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Which community do you think can benefit from additional irrigation and

drainage investments?

There are more than one community/village that can benefit from additional
drainage and irrigation systems and may be seen as high-risk areas for flooding in
which the severity can range from minor to major flooding.
Focusing on the vast area from the village of Somerset & Berks to the village of
Glenhurst it can be seen that the drainage and irrigation channel system is poor, in
addition, from the village of Somerset & Berks to the village of Cozier or Hope &
Success may face moderate floods rather than major floods, this is so because
sluices and pumps are available in areas within these villages, however the
channeling system is not interconnected comparing the channeling system from the
villages of Evergreen to the village of Golden Fleece which portrays proper
channeling, drainage and irrigation systems. Furthermore, the vast area from the
village of Caniegieter or Maria's Delight to the village of Glenhurst will most
likely experience Major flooding, this is so because there are no channeling,
drainage and irrigation systems and also, we can see the absence of sluices and
pumps here, this area can be deemed as a very high-risk area and can be resolved
by investment in drainage and irrigation systems. In addition, farm lands can suffer
loss of crops in periods of water shortage since channels aren’t available for
irrigation of the land.
Focusing the area from the village of Zorg to the village of Good hope, it can be
concluded that this are may experience minor to moderate flooding, this is so
because the sluices are far apart from each other which only serves purpose for a
small range of area within these villages and the channels are not interconnected
but rather run linear to the ocean portraying a poor drainage pattern. This can also
be a high risk area because there are no pumps available from the village of Zorg
to the village of Good hope.

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