ST - Finance Project

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“I.T VISION ACADEMY” is one of the best opportunity for Badin citizen. Who can learn freelancing
skills in short period of time? Because in now a days online earning is on peak. Everyone want to earn
online and do business online that’s why this opportunity is very helpful for those who learn online.
Time schedules morning and evening shift that you can come and learn. You are all lucky that have
this opportunity on your doorstep so you are not going to other city.

Freelancing is a contract-based profession where you use your skills, education, and experience to
work with multiple clients and take on various tasks. Freelancing usually involves jobs that allow you
to work-from-home. It is just that many of the jobs that freelancers perform can be delivered over the
internet without their presence at the company or client’s place.

Freelancing is also a form of entrepreneurship, which means the freelancer has total control of their
earning potential. Freelancers aren’t locked into a salary, and so they can earn as much as they are able
to bill to their clients. And as a freelancer, you are your own boss

Being freelance or self-employed, means that rather than signing a contract to work for one company,
you work for yourself and manage your own tax affairs. This gives you the freedom to work for
whoever you like, as much or as little as you want. You’re flexible and the ruler of your own destiny.

As you launch your career after graduating – or even while you’re still studying - freelancing

Freelance is important because successful freelancing is about having the confidence to pitch yourself
and your skills.

If you’re ready to go freelance, you will have some, if not all, of the following sorted:
 You’ve already done lots of work experience in your industry and feel confident.
 You’ve got good contacts, or the networking skills to get those contacts. Freelancers have to
generate new work all the time.
 You know there’s a market for your work. Ideally, you’ll already have been approached for
work – for example, by a friend who knows you build offers a great way to try out different
industries or companies and get that oh-so-important experience employers demand. websites
and wants you to help them out.
 You know what you’re worth. You’ve researched the market and can put a price on your skills.

Our mission is to democratize access to IT education, inspiring learners to innovate, create, and lead in the
digital age."

Empowering through Technology, Develop an educated, trained and peaceful society through quality
trainings program

 Primary target: Individuals aged 18 and above.
 Secondary target: young adults aged 18-35, who are more likely to embrace
 Unemployed individuals looking for new career opportunities.
Demographic  Under employed individuals seeking to enhance their skill set and increase
 Individuals with a basic level of education who need to improve their skills and
want to learn freelancing and graphic designing.
 College graduates looking to diversify their skillset.
 Individuals interested in flexible work schedules and remote work.
 Those seeking work-life balance and freedom from traditional job constraints.
 Individuals interested in entrepreneurial ventures and self-employment.
Psychographic  Desire for financial independence and stability.
 Motivation to learn new skills and self-improvement.

 Primary focus on urban areas where joblessness may be higher and access to
technology is better.
 Secondary focus on rural areas through online classes to reach those who
cannot attend in-person.
 Targeting cities with higher unemployment rates and large young adult
Geographic populations.
 Areas with established co-working spaces or tech hubs that support freelance
work environments.
 Nationwide presence with a focus on major metropolitan areas.
 Customizing offerings based on regional job market trends and economic

Analysis of competitors
It’s our new business at Tahar badin city so that’s why I.T Vision Academy has not face the
competitor’s challenges in badin. But if we talk about out of badin we will face some competitors

 National freelancing training centre

 Arts of freelancing Karachi
 Freelancing academy

And in now days big challenges for centre is that individual give offer for online courses at home so its
big challenge for centre that how he will overcome the competition.

We will try to reduce competitive disadvantage, if competitive disadvantage on peak level then we will
not survive in market with our competitors and in now days Competitive advantage is playing a

important role in businesses. so our more focus will be on to The competitive advantage like, we will

provide a better service and courses than our competitor.


 We decided to open a I.T Vision Academy in populated area of Talhar, District Badin.
 Establishing a I.T institute in Badin is a significant initiative that addresses a crucial need in the
 By following this detailed plan, you can create a sustainable and high-quality educational
institution. After learning from our institute you will be provided following job opportunities.

Some of the most common freelance jobs are:

 Web designing.
 Graphic design
 Web designing.
 Web or mobile development.
 Photography.
 Writing blogs and articles.
 Editing…and many more.

