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2011 Israeli social justice protests

(Redirected from 2011 Israeli housing protests)

2011 Israeli social justice protests

Part of the 2011 Israeli middle class protests

Demonstrators in Tel Aviv on 6 August 2011

Date 14 July 2011 – 29 October 2011
Location Israel
Goals Providing solutions to the various
hardships of the middle class and
lower class in Israel (such as
housing costs, cost of living and the
erosion of the middle class and
lower class)
Methods Demonstrations, civil disobedience,
civil resistance, sit-ins, movement
for recall elections, online activism,
protest camps occupations, self-
Status Ended
Lead figures

See expanded

The 2011 Israeli social justice protests (Hebrew: ‫)ְמָחאַת ֶצֶדק ֶחְבָרִתי‬, which are also referred to by
various other names in the media, were a series of demonstrations in Israel beginning in July 2011
involving hundreds of thousands of protesters from a variety of socio-economic and religious
backgrounds opposing the continuing rise in the cost of living (particularly housing) and the
deterioration of public services such as health and education. A common rallying cry at the
demonstrations was the chant; "The people demand social justice!".

As the protests expanded during August 2011, the demonstrations began to also focus on other
related issues relating to the social order and power structure in Israel.

The housing protests which sparked the first demonstrations began as a result of a Facebook protest
group that initially led hundreds of people to establish tents in the Rothschild Boulevard in the
center of Tel Aviv, an act which soon gained momentum, media attention and began a public
discourse in Israel regarding the high cost of housing and living expenses.[1] Soon afterwards, the
protests spread to many other major cities in Israel as thousands of Israeli protesters began
establishing tents in the middle of central streets in major cities as a means of protest. As part of the
protests, several mass demonstrations have been held across the country, in which hundreds of
thousands of people have participated.

A major focus of the protests have been what organizers have termed social justice. Part of the
movement is about changing the social order, and the economic system. Calls to topple the
government were made by some parts of the protests.[2] Criticism of the protests includes
accusations of a political agenda rather than a social one with revelations of funding from specific
left-wing individuals and organizations like S. Daniel Abraham and the New Israel Fund.[3] Maariv
journalist Kalman Libeskind claimed that the spontaneous protests had actually been three months
in the planning by Stan Greenberg and orchestrated by left-wing organizations and the National
Left.[4] Criticism within the protests accused the 'protest leaders' of not publicizing specific goals,
the lack of visibility of their goals, and the damaging impact of media focus being on a few

Following the first large-scale protests in early August, the government announced that a series of
measures would be taken to solve the housing shortage, some of which were already under
preparation and ratification, and some which were new measures proposed in response to the
demands of the protest movement leadership.[6] In addition, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
appointed a team of ministers and senior staff members from his office, headed by Finance Minister
Yuval Steinitz, to negotiate with the protest leaders as well as the Trajtenberg Committee. Since that
time, there was significant criticism of the Prime Minister's perceived insensitivity to the public
sentiment, prompting speculation that general sympathy for the protest movement may cause one
or more members of the governing coalition to leave the government, triggering national

On 22 June 2012, Daphne Leaf and several other activists tried to restart the housing protests by re-
erecting a tent encampment on Rothschild Boulevard. The municipality had not given a permit and
as a result Leaf, along with eleven other activists, were arrested when they resisted the twenty
policemen and municipal inspectors who arrived to dismantle the tents which were confiscated.

The most common name for the protests in Israel (both during and after the protests) was "The
social protest" (‫ המחאה החברתית‬Hamechaa Hahevratit) the protests have also been referred to as
the Housing Protest (‫ מחאת הדיור‬Mechaat HaDiyur),[11][12] Social justice protest (‫מחאת צדק חברתי‬
Mechaat Tzedek Hevrati),[2][13] the Cost of Living protest (‫ מחאת יוקר המחייה‬Mechaat Yoker
HaMekhiya),[14] the Real estate protest (‫ מחאת הנדל"ן‬Mechaat HaNadlan),[15][16] the Tents
protest (‫ מחאת האוהלים‬Mechaat HaOhalim)[17][18] and less frequently the middle class protest
(‫ מחאת מעמד הביניים‬Mechaat Maamad HaBeynaim).[19]



