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Question No: Questions Answer

Why AFD Portal Showing a maintenance mode AFD Portal is put to scheduled maintenance mode whenever rates are
message? being uploaded in portal.
2 What is the registration time on the portal? You can register yourself on CSD AFD Portal 24X7.
Registration link->
3 What is the process of new registration? For more info, refer user manual:
1. Valid Grocery Card
What are mandatory documents for registering at CSD- 2. Beneficiary Mobile Number
AFD Portal? 3. Valid PAN Card
4. Date of Joining / Date of Enrollment / Date of Commissioning.
1. Updation through Menu->"Update Registration Form" Option.
5 How to update the old profile of registered users? 2.Admin Approval Will be given by Office Of DDGCS for the changes
For user registration approval, please email to customercareafd1@cims-
6 Whom to contact, if registration is not approved?
For user updation like Grocery Card Details: customercareafd1@cims-
7 whom to contact, if Details are wrongly entered?, For date of Joining, email id & pan card :
To reset password of your user login, please click below link:
8 How to reset the password of registered users?
There are high chances that already you have registered with the same
At the time of registration if the user gets errors like - Chip Number/Grocery Card. Please please try to login with username or
"Duplicate pan Card / Grocery Card"? reset password with your registered email id. To get your username email

Login on AFD Portal and Updation through Menu->"Update Registration

10 how to update the Date of Joining on the AFD Portal?
Form" Option.

User is registered while serving, now after retirement Login on AFD Portal and Update your grocery card through Menu-
how to update the new grocery card? >"Update Registration Form" Option.

It is to be done by self only. please login on AFD Portal and Update your
12 Whom to contact for updating profiles?
profile through Menu->"Update Registration Form" Option.
It is to be done by self only. Please update your date of joining through
After user registration admin approval is not received.
Menu->"Update Registration Form" Option.
13 Date of joining showing wrong then how to
Admin Approval Will be given by Office Of DDGCS for the changes
update/change it?
After Registration on AFD Portal you can't buy item untill your registerd
Why can't buy items from AFD Portal after
14 user not get approval from DDGCS. It will take 2 working day to accord
Why my login details are showing invalid after If you have already registered on AFD Portal by using Your
registration? Chip/Grocery Card. May be incorrect credentials are entered.
Whom to contact for denial of user registration inspite In this case you have to send an email to "customercareafd1@cims-
of Card Details?".
Whom to contact for denial of user registration inspite
17 In this case you have to send an email to "".
of correct Date of Joining?
Updation of Email id / other details in case Username
18 Email to
& Password is lost?
For Pan Card updation can not be done by the User. Please send an email
19 Where to go for Pan Card No updation?
to "" for updation by Admin.
20 What if I forget my login password? You can reset your passowrd using "lost your password" on login page.
An user has already used this email for Registration Purpose. Only one
21 Why do I get this alert, “Email already exists”?
mail ID per user is allowed for registration, to avoid duplicacy.
There is a username that is already registered with the same user
22 Why do I get this alert, “User Name already exists”?
ID/Name. Please choose some other user ID/Name to avoid duplicacy.
There are high chances that you already have username registered with
23 Why do I get this alert, “Chip Number already exists”? the same Chip Number. Please contact the email id:
There are high chances that you already have username registered with
Why do I get this alert, “Grocery Card ID already
24 the same Grocery Card ID. Please contact the email
For placing a demand please check the below url:
25 What is the process of placing a demand? and visit/read beneficiary
For any issues/queries with respect to demand placed (eg: Demand
processing, payment status query, release of LS order etc), contact AFD
26 Whom to contact for any queries in placed demand? Helpdesk on 0120-6933434. (OR)
Contact us details are available in this link :
Following category of canteen smartcard holders of all pay level are
authorised for other AFD items:-
Who all are entitled for other AFD-I items (viz) Two
(a) Serving Armed Forces Personnel.
27 Wheeler, Fridge, Washing Machine, T.V, AC, Mobiles,
(b) Retired Armed Forces Personnel.
Laptops & Desktops etc.?
(c) Serving Defence Civilians.
(d) Retired Serving Defence Civilians.

Is there any minimum service requirement as in car for No, All category of canteen smartcard holders as stated above are entitled
other AFD-I items? to purchase other AFD items irrespective of service period.

(a) TVs: Two TVs in a block period of four years.

