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A से Z डेली लाइफ में इस्तेमाल होने वाले आम अंग्रेजी शब्द

हहंदी अर्थ के सार्

Appendix Added in the end (परिशिष्ट)
Appetite Hunger (भख
ू )
Applaud To praise (प्रिंसा किना)
Apple of the eye The pupil (आँख का तािा)
Appliance Tools (साधन)
Applicable Fit to be used (काम में लाने योग्य)
Application Formal request (अर्जी)
Appoint To engage (काम में लगाना)
Appreciate To esteem highly (मान दे ना)
Apprehend To understand (समझना)
Approach Reach ( पहँ च)
Appropriate Fit (उचचत)
Approval Sanction ( मंर्जूिी)
Approximate Nearest (लगभग)
Apt Fit (योग्य)
Aqua Water (र्जल)
Architect Housemaker (घि बनाने वाला)
Ardent Keen (उत्सक)
Bold Daring (साहसी)
Bomb To drop explosive bomba (बम चगिाना)
Bombastic Pompous (ददखावा)
Bonafide True (सत्य)
Bond Agreement (बंधन)
Bondage Slavery (गलामी)
Bone A piece of skeleton (हड्डी)
Bony Lean and thin (दबला पतला)
Bonus Share in profits (लाभ में दहस्सा)
Bookish Fond of books (ककताबों का िौकीन)
Book-maker Writer of books (लेखक)
Boom To roar (गिर्जना )
Boon Blessing ( विदान)
Booth Hut (झोपडी)
Border Side, Limit (ककनािा, सीमा)
Bore To tire (थकना)
Borrow To take on loan (उधाि लेना)
Bosom-friend Close friend (खास दोस्त)
Cab Taxi (ककिाये की गाडी)
Cabin Small room (छोटा कमिा)
Cabinet Private room (गप्त कमिा )
Cable Strong chain (मर्जबूत ताि)
Cadet Military student (सेना का छात्र)
Cadre Centre (केन्द्र)
Cage Wire-box (पपंर्जिा)
Cajole To cheat by flattery (चापलस
ू ी से ठगना)
Calculate To reckon (गणना किना )
Calf Young one of cow (बछडा)
Calibre Ability (योग्यता)
Call To summon (बलाना)
Calm Quietness (िांतत)
Camp Tent (तंबू)
Campaign Organised warfare (तनयशमत यद्ध)
Campus School or college ground (पवद्यालय क्षेत्र)
Canal Man-made water course (नहि)
Cancel To abolish (खत्म किना )
Dacoit A member of a robber band (डाकू)
Daft Foolish (मख
ू )ख
Daggle To run through mud and water (कीचड-पानी में दौडना)
Dairy A building for keeping milk and cream (दग्धिाला)
Dally To delay (दे ि किना)
Dam Mother of animals (पिओं की मां)
Damage Harm (हातन)
Dame A lady (स्त्री)
Damp Chill (ठं डक)
Dandle To pet (लाड किना)
Dandruff Scurf on the head (रूसी)
Danger Liability to harm ( भय)
Dazzle To surprise (चककत किना)
Dealer A trader (व्यापािी)
Dear Beloved (पप्रय)
Dearth Scarcity of food (कमी)
Each Every one (हर एक)
Eager Keen (उत्सक ु )
Earmark To assign money for a definite work (पैसा सरु क्षित रखना)
Earn To gain by labour (कमाना)
Earnest Sincere (सच्चा)
Earth Soil (क्षमट्टी)
Earthquake Earth’s shaking (भक ू ं प)
Ease Comfort ( आराम)
Eat To take food (खाना)
Ebony Very black (बहुत काला)
Echo Sound reflection (गंूज)
Eclat Splendor ( शान)
Economical Frugal (कम खचच )
Ecstasy Rapture ( परम आनंद)
Edge Border ( क्षकनारा)
Edible To prepare for eatable (खाने योग्य)
Edit Publication (संपादन करना)
Fabric A structure (िचना)
Fabricate To make ( बनाना)
Fabulous Amazing (आश्चयखर्जनक)
Face To oppose with courage (साहस से सामना किना)
Facility Ease (सिलता)
Fact Anything actually true (सच्चाई)
Factory A building in which goods are manufactured (कािखाना)
Faculty Ability (योग्यता)
Fade To lose freshness ( धीिे -धीिे मिझाना )
Fag To work hard (कदठन परिश्रम किना )
Fail Hindrance (रुकावट)
Failure Lack of success (असफलता)
Faint Lacking strength (दबखल)
Fainting Loss of consciousness (बेहोिी)
Fair Clear (स्पष्ट)
Faith Belief(पवश्वास)
Gain Profit (लाभ)
Gamble To pay for money (र्जआ खेलना)
Game Any sport (खेल)
Gaming Gambling (र्जआ)
Gap Defect (त्रदट)
Garb Clothing (कपडे)
