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Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông - Hotline: 0902196677

28 Rewrite the sentences below as single sentence using relative clauses.

1. I don’t know the name of the woman. I spoke to her on the phone.
→ ____________________________________________________________
2. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. It’s only 30 miles away.
→ ____________________________________________________________
3. This is Mr Carter. I was telling you about him.
→ ____________________________________________________________
4. That is the room. The meeting is held in that room.
→ ____________________________________________________________
5. I’ll always remember the day. I first saw that sight on that day.
→ ____________________________________________________________
6. She was born in Malaysia. Rubber trees grow well there.
→ ____________________________________________________________
7. No one knows the school. My uncle taught at that school 10 years ago.
→ ____________________________________________________________
8. Please ask them the time. The train started the trip at that time.
→ ____________________________________________________________
9. New Year’s Day is a day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner then.
→ ____________________________________________________________
10.There are many hotels. Tourists can enjoy their holidays there.

29.Rewrite the sentences using the conditional type 2.
1. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up.
→ ____________________________________________________________
2. Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.
→ ____________________________________________________________

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Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông - Hotline: 0902196677

3. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up.

→ ____________________________________________________________
4. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.
→ ____________________________________________________________
5. We will get lost because we don’t have a map.
→ ____________________________________________________________
30.Rewrite the following sentence using a relative clause.
1. India is a country. The earthquake occurred in this country last month.
→ ____________________________________________________________
2. Bac Giang is a city. I was born and grew up there.
→ ____________________________________________________________
3. We have not decided the day. We’ll go to London on that day.
4. The man made me sad the most. I love him with all my heart.
→ ____________________________________________________________
5. The thief was caught. This was really good news.
→ ____________________________________________________________
6. The gentleman was very young. He was introduced as the most successful
→ ____________________________________________________________
7. His book became the best seller. It was punished last year.
→ ____________________________________________________________
8. Neil Armstrong lived in the USA. He walked on the moon.
→ ____________________________________________________________
9. Nam is very intelligent. He learns in our class.

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Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông - Hotline: 0902196677

→ ____________________________________________________________
10.Ha Long has grown into a big city over the past few years. I visited the city last year.
→ ____________________________________________________________
9. Nam, who learns in our class, is very intelligent.
10. Ha Long, which I visited last week, has grown into a big over the past few years.
31 Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible
in meaning to the original sentences. Use the word given and other words as
1. The class watched a film yesterday. The film was about the Apollo 13 space mission.
 The film ________________________________________________________
2. We are meeting an astronomer tonight. This astronomer has discovered three Earth-like
 The astronomer __________________________________________________
3. We read about an astronaut. The astronaut travelled into space in 1961.
 We read about ___________________________________________________
4. Dennis Tito became the first space tourist in 2001. Anousheh Ansari travelled into
space as a tourist in 2006.
 When Anousheh Ansari ___________________________________________
5. This is the man. He works for NASA.
 The is the _______________________________________________________
6. I’m reading an article. The article is about NASA’s plans to return humans to the
 I’m reading _____________________________________________________

32.Rewriting the following sentences using a relative pronoun.

1. This is the astronaut. He visited our school last week.

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Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông - Hotline: 0902196677

=> _______________________________________________________________
2. This is the village. Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut, was born there.
=> _______________________________________________________________
3. Can you talk more about the parabolic flights. You took them for your training?
=> _______________________________________________________________

4. This is the museum. It has some of the best rock collections in the country.
=> _______________________________________________________________
5. We’ll explore inland Sweden and visit the summer house. Carin and Ola have built it
=> _______________________________________________________________
6. This is the year. The first human walked on the moon on that day.
=> _______________________________________________________________

33. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms.
You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
1. Pham Tuan/ Viet Nam’s/ astronaut, and Christer Fuglesang/ Sweden’s first astronaut.
=> _______________________________________________________________
2. He found/ Earth didn’t look/ big as he thought, no boundaries/ Earth could be seen
from/ we should cooperate/ take care of it.
=> _______________________________________________________________
3. It seemed/ he/ not enjoy it much/ since/ wasn’t fresh.
=> _______________________________________________________________
4. They talked/ him when he/ in space/ that made him happy.
=> _______________________________________________________________
5. They think/ the chance/ fly to space/ equal for everyone.

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Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông - Hotline: 0902196677

=> _______________________________________________________________
6. He/ think teamwork, social skills/ foreign languages/ important/ an astronaut.
=> _______________________________________________________________

34.Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the
first sentence.
1. The team plays on the left. The team has never won the championship.
=> The team________________________________________________________
2. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted an American flag on the moon. They spoke to
President Richard Nixon after that.
=> Before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin _______________________________
3. This article describes a ground-breaking space mission to land on a comet. The mission
is called Rosetta.
=> The ground-breaking space mission __________________________________
4. Last week they visited a museum. The first artificial satellite is on display there.
=> Last week they __________________________________________________
5. The Rosetta mission has a task. The task is comparable to a fly trying to land on a
speeding bullet.
=> The task ________________________________________________________

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Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông - Hotline: 0902196677

35.Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms.
You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
1. Nhat Nam/ crazy / space.
=> _______________________________________________________________
2. He/ learnt about the universe/ had collected/ of books about space.
=> _______________________________________________________________
3. To show that there/ more things/ the list but that it’s not necessary/ list everything.
=> _______________________________________________________________
4. He/ be not/ impressed/ because/ he thought the meteorite/ like an ordinary piece of
=> _______________________________________________________________
5. He/ compare it/ a ride/ a rollercoaster.
=> _______________________________________________________________

36.Rewrite the following sentences using relative clauses.

1. A friend of mine helped me to get a job. His father is the manager of a company.
→ _____________________________________________________________
2. Mike gave half of the £50,000 he won to his parents.
→ _____________________________________________________________
3. London was once the largest city in the world, but the population is now falling.
→ _____________________________________________________________
4. A number of suggestions were made at the meeting, but most of them were not very
→ _____________________________________________________________
5. It is a medieval palace. The king hid in its tower during the civil war.
→ _____________________________________________________________

Fanpage :
Trung tâm Luyện thi AMAX – Hà Đông - Hotline: 0902196677

6. I couldn’t remember the number of my own car. This made the police suspicious.
→ _____________________________________________________________
7. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it.
→ _____________________________________________________________
8. Dr Andy Todd is head of Downlands Hospital. He has criticized government plans to
cut health funding.
→ _____________________________________________________________
9. They are choosing the boys for the school’s football team. All of them are under 9.
→ _____________________________________________________________
10.I went to see my nephew Jimmy. I used to look after him when he was small.

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