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Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles under Oxidizing Environment and Their

Stabilization in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Media

Article in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials · January 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.05.001


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2 authors:

Dipak Maity Dinesh C. Agrawal

University of Petroleum & Energy Studies Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55

Synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles under oxidizing environment

and their stabilization in aqueous and non-aqueous media
D. Maity1, D.C. Agrawal
Materials Science Programme, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
Received 4 October 2005; received in revised form 22 March 2006
Available online 2 June 2006


Synthesis of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles under oxidizing environment by precipitation from aqueous media is not straightforward
because Fe2+ gets oxidized to Fe3+ and thus the ratio of Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 2:1 is not maintained during the precipitation. A molar ratio of
Fe3+:Fe2+ smaller than 2:1 has been used by many to compensate for the oxidation of Fe2+ during the preparation. In this work, we have
prepared iron oxide nanoparticles in air environment by the precipitation technique using initial molar ratios Fe3+:Fe2+p2:1. The phases of
the resulting powders have been determined by several techniques. It is found that the particles consist mainly of maghemite with little or no
magnetite phase. The particles have been suspended in non-aqueous and aqueous media by coating the particles with a single layer and a
bilayer of oleic acid, respectively. The particle sizes, morphology and the magnetic properties of the particles and the ferrofulids prepared
from these particles are reported. The average particle sizes obtained from the TEM micrographs are 14, 10 and 9 nm for the water, kerosene
and dodecane-based ferrofluids, respectively, indicating a better dispersion in the non-aqueous media. The specific saturation magnetization
(ss) value of the oleic-acid-coated particles (53 emu/g) is found to be lower than that for the uncoated particles (63 emu/g). Magnetization
ss of the dodecane-based ferrofluid is found to be 10.1 emu/g for a volume fraction of particles j ¼ 0.019. Zero coercivity and zero
remanance on the magnetization curves indicate that the particles are superparamagnetic (SPM) in nature.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 75.50 Mm; 75.50 Dd; 75.50 Kj

Keywords: Magnetite; Maghemite; Nanoparticles; Iron oxide; Ferrofluids

1. Introduction mostly used as magnetic particles in ferrofluids due to

their high saturation magnetization and high magnetic
Ferrofluids or magnetic fluids are stable colloidal homo- susceptibility [8–10]; the magnetite (Fe3O4) particles are
geneous suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles (around preferred because of their greater saturation magnetization
10 nm in diameter) in an appropriate carrier (aqueous or [11–25]. The nanoparticles need to be stabilized in the
non-aqueous) liquid [1–4]. They are said to be super- carrier liquid because they tend to agglomerate due to Van
paramagnetic (SPM), meaning that they are attracted by a der Waals forces. In addition, the magnetite nanoparticles
magnetic field but retain no residual magnetism after the are very much susceptible to air oxidation [9,10]. In order
field is removed [1–4]. Due to their small size and SPM to prevent the possible air oxidation as well as agglomera-
behavior, ferrofluids have been extensively used in several tion, the Fe3O4 nanoparticles are coated with a surfactant
technological and biomedical applications [4–7]. Iron oxide (e.g. fatty acids) [11–20] or a polymer (e.g. dextran)
(usually magnetite and maghemite) nanoparticles are [10,23–25]. Also once the dispersing agent is adsorbed on
the iron oxide particles, the number of accessible sites for
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 512 2597892; fax: +91 512 2597664. further crystal growth is reduced to keep the particle size
E-mail address: (D.C. Agrawal). small [23].
Now at the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Chemical co-precipitation has been widely used to
Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India produce magnetite nanoparticles due to its ease and large