Some famous freelancing websites are:

 fiver
 people-per-hour

Site Selection

 We will select a location close to a large residential area with a diverse population, Well-
connected through buses and local transport networks.
 Avoid areas with high noise pollution which can disrupt the learning environment, green spaces
can provide a better environment for students.
 Engage with local community leaders and residents to gather feedback and support for the

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

 First we have to be registered in Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP)

 Obtain approval from the education board(s) relevant to the level of education offered.
 Obtain necessary permits and licenses from local authorities, such as the Karachi Metropolitan
Corporation (KMC) or the District Municipal Corporation (DMC), to operate the institute.
 Secure approval for land use and building construction from the relevant zoning authorities.
 Registration in FBR and fulfill tax obligations applicable to educational institutions, including
income tax, property tax, and sales tax, as per Pakistan's tax laws.
 Implement policies and procedures to safeguard the health and well-being of students, faculty,
and staff.
 To achieve a student enrollment of 500 within the first three years.
 To achieve a 95% satisfaction rate among students and parents.
 To provide the best service to learners
 To provide peaceful and friendly environment
 To achieve respect from society with value able services

Organizational Structure

Academic Staff

 Teachers: Responsible for delivering curriculum and assessing student performance.

 Support Staff: Includes counselors, Computer librarians, and special education coordinators.

Administrative Staff

 Office Manager: Handles school administration, admissions, and records.

 Finance Officer: Manages budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting.
 IT Support: Ensures the functionality of IT infrastructure and digital learning tools.

Staffing Requirements


 Number: 20
 Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in education or subject area, teaching certification.

Support Staff

 Counselors: 03
 HR Officer: 02
 Librarians: 02
 Special Education Coordinators: 2
 Administrative Staff: 5
 IT Support: 2



 Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

 Programming Fundamentals (such as Python, Java, or C++)
 Graphic designing.
 M.S Office
 Power BI
 Freelancing
 Digital Marketing
 Networking (such as TCP/IP, LANs, WANs, and network security)
 Data Science and Analytics (Python, or MATLAB.)
 Mobile App Development
 Computerize Accounting (Such as Peach Tree, ERP software)

Time period of Classes

 Morning shift from 9.00am to 12.00pm
 Evening shift from 4.00pm to 7.00pm
 Our centre is open these time so you can learn easily any time


Main Building

 Classrooms
 Science and Computer Labs
 Library
 Administrative Offices

Other Facilities

 Cafeteria
 Auditorium
 Art and Music Rooms
 Play area

Our total investment is 5000,000 Rupees in which 3000,000 borrow loan from different sources
such as Banks. So we will be able to fulfill the needs and wants of every person by offering a
freelancing courses in badin city.

We are 4 partners in which each partner have invested 5 lacs and 4 Million borrow loan from different
Details are given below:
For computers and laptops 2000000

Furniture & Fixtures 1500000

For miscellaneous 1500000

TOTAL 3000000

Building decoration 150000 Rs/-

 Computer P4 17500 Rs/-
 Printer 9000 Rs/-
 Tele Phone Set 700 Rs/-
 Furniture office 13000 Rs/-
 Furniture of sitting area 27000
 Stationery 5000 Rs/-
 Eclectic Fan 25000 Rs/-
 Lights 3,000 Rs/-
 Exhaust 5000 Rs/-
 A/C 50000 Rs/-
 Outdoor playing equipments
50,000 Rs/-
 Production house equipments
75,000 Rs/-
Building decoration 150000 Rs/-
 Computer P4 17500 Rs/-
 Printer 9000 Rs/-
 Tele Phone Set 700 Rs/-
 Furniture office 13000 Rs/-
 Furniture of sitting area 27000
 Stationery 5000 Rs/-
 Eclectic Fan 25000 Rs/-
 Lights 3,000 Rs/-
 Exhaust 5000 Rs/-
 A/C 50000 Rs/-
 Outdoor playing equipments
50,000 Rs/-
 Production house equipments
75,000 Rs/-
If our centre will not run successfully then we will reduce the courses and staff.

Our financial plan including Assets, liability and Expenses are given below:


Laptop and computers 2000000

Furniture 1000000

Equipment & supplies 500000

Organizational cost 1500000

Total assets 5000,000


Bank loan 3000,000

Total Liabilities 3000000

Partners capital 2000,000

Total liabilities &Capital 5000,000


Fuel cost 30000

Admin Expense 50000

Employees salary 500,000

Utility expenses 30000

Repairing & Maintenance 20000

Miscellaneous & other expenses 100000

Total expenses 730000

This institute will provide reasonable fees everyone can afford. There are all same categories of fees
require according our policy.