Garden A piece of land used for the cultivation of flowers (बाग-बगीचा)
Garnish To decorate (सर्जाना)
Garment Any article of dress (वस्त्र)
Garish Bright (चमकीला)
Gate An opening in wall closable with barrier (दिवार्जा)
Gather To bring together ( इकट्ठा किना)
Generally Usually (प्रायः)
Gem Precious stone (मणण)
Generate To produce (उत्पन्द्न किना)
Habit Custom (रिवार्ज)
Habitude A habit (आदत)
Hail Frozen drops of rain (ओला)
Hale Healthy (स्वस्थ)
Halt To hesitate (दहचककचाना)
Hand The extremity of the arm beyond the wrist (हाथ)
Handicraft Manual art (हस्तशिल्प)
Handkerchief A cloth for wiping the nose (रूमाल )
Handmade Made by hand (हाथ से बनाया हआ)
Handsome Good looking (संदि)
Hang To suspend (लटकाना)
Happen To occur ( घदटत होना)
Happy Fortunate (नाग्यवान)
Harass To trouble (पिे िान किना)
Hard Difficult to endure (कटोि)
Hardly Scarcely ( कदठनता से)
Hardship ill-luck (दभाखग्य)
Hardwoking Industrious (परिश्रमी)
Identical Similar (समान)
Ideology Ideas or beliefs (शसद्धान्द्त)
Idiosyncrasy A particular and different way of thinking or behaviour (काम किने का अपना पविेष शसद्धान्द्त)
Idle Useless (बेकाि)
Illuminate To fill with light (प्रकाशित किना)
Illuminating Revealing or making something clear (स्पष्ट किने वाला)
Imaginative Fanciful (काल्पतनक)
Imbibe To adopt (knowledge quality) (ग्रहण किना)
Immaterial Unimportant (महत्वहीन)
Imminent Likely to occur very soon (जर्जसके तिं त होने की सम्भावना हो)
Immunity Protection against disease or punishment (िोग प्रततिोधक)
Impact To affect (प्रभाव)
Impair To damage or weaken (growth vision) (नष्ट किना)
Impart To provide (knowledge quality) (प्रदान किना)
Impeach To bring charge against someone (आिोप लगाना)
Impeachment Accusation of a serious crime (महाशभयोग)
Impede To obstruct (बाचधत किना)
Impediment Hindrance (in progress)
Impel To force someone do something (दबाव डालना, मर्जबूि किना)
Imperative Necessary, Urgent (आवश्यक)
Imperative need Urgent need (आवश्यक आवश्यकता)
Imperishable Lasting for a long time (दटकाऊ, लंबे समय तक)
Impetus Encouragement (प्रोत्साहन)
Implacable (enemy opponent) that is difficult to pacify or satisfy जर्जसे िांत किना संमय नहीं है
Implicate To bring charge against someone (आिोप लगाना)
Implication Indirect meaning or result (अप्रत्यक्ष अथख या आिय)
Implicit Indirect and not clear (अस्पष्ट)
Implicit faith Absolute or strong faith in something (दृढ पवश्वास)
Implore To request earne ‘tly (अनिोध किना)
Imply To suggest or mean something indirectly (ककसी बात का पिोक्ष रूप से संकेत किना)
Imposing Impressive to look at (प्रभाविाली)
Improvise To make changes in original to suit the condition (बदलाव किना)
Impulse Sudden desire (बबना आधाि के अचानकउत्पन्द्न इच्छा)
Jeopardy Danger (खतिा)
Jettison To reject or abandon something unwanted (principle responsibility) (त्याग दे ना)
Join hand with To work together in a work (साथ दे ना)
Judicious Sensible (decision, selection) (समझदािी भिा)
Kick Strength and encouragement (प्रसन्द्नता या िोमांच)
Kindle To make a feeling grow in someone (कोई इच्छा या भावना उत्पन्द्न किना)
Kingpin Important (role, person) (महत्वपूण)ख
Kiosk Small shop (छोटी दकान)
Lethargic Dull, lazy आलसी, सस्त
Lament To be sorry अफसोस किना
Lenient Not strict उदाि
Liable Likely to cause something कछ किने की संभावना से
Livid Extremely angry गस्से से पागल
Lofty High, Proud ऊंचा
Loyalty Faithfulness ईमानदािी
Lurk To lie hidden घात लगाकि बैठना
Lukewarm Not interested or enthusiastic उत्साहपवहीन
Luminous Shining brightly चमकीला