0304-8853/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55 47

volume capability [26,27]. The method involves co-pre- The iron oxide nanoparticles prepared using
cipitation from Fe2+ and Fe3+ aqueous salt solutions by Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1.5:1 are stabilized in oil (dodecane and
addition of a base. The chemical reaction may be written kerosene) and water media following a procedure reported
[28,29] as follows: by Shen et al. [18], except that the oleic acid is used for both
single-layer and bilayer coating (Fig. 1) of the iron oxide
Fe2þ þ 2Fe3þ þ 8OH ! Fe3 O4 þ 4H2 O (1) nanoparticles.
According to this reaction an initial molar ratio of To prepare the single-layer oleic-acid-coated particles, a
Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 2:1 is needed for the production of Fe3O4. solution of 0.1 ml oleic acid in 5 ml acetone is added to the
But when the preparation is carried out in air, Fe2+ gets heated salt solution before the addition of NH4OH. A
oxidized to Fe3+ (Fe2++O2 - Fe3+). It is known that the black suspension is formed upon the addition of NH4OH.
formation rate of Fe3+ by oxidation with air is nearly Further additions of oleic acid are made in five 0.2 ml
independent of the ferrous ion concentration [30] and (undiluted) volumes over 5 min intervals. The crystal
hence oxidation reaction can go to nearly completion. It is growth is allowed to proceed for 30 min at 80 1C with
thus very difficult to maintain the Fe3+:Fe2+ ratio ¼ 2:1. constant stirring. The suspension is then cooled to room
To overcome this problem, two approaches have been temperature. The suspended particles are flocculated by
used. In one the nitrogen (N2) gas is bubbled into the acetone and are washed five times with acetone and MeOH
reaction mixture [6,10,17–19]. This not only prevents the mixture (equal volumes) to remove the excess oleic acid
oxidation of the magnetite but also reduces the particle size and are recovered by magnetic decantation. This produces
[6,19]. Other workers have performed the synthesis of the single-layer oleic-acid-coated iron oxide particles.
magnetite nanoparticles under oxidizing environment To prepare an oil-based ferrofluid, the single-layer oleic-
(air atmosphere) by lowering the initial molar ratio acid-coated iron oxide particles (1 g) are mixed with
(Fe3+:Fe2+o2:1) so that after the oxidation of Fe2+ to 30–50 ml oil and 3–5 ml oleic acid (i.e. 10 vol% with
Fe3+, the ratio approaches to 2:1 [15,22–25]. Initial molar respect to carrier liquid) and the resulting mixture is
ratios ranging from Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1:1 to 1.7:1 have been peptized by heating it at 80 1C for 30 min with vigorous
used by various researchers [15,21,24,25]. However, the stirring. The coated particles are gradually transferred into
particles thus obtained have not been adequately char- the oil medium. No phase separation is observed on
acterized with respect to the phase(s) present—it is usually exposing the suspension to a strong magnet for 30 min
assumed that the phase is magnetite. This problem is made indicating that a stable oil-based ferrofuid is obtained.
difficult because of the nearly similar X-ray diffraction For the preparation of a water-based ferrofluid, the
(XRD) patterns of magnetite and maghemite. single-layer oleic-acid-coated iron oxide particles (1 g) are
In the present work, we have prepared iron oxide added to 20 ml deionized water and the slurry is heated to
particles using various molar ratio of Fe3+:Fe2+ p 2:1 and 60 1C under vigorous stirring. A solution of 10% (w/v)
have characterized the resulting powders with respect to ammonium salt of oleic acid (pH ¼ 10) is prepared
the phase(s) obtained and other characteristics. It is found separately by mixing 30 ml water, 3 ml oleic acid and
that the particles consist mostly of maghemite with little 30–40 drops of a solution of NH4OH (30% w/w). This
amount of the magnetite phase. We have also prepared and solution is added to the slurry dropwise under constant
characterized aqueous and non-aqueous-based ferrofluids
from one batch of these powders. It is shown that the phase
obtained in the powders is predominantly maghemite
despite the use of lower Fe3+: Fe2+ ratios.

2. Experimental

Analytical grade ferric chloride (FeCl3  6H2O), ferrous

chloride (FeCl2  4H2O), oleic acid (C18H34O2), ammonium
hydroxide (NH4OH) and dodecane (C12H26) are used;
kerosene used is of commercial grade.
Initial molar ratios of Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 2:1, 1.75:1, 1.5:1 are
used. Required amounts of FeCl3  6H2O and FeCl2  4H2O
are dissolved in 40 ml of deionized water. The solution is
heated at 80 1C for 1 h while being stirred. Then 5 ml of
NH4OH (30% w/w) are added rapidly to it. The resulting
suspension is vigorously stirred for another 1 h and then
cooled to room temperature. The precipitated particles are
washed five times with hot water and separated by Fig. 1. Schematic representation of bilayer surfactant-coated magnetic
magnetic decantation. These are called uncoated particles. nanoparticles.
48 D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55

stirring at 60 1C until the slurry changes into a stable measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM)
suspension. The stability is checked by exposing the operated in air at room temperature.
suspension to a permanent magnet for 30 min. A stable
water-based ferrofluid is obtained after the addition of 3. Results and Discussion
30 ml of oleic acid.
The particles are characterized by XRD, transmission 3.1. Morphology and size of the particles
electron microscope (TEM), Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Che- Fig. 2 shows the TEM images of bilayer and single-layer
mical analysis of the particles is performed to estimate the oleic-acid-coated iron oxide particles stabilized in aqueous
ferrous and ferric iron content by a titration method [31]. (Fig. 2a) and non-aqueous (Fig. 2b, kerosene; Fig. 2c,
Magnetic properties of the particles and magnetic fluids are dodecane) media. In the non-aqueous media, the particles