Numerous factors have led to the protests, in particular rising cost of housing and living expenses in
Israel, but also various ongoing issues such as government corruption, rising poverty rates which
the OECD defined as being twice the average of other developed countries, and a widening gap
between rich and poor.[20]

Demographic structural factors, such as a large percentage of educated but dissatisfied youth within
the population, extreme poverty in the haredi Jewish sector, and high unemployment in the Arab-
Israeli population have spread the cause of the protests amongst a wide swathe of the Israeli
population.[21] Many have also blamed the erosion of Israel's traditional egalitarian socio-economic
model for the rise in public dissatisfaction, claiming that the rise of American-style social structures
in Israel is incompatible with Zionist ideology (The word Zion does not exist in the referred

A major catalyst for public anger has been the significant rise in the cost of living, particularly for
the lower and middle class. Although average salaries in Israel tend to be lower than those in the
Western world, the cost of many consumer goods is relatively high – particularly basic necessities
on which long established price controls have gradually been lifted. Since 2007, Israel has also
experienced a gradual rise in housing prices. This increase followed a decade-long period of low
housing costs, between 1996 and 2005, as well as a long history of significant government
involvement in the public housing sector. According to data from the Israel Central Bureau of
Statistics, from 2005 to 2011 apartment rental prices rose 34% on average, 49% in the Gush Dan
region around Tel Aviv. A survey published by the Housing and Construction Minister of Israel
revealed that in 2010, 129 average monthly salaries were required for the purchase of an average
priced apartment, an amount significantly higher than countries in the Western world.

Events leading to the protests

In April 2011, about three months before the cost of living protests began, Boaz Gaon, son of
prominent Israeli businessman Benny Gaon, presented activists with a ten-point plan by
Democratic pollster and political strategist Stan Greenberg to defeat the right-wing.[23][24][25] It
was recommended that not one organization should coordinate the struggle, rather to divide up the
effort with as many initiatives in as many locations as possible. Maariv journalist Kalman Libeskind
suggested that the protests were a result of this plan.[4]

During June 2011, a month before the housing protest began, another significant large scale
demonstration took place in Israel. Commonly referred to by the media as the cottage cheese
boycott, this event saw the Israeli public protest against the high cost of many products in Israel and
specifically in this case, the high price of cottage cheese. The protest was successful and led to a
drop in the retail price of cottage cheese.[26] This was the first time in Israel that a public protest
organized by means of social networking had such a wide public effect in Israel.

In July 2011, 25-year-old Israeli video editor Daphne Leef had to vacate the central Tel Aviv
apartment where she had lived for three years due to major renovations in her building. Leef soon
found out that apartment rental prices in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area had skyrocketed.
Consequently, she initiated a small-scale public tent protest.[27] Leef opened a Facebook protest
page, inviting others to join her protest, and pitched a tent in Habima Square in Tel Aviv. In
response, protesters gathered in the streets around Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv, as well as in
Zion Square in Jerusalem.[28][29]

The use of Protest camps have been described by the protest leaders as being inspired by the
Hooverville tent cities in the Central Park of New York City and in many other cities throughout the
United States in which many Americans were forced to live during the Great Depression in the
United States.[20]

The use of social networks for public protests began to increase in the early 2010s, with the most
significant one being the large-scale demonstrations in Arab countries in the Middle East that led to
a change of government in several countries such as Egypt (see 2011 Egyptian revolution). Some see
a connection between the Arab Spring protests and the 2011 Israeli housing protests, as the
common denominator is, firstly, the use of social networking to organize public protests,[30][31][32]
and secondly the fact that these two waves of protests stem from the increase in the cost of living,
that they were organized mostly by young people, and that the protesters claims include not only
economic demands but also demands for changes in the policies and practices of the ruling