Rs 15000 Rs 5000 Rs 167

Rs 15000 Rs 5000 Rs 167

Rs 15000 Rs 5000 Rs 167

Rs 15000 Rs 5000 Rs 167

10 | P a g e
Look for candidates with experience in educational administration, preferably with a background in IT
education. They should have strong leadership skills, excellent communication abilities, and the ability
to strategize for the institute's growth.

Seek individuals with expertise in various IT domains such as programming, web development,
networking, cybersecurity, etc. Look for candidates with teaching experience, relevant certifications,
and a passion for education.

Hire support staff for roles such as administrative assistants, IT technicians, counselors, etc. Look for
individuals with relevant experience and excellent interpersonal skills.

Ongoing Training and Professional Development:

Develop a comprehensive training program for all staff members, including administrators, faculty,
and support staff.
Offer workshops, seminars, and online courses to keep staff updated on the latest trends and
technologies in IT education.


Design and Planning:

 Work with architects and designers to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing layout that
optimizes space utilization and promotes a conducive learning environment.
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 Ensure that the design complies with building codes, safety regulations, and accessibility
 Incorporate modern amenities and technology infrastructure such as high-speed internet
connectivity, multimedia equipment, and interactive learning tools.

Construction or Renovation:

 Hire reputable contractors and construction firms with experience in educational projects.
 Monitor the construction process closely to ensure adherence to timelines, budgetary
constraints, and quality standards.

Infrastructure and Technology:

 Install state-of-the-art infrastructure to support IT education, including computer labs

equipped with the latest hardware and software.
 Set up networking infrastructure to facilitate connectivity and communication throughout the
 Incorporate smart classroom technologies such as interactive whiteboards, projectors, and
audiovisual systems to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
 Our computers and laptop are dell, Lenovo that will provide best quality for learners. The goal
of our centre to offer the best facility for all learners including registration certificate etc, the
centre offer greater perceived value for the learners that he or she could use the for their entire
freelancing career.

Establish Governance and Policies:

 Governance Policies: Outline the roles and responsibilities of the governing board, including
decision-making processes, conflict of interest policies, and code of conduct.
 Administration Policies: Define administrative roles and responsibilities, organizational
structure, delegation of authority, and processes for decision-making and communication.
 Admissions Policies: Establish criteria and procedures for student admissions, including
eligibility requirements, application processes, and selection criteria.
 Student Conduct Policies: Define expected standards of behavior, disciplinary procedures, and
consequences for violations to maintain a positive learning environment.
 Academic Standards Policies: Set academic standards, grading policies, assessment methods,
and procedures for academic integrity and plagiarism.
 Operational Policies: Develop policies and procedures for various operational areas such as
human resources, finance, facilities management, IT infrastructure, and health and safety.

Determine the composition, roles, and responsibilities of the governing board, including
oversight of strategic planning, financial management, and institutional policies.

 Hold regular meetings to review the institute's performance, assess progress towards strategic
goals, and make decisions on key initiatives and policies.

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We promote to advertisement with the local cable channel, F.M radio, pamphlets and other sources.
Our centre focus on all group of ages young old. More important to support and participation that we
will show in community the learning activities.

We will promote our services through following ways

 Advertisement on local cable channels

 F.M Radio
 Distribution of pamphlets
 Banner on roads
 Social Media such as Facebook, Whatsapp etc.
 Word of mouth i.e friends and family


Fostering positive relationships with stakeholders is essential for the success and sustainability of
your IT institute in Badin. Here's how you can engage with various stakeholders and involve them in
decision-making processes:


o Create a welcoming and supportive environment for students by organizing orientation

programs, student clubs, and extracurricular activities.
o Establish channels for student feedback, such as suggestion boxes, surveys, or student
councils, to gather input on academic programs, services, and campus life.
o Encourage student participation in decision-making processes through representation
on committees or advisory boards.


o Keep parents informed about their children's progress, academic achievements, and
involvement in extracurricular activities through regular communication channels such
as newsletters, emails, or parent-teacher meetings.
o Invite parents to participate in school events, workshops, and volunteer opportunities to
foster a sense of community and collaboration.
o Seek parental input on important decisions affecting students' education and well-being,
such as curriculum changes or student support services.