(b) ACs: Four ACs in a block period of four years.
What is the periodicity of other AFD-I purchases like:
(c) Other AFD-I Items (Less Four Wheeler): (One in Four Years) from the
29 TV/AC/Fridge/Mobiles/Laptops/Desktops/Washing
date of last purchase.
M/c & Two Wheelers etc?
The periodicity is reviewed periodically by O/o DDGCS which shall be
applicable from time to time.

Can I buy a second car through AFD Portal within 5 No, the car cannot be transferred before completing 5 years of purchase.
30 years of buying the first car, if I transfer the first one to After transfer also, Purchase can be done only after 5 years from the date
my family member’s name? of last purchase.

31 When can I buy the same category product again? Any Product of same kind can only be bought once in a specified period.
Following category of canteen smartcard holders are authorised for other
AFD items:-
(a) Serving Defence Civilians. (Pay Level 11 & above)
(b) Retired Serving Defence Civilians. (Pay Level 11 & above)
32 Who all are entitle to purchase four wheelers?
(c) Serving Armed Forces Personnel. (Pay Level 1 to 18)
(d) Retired Armed Forces Personnel.(Pay Level 1 to 18)
For more details please click on below given link:
Please refer link :

Yes, but the loan amount has to be directly credited to the CSD HO Main
Account. Remaining all payments needs to be directly transferred through
can I pay through Payment Gateway/ Online Payment
34 the payment gateway only. (please read
when I have opted for a loan?
"" for
detailed guidlines.)
Because the loan amount has to be directly credited to the CSD HO Main
Why can’t I pay through Payment Gateway/ Online
35 Account. (please read "
Payment when I have opted for a loan?
payments/" for detailed guidlines.)

The "Dealer Price" has to be exactly the same as the "Net Price to be paid".
Dealer Price is filled but still the error is showing,
36 This is to be ensure CSD beneficiary are charged/Correctly quoted by
“Billing dealer price is required field. ”?
CSD dealer, avpoid over/excess payment.
No, all these details are picked from the registration from that user filled
37 Can I change the pre-filled details in checkout form?
while registration.
There are three entitlement categories (Officers, JCO, OR) and every
Why do I get this alert, “You are not entitled to category has a different Ceiling limit. If any user is getting the above said
purchase the selected car”? message then the user must choose a different product of lower value
within their allowed limit/category.
After payment if the status not changing then whom to If after payment your status is still showing pending payment then your
contact? can directly contact with CSD Depot directly.
After payment how many days take for creating LS
40 2-3 Working days.
No, you can't payment through your spouse / wife / children's account.
If you have joint account and you're primary in that account, then you can
Can we do payment by my wife's account or the
41 transfer from your joint account. A declaration to this effect to be
children's account?
Submitted by Joint A/c holders authorizing transaction to pay towards
AFD-I item purchase through Portal.
If I'm not taken a loan and the amount is more than 10
42 Yes, you can pay in part by part payment process.
lacs can we do it offline payment?
Yes, benefiaciary can do part payment but it can only be done 2 times; not
43 can we do the part payment?
more than that.
If you have not taken loan amount or having cash then select Offline
Payment Option for payment through E-challan. For Offline payment
44 What is the process of offline payment?
please follow below links:
If you're not taking loan and have Debit Card/Credit
Card/NetBanking/RTGS then proceed with Online Payment Option. For
45 What is the process of online payment?
online payment please follow below links:
Login portal .
Go to "Menu -> Demands placed"
46 how to check the payment status after payment?
Open demand and click on "View/Notes" to view the payment
transaction status.
What to do, if payment is transferred successfully from Connect with your nominanted Depot get the updated status / send an
the bank account but it's not updating on the portal? email to /

48 Whom to contact for payment confirmation? Connect with your nominanted Depot to get the updated status.
what if payment is transfered for different demand
49 Cancel that demand and apply for refund of your payment.
After "processing" status, if the demand status is not Contact with Concerned CSD depot and get the current status. You may
changing then whom to contact? also contact AFD Help Desk at 0120-6933434.
For any financial issue like payment deducted by razorpay but status is
whom to contact if payment is failed by the Razorpay
51 showing failed, please contact with F&A Branch of CSD HO Mumbai at
payment gateway?

