NCP For Pain

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assessmenL plannlng lnLervenLlon raLlonale evaluaLlon

SumasaklL ang blnLl aL
hlLa ko sa Luwlng
nagagalaw lLo" as
verballzed by Lhe paLlenL

aln scale 6/10 0 belng
Lhe lowesL and 10 belng
Lhe hlghesL
(+) faclal grlmace

nurslng dlagnosls
aln relaLed Lo Lrauma
secondary Lo bone
ShorL Lerm goal
arLlally compensaLory
AfLer 30 mlns of nurslng
lnLervenLlons Lhe cllenL
should manlfesL a
decrease ln paln scale
from 6/10 Lo 3/10 or lower
lnvesLlgaLe reporLs of
paln noLlng locaLlon and
lnLenslLy uslng a scale of 0
Lo 10 or slmllar noLe
preclplLaLlng facLors and
nonverbal paln cues

SuggesL cllenL assume
poslLlon of comforL whlle
ln bed romoLe bed resL
when lndlcaLed buL
resume movemenL as
soon as posslble

Lncourage frequenL
changes of poslLlon AsslsL
cllenL Lo move ln bed

lnvolve cllenL ln
dlverslonal acLlvlLles
approprlaLe for lndlvldual

admlnlsLer analgeslc as
SelfreporL should be Lhe
prlmary source of paln
assessmenL ln deLermlnlng
paln managemenL needs
and effecLlveness of

Lo llmlL paln and ln[ury

revenLs general faLlgue
and [olnL sLlffness
SLablllzes [olnL decreaslng
[olnL movemenL and
assoclaLed paln

8efocuses aLLenLlon
provldes sLlmulaLlon and
enhances selfesLeem and
feellngs of general well

Lo allevlaLe paln
AfLer 30 mlnuLes of
lnLervenLlon Lhe cllenLs
scale on paln decreased
from 6/10 Lo 3/10 ()
faclal grlmace

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