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VOD notes


P - Political reasons

Papal Bulls gave kings power and authority to go ahead with the sea voyages

Kings and queens has a strong inclination towards exploring the world by sea, instead of by
land, particularly those from countries located by the seaside

They need to seek the agreement of the Pope (who alone represented God on earth) first
would give the whole ‘project’ a lot of ‘moral’ grounds. Popes at different times gave their
approval to different voyages of course.

-approvals provide the foundation on which other sea voyages and discoveries took shape
and prospered.

eg. Prince Henry of Portugal,William II of Germany

E -Economic reasons

Mr Mrs Pig

M - Mercantilism
Mercantilism- A deep belief that trade and commerce could make a great country

Growth of mercantilism encouraged the VoD

Dias and Da Gama being asked why they were in Africa and they asked that because of
spices and Christians

R - Raw materials

Species - black gold

A strong motivating force behind the expansion of Europe

M - Market
Voyages could bring lucrative markets for trade
America, Africa and Asia were full of people - promising markets to earn profits.

R - Resources

- Get resources (eg.tea) to make profits

- helped Britain to become the first industrialised nation of the world
- using those new routes
- establishing overseas connections
S - Sale
- markets for selling goods (i.e. trading) for profits.
- Same as resources

P- Countries
- building their own seaborne empires
- eg. Portugal, Spain, Holland, France and England

Without the strong push of these countries, voyages could not have developed in the way
they were

I - Italy for trade

- Italy as a long standing trading centre
- worked to facilitate
- support the ongoing voyages of discovery

G - Germany
- rise of Germany after her unification
- swept away all the former trade barriers
- become an excellent trading partners

R - Religious reasons
World of Christianity - Portugal and Spain

- Seeing Muslims - blocking land routes to China in the East -> set sail to the sea
- Find other Christian’s to handle with Muslims (choose Prester John lived in Africa)
- Puritans wanted to leave their countries - discover the new world, religious freedom

F - Financial reasons
- same as (economic reason for raw materials)
- Gold and spices

E - Earth (flat or round)

- Earth could not be flat
- argued that if they could see the mast of a ship first in the distance, before being able
to see the whole ship
- Columbus and Magellan settle this sort of ‘flat-earth’ argument
- Magellan’s crew could do a ‘round trip’ of the earth

C - Cultural reasons
- VoD was a strong wish to explore others’ culture became a habit
- Renaissance worked to revive the ancient Greco-Roman civilisations

What to do with the renaissance ?

- Rise of humanism (Man’s idea)
- Build up confidence
- Prove Earth couldn’t be flat
- Keep voyages alive (when material returns)
- Thought develope unit culture

T - Technological reasons

S - Ship’s quality - getting better and better

C - compass was invented, telling seafarers where to go.
A - Astrolabe came to be used
M - Maps coming did help

Slave trades

John Locke - Enlightment thinker

- Argue people have natural rights to liberty, property and life
- Behind run a lucrative slave company with his many other associates.
- People use this ideas to overthrow Louis XVI

Slave trade
- European sold black slaves to both Europe and America
- Known as ‘triangular slave trade’
- separate with their families
- escape boats by rather drowning themselves together in seas
- escape at once after arrival in their master’s place
- escape to work as slaves in the masters places.
- Some being shouted because of escaping

Americans legalized ()the equipment of guns by common people in the American Constitution
- fight against such ‘violence’ from Indians
- Actually themselves were actually the original author of such violence in the first

Setting up colonies
- Portugal and Spain - best examples
- Through Pass of Papal Bulls and own passion
- building their respective seaborne empires

- Europeans fighted and competed worldwide for colonies
- gave fame and prestige, resources and markets for trade
Berlin Conference
- met and discussed their quarrels (because of trade)
- strife over colonizing and cutting up Africa

Rise of national power

- Technology, managerial skills and military power
- bring colonies under their tight control and to manage them

Unequal treaties

- victorious and the defeated
- not an equal of knowing what’s being signed and why having to sign it
- Eg. Treaty of baking after opium war
- Britain took advantage of Qing’s ignorance of international law and made China sign
something she might not

Spheres of influence
- strengthened
- The presence and control of Shanghai to britains are more firm

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