NAVA and PAV For Lung and Diaphragm Protection

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OPINION NAVA and PAVþ for lung and diaphragm protection
Katerina Vaporidi

Purpose of review
Complications of mechanical ventilation, such as ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) and ventilator-induced
diaphragmatic dysfunction (VIDD), adversely affect the outcome of critically ill patients. Although mostly
studied during control ventilation, it is increasingly appreciated that VILI and VIDD also occur during
assisted ventilation. Hence, current research focuses on identifying ways to monitor and deliver protective
ventilation in assisted modes. This review describes the operating principles of proportional modes of assist,
their implications for lung and diaphragm protective ventilation, and the supporting clinical data.
Recent findings
Proportional modes of assist, proportional assist ventilation, PAV, and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist,
NAVA, deliver a pressure assist that is proportional to the patient’s effort, enabling ventilation to be better
controlled by the patient’s brain. This control underlies the potential of proportional modes to avoid over-
assist and under-assist, improve patient–ventilator interaction, and provide protective ventilation. Indeed, in
clinical studies, proportional modes have been associated with reduced asynchronies, enhanced
diaphragmatic recovery, and limitation of excessive tidal volume. Additionally, proportional modes
facilitate better monitoring of the delivery of protective assisted ventilation.
Physiological rationale and clinical data suggest a potential role for proportional modes of assist in
providing and monitoring lung and diaphragm protective ventilation.
assisted ventilation, driving pressure, ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction, ventilator-induced lung injury

INTRODUCTION alveolar wall, hyaline membrane formation, heter-

Positive pressure mechanical ventilation has been used ogenous distribution, local and systemic inflamma-
as a life-saving intervention for patients with acute tion are the main characteristics of VILI [2]. Clinical
respiratory failure for over 70 years [1]. Over the past studies in patients under passive ventilation have
20 years, extensive experimental research [2–5] and shown that avoiding excessive lung stress by limit-
landmark clinical studies highlighted the injurious ing tidal volume and maintaining alveoli open
effects of mechanical ventilation, first on the lung using PEEP can protect from VILI [6,10,11]. Yet,
parenchyma (ventilator-induced lung injury, VILI), lung over-stretch and injury during mechanical
and, more recently, on the diaphragm (ventilator- ventilation may occur independently of the venti-
induced diaphragmatic dysfunction, VIDD) [6–8]. latory mode, and thus VILI should be of concern
The means to implement protective mechanical venti- not only during controlled but also during assisted
lation, for both the lung and the diaphragm are cur- ventilation [12,13].
rently major topics in intensive care medicine research Although the risk for VILI in patients under
agenda [9]. This review will focus on the potential assisted ventilation is presumably less than in pas-
role of proportional modes of assist, neurally adjusted sively ventilated patients, as assisted ventilation
ventilatory assist, NAVA, and proportional assist is often used during recovery, and spontaneous
ventilation, PAV, in providing protective ventilation.
Department of Intensive Care, School of Medicine, University of Crete,
Heraklio, Greece
LUNG AND DIAPHRAGM INJURY Correspondence to Katerina Vaporidi, MD, PhD, Department of Intensive
ASSOCIATED WITH ASSISTED Care, University of Crete, School of Medicine, office 8A4, Heraklio,
MECHANICAL VENTILATION Greece. Tel: +30 2810394729; e-mail:
Mechanical ventilation promotes lung injury by Curr Opin Crit Care 2019, 25:000–000
over-stretching the alveoli [2]. Disruptions of DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000684

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CE: Tripti; MCC/260101; Total nos of Pages: 6;
MCC 260101

