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col gules Hel converting privmomy 0 dual > ih ane primal us +0 THM TIN 2 , Ane dual us a Ne U UW > Th she prim mouiTi 3: 546 aveny condlaint vn He grit, af Here 0 dual vonloble. 5 eh eneny yorioble 1 0 duol consKaimnts a) ws *0 aminitniz, he dual ato me pnicmol +hene wl Mon 2 = .A14 2% 473 sub to ; 244-3 So? aa, Apt dR 26 ~ GA, $n +13 £6 WA BR 70 Min Z = 2b)+ SW + G3 | T . . sub+o [2 | 7! mee Be-e-g | efi -¥ 1 GE tersa$ SS. ob 200) 42W7+4GW3 ZI W\-W, +02 Az - OF 5W, +032) 1 W21W) 23,0 5 THanspatation .abing deast cost d. Pa M3 Supply 25 Oe g 5 Soe se | 35 ot 6 a qo permand 3° pe Ce: S§duhion : Zokal Subbly = 25435440 = 0 Total Dernand = 30+ 25+ «15 = 100 a ai 92 “ g ix ng 7S \ as | 02 KK AK/ “ogo Bt 26) iw Oo ° ° d,_| Pe Pat uphly Us! o Ie |S é 25 | 35 eee au 35 rs] GS eo. it 6 ag ie ame |3o | 25 [47 (00 -totab wees 2! ELST sxyo+ UX 35 7% FAKNSH 6X25 =580 DP, On ba Pt Subph or 4 \ “ iC ' Og. 4 a ( (6 03, 4 5 6 : pam 6 w 13 | 4 ia md Sd ulion srokak Subbly = 39 Total pemond © + eeaxg 42% oko) MINES ER? WG + BF - 434 2KXY 2156. : 3. vogel abpiiovi tation method Dd, Da Og Dg Subbly o% 3 Ag \q 250 0» 16 a iG lo 300 ; 14 “Woo 03 2N 1 13 \o " n00 225 2S 2.50 50 pernand $3 oad demmand = 49° : aota supbly = 150 Ft. Dz Dy va ue _ ry | Pe Pa [Py Subbly | 200) (Se | Or faa ef 4 250 al (45 =) Was Po lw fia |i _hto_| 302 lon he ag ras | W258 3 |r 24 13 to | GOO | perm 200 \225 715 \250| 450 5 FOKIZS * \3x215) = \X200 413X504 NEI \ 413450 410x125 2\2015 Bo ch allocaled ces =6 Ge Noth Web CE Ne Method D, Pp, D3 subply o 2 aa Gq 3 3 \ Ey 03 5 q al al i Oc | 6 2 G 3 Demomd 1 9 ® a 83 otal supbly ~34 otel demand = 36 0 LANL #0 0 YS V/A |ReO 3 Ye AE| ta? WCAC Ls | 4 x z SS a ja a eo ,o, q alk © Gq 02 @], & te co |W i: oy | 4 DXEABK LAB REHG AZ ETG HE 2KLY = (02 5. Foarkas LemTMa ad 124 243,71 ky VA AR 4-012 +937! ky - 393 70 ai \ Se dt 0a! o Hh, +A +93 2 oo vay A $9371 —O ania 70 Hoe : Aa: t . aie) elimina on HF seyrasends save O89 Sdve OSO ay $n + 293 | pee ee ef 4 Aa4 437% 9243 71! 203 2,3 QA, +393 7 3 2A 4+3%3 73 —@ 301373 —© eberrienahion dh A 2 ae Ant 32.43 7 3/29 now © +9 -1,-3%3 7% 0 a 43/93 7% 3/2 3/243 7, 3/,-@ + $:393 zt3 elitrin ai D 43 2@ = 2.273 2G 3 9 TIE , Zay7q~ © @+9 - 3/2 A3 7% 3/2 3fo43 7 UY . o> 1sly ! Pee ete ce, ¢ qmabhical Nettod Mat 2220) 45% Sub to: WAG 2 2G 34472 €21 i at dye 4 A444, = 24 —O : 344721 —@ aysagsa —@ puk a 20 iT ® puk 20 in ® A, 4 Co) = 24 OeGA2= 24 de 6 Ai5 