▪ 14 July 2011: 25-year-old Daphne Leef pitches a tent in

the Habima Square in Tel Aviv and in addition opens a
Facebook protest page, where she invites others to join
her protest.[34]
▪ 15 July 2011: In response to Leef's protest, many
protesters gathered in the streets around Rothschild The protest compound on Rothschild
Boulevard in Tel Aviv where about 50 tents were
Boulevard in Tel Aviv, 21 July 2011
▪ 16 July 2011: the National Union of Israeli Students
joined the protests.[35]
▪ 17 July 2011: the Hashomer Hatzair movement joined
the protests.[36]
▪ 23 July 2011: tens of thousands of demonstrators
participated in the protest movement's first rally held in
the center of Tel Aviv which included a mass march
from the tent compound at Habima Square to the Tel
Aviv Museum of Art Plaza, where the main rally was
▪ 24 July 2011: a protest broke out in Jerusalem, in
which 1,000 demonstrators marched towards the Demonstrators in Beersheba on 30 July
Knesset while causing major traffic disruptions.[38] 2011
▪ 26 July 2011: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
announced new housing programs aimed at addressing
the housing shortage in Israel and at supporting the students.[39]
▪ 28 July 2011: the first "strollers march" took place in which thousands of Israeli parents took
part, protesting against the high costs of raising children in Israel.[40]
▪ 30 July 2011: between 85,000 and 150,000 people took part in mass rallies in major cities
across Israel. Demonstrations were held in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheba, Kfar Saba,
Ra'anana, Baqa al-Gharbiya, Ashdod, Nazareth, Kiryat Shmona, Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut,
Netanya, Ashkelon, Tiberias, the Savion Junction, and the Jordan Valley.[41]


▪ 6 August 2011: between 200,000 and 350,000 protesters took part in mass rallies in major
cities across Israel. Demonstrations took place in Tel Aviv (150,000 – 300,000), Jerusalem
(30,000), Kiryat Shmona (3,000), Hod HaSharon (1,000), Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut (5,000),
Ashkelon (500), Dimona (200), and Eilat (1,000).[42][43]
▪ 7 August 2011: some 1,300 parents staged "strollers marches" in Giv'atayim, Karmiel, and
Pardes Hanna-Karkur.[44] In Tel Aviv, some 100 right-wing activists marched in Rothschild
Boulevard, protesting what they called the "anarchistic nature of the leftist housing protest".[45]
▪ 13 August 2011: at most 75,000 people took part in mass rallies in major cities across Israel.
Demonstrations took place in Haifa, Beersheba, Afula, Eilat, Rosh Pinna, Nahariya, Dimona,
Petah Tikva, Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, Beit She'an, Netanya, Ramat HaSharon, Hod HaSharon,
Rishon LeZion, Beit Shemesh, and Ashkelon.[46][47]

▪ 22 August 2011: The activists, including Daphne Leef, decided to take over abandoned
buildings. Tens of activists, including members of Knesset Dov Khenin (Hadash) and Nitzan
Horowitz (New Movement – Meretz) stormed a building
on Dov Hoz street in Tel Aviv and waved placards
calling for affordable housing.[48]
▪ 26 August 2011: Protesters occupied a second
abandoned building in Tel Aviv, on Bialik St., and had
planned on staying longer but removed soon after and
the building sealed by police.[49]
▪ 27 August 2011: In Tel Aviv, around 10,000 protesters
marched from Habima Square to the intersection of Ibn
Gvirol and Shaul Hamelech streets, where a rally was


▪ 3 September: A protest billed as the "March of the

Million" sees an estimated 460,000 people taking to the
streets throughout the country, 300,000 of which in Tel 3 September protest in Tel Aviv
▪ 6–7 September: The Tel Aviv municipality visits tent
sites and posts notices that the area needs to be evacuated. Early next morning, city workers
arrive to clear tents and other items and are called "Nazis in city hall uniforms" by activists.[54]
There were also violent demonstrations at the Tel Aviv city hall against the evacuation of the
tents and over 30 activists were arrested.[55][56]
▪ 27 September: In press conference, protesters warned Prime Minister Netanyahu that he has a
month to make "real and serious recommendations" or "on October 29, just before the Knesset
returns to session, we will take to the streets in full force. This year we will take the country back
into our hands, rock and roll."[57]