 Account for: Explain by relating circumstances

 Account for: Be the primary cause of
 Account for: Constitute in amount or portion
 Account for: Destroy or put out of action
 Account to: Answer to; to be responsible to
 Admire to: Be enthusiastic about doing
 Adopt out: Send a son or daughter away to live in another country
 Age out: Become too old for an activity, program or institution; to become
too mature for a behavior
 Aim at: Design for a particular audience
 Aim at/to: Intend to do or achieve
 Allow for: Take into account when making plans
 Attend to: Diligently work on; to pay attention to
 Bail out: Rescue, especially financially
 Bail out: Leave (or not attend at all) a place or a situation
 Bail out: Sell all or part of one’s holdings in stocks, real estate, a business,
 Ball out: Cry intensely; to sob or weep
 Ball up: Crush into a ball shape
 Ball up: Coil up into a ball
 Ball up: Hunch over and pull in one’s arms and legs
 Balls up: Do something badly. To ruin a job
 Bear on: Be relevant to
 Bear out: Corroborate, prove, or confirm; to demonstrate
 Bear upon: Be relevant to
 Bear with: Be patient with
 Believe in: Ascribe existence to
 Believe in: Believe that (something) is right or desirable
 Believe in: Have confidence in the ability or power of
 Block off: Obstruct
 Block off: Book, set aside
 Block out: Prevent from entering or penetrating
 Block out: Prevent (a thought) from entering one’s mind
 Boil down: Become reduced
 Boil off: Remove by boiling
 Boil off: Be removes by boiling
 Boil over: Boil to such an extent as to overflow its container
 Boil up: Cook or prepare by boiling
 Book in: Reserve an appointment for
 Bottom out: Touch or drag along the ground
 Branch out: Expand in the manner of branches
 Branch out: Attempt something new or different, but related
 Brighten up: Make cheerful
 Bubble over: Be very enthusiastic, or highly excited
 Bubble over: Be successful on a modest scale, without yet being fully
 Buck up: Become encouraged, reinvigorated, or cheerful
 Buck up: Encourage or refresh; to hearten
 Buck up: Pass on to higher authority for resolution
 Buckle down: Put forth the needed effort
 Buckle up: Fasten one’s seat belt or safety belt
 Build up: Accumulate, to pile up, to increase in stages
 Build up: Strengthen
 Bump into: Collide with
 Bump into: Cause (a thing) to collide with
 Bump into: Meet by chance
 Burn down: Cause (a structure) to burn to nothing
 Burn down: Burn completely, so that nothing remains
 Burn out: Become extinguished due to lack of fuel
 Burn out: Tire due to overwork
 Burn up: Catch fire and burn until destroyed
 Burn up: Anger; to annoy
 Calm down: Become less excited, intense, or angry
 Cancel out: Neutralize the effect of something
 Catch on: Begin to understand; to realize
 Catch on: Become popular; to become commonplace; to become the
 Catch up: Entangle
 Catch up: Be brought up to date with news
 Catch up: Bring someone else up to date with the news
 Catch up: Reach something that had been ahead
 Cheer up: Become happy
 Cheer up: Make someone happy
 Chew out: Lecture, scold, reprimand, or rebuke
 Chew up: Chew so as to make something pulpy
 Chicken out: Shy away from a daring task
 Chill out: Relax or take time out; to calm down
 Chill out: Hang out; spend time together with another person or group
 Clean out: Clean, especially to tidy by removing the contents
 Clean out: Empty completely; to remove all money or possessions from
 Clean up: Make an area or a thing clean; to pick up a mess; to tidy
 Clean up: Become clean, handsome, smart in appearance
 Clean up: Make a large profit
 Clear away: Leave, disappear
 Clear out: Completely empty
 Clear out: Remove or eject (from), especially forcibly
 Clear out: Leave quickly
 Clear out: Become empty
 Close down: Stop trading as a business
 Close down: Surround someone, as to impede their movement
 Close in on: Enclose around; to tighten or shrink; to collapse
 Close in on: Catch up with in a chase; to near the end of a pursuit
 Close in on: Near a goal or completion
 Close off: Seal or block the entrance to a road, an area, or a building so
that people cannot enter
 Close up: Move people closer together
 Close up: Shut a building or a business for a period of time
 Close up: Heal a cut or other wound
 Clock in: Begin working time, especially by punching in
 Clock in: Be measured at
 Clock off: End work
 Clock out: End work; to officially record a time when one terminates a
period of work
