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Topic: Plant

Root system - Hệ thống rễ Drought-resistant - Chịu hạn Arboriculture - Nghề trồng cây
Perennial plants - Cây lâu năm >< Soil fertility - Độ phì nhiêu của Horticulture - Nghề làm vườn
Seedling - Cây con đất Clorophyll - Chất diệp lục
Herbal remedies - Thảo dược Harvest season - Mùa thu hoạch Photosynthesis - Quang hợp
học Edible plants - Cây ăn được Germination - Sự nảy mầm
Plant nursery - Vườn ươm cây Medicinal plants - Cây thuốc Hydroponics - Thủy canh
Plant propagation - Sự nhân Evergreen - Cây thường xanh Leafy greens – Rau sống
giống cây Deciduous - Cây rụng lá Plant conservation - Bảo tồn
Pruning - Sự tỉa cành Pollination - Thụ phấn thực vật
Fertilizer - Phân bón Flora- Hệ thực vật Herbaceous - Thảo mộc
Compost - Phân hữu cơ Botany - Thực vật học -> Cultivation-sự trồng trọt
Pest control - Kiểm soát sâu Botanical garden - Vườn bách Green thumb - Bàn tay xanh
bệnh thảo (người giỏi trồng cây)

1. Do you like flowers? - Bừng sáng không
Yes, I do. Flowers are beautiful and they………………… any space with their colors gian
and…………………I especially enjoy how they change with the seasons, bringing different - Hương thơm
vibes throughout the year.
2. Do you like to receive flowers as a gift? - Nét sang trọng
Yes, I love receiving flowers as a gift. They make me feel appreciated and they add a - Thiên nhiên
………………… to my home. Plus, it’s always nice to receive something that can bring a bit
of …………………indoors.
3. Have you planted any flowers? - Chữa lành
Yes, I have planted several types of flowers in my garden. My favorites include roses and
tulips because of their striking beauty and relative ease of care. For me, it is a
………………… leisure activity that allows me to connect with nature.
4. What kinds of flowers do you know? - Nét quyến rũ và ý
I am familiar with a wide variety of flowers such as roses, tulips, lilies, daisies, and nghĩa riêng
orchids. Each flower has its unique …………………. For instance, roses are often - Biểu tượng
…………………love and passion, while lilies are associated with purity and renewal.
5. Are there any flowers that have special meanings in Vietnam? - Tinh khiết, kiên
Yes, in Vietnam, the lotus flower is very special and holds significant cultural meaning. It cường và giác ngộ
symbolizes…………………, resilience, and enlightenment. The peach blossom is also - Sự thịnh vượng và
important, especially during the Lunar New Year, as it represents …………………. phát triển

1. Do you like having plants in your house? - Chậu cây
Yes, I do like having plants in my house. I have a few …………………in my living room and - Nâng cao thẩm mỹ
kitchen. They not only enhance the …………………of my home but also improve air quality
and create a serene environment.
2. What was your favorite plant when you were a kid? Cánh hoa màu vàng và
As a child, my favorite plant was the sunflower. I was fascinated by their colorful thân cây khỏe mạnh
appearance and cheerful blossoms that always seemed to follow the sun. Their bright
yellow …………………and strong …………………symbolized positivity and resilience to me.
3. Have you ever received a plant as a gift? Đáng yêu và chu đáo
Yes, I have received a plant as a gift. Last year, a friend gave me a beautiful orchid for
my birthday. It was a lovely and …………………present that I still enjoy taking care of.
4. Do you think plants is a good gift for you or not? Phát triển mạnh hoặc
For some people, plants can be a good choice of gift as it brings along freshment and lâu dài
add a natural touch to home decorations. However, it is quite an opposite to me. My
busy schedule makes it hard to care for properly. I also lack gardening experience, so
they might not ………………… or ………………….
5. Do Vietnamese people send plants as a gift? - Tân gia
Yes, Vietnamese people often send plants as gifts. It’s common to give plants during - Tốt lành
special occasions like …………………and New Year celebrations. Plants symbolize growth,
prosperity, and good luck, making them a speacial and …………………gift.

Describe an important plant in your country. You should say:
What it is
History (short-optional mentioned) Where and how it is grown/ Where it is found
What it looks like
Why you like or dislike it
And explain why it is important.
(rice/ bamboo/lotus/ cacao tree/peach blossom…)

