Ways To Heal - Mind & Body

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Ways to Heal - Mind & Body

by Olivia Rose Thomas

Techniques to heal the MIND


○ Meditating
○ Gratitude journals
○ Shadow work
○ Mirror work
○ Affirmations
○ Self-hypnosis
○ Sleep tracks
○ Happy moments note
○ Visualization

Techniques to heal the BODY


○ Shaking your body

○ Breathwork
○ Legs up against the wall
○ Cold exposure
○ EFT Tapping
○ Grounding/touching the Earth
○ Screaming
○ Hot Girl Walk
○ Humming

I truly believe that healing can be SIMPLE. Everyone deserves to live as their happiest
and healthiest version of themselves. Often it takes a combination of mindset work
(MIND) as well as regulating your nervous system (BODY).

These are some of my favorite ways that I have used to help and uplevel my mind
and body.

About Me:
Hello! I'm Olivia Rose Thomas. I’m really passionate about
helping people change their subconscious beliefs, heal
their inner child, and realize that they are worthy of living
their dream lives because THAT’S WHAT I DID.

I honestly used to be down bad and now am genuinely so

grateful to be alive.

I have worked on raising my vibration and my self-

concept for the last three years and have tried every one
of the techniques in this doc at least once and can tell you that they ALL WORK….
Just pick a few that resonate with YOU and be consistent! Consistency is keyyyyy.
Don’t worry if it takes some time, it’s working 😊

If you are interested in working with me one-on-one please send me an email at DM

me on Instagram here or send me an email at orthomas24@gmail.com.




Meditating is the process of quieting your mind and focusing on your breath.
Whenever a thought comes up, try to notice it and then go back to focusing
on your breath.

Meditating consistently really helped me be able to notice when a negative

thought comes into my mind so then I can change or redirect the negative
thought to a more positive thought.

When you are meditating - you don't need to have your mind be silent the
whole time. That's not the point. The point is to NOTICE when you are having
a thought, and then release it and go back to focusing on your breath.

Try meditating in the morning before you start your day or before getting on
social media! If you miss doing it in the morning, don’t worry you can do it
anytime throughout the day and it is still great.

There are guided meditations on YouTube or on apps like Calm or Open, but
personally, I just meditate by sitting in quietness and focusing on my breath.

HOW TO START: You can start by doing it for a shorter amount of time and
work your way up. I started with 3 minutes, and then after a few days/weeks I
moved to 5 minutes and then moved to 10 or 15 minutes, ect.

Gratitude Journals

What we focus on expands, so when you focus on the good things in your
life, you end up attracting MORE good things into your life. You are also
training your subconscious mind to focus on the good things in your life.

I started doing daily gratitude journals and I SWEAR my life started getting
better and better. I had more and more to be grateful for coming to me.

Doing gratitude journals is super simple and easy! All you need to do is get
your journal, (or any piece of paper really) and write down at least 3 things
you are grateful for that day.

You can absolutely write the same thing more than one day. If you are
grateful for your smile, you can write that down every day if you want :) if you
are grateful for the weather that day, you can repeat that every day you are
loving the weather.

It's a no-pressure process, just write down what comes to mind!

Shadow Work

The most common way to do shadow work is by journaling. Choose one

prompt at a time (options in the link below) and answer the prompt. Try to be
really honest with yourself, writing down whatever comes up.

Doing shadow work can help you to identify and release the ‘hidden’ parts of
yourself that you may have tried to repress or avoid.

Link to view a list of my favorite shadow work prompts HERE.

FYI: Shadow work can sometimes be very uncomfortable. I typically end up

crying if I am really intentional and do a prompt but afterward, I feel better
than I ever have.

Mirror Work

Mirror work involves looking into a mirror and repeating your positive affirmations to
yourself. The goal is to shift negative or limiting subconscious beliefs and replace
them with more positive and empowering thoughts.

Saying your affirmations when you are looking at yourself in the mirror helps get
them accepted by your subconscious mind! It helps you to get connected with your
inner child who might have felt neglected.

Select affirmations that target the specific subconscious beliefs you want to change.
These affirmations should be positive, present-tense statements that reflect the new
beliefs you want to instill. For example, if you're working on self-confidence, your
affirmation could be "I am confident and capable in all areas of my life."


Doing daily affirmations is an AMAZING way to change your subconscious

beliefs as long as you are consistent with them.

You don’t have to (and usually won’t) believe your affirmations at first. That's
okay. In my experience, when I am consistently using affirmations, eventually
I actually DO start to believe them. You have to be consistent for affirmations
to really work, don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel movement right away.
Repetition is KEYYY.

NOTE: using ‘ASKffirmations’ is also really useful. The best way to bypass your
conscious mind and go to your subconscious is to ask questions, so you can
turn your affirmations into questions. Why am I so amazing? Why does
everything work out for me? Why do I have my dream body and healthy gut?
Why do I have so much money?

Common ways to use affirmations:

● You can write them down

● You can say them out loud to yourself
● You can look at them. You could put an affirmation as your lock screen
for example!

You can make your own, find tons on Pinterest or use some of mine:

● Self Concept Affirmations

● Money Affirmations


Self-hypnosis and guided meditations are very similar. Both get you into a
theta brain wave state which lets you influence your subconscious mind.

I put this under healing AND changing because there are different goals with
each hypnosis. Some are for healing your inner child and some are for
manifesting abundance or a relationship, ect.

Self-hypnosis and guided meditations are very similar. Both get you into a
theta brain wave state which lets you change your subconscious mind.
HIGHLY RECOMMEND doing this technique, it has worked wonders for me.