 Clock out: Officially record a work-termination time for
 Consist in: Have the thing mentioned as the only or most important part
 Consist of: Be composed or made up of something
 Cool down: Become cooler, to be reduced in temperature
 Cool down: Cause the temperature of an item to decrease
 Cool down: Become less agitated
 Cool down: Cause to become less agitated
 Count down: Announce the passage of time to a precisely timed expected
 Count down: Await a precisely timed expected event
 Count in: Include (someone) in an activity, etc.
 Count in: Do a countdown before the start of something, especially a
musical performance
 Count off: Count (a series of numbers) aloud
 Count on: Rely on, trust, or expect
 Count out: Exclude; to dismiss from participation or eligibility
 Count out: Enumerate items while organizing or transferring them.
 Count up: Add to get a total
 Crop out: Come to light; to be manifest; to appear
 Cross off: Finish; to regard something as complete
 Cross out: Strike out; to draw a line through
 Cross over: Pass from one side or area, physical or abstract, to another
 Cross over: Die
 Cry off: Cancel something that one has previously arranged with someone
 Cry out for: Be in urgent need (of)
 Deal with: Handle verbally or in some form of artistic expression; to
address or discuss as a subject
 Deal with: Take action with respect to (someone or something)
 Deal with: Consider, as an example
 Deal with: Come to terms with; to overcome any difficulties presented by
 Deal with: Be in charge of, act on, or dispose of
 Deal with: Behave in a certain way towards
 Do for: Doom; to bring about the demise of
 Do in: Kill or end
 Do in: Exhaust, to tire out
 Do up: Fasten (a piece of clothing, etc.); to tighten
 Do up: Redecorate
 Do up: Execute a task or performance
 Do up: Pack together and envelop; to pack up
 Do without: Manage despite the lack of
 Draw in: Attract
 Draw in: Get someone involved
 Draw in: Approach
 Draw on: Advance, continue; to move or pass slowly or continuously, as
under a pulling force.
 Draw on: Approach, come nearer, as evening
 Draw out: Make something last for more time than is necessary
 Draw out: Improve a losing hand to a winning hand by receiving
additional cards
 Draw up: Compose a document, especially one having a standard form
 Draw up: Arrange in order or formation
 Draw up: Cause to come to a halt
 Draw up: Come to a halt
 Drink in: Absorb; to be completely attentive to
 Drink to: Raise one’s glass as a toast
 Drink up: Finish one’s drink
 Drive at: Mean, signify; to aim or tend to a point
 Drive away: Depart by driving a vehicle
 Drive away: Force someone or something to leave
 Dry out: Have excess water evaporate or be otherwise removed.
 Dry up: Become dry (often of weather); to lose water
 Dry up: Cause to become dry
 Dry up: Deprive someone of (something vital)
 Dry up: Cease to exist; to disappear
 Dry up: Manually dry dishes
 Dry up: Stop talking, to forget what one was going to say
 Eat away: Erode or corrode gradually
 Eat into: Consume gradually, especially by erosion
 Eat out: Perform cunnilingus or anilingus
 Eat up: Consume completely
 Eat up: Accept or believe entirely, immediately, and without questioning
 Find out: Discover, as by asking or investigating
 Find out: Discover or expose (someone) as disobedient, dishonest, etc.
 Find out: Uncover a weakness (in someone)
 Finish off: Finish completely
 Finish off: Kill
 Finish up: Complete the last details of a task
 Finish with: Put aside, break all relations with, or reject finally
 Finish with: Complete; to complete use of
 Fit in: Be physically capable of going into a space
 Fit in: Be confident in a social situation
 Fit into: Be of the right size and shape to be placed in a location
 Fit into: Be of similar cultural or social status as the members of a group of
 Fit up: Conspire to incriminate falsely a presumably innocent person
 Fit up: Furnish with suitable things; to prepare; to fit out
 Fix up: Provide (someone) (with something); to furnish
 Fix up: Repair or refurbish
 Fix up: Prepare or provide (something)
 Force out: Cause something to be ejected
 Gear up: Prepare for an activity
 Grow up: Mature and become an adult
 Grow up: Start to develop; to flourish
 Grow up: Stop acting as or like a child
 Hand in: Give something to a responsible person
 Hand off: Pass or transfer
 Hand over: Relinquish control or possession of something to someone
 Hand round: Pass something to everyone in a group
