, 2020 Hi Mr Swagatam, thank you for fast reply so now | want to know which type and size of the rectifier diode | should use to match with this transformer? also should I add a capacitor on that rectifier diode or not, if yes which volue of the capacitor Ishould use?, Thanks. REPLY ‘Swagatam says hitps:luwwchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger 103 2e1123, 1245 Circuitos de cartogador de bateria Op Amp com corte aulométco | Projetos de circuits caseiros Hi Revocatus, for charging lead acid battery, the diodes must be rated with current that's 20% of the battery Ah. Transformer current rating must be 10% of the battery Ah, Filter capacitor is not required for charging a battery REPLY Revocatus says June 13, 2020 Hi thank you for nice explanation, so can | use this transformer from UPS to charge battery, the UPS is rated at 800VA. and the transformer input is 230V output 7.5v-0-7.5v? REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 13, 2020 800 / 15 = 53 amps that's a lot of current. Unless your battery is a 500 Ah battery you will need a current controller stage (https://mw homemade-circuits.com/universal-high-watt-led-currantslimiter/) to limit the current to 10% of the led acid battery An. REPLY Evans says June 13, 2020 Hello sir like the idea,so how can I connect this to an existing inverter to make it a ups? With an aid of a diagram,'ll appreciate. REPLY ‘Swagatam says June 14, 2020 For a UPS design you can read the following article: hnttes:/Awww.homemade-circuits.com/making-ups-tutorial/(https://wwwhomemade-circuits.com/making-ups-tutorial/) REPLY Joseph says May 14, 2020 hitps:luwwchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger e403 2er1123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéico | Projetos de circuits caseiros Pls,is the component value at (R2 = 0.6 / charging current) a resistor or what? REPLY ‘Swagatam says May 15, 2020 Itis a resistor. REPLY Joseph says May 14, 2020 How can | configuration this circuit for 24v battery? REPLY ‘Swagatam says May 15, 2020 replace the relay with 24v relay and set the circuit for cutting off at 28V high and 22V low REPLY Hamid says April 19, 2020 Can i use potentionmeter instead of R2 resistor R2 = (0.6/ Chrg Current) for control current in above circuit. Second how much current can handle above circuit. Uhave 15v transformer but i dont know current rating when i install 35amp bridge rectifier it have burnt instantly. Can iuse 250amp diode for rectification? Sorry for lenghty question but ur ans will be very helpful for me. REPLY ‘Swagatam says April 20, 2020 Ifyou can arrange a 1 ohm pot then you can use it. Diode will burn if the load current is high, not because of the transformer current rating, so make sure the load is not an overload. The diode current should be 2 times the charging current of the battery. hitps:iuwwchomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 5/103 2er1123, 1245 Circutos de carrogador de bateria Op Amp com corte automéico | Projetos de circuits caseiros REPLY Adeyemi says March 10, 2020, Please sit, what can I do, when | use 10amp 12 relay, the response is faster than 30amp 12v relay REPLY ‘Swagatam says March 11, 2020 different relays will have different response times...so we can't do much about it. REPLY BK Leelesh says November 5, 2019 Sir, | am proud of you. | have build your modified sine wave inverter circuit successfully. | have added one of your charger circuit,using Im358. | used 20amp battery for the inverter, Sir pl. Clarify the following 1.In charger circuit around Lm358 how can | identify upper threshold pot.and lower threshold pot. 2. Which diode can be used for reverse polarity protection, Can it be 6A Diode 3. The charging transformer is 18volt Zamp. Can | charge 30 amp battery with this transformer. 4. Lam having a UPS transformer with 3 wires in secondary side is to be connected to the inverter circuit. And the other side it has 7 wires ‘out of which 2waires( paire) , when connected to rectifier gives 12volt Zamps. Can | use this tapping for charging 20amps batty. If so how can I reduce the current to 2amp. Can it be possible using Lm 338 circuit. Sorry sir, for the long questions. Thanking you sir, Leelesh REPLY ‘Swagatam says November 6, 2019 Hello |eelesh here ara the answers. hitps:iuwwshomemade-crcuits,com/opamp-low-high-battery-charger! 51103

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