Respiratory system

Therefore, we need to focus on ways to identify

KEY POINTS and prevent diaphragmatic atrophy during assisted
Proportional modes of assist have the potential to provide lung
ventilation [24 ,25].
and diaphragm-protective ventilation (video abstract, http:// The proportional modes of ventilatory assist, hav- by several mechanisms: ing some fundamental differences from the conven-
 Avoiding diaphragmatic atrophy from over-assist as tional modes of assist (such as pressure support and
tidal volume is not delivered in the absence of patient assist volume) in their principles of operation, may
facilitate in providing protective assisted ventilation.
 Permit the function of the protective mechanisms of
control of breathing that limit effort to avoid lung
 Enable monitoring of driving pressure.
During assisted ventilation, both the patient and the
 Minimize injury and prolongation of ventilation ventilator contribute to the pressure required to
associated with asynchronies. overcome the elastic and resistive load during tidal
breathing, according to the equation of motion:
Pmus þ Pvent ¼ V0  R þ V  E þ PEE, where Pmus is the
pressure generated by the patient’s respiratory
breathing improves lung mechanics, it is by no muscles, Pvent is the pressure provided by the venti-
means negligible. It is increasingly recognized that lator, V0 and V are the instantaneous flow and
spontaneous breathing in the presence of preexist- volume, respectively, R and E are the resistance
ing lung injury may induce VILI, and the term and elastance of the respiratory system, and PEE is
patient self-inflicted lung injury has been proposed the elastic recoil pressure at end-expiration [26]. The
to describe the phenomenon [12,13]. Experimental defining characteristic of proportional modes, PAV
data indicate that, in injured lungs, spontaneous and NAVA, is that the ventilator-delivered pressure
effort may result in regional overstretch as a result of is adjusted throughout inspiration proportionally to
volume redistribution (pendelluft), and uneven patient’s effort [26].
transmission of negative intrathoracic pressure In PAV, the ventilator software calculates ela-
[14,15]. Clinical studies have shown an association stance and resistance using brief end-inspiratory
between high tidal volume and failure of noninva- occlusions performed randomly every few breaths
sive ventilation [16], and improved outcome with [27,28] For pressure delivery, the ventilator moni-
use of neuromuscular blockers in early ARDS [17], tors inspiratory flow and volume and generates
suggesting that strenuous spontaneous efforts dur- pressure, which is, at any time during inspiration,
ing mechanical ventilation may promote VILI. It is, the sum of instantaneous flow and volume multi-
therefore, important to provide protective ventila- plied by an operator-selected gain factor (% assist).
tion both in control and in assisted modes. Hence, Thus, the ventilator delivers a pressure proportional
similarly to control modes, there is a need to moni- to the flow and volume generated by the patient’s
tor and manage lung distending pressures during effort, and the operator defines the percentage of
assisted ventilation. ‘unloading’, that is the fraction of total pressure
Mechanical ventilation can induce injury not required for ventilation that will be delivered by
only in the lungs but also in the diaphragm by an the ventilator [26–28].
entirely different process. Resting is not normal for In NAVA, the ventilator analyzes the diaphrag-
the diaphragm, and studies have shown that disuse matic electromyographic (EMG) signal, obtained by
atrophy of the diaphragm begins soon after initia- a dedicated nasogastric tube equipped with a series
tion of passive mechanical ventilation [7]. Dia- of EMG electrodes positioned across the diaphragm
phragmatic atrophy progresses over time of [29]. The Pvent delivered is proportional to the EMG
inactivity (passive ventilation) [18,19]. Recent stud- signal (the operator sets the ratio of Pvent in cmH2O
ies have confirmed the clinical significance of dia- per mV of EMG signal) [26,29]. The triggering vari-
phragmatic atrophy, showing that it is associated able is the EMG signal in NAVA, and the traditional
with the need for prolonged mechanical ventilation flow criterion in PAV. The pressure delivery ends
and ICU stay [8,20,21]. It has recently been shown (cycling off criterion), in NAVA when the EMG
that, similarly to passive ventilation, spontaneous signal subsides, and in PAV when flow decreases
breathing with high level of assist can result in to a preset value (following a decrease in patient’s
diaphragmatic atrophy, highlighting that the mere effort) [26].
presence of spontaneous effort during assisted The main difference between proportional and
ventilation does not protect from VIDD [22,23]. conventional modes of assist is the relationship