Faculty and Staff:

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o Promote a culture of transparency, respect, and collaboration among faculty and staff by
encouraging open communication and constructive feedback.
o Provide opportunities for professional development, training, and recognition to
support faculty and staff growth.
o Involve faculty and staff in decision-making processes related to academic programs,
curriculum development, and institutional policies.

Local Community Members:

o Engage with the local community through outreach programs, community service
projects, and partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and government
o Seek input from community members on ways the institution can contribute to the local
community's needs and priorities, such as workforce development or technology
o Collaborate with community leaders and organizations to promote awareness of the
institution's programs and services and build positive relationships.

Government Officials and Educational Partners:

o Establish communication channels with government officials and educational partners

at the local, regional, and national levels to stay informed about policies, regulations, and
funding opportunities.
o Advocate for the institution's needs and priorities with government officials and
educational stakeholders, and seek support for initiatives and projects that benefit the
institution and its stakeholders.
o Collaborate with educational partners, such as other schools, colleges, universities, and
industry organizations, to share resources, best practices, and innovative approaches to
education and technology.


Identify relevant KPIs for measuring academic achievement, student satisfaction, financial
sustainability, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Academic achievement KPIs may include student retention rates, exam pass rates, and employment
outcomes for graduates.

Student satisfaction KPIs may include feedback from student surveys, course evaluations, and focus

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Compliance KPIs may include adherence to accreditation standards, government regulations, and
industry certifications

Implement systems for collecting data on the identified KPIs, such as student records, financial
reports, surveys, and compliance documentation.
Use data management tools and software to organize, analyze, and visualize the data to gain insights
into the institution's performance.
Regularly review and update data collection processes to ensure accuracy, completeness, and
timeliness of data.

Involve key stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, in the evaluation process to gather diverse
perspectives and insights.

Develop action plans and initiatives to address areas for improvement identified through the
evaluation process.

Monitor the implementation of improvement strategies and evaluate their effectiveness over time.

Ensure Continuous Improvement

Encourage open communication and feedback among all stakeholders, including students, faculty, and
staff, parents, and community members.
Create formal channels for soliciting feedback, such as suggestion boxes, surveys, focus groups, and
town hall meetings.
Regularly review feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and address concerns

Consider factors such as changes in educational trends, advancements in technology, feedback from
stakeholders, and regulatory requirements when reviewing and updating policies, programs, and

Encourage innovation and experimentation in teaching methods, curriculum design, student support
services, and administrative practices.

Celebrate and recognize successful initiatives and encourage a culture of learning from failures and

Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement at all levels of leadership, including the

governing board, administration, and academic leadership.

Lead by example and actively participate in the review and improvement processes.
Allocate time and resources for professional development, training, and capacity building to support
continuous improvement efforts.


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 High professional level of coaches.
 Proficient in a specialized skill
 Innovative in some way
 Latest technology/software


 Due to unawareness Peoples of badin may be do not want to learn.

 May be peoples have lot of confusion our service that how to learn freelancing in badin city
because badin is underdeveloped city and its environment is so congested and will not trust
our service that how we manage the whole producer properly.
 Lack of reputation.


 Many learners have chance to learn freelancing skills at badin centre.

 Leaner get special qualification on our centre, which can help them to work in professional life.
 New trends/developments in the marketplace.


 Misuse of resources ,technology and freelancing techniques

 Teachers are not happy with the low salary. This might lead to bad publicity. This can turn
discourage the new coaches for joining.
 If hire the new teacher quickly so rapidly changing skills.
 If new staff joined the centre that’s why may b centre will not work properly so frauds may
increasing and our centre suffer the losses.
 Competitor innovation/advancement.

In conclusion, the establishment of "I.T Vision Academy" in Badin holds immense promise for the local
community. With a focus on providing opportunities for individuals to learn freelancing skills and embrace
entrepreneurship, the academy aims to address the growing demand for online earning and business
opportunities. By offering flexible schedules and a diverse range of courses, the academy seeks to empower
learners and contribute to the development of a skilled and educated society. Through strategic planning,
engagement with stakeholders, and a commitment to continuous improvement, the academy is poised to
make a meaningful impact in Badin and beyond. However, it must remain vigilant in addressing challenges
such as competition and staff retention while leveraging its strengths in professional coaching and
innovative technology to seize opportunities for growth. With a clear vision and dedication to its mission,

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"I.T Vision Academy" is well-positioned to create a lasting legacy of empowerment and education in the
digital age.

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