I put this under healing AND changing because there are different goals with
each hypnosis. Some are for healing your inner child and some are for
manifesting abundance or a relationship, ect.

Pick a self-hypnosis track or guided meditation, relax, and listen to it with

headphones in a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted.

Self-Hypnosis for healing:

● Iris Dailey, Certified Hypnotherapist: Repair self-worth $22

Self-Hypnosis for changing/manifesting:

● Money Is Beautiful | Manifesting Wealth And Abundance Hypnosis

● Self Hypnosis for Mind Programming Success (Confidence / Motivation /

Sleep Tracks

Listening to sleep tracks at night is a great way you can get affirmations and
information straight to your subconscious mind! Your subconscious mind is
always listening (even when you are asleep).

A sleep track is typically someone saying affirmations on a long video so you

can listen to it while you are sleeping.

I highly recommend sleep tracks if you can listen as you fall asleep, these
have definitely helped me a lot!

Choose a sleep track/video that is focused on what you want to work on or

manifest (manifesting money, success, love, ect) and play it overnight while
you sleep.

I love and use Dylan James’s sleep tracks. His playlist is available HERE.

How to make your own sleep track: For iPhone users, you can use the Parot
app to record yourself saying 15-20 affirmations and it will automatically put it
on a loop. Hearing affirmations in your own voice helps it to sink in even
more. Highly recommend!

Happy Moments Note 🤎

Anytime I have a little win or something amazing happens to me I write it

down in my “Happy Moments 🤎” note in my phone.

Our brain remembers the bad things that happen to us a lot more than the
good things. That's why writing down your little “wins” when they happen so
you can look back at them is really helpful! It trains your brain to remember
your good moments and focus on those more than the ‘bad’ or embarrassing


Visualizing your future is one of the BEST ways to manifest and change your

Guided visualizations are similar to guided meditations or self-hypnosis. Both

get you into a theta brain wave state which lets you change your
subconscious mind.

When we imagine something, our brain doesn’t know if it’s real or fake. When
we do a guided visualization that shows us the picture of what we want, we
are showing our brain that this version of reality is possible, when we see it,
we are able to feel it and communicate with the quantum field.

Pick a guided visualization or pick calming music with minimal or no lyrics,

relax, and listen to it with headphones in a quiet place where you won’t be
interrupted. You can sit down or lay down.

Try to really let yourself FEEL the emotions you would have if you were really

Free option: The Most Powerful Guided Meditation to Manifest What You Want in

Paid option: Iris Dailey, Certified Hypnotherapist: Reality shift to your full
potential $22


Shaking your body

Shaking your body for 30-60 seconds is a really quick and easy way to regulate your
nervous system. Shaking activates your parasympathetic nervous system which is
responsible for the body’s “rest and digest” response system. Your “I feel safe” part of
your nervous system.


An easy breathwork technique to regulate your nervous system is breathing

in for 3 and out for 6.

Breathwork is an amazing way to regulate your nervous system and release

pent-up trauma and emotions. Breathwork has been practiced around the
world for thousands of years. You can do breathwork on your own or try a
breathwork class online or in your area.

Watch an explanation about breathwork HERE.

Legs up against the wall

This is exactly what it sounds like! You just sit against a wall and put your legs up 😊

Sitting with your legs raised lets more blood flow to the upper body and head while
letting the lower body relax. This also activates your parasympathetic nervous
system (the good one). When you elevate your legs above your heart it can also
trigger the relaxation reflex, the body’s response to promote relaxation and reduce

Cold exposure

Exposure to cold temperatures for a short period of time helps regulate your
nervous system too! Try putting your face or hands in cold water with a few
ice cubes in it for 20-30 seconds. Taking a cold shower for a few minutes is
also a great way to get cold exposure!

EFT Tapping

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping, also known as "tapping," is a form of

self-acupressure that involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while
focusing on a specific negative emotion or memory. The process is thought to help
release emotions and physical sensations associated with the issue at hand, kind of
like an energy reset. Studies show that EFT tapping can lower stress levels
significantly. I’ve really loved this technique when I do it!

Try an EFT tapping video about feeling worthy HERE.

Watch a video about tapping by Brad Yates on YouTube to learn more HERE.

Listen to a podcast episode about tapping HERE.

Grounding/touching the Earth

Grounding or touching the Earth is an amazing way to regulate your nervous system
and reset your energy. The Earth’s surface is rich in free negative electrons which can
help neutralize excess positively charged free radicals which are associated with
inflammation. Grounding has also been known to help regulate cortisol levels and
lower stress levels.


Screaming can help release stress and put our body into a parasympathetic state -
allowing yourself to return to relaxation. Try screaming into your pillow or even in
your car!

Hot Girl Walk

Not any old walk - a HOT GIRL walk. This is when you’re actively thinking to yourself
your affirmations and hyping yourself up on your walk. For me, when I walk on a
treadmill I put my phone on the machine, and look at my affirmations written down
in my notes app 😊


Humming stimulates the vagus nerve which is a major component of the
parasympathetic nervous system. Activation of the vagus nerve through
humming and creating the vibration effect can promote a state of relaxation
by reducing heart rate and inducing a calming effect on the body.

More info coming soon! 🫶🏽

I really hope this document helped you in some

way! Be sure to share it, bookmark it, and refer
back to it when needed 🥹

With love,

Book a call with me HERE.

If you are interested in working with me one-on-one please send me an email at

orthomas24@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram here.


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