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Napoleon as governor

- Napoleon became the leader of France after taking power in 1799.

- He was successful in winning wars and also made improvements in education, land reform,
equity, transportation

-created Code of Napoleon.

- Achievements helped him gain the support of the French people, who welcomed his claim
to become emperor

- French people approved of his rule because he did not destroy all the progress that had
been made during the Revolution.

- Napoleon believed in equality and fairness, and he abolished the feudal remnants of
society, such as the estate system.

12. Napoleon as emperor

- crowned himself as the Emperor of France.

- He did this in the presence of the Pope, but he took the crown from the Pope's hands,
meaning that he was not claiming divine right.

- believed that he was the fountain of power, not God.

14. Napoleon’s fell

- Napoleon's power declined after he was defeated in several wars against countries like
Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain, and Portugal.

- These countries formed six coalitions 聯盟 against him to invade France and take revenge.
- Napoleon was defeated and forced to abdicate as emperor

- Exiled to the island of Elba near Italy.

- The French people were saddened to see their national hero leave.

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