BM111-2-2 ENTINV at Assignment (Project)

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BM111-2-2 ENTINV Group Project Page 1 of 5

Group Assignment: 7-Minute Video (Total weightage: 70%)

Part 1: Prototype Design

Format: Storyboard, product sketch or service plan
Due date: Week 14

The goal of a storyboard is to show each screen in the app for app-based project, or product
sketch for product-based development, or service plan for service-based business

Task Guidelines:
1. Length: Your documentation should have 3 different customer personas.
2. Style: There are no restrictions on the style for your persona templates.
3. Title: Your document should begin with “Group Assignment: Prototype Design, Group
Name, Each student member’s name and TP number and Your Intake”.
4. Original Content: Aim to create your own resources. This means using your own
drawings, pictures, music, animation, recording and interviews.
5. File Format: Your document must be submitted in the following format: online format.
Please be sure to test your finished document by conducting interviews with the
different potential customers.

Example: A storyboard for an App


APU Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 11052024

BM111-2-2 ENTINV Group Project Page 2 of 5

Part 2: Business model

Format: Business Canvas Model

The Business Model Canvas reflects systematically on your business model, so you can focus
on your business model segment by segment. This also means you can start with a brain
dump, filling out the segments that spring to your mind first and then work on the empty
segments to close the gaps. The following list of questions will help you brainstorm and
compare several variations and ideas for your next business model innovation. Please refer
to business model canvas prompts for guidance to use the canvas.

Task Guidelines:
1. Length: Your business model canvas should be on one page-sized infographic.
2. Style: There are no restrictions on the style of the digital scrapbook (You are free to
design your scrapbook using the layout, font, colour, shapes, images, font size, spacing
and data presentation of your choice.)
3. Title: Your scrapbook should begin with “Group Assignment: Business Model Canvas,
Group Name, Each student member’s name and TP number and Your Intake “
4. File Format: Your business model canvas must be presented in the following format:
Prezi/PowerPoint via video.
5. Suggested platforms to use: You may use Microsoft PowerPoint or any other
application of choice to design and create your digital scrapbook.

Example of a Business Canvas Model 9

canvas-for-innovation/ )

Digital Scrapbook Prompts

APU Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 11052024

BM111-2-2 ENTINV Group Project Page 3 of 5

Business Model Canvas Prompts (Source:

canvas )

Your Business Model Canvas should include the following:

• Key partners
i. Who are your key partners/suppliers?
ii. What are the motivations for the partnerships?
• Key activities
i. What key activities does your value proposition require?
ii. What activities are the most important in distribution channels, customer relationships,
revenue stream?
• Value proposition
i. What core values do you deliver to the customer?
ii. Which customer needs are you satisfying?
• Customer relationship
i. What relationship does the target customer expect you to establish?
ii. How can you integrate that into your business in terms of cost and format?
• Customer segment
i. Which classes are you creating values for?
ii. Who is your most important customer?
• Key resources
i. What key resources does your value proposition require?
ii. What resources are the most important in distribution channels, customer relationships,
revenue stream?
• Distribution Channel
i. Through which channels do your customers want to be reached?
ii. Which channels work best? How much do they cost? How can they be integrated into your
and your customers’ routines?
• Cost Structure
i. What are the greatest costs in your business?
ii. Which key resources/activities are the most expensive?
• Revenue Stream
i. For what value are your customers willing to pay?
ii. What and how have they recently paid? How would they prefer to pay?
iii. How much does every revenue stream contribute to the overall revenue?

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Part 3: Demonstration of the prototype design

Format: Presentation
Presentation to be delivered in video to be submitted week 14

A prototype design is an early example or model of a product built to test a concept or process
from an idea that you have developed. A prototype proves your idea and concept. It
solidifies the viability of your product. Create a presentation to share your prototype design.

Task Guidelines:
1. Length: Your presentation should take 7 minutes.
2. Style: There are no restrictions on the style of the presentation (you may use a
narrated slide show, a stop motion animation, animated graphics, a recording, an
interview, etc.)
3. File Format: Your presentation must be submitted in the following format: PowerPoint
(with or without any embedded animation).
4. Original Content: Aim to create your own resources. This means using your own
drawings, pictures, music, animations, recording and interviews.

• File naming convention: INTAKE CODE, PROJECT NAME, GROUP NAME,

example: APD&APU2F2402-GingaRecipe-Booyakasha
• Keep it horizontal: record using a 16:9 aspect ratio (landscape/horizontal)
video, not vertical. That often means you'll have to flip your phones
sideways to achieve this.
• Check the file format and file size: Record either in MP4, MOV, or WMV file
format only, with maximum size 500MB, approximately 7 minutes. Any
recording beyond the 8th minute will not be considered for grading.
• Great resolution gives great results: Record with a resolution of minimum
Delivery: 720p. Larger sizes are fine (for example 1080p or higher). Having a larger
Video resolution reduces the pixilation effects that you sometimes encounter on
Format videos.
Requirement • Watch out on the audio quality: Speak clearly, slow down as much as you can
to ensure you're understandable. Minimise the background noise, for
example, try to stay away from places with a lot of background noise (pubs,
busy public places etc.) or even consider using an external dedicated
• Don't blind viewer with the lighting: When you're recording a video, it's
important that you face the light rather than have it behind you, make sure
that you don't have the sun behind you as you will be very hard to see.
• Make sure that slides and the presenter are seen clearly during presentation.

APU Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 11052024

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Assessment: Grading

The group assignment will be assessed using the rubric below.

Students may use this as a guide when working on the assignment.

Criteria Description 0-2 3-4 5


Idea How unique or The idea the team The idea the team The idea the team
Uniqueness & differentiated is proposed is similar to proposed is similar proposed is unique
Innovation the idea as the existing solution to the existing & innovative.
(30%) compared to available in the market, solutions available
existing solution with no or little in the market, with
available in the differentiation. some
market that is differentiation/
tackling similar improvements.

Prototype Did the team Team has no Team has a mock, Team has a well-
Design created a prototype. or low fidelity constructed
(30%) prototype to prototype that may prototype that are
demonstrate the not be functioning. functioning well.

Business How effective is Business plan is Team has a Business strategy

Sustainability the business incomplete/unrealistic strategic business proposed is
(20%) strategy and is not sustainable. plan that is effective and
proposed? Is the sustainable in the sustainable with
business plan short run, but their realistic long-term
sustainable? long-term plan may goals.
be lacking.

Story Telling & How well did the Presentation flow was Presentation flow Team presented
Presentation team presented not cohesive. Presenter was somewhat and articulated
(20%) their ideas? was inaudible for most cohesive but could their idea well, with
(Flow, speech, part. Team was not be improved and/or a cohesive flow.
Q&A session, able to answer the presenter was Team was able to
etc) questions asked during audible and handle the Q&A
Q&A session. confident for most session well.

Total Converted to

/100 /70

APU Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 11052024

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