Important Plants in Vietnam and Their Significance

1. Rice
 History and Where It Is Found
o History: Cultivated for over 5,000 years, rice is deeply ingrained in Vietnamese culture and daily life.
o Where It Is Grown: Primarily in the fertile Mekong and Red River deltas.
 What It Looks Like
Tall, slender stalks with narrow green leaves, and clusters of grains at the top that turn golden
brown when ripe.
 Why It Is Important
o Staple Food: Central to Vietnamese diets, consumed in nearly every meal.
o Economic Backbone: Major export product, vital for the economy, employing millions of farmers
and laborers.
 Ket hop story-telling: “Hat gao lang ta”, “Ở đây một hạt cơm rơi. Ngoài kia bao hạt mồ hôi thấm đồng”
o Cultural Heritage: Integral to festivals and traditions, such as Tet Nguyen Dan (Lunar New Year),
which includes traditional rice-based dishes like Banh Chung.
2. Bamboo
 History and Where It Is Found
o History: Used for centuries in daily life and traditional culture, integral to Vietnamese architecture
and crafts.
o Where It Is Grown: Found throughout Vietnam, especially in rural and mountainous areas.
 What It Looks Like
Tall, jointed stems (culms), hollow and segmented, with narrow, lance-shaped leaves.
 Why It Is Important
o Versatility: Used in construction (scaffolding, houses), crafting (baskets, mats), and as material for
traditional musical instruments.
o Cultural Symbol: Represents resilience, flexibility, and strength in Vietnamese culture. (May
mention fairy tales: Thanh giong, Cay tre tram dot: ket hop story-telling: when I was a child...)
o Environmental Benefits: Prevents soil erosion and improves land stability, bamboo also absorbs
more carbon dioxide and releases more oxygen than many other plants.
3. Lotus
 History and Where It Is Found
o History: The lotus has been cultivated for thousands of years and holds significant cultural and
spiritual importance, especially in Asian cultures.
o Where It Is Grown: Commonly found in shallow ponds, lakes, and slow-moving rivers,
predominantly in Asia
 What It Looks Like
o Flowers: Large, vibrant blooms in white, pink, or yellow, with multiple layers of petals arranged
symmetrically around a central seed pod.
o Leaves: Broad, circular leaves that float on the water's surface or stand above it on long stems,
often glossy and green.
 Why It Is Important
o Cultural Significance: Symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and rebirth in many cultures, especially in
Buddhism and Hinduism.
o Environmental Impact: Provides habitat and food for aquatic life, helps maintain water quality by
absorbing nutrients and pollutants.
o Economic Value: Used in traditional medicine, cuisine, and ornamental gardening. Lotus seeds and
roots are edible and considered delicacies in many cultures.
4. Cacao Tree
 History and Where It Is Found
o History: Introduced to Vietnam in the late 19th century, cacao cultivation has expanded
significantly in recent decades.
o Where It Is Grown: Primarily in the Central Highlands and southern regions of Vietnam.
 What It Looks Like
Medium-sized tree with large, glossy leaves, and pods containing cacao beans that range in color
from green to yellow to red as they mature.
 Why It Is Important
o Economic Impact: Growing source of income for farmers, contributing to rural development and
poverty reduction.
o Gastronomic Value: Vietnam is gaining recognition for its high-quality chocolate, with local
producers creating unique chocolate products that are gaining international acclaim.
o Sustainable Agriculture: Promotes agroforestry practices, enhancing biodiversity and
environmental sustainability.
5. Peach Blossom
 History and Where It Is Found
o History: Associated with Tet, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, peach blossoms have long been a
symbol of renewal and prosperity.
o Where It Is Grown: Predominantly in northern Vietnam, especially in regions like Hanoi and the
surrounding provinces.
 What It Looks Like
o Flowers: Small tree with delicate pink flowers that bloom in clusters before leaves appear.
 Why It Is Important
o Cultural Significance: Central to Tet celebrations, symbolizing renewal, prosperity, and the arrival of
spring. Peach blossoms are used to decorate homes and altars, believed to bring good luck and
ward off evil spirits.
o Aesthetic Value: Enhances the festive atmosphere during Tet, representing beauty and new
o Economic Role: The cultivation and sale of peach blossoms provide income for many farmers and
gardeners, especially around the Tet season.
The plant that I can't help telling you about is the Moringa tree or just Moringa. I think this plant rightly deserves
attention as it's commonly called the 'Tree of Life' and the 'Miracle tree'. I've also heard people say 'Tiny leaves-
Enormous benefits. I guess it kind of explains how important it is.

I'm sure you've seen this plant, at least in pictures. It's a deciduous tree which has tiny leaves. It grows very quickly,
even in poor soil. As far as I know, it can grow over 6 metres during the first year. Moringa flowers first bloom
when the tree is just 8 months old. These beautiful flowers are creamy white in color, with yellow stamens. Later
they are replaced by long, slender, triangular seed-pods. One more interesting thing about it is that the taste of its
roots resembles that of horseradish.

It's probably the only tree in the world which can boast of being so useful. I mean every part of the tree has
numerous beneficial properties. By far the most important thing is that Moringa leaves contain almost everything
the human body needs, which makes a potent weapon against malnutrition. This is because its leaves are loaded
wit' vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and antioxidants What's more, they flush out toxins out of the body.
Moringa is widely used in herbal medicine because it has anti-diabetic, anti inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering,
and cardio protective properties, to name but a few. It stimulates the immune system, therefore it is prescribed for
AIDS patients. Also, moringa juice is great for weight loss as it boosts metabolism and burns calories. Its fresh
leaves can be used in meals. For example, you can toss them like a salad. You can blend them into smoothies or
steam them like spinach. Beside that, moringa is used to produce moringa seed oil, which is an important
ingredient in cosmetics. Moringa seeds are more effective for water purification than many of the conventional
synthetic materials used nowadays. They can be used for hand washing too. Not only is it so useful, but it also
tolerates a wide range of soil conditions. Moringa needs much sunlight, warmth, and only some water, therefore it
grows well in dry regions as it doesn't require much watering. If I lived in the village, I would definitely grow it in
the backyard for health purposes.