2 Volume 25  Number 00  Month 2019

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NAVA and PAVR for lung and diaphragm protection Vaporidi

rate. If this minute ventilation results in a PaCO2 that

is lower than the brain demands, the response of the
control of breathing will be to decrease effort [32 ,33].
Yet, minute ventilation will remain unchanged,
because, as long as the ventilator is triggered, the same
VT is delivered in each breath. Thus, a patient may
appear to maintain spontaneous breathing and nor-
mal blood gases, while, by exerting very little effort,
just adequate to trigger the ventilator, places his/her
diaphragm at risk of disuse atrophy.
Under pressure support, once the ventilator is
triggered, the preset pressure is delivered. In the
absence of any additional patient effort after trig-
gering, the delivered VT depends on respiratory
system mechanics, rising time and cycling off crite-
FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of the relationship
rion. This VT, known as minimum VT, may be
between patient effort and tidal volume in unassisted
substantial, if the pressure support is relatively high
spontaneous breathing and different modes of assist: assist-
and mechanics relatively normal. Therefore, simi-
volume (without backup rate, AVC), pressure support (PS),
larly to AVC, if the minute ventilation (product of
proportional modes (Proportional).
minimum VT and patient’s respiratory rate) results
in a PaCO2 that is lower than the brain demands, the
between patient effort and tidal volume (VT), Fig. 1 control of breathing system will decrease effort,
[30,31,32 ]. During unassisted (spontaneous) potentially to the point that the patient relaxes all
breathing, VT increases relatively linearly with inspiratory muscles after triggering. As a result, in
increasing effort. In assist-volume control (AVC) pressure support, similarly to AVC, a comfortably
independent of patient effort, VT is preset, thus breathing patient with normal blood gases, may be
the Pmus–VT relationship is a horizontal line. Pres- at risk for disuse diaphragmatic atrophy.
sure support causes a parallel upward shift of the The cardinal characteristic of proportional
spontaneous, unassisted Pmus–VT line, as a constant modes, providing the basis for diaphragm protective
pressure is added to Pmus. Proportional modes ventilation, is the absence of minimum VT. Under
increase the slope of Pmus–VT, because the pressure proportional modes, if the patient relaxes the inspi-
added by the ventilator to Pmus is not constant, but ratory muscles after triggering, the delivered VT will
increases with increasing Pmus. This difference be close to zero (Fig. 1). Therefore, under propor-
underlies the physiological basis of the protective tional modes, patients cannot maintain adequate
role of proportional modes against lung and dia- ventilation without at least some contraction of the
phragm injury, as discussed below. inspiratory muscles throughout inspiration.
Clinical studies have shown that proportional
modes may facilitate weaning [35–37], and the
PREVENTING OVER-ASSISTANCE WITH prevention or reversal of diaphragmatic atrophy
PROPORTIONAL MODES occurring in control modes, could be a contributing
A key feature of the control of breathing system is that mechanism. Indeed, a study comparing the change
a change in (minute) ventilation is mainly performed in diaphragmatic efficiency after controlled
through change of effort/tidal volume, while respira- mechanical ventilation between pressure support
tory rate changes only minimally [33,34]. During and NAVA, showed that NAVA but not pressure
assisted ventilation (without backup rate), the respi- support improved diaphragm function [38].
ratory rate is determined by the patient, whereas the
tidal volume is jointly determined by the patient’s
effort, the mode and level of assist, and patient– PREVENTING LUNG OVER-STRETCH WITH
ventilator interactions [30,31,33]. An important dif- PROPORTIONAL MODES
ference between proportional and conventional Normally lung over-stretch is prevented by (a) reflex
modes of assist, with paramount implications for mechanisms limiting inspiratory time (Hering–Bre-
protective ventilation, is the tidal volume provided uer reflex), and (b) the progressively decreasing abil-
in response to patient’s effort (Fig. 1). ity of inspiratory muscles to generate pressure at
Under AVC, once the ventilator is triggered, the increasing lung volumes (change in force–length
preset VT is delivered, and the resulting minute venti- relationship and decrease of respiratory system com-
lation is the product of this VT and patient’s respiratory pliance) [39,40]. These protective mechanisms can be