▪ 3 October: The symbol of the protest movement, the tent encampment on Tel Aviv Rothschild
Boulevard, was dismantled by police.[58]
▪ 15 October: An "occupy Tel Aviv" protest held on Rothschild. Several hundred gathered at Tel
Aviv Museum plaza where opinions are voiced in "Hyde Park" speakers corner.[59]

▪ 29 October: With renewed vigor, tens of thousands of

protesters took to the streets of most Israeli cities,[60]
except for Beersheva.
▪ 28 November 2012: The Occupy-style encampment on
Rothschild Avenue, which survived for over a year, was
transferred by mutual agreement with the Tel-Aviv
Municipality to a new location, near the Tel-Aviv
Center/Arlozorov train station. The encampment at the
new site survives to this date (July 2015), through a
system of monthly extensions. Several attempts by the
29 October protest, Tel-aviv
Municipality to evict the encampment failed, and its
existence was also given a stamp of approval through a
court process in late 2014- early 2015.


Cities and regions

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv has been at the epicenter of much of the crisis and has experienced ongoing protests every
day from 14 July 2011 onwards. The largest protests were held in downtown Tel Aviv, which has
been considered the protest movement's most effective symbol. Hundreds of thousands of people
have been estimated to participate in the protests rallies in Tel Aviv. By late 2015, the social protest
camp in Tel-Aviv, near the Arlozorov train station, is the only one remaining in Israel


Some tents were established at Rishon-Lezion's municipal park

already in late July 2011.


Signs in the Social Protest camp in
Tel-Aviv, [OccupyTLV]. The
On 13 August 2011 circa 25,000 people turned out to
particular signs, shown here, protest
demonstrate in the Haifa downtown protest with leading local
judicial corruption, highlighting the
activists, deputy mayor of haifa, Shai Abuhatsira and chairman
cases of self-immolated social
of the university of Haifa students union, Yossi Shalom.[62]
protest activist Moshe Silman, of
Beersheba Roman Zadorov, who is widely
believed to be falsely convicted on
On 13 August 2011 more than 20,000 people turned out to murder, he never committed, and
demonstrate in Beersheba.[62] Tax-Authority whistle-blower Rafi
Rotem, at the time criminally
Holon prosecuted for harassing public
There were approximately 10 illegally built shacks in Jessie
Cohen neighborhood in Holon, built by people from the lower
class. On 7 September the shacks were evacuated.


There were some tents in Gan Ha-Sus in the city center

Continuation of the protest into 2012

Even though the protest ebbed in late 2011, it was revived in 2012. From early 2012, plans were
made by various groups to revive the protest. This time the municipality of Tel-Aviv made a
preemptive move by warning about no tolerance for any tents being placed on Rothschild St., so
tents were instead placed near the railway station in Tel-Aviv. This time protesters were divided in
two major camps, as some activists criticized Leef for using upper class donors to finance her

On 22 June 2012, Daphni Leef was arrested at a demonstration in Tel Aviv while her arm was
broken. On the following day, her supporters held a massive demonstration where 85 protesters
were arrested and glass windows of banks were smashed.

As a result of the split within the protest movement, two separate social justice demonstrations
were held in Tel-Aviv on 14 July 2012, to commemorate the first anniversary of the social justice

Government reactions
The Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu initially reacted to the protests by stating that he is
aware of the crisis, and that "the government is working to fix the plague that haunts us for many
years. We are a small country, there is great demand and not enough apartments. Help me pass the
reform in the Israel Lands Administration". Netanyahu also clarified that "It would take between a
year to three years until we would begin seeing results."[36][64]
Government housing plans