 Hash out: Work through the details of something; especially to work
through difficulties
 Head off: Begin moving away
 Head off: Intercept
 Head off: Avoid some usually negative consequence
 Knuckle down: Get to work; to focus on a task
 Lead in: Introduce, to mark the beginning of something, especially in
 Lead off: Be the first batter of an inning
 Lean on: Put pressure on; to attempt to compel a person to do something;
to exert influence on
 Leave behind: Abandon
 Leave behind: Forget about
 Leave behind: Not live longer than; to be survived by
 Leave behind: Leave (a trace of something)
 Leave behind: Outdo; to progress faster than (someone or something else)
 Leave behind: Pass
 Leave off: Desist; to cease
 Leave out: Omit, to not include, to neglect to mention
 Leave out: Allow a portion to remain unused or unconsumed
 Lie around: Do nothing in particular, to be idle
 Lie around: Be in an unknown place
 Lie before: Put oneself at the whim of, to bow down to
 Lie down: Assume a reclining position
 Lie down: Be lazy or remiss
 Lie in: Stay in bed (longer than usual)
 Lie low: Conceal oneself; to remain hidden
 Lift up: Lighten the mood of someone
 Light up: Show an increase in activity or mood
 Light up: Light a cigarette, pipe etc.
 Lighten up: Become less serious and more cheerful or casual; to relax
 Liven up: Improve a person’s mood by making them more energetic
 Liven up: Become more happy, energetic or positive
 Lock in: Fix the value of something potentially variable
 Lock out: Prevent from entering a place, particularly oneself, inadvertently
 Lock out: Prevent from accessing a data structure
 Log in: Gain access to a computer system, usually by providing a
previously agreed upon username and password
 Log on: Visit a Web site; construed with to
 Log out: Exit a user account in a computer system
 Luck out: Experience great luck; to be extremely fortunate or lucky
 Luck out: Run out of luck
 Meet up: Meet somebody, by arrangement
 Miss out: Miss an experience or lose an opportunity, etc. that should not
be missed
 Mix up: Mix or blend thoroughly and completely
 Mix up: Prepare something from ingredients that are mixed
 Mix up: Confuse or reverse
 Mix up: Combine thoroughly
 Mix up: Become involved with, especially socially or romantically
 Monkey around: Act foolishly
 Narrow down: Make more specific
 Open up: Open
 Open up: Reveal oneself; to become communicative
 Open up: Commence firing weapons
 Pack away: Store away, place out of the way, or stash, especially for the
longer term
 Pack away: To eat (a great deal of food)
 Pack off: Send away, with belongings, for a long time
 Pack out: Fill with spectators
 Pack up: Move one’s residence
 Pay back: Pay an amount of money owed to another, to repay
 Pay back: Exact revenge
 Pay for: Exchange for, especially money for goods or services
 Pay for: Be punished or held accountable for
 Pay off: Bribe, especially to deter oversight
 Pay off: Become worthwhile; to produce a net benefit
 Pay off: Pay back; to repay
 Pay off: Pay back (repay, pay off) the entirety of a loan, thereby effecting
the release of a lien on
 Phase in: Introduce something little by little
 Phase out: Remove or relinquish the use of something little by little
 Plan on: Expect; to anticipate future actions based on
 Plough back: Reinvest profits into a business
 Plough back: Continue with a task despite it being menial, difficult, or
 Plough through: Persevere with an activity of consuming something, both
literally and figuratively
 Plough through: Forcefully make a passage to move through
 Point out: Identify among a group of similar subjects
 Point out: Tell, remind, indicate
 Pour out: Serve a drink into a cup or glass
 Pour out: Leave a place quickly, and in large numbers
 Pour out: Talk volubly and deeply. Usually implies telling the truth
 Press out: Obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action
 Quiet down: Become quieter
 Quiet down: Make someone or something become quieter
 Quiet down: Diminish in intensity
 Read in: Accept as input
 Read off: Dictate from a list
 Read out: Read something and say the words to inform other people
 Read out: Read some data and inform the person using the device
 Rely on: Be confident in
 Rely on: Be dependent upon
 Roll around: Move about on the ground while rotating and turning one’s
 Roll around: Be considered, without much coherence, in someone’s mind
 Roll around: Indulge in sexual intercourse (with)
 Roll around: Return to a prior state