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Respiratory system

overridden during mechanical ventilation, especially protective mechanisms may be overridden [45,46].
with conventional modes. Under AVC, the delivered Thus, particularly in patients with lung injury or high
volume is completely independent of either the dura- respiratory drive, it is essential to monitor indices of
tion of neural inspiration, or the pressure generated lung over-stretch, such as plateau or driving pressure.
by the inspiratory muscles (after triggering). Under It should be noted that, in spontaneously breathing
pressure support, the duration of mechanical infla- patients under conventional modes of assist, valid
tion is determined by the preset cycling off criterion measurements of plateau and driving pressure are
(a value of inspiratory flow), which depends on the difficult to obtain. First, as it is not feasible to identify
total pressure provided (Pmusþ pressure support), the the end of neural inspiration, and, second, because
rising time and the respiratory system mechanics. As awake, spontaneously breathing patients would
a result, the neural inspiratory time has limited sense the airway occlusion, and respond by contract-
impact on the duration of inspiration [41]. Moreover, ing inspiratory or expiratory muscles, making the
a constant, preset pressure, delivered by the ventila- measurement invalid [47]. Of course, invasive mea-
tor and obviously not affected by lung volume, is surement of transdiaphragmatic (gastric–esophageal)
added to the one generated by the patient’s muscles. pressure can identify the presence of inspiratory/
Consequently, a decrease of patient’s effort has lim- expiratory muscle activity, and provide detailed
ited impact on the delivered volume, as VT depends information on lung distending pressures.
on the sum of Pmus and pressure support. Therefore, In proportional modes, the end of mechanical and
under conventional modes of assist, the inherent neural inspiration are closely linked, thus facilitating
mechanisms preventing lung over-stretch are ren- the measurement of driving pressure, particularly in
dered inefficient. On the contrary, proportional the absence of expiratory muscle activity. Addition-
modes of assist allow the unobstructed operation ally, the PAV software makes brief end-inspiratory
of these protective mechanisms. First, the duration occlusions, automatically measuring respiratory sys-
of mechanical inflation closely follows patient’s tem compliance and driving pressure [27]. Monitoring
effort. Hence, if inspiratory time is decreased as a of driving pressure during ventilation with propor-
result of activation of the Hering–Breuer reflex, the tional modes has been reported recently [44 ,48]. The
mechanical inspiratory time, and consequently the feasibility of driving pressure measurement during
delivered tidal volume will be decreased. Addition- NAVA ventilation with manual inspiratory pause
ally, the progressive decrease of patient-generated was shown in 12 critically ill patients in the early
pressure at increasing lung volume will be mirrored postoperative period after lung transplantation [48].
by a similar decrease in the pressure provided by the Using PAV, we have shown the feasibility of continu-
ventilator. This physiologic rationale is supported by ous monitoring of driving pressure during assisted
clinical data: one study examined the effect of appli- ventilation [44 ]. In this study, in 62 patients recover-
cation of NAVA at increasing levels in healthy vol- ing from respiratory failure, 10% of patients presented
unteers performing maximal lung inflation prolonged periods of high driving pressure. Sustained
maneuvers [42]. This study showed that increasing high driving pressure occurred exclusively in patients
NAVA assist was associated with a progressive reduc- with low respiratory system compliance, emphasizing
tion of diaphragmatic activity, resulting in minimal the need to closely monitor patients with significantly
changes in inspiratory capacity. In critically ill ARDS impaired mechanics during assisted ventilation.
patients, increasing levels of NAVA assist have been Moreover, this study showed a large daily variation
associated with decreasing patient effort and stable of driving pressure, with a coefficient of variation of
tidal volume [43]. Moreover, in critically ill patients 19%, highlighting the need for frequent or continuous
during ventilation with PAV, an analysis of the time monitoring of lung distending pressures in spontane-
course of driving pressure showed that patients were ously breathing patients at risk for VILI.
able to avoid lung over-stretch, as indicated by a
driving pressure below 15 cmH2O, for most (95%)
of the observation period [44 ].
MONITORING PLATEAU AND DRIVING In spontaneously breathing patients during assisted
PRESSURE WITH PROPORTIONAL MODES ventilation, perfect synchrony between neural and
Although the physiological protective mechanisms mechanical breath is difficult to achieve. Asynchro-
may be operational in proportional modes, their nies can occur in all modes of ventilation [49–51],
efficiency in patients with respiratory failure is and can cause lung and diaphragm injury both
unknown. Experimental data indicate that, in the directly, as well as indirectly, by prolonging the
presence of lung injury or metabolic acidosis, the duration of mechanical ventilation. Indeed, a strong

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NAVA and PAVR for lung and diaphragm protection Vaporidi

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