2M! oedo: C240) puk so IT ® PAF ARO Ve 3) 4%2=2! amo?! aye 2h a (0,29 (10) puk HIT pak an-0 i @ ‘yee aoe fe Cu0 Co. +. simpler Method ‘ Mat Z 2 3X45 +513 subto , 42do+93 299° 31,4243 € 460 zadd Shark 4, +A, 2420 ndsiiabfe 1191 13 ZO 7 dub Kort Slack. vostioble May Z= 3K +29 ot 543 SUB FO ey yoay+Mz £0130 aut DAT ZAS | 430 34,4213 2460 2) 30h 24GAS 27> 460 HAGA, 2420 DH AUAat $3= 420 DMOZ 2 BA) ABAUAAZ+ 05 405,4063 Ky ye 431 S;1 S21 $3 70 Fmitial basic Aeasilb| e sutton us A, 2A, 24R=0 8 \= 430, $2260, S$32420 Na =o Hy 1 Hy $y $2 $3 ry 0 ole] jee Ay 3 © 2 O 1 Oli\de|- 460 s G20 eee Oe ie griticd Simplex Labie 7 Cj 3 : ° J eS 5 a co | A, af Co ee ore fo ceo 3 o 3, 9 O° $3 420 : : ° oo ; ok oo 25 -Cy CUS : ° 25> = Cp xy-G 2-0 = CB RS Bax Gari OF Fy =(0(2) +0) 2 ¢ “3 (o)40 +00) $0(W) -2 a wa: 23-63? Cpt3- 63 at 0a) FOLD +000) 7 5 2-5 x t7-G 90 optimoS obtained yee C2j-eD £0 50 consider MAE wegahve vous: - : 7 . 4B 2 mn nan ete 8+ xs Key eer eR . A3/43 (AZ 70 2 ux M602 oa 2 430 2230 2 wo calculation. , 230 Ub among «20 and 230 minim Wm MIN Vohy G30 230 oF : © ara 3 a a re ce B eh Ap X43 Sy So | 43 1 -i2 | © 3 tooo |-V2 | 2 1° TI Fa], [Ola yy ° 2.1) 2 13 |.230 | <0 aor 1 ie, (ae i o o | S3 fuzo| | 1* 1h oe ma (fay, 2 2 a Tk D> 420X2 - GEOR 360-460 piahelieine nna a = f a Sesment) Mngt | e0= <5 YR0K2-GOORE Guo D ae PT ag = 4 Bee = 420 a. ase 2 \x2- 3x0 | el z Ox2 -1x! Sy- Bree ala 2 0 R210 = 9 2 ara? C8 ths CBM CS pe BAO 22-52 B42 62 =(O%245%O -(oKa 3 -3 ¢ AG 4 543.407") +o Ku) -2 a 2-2 233-3 = Sle 2x 0a 68GB = (Oxo SHIEORD ~ 51° mimi ntalio © AB/gy 200 q5o 2° 420 + 208 19> 3 ij 2100 = 949 105 minus 100 Second_i\eniokion ee 2 ga | 8 |e 1, | A] 43 a 2 | a,] 1° 7 0 ‘fp SG | 1g] 230] 22) ° y | ote l2pe \ o 15/20] 2 o| we peze ts S 0 aig, we > 209, 100 R= R3- UR, “Ma sin. > iG Vey 2f> =! Of, =o 0/279 ' "fy = M2 ' Rae R3y- GR g, wo 1 4 OO 8 ur, woo -t 4 ° 2 -lo ; HG aye Ca OS ayo ay evs SBM (26g 4545 + o¥2)- 3 2 (44!8)-3 c)3 ais ta 2 4-3 OF ejay} qa. } -C2 P= ge 202014500) +000) 77) ABsU Male sO diag cpg Sz = te) ¢ S640)" 5 ne Zoos] =O . 7 2) -° i ) (2xp4.s404 9%?) oo _ ys : |. 1 4 0xk1)-0 oC Rete IBM Te 1 &y C on 0: $3 =) (2K04 sx04+0%1) Ct F fads r ; =O ' -\45.)