 Roll around: Postpone
 Roll in: Arrive casually at a place
 Roll in: Come in an unstoppable flow
 Roll out: Deploy or release (a new film or software, etc.)
 Roll over: Make a rolling motion or turn
 Roll over: Cause a rolling motion or turn
 Roll over: Give in to
 Roll up: Make something into a particular shape, especially cylindrical or
 Roll up: Arrive by vehicle, usually by car
 Round out: Make more complete by adding details
 Rule in: Consider (something) as a possible option among others
 Rule out: Make a decision in an official capacity regarding some matter
 Rule out: Reject an option from a list of possibilities
 Rule out: Make something impossible
 Rush off: Produce in great haste
 Scale back: Make a reduction in the amount, extent, etc. of something
 Scare off: Cause (something) to flee by frightening it
 Scare off: Deter
 Scarf down: Eat something quickly
 Sell down: Become less by being sold
 Sell out: Sell all of a product that is in stock
 Sell out: Abandon or betray one’s supporters or principles to seek profit
 Sell out: Betray a person, usually a close friend or family member, for
personal gain
 Settle down: Become quiet and calm after a period of disturbance or
 Settle down: Get comfortable with one’s new accommodation or
 Settle for: Accept or allow something, especially something not entirely
 Settle in: Get comfortable or established, as in a new place
 Settle on: Make a decision or selection; to decide, arrange, or agree on
 Shake off: Remove (something attached to, on or clinging to an object) by
 Shake off: Dissociate oneself from
 Shake off: Lose someone who is tracking you
 Shake off: Rid oneself of a malady or its symptoms
 Shake up: Agitate by shaking
 Shake up: Upset or distress
 Shake up: Reorganize, to make reforms in
 Shade up: Improve; to correct one’s bad habits or behavior
 Shade up: Take shape; to transform into or become
 Show in: Lead or direct someone to an enclosed space, usually a room
 Show off: Exhibit the best attributes of something
 Show off: Attract attention to for the purpose of bragging or personal
 Show off: Show someone the important parts of something (a building,
town etc.)
 Show up: Appear, arrive, or attend, especially suddenly or erratically
 Show up: Make visible or expose faults and deficiencies in, usually by
 Shower with: Give to someone an abundance of (something)
 Shut down: Close, terminate, or end
 Shut down: Turn off or stop
 Shut in: Lock in
 Shut out: Hide from sight
 Shut up: Of a person, to stop talking or (of a person or thing) making noise
 Shut up: I don’t believe it!, no way!
 Sign off: Log off; to stop using a computer, radio, etc., especially to stop
 Sign off: Cease broadcasting a radio or television signal, usually at the end
of a broadcasting day
 Sign off: Give one’s official approval to something for which it is needed
 Sign out: Sign one’s name as an indication that one is leaving some
 Sign up: Add a name to the list of people who are participating in
 Sign up: Add one’s own name to the list of people who are participating in
 Sign up: Agree to purchase some good or service
 Sing along: Sing some music while someone else is singing
 Sink in: Become clear in one’s mind
 Sit back: Recline while still in a seated position, with one’s back on the
frame of the seat
 Sit down: Assume a low or sunken position
 Sit on: Block, suppress, restrain
 Sit on: Restrain (a person)
 Sit on: Take no action on
 Sit on: Be a member of
 Sit out: Decline to participate; particularly, to decline to dance
 Sit through: Unwillingly stay seated until the end of an event
 Sit up: Assume a sitting position from a position lying down
 Sit up: Sit erect
 Sit up: Show sudden interest or surprise
 Sit up: Not go to bed (notionally remaining in a sitting position)
 Skip out: Shirk; to avoid attending or to leave early, especially without
 Sleep in: Sleep late; to go on sleeping past one’s customary or planned
 Sleep on: Postpone (a decision) at least overnight
 Sleep with: Share a bed or bedroom with
 Slide off: Leave a place, a meeting, etc., without being noticed; to slip
away, slip off
 Slow down: Decelerate
 Smoke out: Drive out (something or somebody) using smoke
 Smoke out: Expose (something or somebody)
 Smoke out: Offer to smoke cannabis with someone; to smoke cannabis
with someone
 Smoke out: Smoke too much (usually cannabis); to become too stoned
 Smoke out: Run out of tobacco or cannabis; to be emptied of tobacco or
 Smooth down: Render smooth, to remove roughness from
