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Name : Angelina Winata

Student Id : 1202620001
Subject : Writing in Academic Purposes

1. Speaking
➔ One of the main ways people communicate is by speaking, which enables
them to share information, ideas, and thoughts with others.
➔ Speaking gives people a way to communicate their ideas and emotions.
Speaking enables people to communicate their inner selves to others, whether
by sharing personal experiences, voicing ideas, or articulating wants.
➔ Speaking is essential to establishing and preserving connections. People
interact form bonds with one another, and build rapport and trust through
discussion. In social, professional, and personal contexts alike, effective
communication skills foster stronger interpersonal relationships.
➔ It is possible to sway and convince people to accept particular ideas, opinions,
or actions by using persuasive speech. Effective speaking abilities can
influence opinions and spur action when making a pitch, closing a sale, or
giving a convincing speech.
➔ A vital component of learning is speaking. To show that they grasp academic
material, students must interact with teachers and peers, take part in class
discussions, and give presentations. Proficiency in speaking has the potential
to improve academic achievement and performance.
➔ Speaking is critical for advocacy, professional success, personal growth,
effective communication, self-expression, and connection-building. Gaining
confidence in one's ability to communicate can help one thrive in many facets
of life, influence change, and connect with others.

2. Reading
➔ Language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, is enhanced by
reading in English. Reading and speaking written English can improve
comprehension and make people more fluent speakers and readers.
➔ Reading proficiency is frequently dependent on proficiency in English,
particularly in settings where the language of teaching is English. To
comprehend textbooks, research papers, and other academic materials,
students must possess high reading comprehension skills.
➔ A large portion of the world's knowledge is accessible online in English in the
current digital era. Skilled English speakers are able to interact with online
groups, stay informed, and gain new skills via navigating websites, blogs,
social media, and digital platforms.
➔ English-language reading may be enjoyable and entertaining. English
literature covers a broad spectrum of genres and forms to accommodate a
variety of interests and preferences, whether it be through novels, poetry,
journals, or internet articles.

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