1. What plants are important to the economy in your country?
2. Is gardening popular in your country?/ Is it common for people to have gardens in your country?
3. Why do people grow plants?
4. How can people be encouraged to grow their own food?
5. How do schools teach students to grow plants?

Note of the day:

The process: Do you like flowers?

Yes, I do. I think they are Of course. As a girl, I’m so Yes, I do love flowers. Flowers are beautiful
beautiful and smell good. I into/really keen on flowers. Not as they brighten up any space with their
usually buy them as a gift to only are they beautiful, but also colors and fragrances. I especially enjoy
my beloved people. nice/pleasant to smell. For me, how they change with the seasons, bringing
flowers symbolize love and different vibes throughout the year.
elegance, making them perfect Moreover, flowers generally symbolize
gifts. love, passion, and elegance, making them
perfect gifts to people’s beloved ones.
1. What plants are important to the economy in your country?

In Vietnam, rice is one of the most important plants for the economy. It is a staple food and a major export
product, contributing significantly to the country's GDP. Additionally, coffee, especially from the Central Highlands,
is a key agricultural export. Rubber and cashew nuts are also crucial to the economy, providing employment for
millions of farmers. These crops play a vital role in the livelihood of rural communities and in sustaining the
country's economic growth.

 Thực phẩm chính

 Sản phẩm xuất khẩu chính
 Đóng góp đáng kể vào GDP của đất nước
 Xuất khẩu nông sản chủ lực
 Cung cấp việc làm
 Duy trì tăng trưởng kinh tế

2. Is gardening popular in your country?/ Is it common for people to have gardens in your country?

Gardening is quite popular in Vietnam, especially in rural areas where many families have their own vegetable
plots. In urban areas, people often grow plants in pots on balconies or in small gardens if they have space.
Gardening is seen as a way to provide fresh and healthy food, enhance cost efficiency, and connect with nature.
Community gardens and rooftop gardens are also becoming more common in cities. This trend reflects an
increasing interest in sustainable living and self-sufficiency.

 Vườn rau
 Cung cấp thực phẩm tươi và lành mạnh
 Sống bền vững
 Tự cung tự cấp

3. Why do people grow plants?

People grow plants for a variety of reasons. Primarily, they want access to fresh and organic produce that is free
from harmful pesticides. Growing plants can also be a therapeutic activity seen as reducing stress and improving
mental health. Additionally, it promotes environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated
with transporting food. Many people also see it as a way to save money on groceries and ensure food security for
their families.

 Sản phẩm tươi và hữu cơ

 Không có thuốc trừ sâu có hại
 Bền vững môi trường
 Bảo đảm đồ ăn
4. How can people be encouraged to grow their own food?

People can be encouraged to grow their own food through education and community support. Workshops and
seminars on urban gardening can provide the necessary skills and knowledge. Government incentives, such as
subsidies for seeds and gardening equipment, can also motivate people. Community gardens can foster a sense of
community and shared responsibility. Lastly, success stories and media campaigns highlighting the benefits of
home gardening can inspire more people to start their own gardens.

 Giáo dục và hỗ trợ cộng đồng

 Ưu đãi của chính phủ
 Trợ cấp cho hạt giống và thiết bị làm vườn
 Khuyến khích tinh thần cộng đồng
 Chiến dịch truyền thông

5. How do schools teach students to grow plants?

Answer: Schools can teach students to grow plants by incorporating gardening into the curriculum. Practical
lessons in biology or environmental science classes can involve planting and maintaining a school garden.
Extracurricular activities like gardening clubs can also engage students. Field trips to farms and botanical gardens
can provide hands-on learning experiences. Additionally, schools can partner with local agricultural organizations to
bring experts into the classroom for workshops and demonstrations.

 Đưa làm vườn vào chương trình giảng dạy

 Các bài tập thực hành >< theory-based lessons
 Kinh nghiệm học tập thực tế

Note of the day: Prepare yourself with several multi-syllable words and practice in advance

Ambiguous - Mơ hồ, không rõ ràng -> (N) Resilient - Kiên cường, mạnh mẽ

Extravagant - Phung phí, hoang phí Eccentricity - Sự lập dị, sự kỳ quặc

Globalization - Toàn cầu hóa Misunderstanding - Sự hiểu lầm

Contribution - Sự đóng góp Determination - Quyết tâm, kiên định

Productivity - Năng suất Incomprehensibility - Sự không thể hiểu, không thể lý

Technological - Công nghệ

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