If you directly transfer payment into CSD HO Account then you can't
What happen when someone directly transfers
proceed for making demand. You have to take refund of your amount
52 payment in CSD HO Account? and What is the refund
from the F&A Branch CSD HO. Please write a mail to
process for this? &

If I'm buying car of more than 20 lacs, How to

53 You can do 2 part payment only.
Sale is started onfirst day of every month, as & when new rate is received
54 When does Sale Start?
from OEM's.
55 When does the sale for a month get closed? Sale is closed for last 3 working days of the month.
Yes, After Sale Service, Warranty, Registration, Insurance, etc. on the part
56 CSD Role upto delivery only?
of Customer only, CSD has no Role in this.
Visit nominated URC that was chosen while placing demand.
Portal status is "Supply Order Released". How to
57 LS order along with Payment receipt and authority letter can be collected
collect my LS order?
after verification by the URC.
Dealer has provided availability certificate but the item Product will be available in portal ONLY when OEMs submit rates for
is not available in portal.Why? current month sale.
User needs to submit application for refund at nominated URC along with
following documents:
1. An application addressed to CSD Depot Manager with reason of
2. An Affidavit mentioning the reason of refund.
What is the process of refunding money after LS order
59 3. Cancelled cheque for Bank Details for refunding the amount/Copy of
is issued by the Depot?
4. Original Copy of PO and Authority Letter.
5. Proof of Payments made (UTR NO etc).
6. Non Delivery Certificate issued by the respective dealer, in case LS
order is released by URC.
User needs to submit application for refund at nominated URC.Refund
60 Where to apply for a refund?
process will be take min 90 days time.

All deposits are going directly into CFI account of GoI. Refund is to be
made by CSD installations from separate Govt Fund (subject to
61 How much time is taken for a refund?
allotment/availability), Hence the refund process may take up to three
months from the date of formal application to the Depot.
If your LS Order is released from depot, then depot will forward your
If LS Order is Release, then what is the process of
62 refund/cancellation process on behalf of beneficiaries to CSD HO via
If LS Order is not released then what is the process of If your LS Order is not Released from depot, then depot will refund the
refund/cancellation? payment. User to Submit application through nominated URC.
Login portal .
65 How to cancel orders payment failed? Go to "Menu -> Demands placed"
Open demand and click on "Cancel" button.
Yes, you can create multiple demands at the same time but product
should be of different category. and for each demand payments to be
made Seperately.
(eg:Two wheeler, Four wheeler and white goods can be bought at the
66 can we create multiple demands same time?
same time if beneficiary is eligible as per below link :
Please check minimum time required before purchasing item.
eg:Time gap between purchase of Two wheelers must be 4 years)

What to do, if a demand order is cancelled from the

Contact with your concerned/nominated depot to approach CSD HO
67 depot but not deleted from AFD Portal? whom to
with your demand cancellation for deletion from AFD Portal.
contact for the cancellation process?

How to apply for new demand if the product is

68 Please write to
stolen/dumped in fire/scratch due to an accident?

If your product is stolen/dumped in fire due to an accident then you have

What is a special sanction letter and whom to approach
69 to connect with DDGCS and request for Special Sanction Letter to
for a special sanction letter?
approach for placing new demand and mail to

If dealer is unable to deliver product, then contact concerned CSD depot .

whom to contact if the dealer is denying to delivery
70 Contact us details are available in this link :
Payment will be made only after demand is approved by Concerned
71 When payment should be made?
In loan cases you can place a demand normally. Here you have to fill the
72 How to place a demand in loan cases?
loan utr details.
Whom to contact if payment option is not displaying
73 Concerned Depot.
after placing a demand.
74 Why did demand get rejected? Demand may be rejected due to eligibility/payment issue.
Whom to contact if demand is not approved / not
75 Concerned Depot.
Validation of Availability Certificate & LS Order is applicable for the
76 Validation of availability Certificate & LS Order?
current month only.
LS Order should be submit at Dealer end on same month when you
77 By when Produce LS Order to dealer? placed your demand or before expiring validity of the availability
Once your supply order is released from the concern depot then you have
78 By when to collect LS Order from URC?
to Collect LS order immediately from the nominated URC.
If smart card not working at URC, then you need to find out is it expire? If
79 Smart Card not working at URC. What to do?
it's expire then you have to apply for renew at urc only.
To whom approach to check whether you are eligible
80 Email to
to buy AFD-I items?
Concerened CSD Depots only direct . Read
81 Whom to contact for all issue related to dealer? to see email/phone numbers.

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