Fig. 2. TEM image of iron oxide nanoparticles: (a) bilayer coated particles dispersed in water, (b) single-layer coated particles dispersed in kerosene, (c)
single-layer coated particles dispersed in dodecane.
D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55 49

are well dispersed but in aqueous medium they are as by Monte Carlo simulations that the particles form
somewhat agglomerated. The average particle sizes from closed rings and long open loops with no particular spatial
the TEM micrographs were determined to be 14, 10 and orientation due to magnetostatic interaction in the absence
9 nm for the water-, kerosene- and dodecane-based of any external magnetic field and form long chains parallel
ferrofluids, respectively. Thus the single-layer coated to the applied field in the presence of an external field. The
particles can be dispersed in oil (kerosene and dodecane) chains or loops have a lower diffusion coefficient than the
medium effectively while the dispersion of the bilayer- single particle and the equivalent sphere diameter measured
coated particles in water is not so effective. by light scattering is higher than the elementary particle
Particle sizes of the uncoated powders and of the size as revealed by other techniques (such as XRD and
particles in the ferrofluids were also measured by dynamic TEM). The agglomerated ring and loop structures are not
light scattering using a particle size instrument (Malvern seen in TEM, possibly because they are disturbed due to
HPPS). The results for the aqueous and dodecane the drying forces present during the sample preparation for
ferrofluids are shown in Fig. 3. The average particle sizes TEM.
obtained were (a) uncoated particles: 119 nm, (b) aqueous
ferrofluid: 107 nm, (c) kerosene ferrofluid 41 nm and (d)
dodecane ferrofluid: 29 nm. The average particle sizes
3.2. Structural characterization of the particles
obtained by this technique are much larger than those by
TEM. This is because even in the absence of any external
3.2.1. X-ray diffraction
magnetic field, the magnetostatic (magnetic dipole–dipole)
Fig. 4 shows the XRD patterns of the iron oxide particles
interactions between the particles can cause their agglom-
prepared using the different initial molar ratios of
eration. It has been determined, experimentally [32] as well
Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 2:1, 1.75:1, 1.5:1. The 2y values of the peaks
are compared with the standard data for Fe3O4 and g-
Fe2O3 in Table 1 [9]. It can be seen that the experimental
data can be assigned either to Fe3O4 or to g-Fe2O3 because
their peaks are very close to each other. However, it does
appear that our data is somewhat closer to g-Fe2O3 than to
Fe3O4. Nevertheless, additional verification is required to
confirm the correct phase. An extra peak at 2y E 32.81 is
present in the samples with the higher Fe3+:Fe2+ ratios.
This can be due to the presence of e-Fe2O3 in the samples.
Fig. 5 shows the comparison of XRD patterns of
uncoated and coated particles. The peaks for the coated
particles are broader than those for uncoated particles. The
crystallite sizes for the uncoated and coated particles
obtained from the analysis of the peak widths [33] are
found to be 10.8–13.2 and 5.2–7.3 nm, respectively.
Additional peaks, indicated by arrows in Fig. 3a, are
found to be present in the diffraction from the coated
powders. These can be assigned to the e-Fe2O3 phase. The
presence of this additional phase may be a size effect.

3.2.2. Chemical analysis

Iron oxide particles are analyzed chemically using 0.9997
(N/20) K2Cr2O7. Total amount of iron (Fe3++Fe2+) and
the amount of ferrous iron (Fe2+) thus determined are
shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The experimental
results are compared with the calculated values obtained by
assuming the product to be pure magnetite (Fe3O4) and
pure maghemite (g-Fe2O3) phases. The amount of Fe2+
determined experimentally is smaller by a factor of 5–10
from that expected if the phase were pure Fe3O4. Also the
amount of total iron is closer what would be expected if the
powder were pure Fe2O3. It thus appears that the powders
Fig. 3. Size distribution for: (a) water-based ferrofluid, (b) dodecane- obtained consist mostly of g-Fe2O3 with some Fe3O4 and e-
based ferrofluid. Fe2O3 (as determined from X-ray).
50 D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55

Fig. 4. XRD patterns of the iron oxide particles prepared with ratios of Fe3+:Fe2+: (a) 2:1, (b) 1.75:1, (c) 1.5:1.

