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A character generator for

Name Slask Class Dead God's Prophet HP 2/2 Omens 2 (d3)

You are Slask Dead God's Prophet

Your god's name is Varkka, Beacon of the Zealot First, Scholar Second
You are literate and can use scrolls, but
Varkka is dead, slain by the Basilisk SHE must pass a DR12 Presence test when
within the wretched peaks of the Bergen encountering them to not immediately
Chrypt. Now no one wants to hear their attempt to destroy them as words of false
words. But you can still hear them. Day and gods. If you start with a scroll, consider
night. Like hot wires through your brain. that you passed the test.

Arbitrary and lazy. Lost three toes, limps. Smell of Decay

Yawns constantly.
Not only is your god dead, but their odor
of decay pervades you. Tests to defend
against attacks have a +2 bonus due to the
gut-wrenching stench.

Blood Tells

A flagellant, you regularly beat yourself

to awaken your lost god. If you inflict d3
HP of damage to yourself prior to combat,
you gain +2 to a number of rolls equal to
the HP lost.

Abilities Equipment
Strength -1 Waterskin and 3 days' worth of food
Agility ±0 Shortsword d4 damage
Presence -1 Backpack for 7 normal-sized items
Toughness -2 A bottle of red poison 4 doses
(Toughness DR12 or d10 damage)
2 moderately tame rats (1 HP, bite d2,
only obey you)
23 silver

MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Web app by Karl Druid.

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