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B. Tech- 5th Semester

Course Title : ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING LAB Dated: 27-06-2022
Course Code : 20CE505 Academic Year: 2022-23
Course Structure : 0-0-3-1.5
Course coordinator : Mr. Penki Ramu
Instructor(s) : Mr. Penki Ramu / Mr. Raviteja Karanam

Course Description: Experiments are conducted to determine of pH and Electrical Conductivity, total
Hardness, Calcium and Magnesium hardness, Alkalinity, Acidity, chlorides, total solids, dissolved solids,
Iron, dissolved oxygen, physical parameters, B.O.D/C.O.D, chlorine demand of the given sample.

Scope and objective of course:

The main objective of the course is to
1. Determine pH and Electrical Conductivity
2. Estimate total Hardness of given water sample
3. Determine of Alkalinity, Acidity of given water sample
4. Determine chlorides, Iron, total solids, dissolved solids in water
5. Determine D.O, B.O.D/C.O.D of given water sample

Course Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate how to perform relevant tests in the laboratory to determine the major characteristics
of water and wastewater
2. Make use of various equipment/methods available for examining water and wastewater
3. Identify the practical significance of the characteristics, the relevant codes of practice for
examination and permissible limits for the characteristics of water and wastewater
4. Assess the pollutant concentration in water and wastewater
5. Choose various treatment techniques for water, wastewater and recycled water
6. Recommend the degree of treatment required for the water and wastewater

List of Experiments
1. Determination of pH and Electrical Conductivity
2. Determination and estimation of total Hardness
3. Determination of Calcium and Magnesium hardness
4. Determination of Alkalinity
5. Determination of chlorides in water and soil.
6. Determination and estimation of total solids, dissolved solids
7. Determination of Iron
8. Determination of Optimum Coagulant dosage
9. Determination of dissolved oxygen with D.O Meter & Winkler ‘s Method
10. Determination of B.O.D
11. Determination of COD
12. Determination of chlorine demand
13. Determination of Flourides
14. Determination of MPN

List of Augmented Experiments

1. pH and Electrical Conductivity value of different samples
2. Estimation of total Hardness of bore water
3. Determination of Calcium and Magnesium hardness of bore water
4. Determination of Alkalinity and Acidity of different samples
5. Determination of chlorides in water and soil.
6. Estimation of total solids, dissolved solids in Surface water and sub-surface water sample
7. Determination of dissolved oxygen of pond water with D.O Meter &Winkler’s Method
8. Physical parameters-Temperature, Turbidity
9. B.O.D/COD of different samples
10. Determination of chlorine demand for municipal water

Reading Materials (s)

1. Environmental Engineering Lab Manual-Civil Engineering, GMRIT, Rajam
2. Standard Methods for Analysis of Water and Waste Water - APIIA
3. KVSG Murali Krishna, Chemical Analyses of Water and Soil,3rd Ed., Reem Publications, New
Delhi. 2013

Course Plan

Exp. No. Experiment Title Experiment to be conducted

Determination of pH and Electrical To find out the potential of hydrogen (pH) and
Conductivity Electrical Conductivity of water
Determination and estimation of total To determine the total Hardness of water
Determination of Calcium and To determine Calcium and Magnesium
Magnesium hardness hardness
4 Determination of Alkalinity Determination of Alkalinity
5 Determination of Acidity Determination of Acidity
Determination of chlorides in water and To find out the chloride concentration in a
soil given sample of water and soil
Determination and estimation of total Determination and estimation of total solids,
solids, dissolved solids dissolved solids
8 Determination of Iron Determination of Iron
Determination of dissolved oxygen To determine of dissolved oxygen with D.O
with D.O Meter & Winkler’s Method Meter &Winkler’s Method
10 Physical parameters-Temperature, Physical parameters-Temperature, Turbidity
To determine the B.O.D/COD in the given
Determination of B.O.D/COD sample of water
12 Determination of chlorine demand Determination of chlorine demand
Determination of optimum coagulant Determination of optimum coagulant dose

Evaluation scheme

Component Particular Marks Date & Time

Lab regularity No of Experiments completed 15
and recorded As per regular time table

Augmented Experiment Report 5 Will be Intimated

Internal Examination 150 minutes 5
External Examination 180 minutes 50 24-10-2021 to 29-10-2022

Total 75

Mr. Penki Ramu

Signature of the course coordinator

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