Team Sparkle

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Istiyak Ahmed
Ferdous Rahman
Al Rafat
Current State of Blockchain
Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger that is used for recording transactions and tracking
digital assets. It is a shared and immutable ledger meaning that once a transaction is recorded on the
blockchain, it can’t be altered. This seemingly tamper-proof technology saw blockchain heralded as the next
big thing in emerging technology only a few years ago. Still, to date, the impact has not been seen across
every industry.

According to Statista, 33% of global organizations say that their companies are working on creating a digital
currency using the technology. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are perhaps the best-known examples of
blockchain technology in action. However, pretty much every industry has benefited from blockchain, from
financial transactions and contracts to supply chain information. Companies can use blockchain technology
to improve supply chains and track things , distributions or tracing units of goods. Information such as this
could be valuable for vendors ,consumers and investors .

Team sparkle
We’re not quite in a blockchain revolution yet since the technology is still in its infancy.
There are few problems with blockchain technology.

Consumtion Speed
Blockchains that use a proof Blockchain transactions are
A long blockchain can produce of work system to determine relatively fast for account-to-
challenges for an organization as it which node wins the right to account transfers, but the
runs into trouble with scalability. confirm the next block in the decentralized nature of
chain can become extremely blockchain can make it a poor
energy-intensive. tool for everyday transactions.
01 02 03 04 05
A private blockchain has an
authority that delegates who
it makes interoperability between blockchains
difficult. when developers create something on a can and cannot participate, it's
blockchain Since there are no universal standards, a not truly decentralized. That
developer will have to rework everything to offer the can reduce trust from the
same product on another blockchain. public in a blockchain-based

No Universal
Team sparkle
our plan
Why: How to resolve data exchange and data sharing is an urgent problem in enterprise data management . Also focusing to data security .
How: Based on Blockchain technology ,establish a new platform for normal mechanism of data asset management and data sharing ,starting a
new project [A trust chain] from consumers to investors and realize lifecycle management and visualization of data assets.
Advantages: Traceable data flow process ,meet the needs of data security and privacy within the enterprise ,and the need for data masking
traceablity , and anonymous data sharing of external data ,and realize enterprise data asset tracking and data privacy protection , create safe
environment for data using .

Standardization of Data Asset

Privacy and data security Management
Data sharing authorization ,privacy Asset
Privacy Decentralization of enterprise data asset
data protection ,authority record manage
protection management to ensure consistency of
management , security risks control ment
data asset sharing and exchange
, implement data encryption and process
access control policy.

Easier data transactions

Data Build an end to end information chain for
Sharing data distribution to achieve data mashing
,two way anonymity and traceablity for data
sharing .
Implementation of our plan

Blockchain-based Data Sharing and Data Access Control System for BAT [3 cases]

Data Transparency : Based on blockchain, provide intelligent data retrieval, data access authorization,
and authentication, record, ,traceability functions in data circulation process, easy access for users , accuracy of
data . Data with prove of works and encrypted codes and securities.
Grabbing Investors : data policy , authentication of data, create non operational database for investors,
showing legit information to investors via blockchain database system , show your profits and results from
blockchain database.
Data Sharing : empower the data access application, approval, authorization and execution procedures by
introducing the blockchain and smart contract to realize the automated permission genaration , decentralize data
asset management , ensure data privacy , easier data sharing ,normalization of data transaction .
Advantages of blockchain in data transparency data protection and data sharing
Our Strengths
Based on blockchain technology, establish data sharing alliances between operators and Internet companies,
authorize interoperability based on user privacy data, and share data sharing records to achieve data access
authorization, data traceability to ensure the data sharing is legitimacy, controllable, auditable and regulated ,grab
investors,high business opportunity .
Data Sharing Ecosystem Architect

banking internet advertiser Data User

Data access

Data masking

Authority Sharing
Data masking based on blockchain data transaction mechanism
Privacy data authorization
Internal Data Access Control to Meet Data Supervision and Audit Requirements

Establish Certificate Chain of Data Authority Control to Achieve Data Access Compliance
Financial Credit Risk Control

Consumer’s Data Security


The Idea Value of this project
Team Sparkle

Data Transparency Save investment for investors

Thank YOU

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