Table 1
XRD data (for 2y ¼ 20–80 1C) for Fe3O4, g-Fe2O3 from Ref. [9,31] and the experimental data from the uncoated particles prepared using different initial
molar ratios

From Refs. [9,31] Experimental data

Fe3O4 g-Fe2O3 Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 2:1 Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1.75:1 Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1.5:1

2y1 I 2y1 I 2y1 I 2y1 I 2y1 I

30.10 30 30.28 30 30.12 30 30.38 30 30.44 30

35.43 100 35.69 100 35.63 100 35.86 100 35.82 100
43.06 20 43.35 15 43.28 15 43.28 15 43.65 15
53.41 10 53.87 9 53.60 9 53.99 9 57.51 9
56.96 30 57.42 20 57.17 20 57.25 20 63.15 20
62.53 40 63.03 40 62.78 40 63.06 40 74.66 40
73.97 10 74.56 8 74.29 8 74.52 8 74.66 8

3.2.3. Infrared spectroscopy shift of Fe–O bands from that of the standard maghemite
Fig. 6 depicts the IR spectra of the uncoated, the single has occurred either due to the overlapping of two bands (to
layer and the bilayer of oleic-acid-coated iron oxide give a band with average wave number) or due to the
nanoparticles prepared using the initial molar ratio of particles being nanosized.
Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1.5:1. The corresponding adsorption fre-
quencies are given in Table 4 and are assigned to various 3.2.4. Mössbauer spectroscopy
modes [9,34–40]. The IR bands at low wave numbers (p Fig. 7 shows the Mössbauer spectrum for uncoated
700 cm1) come from vibrations of Fe–O bonds of iron particles prepared using the initial molar ratio of
oxide. The experimental data for the Fe–O bonds of iron Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1.5:1. The corresponding Mössbauer para-
oxide are compared with the standard IR data for iron meters are given in Table 6. The experimental Mössbauer
oxide particles in Table 5 [9]. It can be observed that IR spectrum actually consists of two sextets which are nearly
spectra of all the experimental particles consist of four superimposed over each other. It is clearly different from
bands which are very close to those for maghemite. Little the spectrum observed from Fe3O4 which consists of two
D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55 51

Fig. 5. Comparison of XRD patterns of (a) uncoated particles, (b) coated particles.

Table 2
Total amount of iron in the iron oxide powder

Initial molar ratio of Amount of powder Weight of total iron Calculated weight of total Calculated weight of total
Fe3+:Fe2+ used for taken (g) (Fe3++Fe2+) determined iron assuming the powder iron assuming the powder
powder (g) to be Fe3O4 (g) to be Fe2O3 (g)

2:1 0.2039 0.141770.0001 0.147 0.143

1.75:1 0.2005 0.145370.0001 0.145 0.140
1.5:1 0.2035 0.142170.0001 0.147 0.142

Table 3
Ferrous iron (Fe2+) in the iron oxide powder

Initial molar ratio of Amount of powder Weight of ferrous iron Calculated weight of Calculated weight of
Fe3+:Fe2+ used for taken (g) (Fe2+) determined (g) ferrous iron assuming the ferrous iron assuming the
powder powder to be Fe3O4 (g) powder to be Fe2O3 (g)

2:1 0.2011 0.008970.0001 0.048 0

1.75:1 0.2066 0.004270.0001 0.050 0
1.5:1 0.2068 0.009570.0001 0.048 0

clearly distinct sextets with the high-velocity peak being of Further, the parameters extracted from the experimental
significantly higher strength than the low-velocity peaks [9]. spectra (Table 6) are close to those from other oxides such
The spectrum appears to be close to that from maghemite, as g-Fe2O3 and e-Fe2O3 than from Fe3O4 [9]. Thus,
but the presence of two nearly overlapping sextets indicates Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements show that the
that more than one phase may be present. In case of particles are predominantly g-Fe2O3 with possible e-Fe2O3.
magnetite, the isomer shifts of the two sextets are 0.26 and The experimental spectrum consists of quite broad peaks
0.67 mm/s [9] which are different from the present data. indicating a fine particle size. This small particle size also
52 D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55

Fig. 6. IR spectra of the iron oxide nanoparticles: (a) uncoated particles, (b) single-layer coated particles, (c) bilayer coated particles.