 Sort out: Clarify by reviewing mentally
 Sort out: Arrange
 Sort out: Fix, as a problem
 Sort out: Organise or separate into groups, as a collection of items, so as
to make tidy
 Sort out: Separate from the remainder of a group; often construed with
 Sort out: Attack physically
 Sort out: Provide (somebody) with a necessity, or a solution to a problem
 Sound off: Hold forth about something in an opinionated manner
 Speed up: Accelerate; to increase speed
 Speed up: Increase the speed of something; to make something go faster
 Spell out: Form (a word) from its component letters
 Spell out: Explain in clear and simple terms
 Split up: Cease to be together, break apart from the group
 Split up: Separate, disassociate, cause to come apart
 Spread out: Become further apart
 Spread out: Place items further apart
 Sump up: Summarize
 Start afresh: Start or restart doing something from the beginning or with a
clean sheet
 Start off: Begin
 Start off: Set out on a trip
 Start off: Begin one’s life, or occupation
 Start off: Begin again; to return to the beginning
 Start up: Rise suddenly
 Start up: Begin to operate
 Start up: Begin
 Stay in: Remain at home, to not leave one’s home
 Stay on: Continue in a place or situation, while others leave
 Stay up: Remain in a raised or upright position
 Stay up: Remain awake, to not go to bed
 Stay up: Maintain an erection
 Step back: Stop what one is doing and evaluate the current situation
 Step back: Prevent oneself from becoming emotionally involved in a
certain situation
 Step on it: Drive fast; to step on the accelerator
 Step on it: Act quickly
 Step up: Increase speed or rate
 Stick around: Stay; to linger; to remain
 Stick at: Continue practising (a skill), even it is difficult
 Stick down: Cause to stick to a surface
 Stick down: Stick to a surface
 Stick down: Write something casually
 Stick it out: Persist or continue
 Stick out: Pprotrude; to extend beyond
 Stick out: Be prominent, noticeable, or obtrusive
 Stick to: Persist; to continue (to use, do, etc.
 Stick up: Put up by sticking
 Stick up: Rob at gunpoint
 Stick up: Be prominent; to point upwards
 Stick up: Speak or act in defence
 Stick up for: Defend or protect
 Stick with: Follow or adhere to
 Stick with: Follow loyally
 Stick with: Persist in using or employing
 Stick with: Endure in the memory of’
 Talk down: Negotiate a lower price
 Talk into: Convince (someone) by talking and suggesting
 Talk out of: Talk to someone in order to dissuade them from doing
 Talk over: Persuade someone; to talk around
 Talk over: Interrupt the speech of with one’s own speech
 Talk through: Tell someone step by step how to do something
 Talk through: Comfort someone as they endure trauma; to help someone
consider an issue or see certain aspects of it
 Think back: Think about a time or experience; to recall
 Think over: Ponder or reflect on a subject
 Think up: Create in one’s mind; to invent
 Tip off: Alert or inform someone, especially confidentially
 Try out: Undergo a test before being selected; to audition
 Used to: Accustomed to, tolerant or accepting of
 Wait for: Wait until the specified event occurs
 Wait for: Await the arrival of
 Wait for: Wait for an event
 Wait for: Wait for a person to do something
 Wait for: Serve someone
 Wait up: Wait
 Wait upon: Wait on; to serve
 Wake up: Awaken somebody
 Wake up: Become more aware of a real-life situation; to concentrate on
the matter in hand
 Warm up: Make an audience enthusiastic or animated before a show
 Warm up: Become warmer
 Warm up: Prepare for executing an already-learned activity by a limited
amount of additional practice
 Watch out: Be aware or conscious; to look closely or carefully; to use
 Watch over: Guard and protect
 Wipe away: Remove or erase with a wiping motion
 Wipe down: Clean the exterior surface of an object, typically by hand using
a damp dishcloth or other cleaning cloth
 Wipe up: Dry utensils, dishes etc. that have been washed
 Wipe up: Completely remove spilled liquid or solids, typically by hand
using a dishcloth
 Wipe up: Clean thoroughly, particularly with a dishcloth or rag
 Wipe up: Thoroughly defeat an opponent
 Write in: Write a letter to, e.g. a publication
 Write in: Fill in something required, by writing
 Write off: Assign a low value to something
 Write out: Write at full length or in expanded form
 Yield up: Give something against one’s will
 Yield up: Disclose something hidden
100 English Sentences
You mind sharing a room