On 26 July 2011, Prime Minister Netanyahu announced a new housing plan, including significant
incentives for contractors who build smaller apartments, rent-earmarked housing and student
housing, and plans to add 50,000 apartments to Israel's housing market over the next two years.
The plan would allow contractors to purchase land from the Israel Land Administration up to 50%
cheaper if they agree to build small apartments. Contractors bidding on rent-earmarked housing
projects would be obligated to rent out 50% of their apartments built for a period of at least ten
years, at 30% of their current value, and would be allowed to sell the other 50% of apartments at a
price they can set. Contractors would be allowed to raise rent rates annually, in accordance with the
consumer price index. Contractors and land developers who build student housing would be given
land for free, but would have to agree to government-supervised rent rates for twenty years.
Netanyahu's plan also called for six newly appointed national housing boards to authorize housing
projects with little bureaucracy. The boards' mandate would be reviewed every eighteen months.
Netanyahu also said that the government would promote the construction of 10,000 housing units
for students, and would subsidize students' transportation to allow them to seek housing further
away from universities.[65]

Trajtenberg Committee

On 8 August 2011, Prime Minister Netanyahu appointed a committee to pinpoint and propose
solutions to Israel's socioeconomic problems. The committee's task was to hold discussions with
"different groups and sectors within the public", and subsequently make proposals to the
government's socioeconomic cabinet, headed by Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz. Professor Manuel
Trajtenberg, chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher
Education, former head of the National Economic Council, and the former Chief Economic Adviser
to the Prime Minister, was appointed to head the committee. The committee consists of 14
members, 10 of whom are government or public officials.[66][67][68]

Protest leadership
The 2011 Israeli housing protests have no formal leadership.

Amongst the most prominent activists in the protests are Daphne

Leef,[69] Stav Shaffir,[14] Yigal Rambam,[70] Jonathan Levy,[71] Orly
Weisselberg, Roee Neuman, Jonathan Miller,[72] Regev Kontas,[73]
Adam Dovz'insky,[74] Itzik Shmuli, Baroch Oren[75] and Boaz
Gaon.[76] Actively contributing and supporting the protests were
newspaper columnists Roy Arad and Shlomo Kraus.

Adam Dovz'insky, who took a prominent part at the beginning of the

protests with a hunger strike that ended when he collapsed and Daphne Leef speaking at a
needed medical attention, would later declare that the Rothschild protest rally in Tel Aviv, 23
Blvd leadership does not want solutions but rather to topple the July 2011
Netanyahu government, that the protests seemed to be the end
themselves, not a means toward achieve negotiations. Dovz'insky also
said he had information connected the protests with European anarchists.[77][78][79]

Demands of the protesters

The initial objective of the leaders of the protest movement focused on reducing the costs of housing
in Israel. For the most part, the protest leadership has declared that they would not offer any
concrete solutions to the crisis on the grounds that it is not their role, but the government's role.
However, the demonstrators in Tel Aviv have promised to work together with the Knesset members
and other decision makers to promote legislation aimed at protecting apartment renters against
exploitation of their hardships by landlords, in a way that would correspond to similar legislation
worldwide.[80] At some of the public events, protesters call revolution, for Netanyahu's resignation,
and the downfall of the government.[70][81]

Nevertheless, in August 2011, as the protests grew significantly, the demands became more radical
as they began to call for a sweeping overhaul of the Israeli economy and society which would change
the current neoliberal approach of the Netanyahu government to a more social approach. The list of
demands for broader changes in the Israeli society and governance, articulated by protesters and
activists, includes the following:

Demand Ref
1. A new taxation system would be implemented (which would include lower indirect taxes and [82][83]
higher direct taxes).

2. Free schooling from an early age. [83]

3. Privatization of state-owned enterprises would end. [83]

4. More resources would be invested on public housing and public transportation. [83]

Organizations and individuals who have joined the

Many movements and organizations have joined the
protest. According to the Israeli newspaper "Israel HaYom",
two weeks prior to the protest, the Israeli social movement
"the National Left" sought people on Facebook "who have
unreasonable rent fees" to start a campaign to lower the
cost of housing for young people. On the day on which the
protest began, "the National Left" movement called its
activists to get to the Rothschild Boulevard, and organized
the delivery of 20 tents to the encampment. In an interview
with the Israeli morning show "HaOlam HaBoker" the
chairman of the movement, Eldad Yaniv, addressed "Israel Meir Shalev, David Grossman and Yossi
HaYom"'s report and explained that the movement Abulafia at the demonstration in
"organizes many protests like this throughout country and Jerusalem
it just happened that this one became popular".[84] Several
activists posted Daphne Leef's call on the movement's web
site and invited their friends to join the encampment.[85]
The movement also initiated the establishment of a website
to accompany the protest[86][87] and assisted in managing
the encampment, in part by the introduction of "popular
assemblies" for making decisions on the conduct of the

