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NOMS : 9. La métaphore n’est pas : a. une figure de style b. une figure d’analogie c.

aphore n’est pas : a. une figure de style b. une figure d’analogie c. une comparaison abrégée GRILLE DES REPONSES
d. une structure grammaticale e. ABR
10. Un des écrivains ci-après n’est pas du 20è S. Il s’agit de :
Avant de remettre votre grille, rassurez-vous de la
a. André Gide
correspondance stricte entre la case noircie et le
b. Louis-Ferdinand Céline
c. François-René de chateaubriand numéro de l’item
d. Jean Girou doux
e. ABR N°
Item a b c d e f
11. What is the most important part of the letter a. Receiver b. The main body c. the signature d. the
reader’s adress e. no correct answer 1 1
12. How can xe call complimentary close in other words a. business b. closing c. pass d. date e. inside 2 2
3 3
13. What document which works with the application letter a. inquery b. official letter c. call out d. all
answers are correct 4 4
14. Indicate the title which best suits the third paragraph of the above text a. decline in education b. 5 5
education in Africa and in the world c. education as a priority d. education : hope for nations e. rising
and falling rate of school population 6 6
15. Education deprivation is a bad thing because it: a. helps people to accomplish their projects b. 7 7
accounts for half the world’s school population out of school c. Leads people to lack quality learning
8 8
d. permits to nations to from a good population e. brings shared values to life
16. The will of the parents living in places recovering from war is to: a. provide an entry point for the job 9 9
market b. send all girls and all boys to school c. launch a new initiative in education d. get their 10 10
back to school e. give hope to people who are missing education
17. “people know that education is the foundation of each community. “You find this idea in the paragraph: 11 11
1. Selon les Africains, la valeur suprême est : a. Dieu b. la force c. a. one b. two c. three d. four e. five 12 12
les ancêtres d. les défunts e. ABR 18. The “learning deficit” intends to : a. outline the lack of th children to education b. improve the quality
13 13
2. « Annihiler » ne signifie : a. Fierté b. grandeur c. Splendeur of learning c. reduce the gender parity gap. D. explain the crisis which affects education e.
encourage children to go to school 14 14
d. force e. Pouvoir
3. Grammaticalement, le pronom « il » de la toute première phrase 19. The word “They” underlined in the third paragraph of the text refers to ; a. adults b. parents c. 15 15
du texte est : a. un sujet réel b. un antécédent c. un children and youth d. success stories e. equitable societies
16 16
complément du pronom d. un pronom sans fonction logique 20. This phrase shows what kind of clause, if you pray a lot, you should get your life easily. a. if clause type
4. Dans la phase « Ils parlent de la force de notre être entier, de II b. if clause type I c. if clause type III d. If clause type IV e. No correct answer 17 17
toute notre vie », le mot tout : a. signifie « Chaque » b. signifie 21. Circle the correct “that” clause a. you that sorry you change the option b. you sorry that you change 18 18
« entier » c. est un adverbe d. est un pronom indéfini e. est un the option c. you are sorry that you change the option d. you are sorry you that change the option e.
19 19
pronom personnel you are sorry that you the option change
5. Le père Temples s’est inspiré de : a. Thomas Kanza b. Stéphane 22. Bracken the correct If clause type III the following phrase a. I would sent have her a message, I had 20 20
Kaoze c. Dieu Donné MUNONGO d. L. Tshibumba e. ABR found her number phone b. I would sent, have her a message, If I had he number phone found c. I 21 21
would have sent her a message if I had found her number phone d. I would have sent her a message if I
had found her number phone 22 22
6. La phrase « Une file moissonneuse s’enfonçait dans le champ » 23. Frame the best tag question according this phrase. He will pass the English exam tomorrow a. will He? 23 23
contient a. Une personnification b. une chosification c. une b. won’t he? c. is he ? isn’t he ? aren’t you ?
24 24
périphrase d. une métaphase e. une métonymie 24. Braken the correct plural of the word “mouce” a. mouces b. mice c. mices d. miceses e. no
correct answer 25 25
7. Un des personnages ci-dessous fut le premier à se déclare « Fier
d’être noir aux USA », il s’agit de : a. Henry Sylvester William 25. The underlined word “my self” in the text has wich nature? A. personal pronoun b. reflexive pronoun 26 26
b. Marcus Aurelus Garway c. Jean Price Mars d. René Moran c. adverb d. articles e. adjective
27 27
e. Claude Mackay
8. Encerclez l’assertion qui classe correctement les mouvements
28 28
d’émancipation dans l’ordre chronologique 29 29
a. Panafricanisme, Négritude, Négro-Renaissance 30 30
b. Negro-Renaissance, Panafricanisme, Négritude
c. Negro-Renaissance, Négritude, Panafricanisme
d. ABR

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