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SECTION A: Please choose only one of the alternative provided (except otherwise stated)
by ticking [] in the appropriate bracket against each response category.

1. Do you listen to FM radio station?

I. Yes [ ] (Proceed to Q2)
II. No [ ] (End questionnaire, Thank you)

2. Averagely, how many days in a week do you listens to radio stations in Lagos?
1 Everyday [ ]
2. One -two days [ ]
3.Three-Five Days [ ]
4. Can’t say [ ]

3. Averagely, how much time over a period of a day do you spend listening to radio ?
1. Less than an hour [ ]
2. An hour –two hours [ ]
3. Three - and Four hours [ ]
4. Five hours and above
5. Can’t say [ ]

4. Which time of the day do you listened to radio most?

1. Morning Drive (5am- 10:am)
2. Daytime (10-12pm)
3. Afternoon Drive(12-4pm)
4. Evening Belt (5-10pm)
5. All night (Whispers-11pm- 5:00am)

5. Through which of the following platforms do you access FM radio stations?

1. At home [ ]
2. Radio in your car [ ]
3. Radio on your phone [ ]
4. Online Radio [ ]

6. Can you please tell me which three radio stations you currently listen to?

7. Can you please tell me which two radio stations you used to listen to in the past, but
no longer do?

8. Can you please tell me at least which one or two radio stations you would never listen

9. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 for the Most Preferred and 5 for the Least preferred, rate
five radio stations you preferred most amongst FM stations in Lagos.
1……………………………………………………..(Most Preferred)
2…………………………………………………….(More Preferred)
4……………………………………………………(Less Preferred)
5……………………………... …………………….(Least Preferred)
10. Can you identify five radio programmes you listen to on FM radio station (please
also state the stations)
Please read carefully the following statements on FM stations in Lagos , in Q11-14, and
indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with each of these statements Where SA=
Strongly Agree; A= Agree; NAND =Neutral/Indifferent; D=Disagree & SD= Strongly
Disagree, by ticking appropriate column that correspond with your view.

Degree of Agreement –Disagreement. SA A NAND D SD

11.I think the programmes on radio are interactive,

informative, entertaining and educative
12.The Programme presenters on radio are somewhat not
natural, original and real.
13. In my view, programmes presentation on FM station
on radio are professional and ethical.

14. In my opinion there are no substance in programmes

presented FM stations in Lagos.

Please read carefully the following statements, in Q15-18, and indicate your degree of
agreement or disagreement with each of these statements on commercial placements during
FM Radio stations programming Where SA= Strongly Agree; A= Agree; NAND
=Neutral/Indifferent; D=Disagree & SD= Strongly Disagree, by ticking appropriate column
that correspond with your view.

Degree of Agreement –Disagreement. SA A NAND D SD

15.Commercial messages disturb my enjoyment of radio

programme,distrupting my listening experience

16.Commercial messages are useful source of informing

me about product and services

17.There are too many commercial and sponsorship

messages on radio these days.

18. I think the amount of commercial and sponsorship

messages on radio is okay
19. What best describe your reaction to commercial or sponsored interruptions to you radio
listening experience.
1. Tune off the radio
2. Switch to another dial
3. Listens and enjoy the ad message
4. Don’t really know.

20. Over a period of week, can you now please tell me how many hours you listen to
1. less than 5 hours per week
2. between 5-14 hours per week
3. over 14 hours per week
4. I don’t Know

21. What is your sex?
1. Male [ ]
2.Female [ ]
22. Please indicate highest qualification you have attained to date? __________________

23. Which age group do you belong to?

1. Under 20 years [ ].
2.21-30 years [ ]
3.31 -40 years [ ]
4.41-50years [ ]
5.51years & above [ ]

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