The protest also gained support from the National Union of

Israeli Students and the local student unions throughout
Israel, who helped establish the encampments and A group of demonstrators from the
organized transportation to the demonstration in Tel Aviv. HaShomer HaTzair (white laces),
The Jewish U.S.-based non-profit organization "New Israel HaMahanot HaOlim (buttons) and
Fund" gave guidance and logistical support to the HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed (red laces)
encampments in Kiryat Shmona, Be'er Sheva and Israeli Socialist youth movements in the
demonstration in Haifa on 30 July 2011
elsewhere.[90] The head of the Shatil activist wing of the
New Israel Fund admitted that the group was working
behind the scenes and coordinating multiple tent locations
and published a report on its activities.[91] Most of the
protests were financed by online donations.[92]

The Zionist extra-parliamentary group "Im Tirtzu", which

initially supported the protests, later announced that it
would stop its involvement due to the participation of the
"New Israel Fund". The Bnei Akiva and the "Rannim"
movements (both of the religious Zionism) announced that
they would also stop their involvement in the protests in Tel
Aviv. The "Rannim" movement later announced it would
Speeches at the demonstration for the
continue its participation in the protest but only in the
residents of southern Tel Aviv, a tent
Jerusalem encampment.[93]
camp in the garden of Lewinsky

The protests were also joined by "The Coalition for

Affordable Housing" and "The Headquarters for a Liable
Housing" who bind the following organizations: Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Bimkom,
Women Lawyers for Social Justice, Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, Movement for
Quality Government in Israel, Greenpeace Israel, Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition and the
Israel Union for Environmental Defense. Additional organizations who joined the protests include
the Koach La Ovdim General trade union, the Socialist–Zionist youth movements HaNoar HaOved
VeHaLomed and Hashomer Hatzair, the non-Zionist left-wing organization Ma'avak Sotzialisti the
Israeli human rights organization Rabbis for Human Rights,[94] Physicians for Human Rights-
Israel,[95] and the political parties Meretz and Hadash.

The protests also gained the support of various Israeli mayors and local councils, including the
mayor of Tel Aviv Ron Huldai,[96] the mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat[97] and the chairman of the
Union of Local Authorities in Israel, Shlomo Bohbot. Knesset members from both the coalition and
the opposition have expressed their support for the struggle; some even visited the various protest
encampments. Two weeks after the start of the protest, the chairman of the Histadrut, Ofer Eini,
met with protest leaders and announced that the Histadrut would assist them in their contacts with
the government.[98]

Jimmy Wales, a co-founder of Wikipedia, visited the tent cities in Tel Aviv where the protests were
taking place. He said, "It's wonderful that in the democracy here, people have the right to go out
and express their opinion. I do not know if I agree with the protest or not, because I'm not familiar
with the economic and social situation in Israel, but the very fact that freedom of speech and
discourse are free in Israel is remarkable."[99]

The New Israel Fund had originally denied its role[100] in the development of the protests, but in a
January 2012 message, it says that the protestors "organized themselves in new and existing
organizations, virtual and community initiatives, local and national groups. Mapping the initiatives,
which were initiated by Shatil and the New Israel Fund, outlines the role of this 'big bang'."[101]

Public opinion
According to a poll by Channel 10 on 2 August 2011, there is broad public support for the protesters,
including 98% of Kadima supporters, and 85% of Netanyahu's Likud supporters.[102]