Table 4
IR absorption frequencies from uncoated, single-layer and bilayer-coated powders

Uncoated Single-layer coated Bilayer coated Assignment of adsorption bands [9,33-39] (u:
stretching vibration; d: deformation vibration)

3200–3600 3200–3600 3200–3600 u(O–H) for H2O (sample taking up water) or

u(O–H) for H-bonded OH groups (from oleic acid)
— 2852 and 2922 2855 and 2924 u(C–H) for (–CH2) of oleic acid
1708.26 1705 — u(C–O) for CO2 (from air)
— 1714.38 — u(C ¼ O) for COOH (free)
— 1727.59 u(C ¼ O) for ammonium oleate (physically
1630.51 1630 — u(O–H) for H2O
— 1525-1595 1587.60 u(COO) for COOH (chemically adsorbed)
— 1438.35 u(NH4+) for ammonium oleate
1403.60 1408.75 1402 u(C–O) for CO2 (from air)
— — 1100–1250 The couple between u(C–O) and d(O–H) for
COOH (free)
628.57, 584.80 and 440.87 621.43, 578.54 and 435.71 632.14, 579.98 and 421.43 u(Fe–O) (stretching vibration in tetrahedral site)
o401 o402 o413. 81 u(Fe–O) (that in octahedral site)

seems to be responsible for the difference in the experi- Thus, XRD, chemical analysis, FTIR and Mössbauer
mental Mössbauer parameters and those from the bulk g- spectroscopy results show that the particles are predomi-
Fe2O3 or e-Fe2O3. nantly g-Fe2O3 with some e-Fe2O3 and possible traces of
D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55 53

Fe3O4. Although we aimed to prepare magnetite particles 3.3. Magnetic Measurements

by lowering the initial Fe3+:Fe2+ ratio, but the g-Fe2O3
phase is mostly obtained due to the oxidation of Fe2+ to Because of the significant differences in the magnetic
Fe3+ during the coprecipitation reaction for all the initial properties of different phases of iron oxide, the measure-
Fe2+:Fe3+ ratios. ment of magnetic properties can be of help in determining
the phases in the particles. Fig. 8 shows the magnetization
curves for the uncoated iron oxide particles prepared using
Table 5 the initial molar ratios of Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 2:1, 1.75:1 and
Comparison of observed IR bands (p700 cm1) with the standard data 1.5:1 and the single layer coated particle prepared using
for magnetite and maghemite [9]
Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1.5:1. The specific saturation magnetization
Specimen IR absorption frequencies (cm1) (ss) values for the uncoated particles are found to be 63.6,
62.9 and 64.3 emu/g, respectively. The nearly equal values
Magnetite [9] 580 and 400
of ss indicate that all the particles prepared using the
Maghemite [9] 700, 640–660, 620, 580, 560, 460, 390 and 305
Uncoated particles 628.57, 584.80, 440.87 and 401.44a different ratios of Fe3+:Fe2+ consist of same magnetic
Single-layer coated 621.43, 578.54, 435.71 and 402.94a phase. Further, the ss values are close to that of bulk
particles maghemite (ss ¼ 73:5 emu=g) rather than bulk magnetite
Bilayer-coated 632.14, 579.98, 421..43 and 413.81a (ss ¼ 92 emu=g) [8]. Thus, these results also agree with the
previous phase-identification results. The decrease in ss
Spectra are collected between the wave number ranges of compared to bulk maghemite is due to the small size of the
4000–400 cm1. particles [41–43]. Zero coercivity and zero remanance on
the magnetization curves indicate that the particles are

Fig. 7. Experimental Mössbauer spectrum at 298 K from the uncoated powder.

Table 6
Experimental Mössbauer parameters at 298 K

Initial molar ratio Isomer shift d Quadrupole splitting Hyperfine field Bhf Width of line W Area (%)
(mm/s1) DEQ (mm/s1) (T) (mm/s1)

Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1.5:1 0.37 0.01 47.78 0.56 44.14

0.43 0.05 43.01 1.09 55.86
54 D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55

σ VsH

(b) 1.75:1

(c) 1.5:1

(a) 2:1
σ (emu/g) (arbitary units)

(d) 1.5:1 (coated)

σ s (a) = 62.9 emu/g

σ s (b) = 64.3 emu/g

σs (c) = 63.6 emu/g

σs (d) = 53.1 emu/g

−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15
H (kOe)

Fig. 8. Magnetization curves for the uncoated particles prepared using the ratios of Fe3+:Fe2+: (a) 2:1, (b) 1.75:1, (c) 1.5:1 and (d) single-layer coated
particles (Fe3+:Fe2+ ¼ 1.5:1).

σ Vs H
10 (a)
φ = 0.0194

φ = 0.0035
σ (emu/g)

σ s (a) = 10.1 emu/g
σs (b) = 4.2 emu/g


-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
H (kOe)

Fig. 9. Magnetization curves for the dodecane-based ferrofluids containing different volume fractions (j) of particles: (a) j ¼ 0:0194 and (b) j ¼ 0:0031.
D. Maity, D.C. Agrawal / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (2007) 46–55 55

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