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unit -1 CPaum)

Summ ay tnthis poury

wu s m b i un,
GLLd Uuavu while ica umouaas hatred,
icdi, atredThe pat hwu pe tauRs, hB
thi woLd end .Ace te mankund s rgt ublL
te coDL t s unduminisning dusue arnd
uing ot navud, 1t wsuLd ditinituly bürg
h woud te an end. Ac. ta pat, en u Ttest
PTptLbEiune fu uuud bung re nd, îa
aLLe Apablt FAth he buius wud
wouldd end aue e fu, duite peoptu's tumeday
OLL 8ut 1 wGld ueLte end i u 1
ueud und dul L

Junat dos tiu and ice Mand HOX ? what

isthe wud 'a uual Ldua ?

ns i n mosuiLS tra UmmanAL quLd and
dusie and c ambelisus haud , coldnss
and dtercos. wuld 's guual apunian L
hot wgud uould tnd i H d te tiu

22 h a l dup muanung s gun a tu suuy u

and i e 2

Ans h dup mianung un ib that 4 manRind

L s t able to and ta wndumunushina dusi
and ts yaung o hatud,it would dutuutly
bHuna thi u d te an ind.

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