Along with the massive support the housing protest has gained, as the protest kept developing and,
various public figures and organizations, mostly affiliated with the political right in Israel, gradually
increased their criticism of the protests and their organizers. Most of the criticism has focused on
the allegations that the protests were not spontaneous, and that they were scheduled and planned
by various left-wing media and political organizations in Israel. It is alleged that these organizations
exploited the protests initiated by Daphne Leef as well as the economic distress that exists among
large sections of the Israeli public in order to promote a political agenda that they finance, and
which is primarily designed to overthrow the current right-wing government headed by Benjamin
Netanyahu; it is alleged that finding actual solutions to the housing crises in Israel is only a
secondary concern.[103][104] The Tel-Aviv city hall was criticized for indirectly supporting the
protests at 40,000ILS per day, price including electricity and clean services.[105] While the protests
in general have been peaceful, some incidents of violence have been reported. On 4 August 2011,
two activists were arrested following an attempt to burn down the tent of right-wing activists
participating at the Rothschild location.[106][107] At a press conference held on 26 July 2011 Daphne
Leef responded to the various allegations made against her and the protest organizers and stated
the following:[108]

What hasn't been said about me in the recent days? When we came here with our tents
about ten days ago, some said we are spoiled children from Tel Aviv, some said we are
leftists, but after more cities from across the country and as more people from across the
entire political spectrum in Israel joined the protests – all understood that we represent
all the people.[108]


▪ The mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat stated that "the government must produce affordable
housing" and that "I expect the government and the Israel Lands Administration to take
responsibility for the matter."[109] Barkat pointed to the model which was pioneered by the
Jerusalem Municipality, which allows young people to live in affordable housing in
▪ The mayor of Tel Aviv Ron Huldai also declared that "the tent demonstrations are justified and
appropriate" and that "the [central] government is abandoning social issues to market
forces."[110] Nevertheless, Huldai oversaw the eviction of protest sites in autumn 2011.
▪ MK Nitzan Horowitz of Meretz showed his support in the protests and referred to the protesters
as "the new homeless people of Netanyahu and Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz."[111] Fellow MK
Isaac Herzog of the Labour party stated that "all efforts to encourage affordable housing
construction in Tel Aviv fail due to the resistance of the Israeli Finance ministry, the Israel Lands
Administration, the Israeli ministers and due to the position of the prime minister against
government intervention of market prices," and that "it's time to examine an intervention."
Herzog also stated that "you deserve not only to eat cottage, but also to build a cottage."[112]
▪ Protest organizers and opposition MKs such as Shelly Yachimovich of the Labor Party
dismissed Prime Minister Netanyahu's proposed reforms as "spin", and accused the Prime
Minister of using the housing crisis as a cover to advance his program of land privatization.[113]
At the same time, green organizations have warned that Netanyahu's proposals would lead to
the destruction of open spaces in the centre of the country by land developers, and the removal
of community input into the land development process.[114]
▪ Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin announced that it is necessary to keep a free market in Israel
and to be careful that the protest activists won't lead Israel towards the path of destruction and
▪ Israeli minister Benny Begin also criticized the protests, stating that it is a political struggle "with
speech writers", aimed at overthrowing the Prime Minister of Israel, under the guise of
protesting housing issues which "did not develop recently, and which would not be solved any
time soon".[116] Another government minister, Yuli Edelstein stated that among the organizers
there are "anarchists associated with the Communist Party, Little foxes whom hang out along
the protesters. They call Israel a fascist state, and this just shows how much they do not care
for the protests."[117]
▪ David Amar, the Mayor of Nesher, attacked the inhabitants of the encampment in Rothschild
stating that "You're going through the Rothschild boulevard in at 1:30 am and all you can see is
Hookahs and sushi. If they bring Sushi worth 35 NIS to the encampment – it indicates that their
situation is not particularly difficult. This is not a protest".[117]
▪ Knesset member Miri Regev has stated that Daphne Leef "represents the extreme left".[118] In
response, Leef stated that she felt embarrassed about the violent confrontation which occurred
during Regev's visit to the encampment; however, Leef emphasized that contrary to Regev's
belief, the protests were first and foremost a social struggle and not a political one.[119]
▪ On 20 July 2011, "Im Tirtzu" announced that they would not take part in the housing protests
any more because they claimed that the New Israel Fund and various radical left-wing groups
are directly involved in the housing protests. Officials in the organization stated that "Daphne
Leef's struggle, who is perceived in the media as the initiator of the struggle, is actually a video
editor working for the NIF and Shatil."[120]
▪ In September 2011, Knesset member Aryeh Eldad said that 'there is no doubt that the extreme-
left and post-Zionists are funding the protests. The thousands who are protesting their plight do
not understand that they are marionettes in a game larger than housing costs and baby
▪ Shimon Sheves, former General Director of the Office of the Prime Minister under Yitzhak Rabin
and former Israeli Labor Party activist, confirmed that a new political party was being formed in
the aftermath of the summer protests but refused to reveal names other than that it would be
people from the National Left organization. Disenchanted with the Labor party, he affirmed that
he would stand behind the new party.[122]

