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Ironbound crusader

“...As the six mages of the Order of Ruin, completed the ritual, bounding six demons from the abyss, to the cursed
armor sets, the flesh of their champion bearers, merged with the black iron. And so, the archmage giveth them
the order to seek the Two-headed basilisk and slay it, before it prophesizes the end of time.”

-The Book of Ruin

Ruinous gifts
Health 3d3, Omens d3.
-Demonbound armor: -d6 damage, Agility tests DR +4, Defend tests DR +2, Cannot be taken off.
-Black flail: d8 damage, ignores shields.
-Cursed shield: Roll twice for defence, pick the best result.
Thee do not need to rest nor to supper, and shall not listenth to the Demon inside thy armor.

Demonbound armor Demonic boon

1. Arzag’dul, Bane of light 1. Pact of flesh
While lit by a natural light, any action’s DR is +3. When thee damages a living being, thy cursed armor,
While in darkness, any action’s DR is -3. pulleth in the spilled blood and flesh, healing equal
amount to thee.
2. Morgu’mal, Lord of plagues
Wherever you go, the plagues and sickness follow. 2. Black fire
Thy health is halved rounded up, as well as the Each time thy foe hits thee in melee, unholy fire
potential health increases. When thee hit thy foe in burns them for 1d3 damage ignoring their armor.
melee, they loseth 1d3 health.
3. Void gaze
3. Sloogrunath, Lord of vileness On thy turn, choose a foe at which the Void gaze is
Thy first attack in combat and attacks outside of aimed, until your next turn, all combat actions against
combat, are DR -6, thy other attacks are DR +2. them, have -2DR.

4. Vizamor’u, Bearer of knowledge 4. Shadow walk

Hear the endless whispers of unfathomable Phase into the Shadow realm, which cannot be seen
knowledge. Presence tests are DR +3. If you succeed or affected by the creatures outside of it. While
on a Presence test, you will learn something very phased, thee will loseth 1d3 health per turn.
valuable about the current situation.
5. Arcane conduit
5. Umgrolith, Lord of death Once per battle, thee can unleash a random Unholy
Instead of dying, gain -9 to 1 Ability. This can be done Power (1d10). Getting hit a by Power, resets this ability.
only once per each Ability. Kill something within 13
minutes afterwards or die.
6. Hell-forged
When thee loseth health, thee loseth 1 less health.
6. Gorgoroth, Devourer of worlds No flame or blizzard shall harm thee.
Unless thee slayeth a living creature once a day, your
maximum health will decrease by 1d3, as the Demon
slowly feeds on your flesh and soul.
Ironbound crusader is an independent production by Pavel Shikhachevskiy and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm
Roll for melee damage twice, pick the best result.
Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

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