Assignment 4 Komal Sahote 171303537

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Department of Ophthalmology

Answering Template: Assignment 4

Name: Komalroop Kaur Sahote

Batch/Group: Batch 42 / Group E1

Roll No: 171303537

S Answer

1 A. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
B. Examination of retina up to ora serrata

2 A. Distant direct ophthalmoscopy to see presence of red glow over the black spot. If red
glow is present it is a hole, if black spots remains black it is a mole.
3 A. Hirschberg test
B. Esotropia of left eye
C. Cover test, uncover test
4 A. Irregularly shaped pupil, circumcorneal congestion, segmental posterior synechia
B. Festooned pupil (Anteriror Uveitis)
5 A. Rosette shaped cataract
B. History of trauma to eye
6 A. Keratoplasty
B. To improve vision, to replace inflamed cornea not responding to therapeutic therapy, to improve
appearance of eye
7 A. Unilateral proptosis of left eye, Thyroid associated Ophthalmopathy or Graves’s eye disease)
B. Lid lag (von Graefe’s sign), inability to converge or convergence weakness (Mobius sign),
incomplete and infrequent blinking (Stellwag’s sign)
8 A. Panretinal photocoagulation
B. Severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, proliferative diabetic retinopathy
9 A. Fluorescein dye staining under cobalt blue light
B. Dendritic ulcer (Viral)
C. Acyclovir

10 A. Presence of anterior chamber intraocular lens

B. Lack of posterior or anterior capsular support, weak zonules
11 A. Oculomotor nerve of left side, abducens nerve of right side
12 A. Trabeculectomy with peripheral iridectomy
B. Primary angle closure glaucoma with peripheral anterior synechial involving more than 270d
egree angle or where peripheral iridectomy and medical treatment fails, Primary open angle
glaucoma not controlled with medical treatment, Congenital and developmental glaucomas
where trabeculotomy and goniotomy fail
13 A. Visual impairment due to astigmatism, cosmetic disfigurement, continued progression
threatening to encroach pupillary area
14 A. Sudden appearance of dark cloud or veil In front of eye, localised relative loss in field of
vision, sudden painless loss of vision
15 A. Perivascular retinal pigmentary changes, jet black spots, arteriolar attenuation
B. Perimetry, electroretinogram, electro-oculogram

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