Would you like me to come with you?

Would you like some cake?

Would you please speak slowly?

Why would he do that?

Why would she do that?

Why would you do something like that?

Why would he run away from us?

Why would he tolerate such behavior?

Why would you like to go there?

Why would she still love him?

Why would she quit her job?

Why would she make that choice?

Let’s keep in touch! Do you have Facebook?

Hi! I am Rebecca. And you?

Hi, Rebecca, I am Chad.

B: Nice to meet you, Chad.

A: Nice to meet you, too.

It would be great to meet up again sometime. What is your phone

Thanks so much for the birthday money.

Thanks so much for driving me home.

Thanks so much for cooking dinner. I really appreciate it.

Thanks so much. I really appreciate your cooking dinner.

I really appreciate your help.

Excuse me, sir, you dropped your wallet.

Excuse me, do you know what time it is?

I am sorry for being so late.

I am sorry for the mess. I was not expecting anyone today.

Could you please repeat that?

Could you repeat that, please?

I am sorry, could you please talk slower?

Where can I find black olives?

I need to buy a toaster. How much does this cost?

How much does this shirt cost?

Excuse me, I need to [find my friend/go to a meeting]

Well, it’s been lovely talking to you.

Best of luck.

Nice to meet you, Brian.

I hate to run off, but I need to go.

Let me give you my card before I go.

Enjoy your time here!

Oh, I am sorry. I have got a bit late

Please help yourself

Rest assured

Sorry for the inconvenience

That’s so kind of you

Watch out!

Well done, dear

What a bother!

I don’t eat non veg on Tuesday.

I don’t want.

What nonsense!

A set of books is on the table.


Are you married all?

I don’t need your advice

Are you there?

Come what may I will not talk to him.

Didn’t you go to the cinema yesterday?

Do come.

I don’t know telling a lie.

I don’t need you.

Do you have some money?

Don’t do this.

As you please

By God’s Grace!

Come what may!

Do come

Doesn’t matter

Get Off

Glad/Nice to meet you

Go down

Go up

Good heavens!
How dare you!

I will try my level best

How disgraceful!

How disgusting!

Hurry up!

I beg your pardon

Is it?

It’s all yours

Let it be

Long time no see

Not the least!

Don’t embarrass me.

He has been to the market.

Don’t talk nonsense

He always keeps telling a lie.

Don’t wink.

Don’t you disturb me?

Excuse me.

Have you ever been to Delhi?

Have you ever been to Vinod’s home?

Fancy price.

Get lost.

Go yourself.

Has someone come?

Have a tea.

Have you ever…

Having said that….

Don’t get me as stupid as you.

Have you ever eaten pizza?

I am having dinner.

He feels like.

He has been to school.

How much time it will take?

I am doing my work.

I am full.

He will be in the room.

I am going to the office.

I am having lunch.
He saw a running thief.

It does not mean…

Look ahead.

Make the bed.

I have no money.

I have to go.

He went to school.

I am having my haircut.

He has gone to market

He is good at English.

I have had breakfast.

He is so called a teacher.

He is very stingy

I got it.

I have been out since morning.

What is done is done.

What is going on?

There is less salt in the curry.

There is no sense in it.

What a shame!

This is selling at throw away price.

What does it matter?

There is nothing but water.

Two and two make four.

Use your brain sometimes.

Use your brains/use your mind.

She has no money.

Tea will do?

That boy David reads in your class.

What a bother!

The examination is about to start.

I feel like eating luddu.

I feel like.

The train is about to come.

Wait a bit.

Walk carefully.

That’s a good idea.

What happened?
That’s enough.

What is the time by your watch?

What to do?

Which one of these umbrellas is yours?

I am not a riff-riff person.

You have no manner.

I am sleepy.

Where does this road lead to?

I ate food.

You have a brush.

I do not take tea.

Which time?

Who is it?

Why are you staring?

Will you do me a favor?

You are a deceiver and cheater.

I am to go

You feel like.

You have a brain.

What is your intention?


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