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Grade 8

Task 1

1. When you get to your _______ , you have to show your ticket to leave the
A destination B harbour C souvenir D passport
2. Brazil _______ coffee all over the world.
A invests B demands C exports D affords
3. How do you ______ ‘csar’?
A interrupt B swear C guess D pronounce
4. Dogs make very ______ pets. They’ll always stay by your side.
A mental B private C loyal D digital
5. Let’s go for a swim as soon as we ______ the hotel!
A arrive B get C reach D meet

Task 2
1. ‘What ______ when you saw the man?’ the police officer asked.
A have you done B were you doing C are you doing D do you do
2. Thomas Edison, _______ was American, invented many things, including the
light bulb.
A which B who C that D what
3. I hope we’re staying ______ a good hotel this time!
A at B to C with D on
4. I know London quite well because I _____ there.
A used live B used to living C was used to live D used to live
5. My bike ______ ! Call the police!
A was being stolen B has been stolen C stole D was stealing

Task 3
How potatoes became popular in Greece

Count John Kapodistrias was elected as the first head of state of independent
Greece after a long 1 ___ in European politics and diplomacy. He is considered the
founder of the 2 ___ Greek State, and the founder of Greek independence.
Amonig other things, in an effort to raise the living 3 ___ of the population he
introduced the cultivation of the potato into Greece.

4 ___ legend, Kapodistrias ordered that potatoes should be 5 ___ to anyone who
was interested. However the population was unwilling at first to accept the offer.
The legend continues, that he than ordered that the whole shipment of potatoes
was unloaded on public display on the docks of Nafplion, and placed it under
guard to make the people 6 ___ that they were valuable. Soon, people would 7
___ to look at the guarded potatoes and some started to steal them. The guards
had been ordered in advance to turn a blind 8 ___ to such behaviour, and soon
the potatoes had all been ‘stolen’ and Kapodistrias’ plan to 9 ___ them to Greece
had succeeded. And now some of the most famous Greek dishes, like moussaka,
use potatoes as a basic 10 ___ .

1. A course B career C race D progress

2. A modern B latest C current D recent
3. A codes B rules C laws D standards
4. A As reported B According to C As stated D Just as
5. A applied B devoted C handed out D assigned
6. A accept B believe C trust D admit
7. A gather B collect C select D grow
8. A sight B eye C curtain D look
9. A announce B begin C enter D introduce
10. A additive B ingredient C element D part

Task 4
Fashion bloggers

If you want to be a successful fashion blogger, the first thing you have 1 ___ is
write. That sounds really obvious, but so many people claim they’d like to be 2
___ blogger while not actually writing a single word! So, first of all, read
everything you can find about your chosen topic, study 3 ___ blogs, and then
practice writing until you feel comfortable with your tone and style.

Above all, be yourself. Don’t try to copy other people because you 4 ___ sound
natural and convincing. If you want your blog to stand out, decide on 5 ___
unique ‘voice’ and message and then stick to it.

Think long and hard about the visuals you feature in your blog. 6 ___ the words
you write are important, people are just as interested in seeing pictures of the
styles you are describing. Also remember that 7 ___photos are protected by
copyright, so you may need to ask for permission to use them.

Finally, keep blogging. There are far too many intriguing blogs that have been
forgotten 8 ___ only a few posts. Maybe the blogger lost interest, or perhaps they
didn’t get many visits on 9 ___ blog and simply ran out of enthusiasm. It takes a
long time to build up an audience, so don’t give up after a few posts. Just keep on
10 ___ and you may become a star blogger too.

1. A do B doing C done D to do
2. A a B an C the D one
3. other B another C every D neither
4. A don’t B didn’t C won’t D haven’t
5. A a B an C the D one
6. A While B However C Moreover D Despite
7. A many B much C few D a lot
8. A before B after C since D for
9. A theirs B their C they D this
10. A to write B writing C written D write

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