Religious figures
▪ The prominent Israeli Modern Orthodox Rabbi Yuval Sherlo stated that in his opinion the protest
movement has become anarchist in nature and therefore he personally finds it difficult to relate
with it. He stated that the protest organizers need to change course: "After a big burst of
justified pain and anger, without which the troubling issues would not have not been brought up
on to the agenda, the protests have been exhausted". Sherlo stated that despite the wide public
criticism raised against the Netanyahu government, "this government has done quite a few
good things to promote employment, balance payments, and is responsible for the fact that
Israel's macro-economic situation is quite good". Later on, Sherlo gave a speech in the
movement's protest rally in Jerusalem in which he called on Prime Minister Netanyahu "to
embrace these people".[123]
▪ On 16 August 2011 prominent Israeli orthodox rabbi Israel Meir Lau, who is the former
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel and current Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, held a discussion on the
ongoing protests with representatives from the National Union of Israeli Students at the offices
of the Rabbinate in Tel Aviv. Lau noted that the protest movement is unprecedented in Israel,
and added that "this is the first time I remember ever having seen this many people who didn't
know each other before, coming together – outside of a time of war. You have captured my
heart." In addition, Lau promised to contact Prime Minister Netanyahu personally and tell him to
honor the mandate of the Trachtenberg committee and accept its recommendations.[124]

▪ Ben-Dror Yemini, an editor at Maariv, used his 26 August 2011 weekend column to report a
strong left-wing turn of the protests that would attempt to connect the 'social justice' to the
events leading up to anticipated September protests on the West Bank. Yemini revealed an
agreement summarized after protest leaders met with left-wing leaders and anarchists including
the heads of the National Left and Peace Now to discuss combining activities such as marches
to the 'border' and to bring the Palestinians into the protest.[125]
▪ Shay Golden, the assistant editor in chief of Maariv and former editor at the Haaretz newspaper
has said that he has been made an enemy of the protests since he criticized the media
coverage. He accused his media colleagues of forgetting their journalistic responsibilities and
subsequently becoming spokespeople for the protests, and silencing opposing voices.[126]
▪ Yair Lapid, a journalist and television personality who would later become Minister of Finance,
has supported the protest since its first days. During the second week of the protest, he
published an article in his weekly Yedioth Ahronoth column titled "The Slaves Revolt", where he
sympathized with the protestors and implicitly blamed the Netanyahu government for its unjust
allocation of resources.[127]
See also
▪ July 2019 Ethiopian Jews protest in Israel
▪ 15 October 2011 global protests
▪ 2010–2011 Greek protests
▪ 2011 Chilean protests
▪ Spanish 15M Indignants movement
▪ 2011 United Kingdom anti-austerity protests
▪ Impact of the Arab Spring
▪ Israeli housing crisis
▪ Iceland Kitchenware Revolution
▪ Occupy Wall Street
▪ Occupy movement
▪ Olim L'Berlin
▪ Protests of 1968
▪ List of protests in the 21st century

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External links
▪ The official website of the protest organizers (
p:// (Hebrew)
▪ The protests Facebook page (
▪ Shatil and Israel's New Awakening (

Collected coverage

▪ Social justice protests ( collected coverage at The

Jerusalem Post
▪ Israeli housing protests (
collected coverage at Haaretz

Retrieved from ""

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