_9 C2 (4h) = 2 @ tromapatation problem in dimeod! prroghamn,. a cy aAuped dimeadt programming a Problem im abich commadi hes ote Cobiitieg Koma sede SoUnces toa set ab destination, while taking mto subbly and demand dh Sigins and destinakinabions, In Keto seduce the tora cost of Konspetasion- 6) concebt of pivot element in simplex method). prot dement On alement: that Taftiy Ahak am olgsith tm choos & +2 continue cath calculating - pructing Us the Puocss oh enchamaing n0wsdt Cdoumnns to-Place the Piva dement ina fiaed position: : 6) Pdvartages ch Koarrmen Kens algdithm gasy 40 vrnphernent converges 40 an optitnal with sakional daka- © © > uked to Td optimal soluhon- a) eb ebipsaid alg sith: Gk UL a Speci pic abbbication ob the dbiprcid method. dhipseid, Method Gsam tenative Method Ak mimnizing Convex hunchons over conven Ses: 9) pudkity im CpP puali ty rm Uinedd! Prog DE MAUI : aheay that studies the SA eHne a O I oOo TW elated! dine oh programming a e 9) und alamcec -mamh p station problem When the total subbly and total demand os 70k equal it oS umbalarcek p, Peo D3 Supbly 1 Lo Oy ' 4 Oo L 5 3 0 0, 3 ee pernand 10% lo 20 total subbly, 22° ‘dog otal demand *10 Bramd amd Bownd alga rns ~ ' prodvi rm 32 . 220) +3T2 Cobo : Hy 6U EIT. B25 A) dy4 Sot Be" A192 FO 3d 64517 S25 HONS 6% 45% 225-9 1] pura coin, | PUR 270,176 gray 50 Seln) GU ADAD= B ay 6H 45(0= 25 % MW2 25/6 2 (015) Ha Gls C4160) 4, 43% S10 DL oMES at 307 2107 @ pub 4179 in® puk A2=0 in@ O43A7 210 Ut 3 (0) =10 Ay = 333 lees) (10,0) (Gwe (0:33 eat 5% #25 —9 10.— @. Xb aH 43 42 pal e522 25 EE yy + Bay=,6 © ANINZ 5 2.2 cope 3 a2! qa it ® mrs Cade 9 e510, - Pie cad (Uy2.1, 693) Branch and Round duont og Branch amd Bound wo amethod ti Sduing aptitmzakion pnoblerns. tk aa depth tis Seach algdith™ hal break Problem into smoler cab problem aigdith™m es o bownding gunchon +0 ghiricnale Sub-problen* ator can't. contain optima! soluhon: Advantages and dika 5 gm branch and bound method te -Inkgen sioblern’ car 0b tain Simecd ProgpiamImn? g Pp ghe opitnal value arid “optimal sduhion. as xhe TATE suggests the problem us suther divided nto ‘cub programs of any oly the optimal valuos opraned 1D) apeph- ent ractondy __ Subprogrom j ae . HM Mart pare a progran? —_ action — sub progio ot oy a 2 Ste process con HNO wntid the -yocrional posits re ditninated - > Time con swTN| technique: asypes of) OM “mea ipeds oh amlegen dines prloguarn ming puoblery yy pure \mteqes wy Mined *nICqe! ; iayoly Integer > a the opimu™ solutions ablained BOM jhe data ane pure Pee \mleqers- _y opm solutions abiarned orn ‘he doko are corntination of both Imteqens amd nized ynieqe: > optimum sauion 4 opramed Kom the a 0g fo dora ase arhet pus” —miandi-ng Salesperson q cok Cdyn) -d C2 5 che CH $4 = gta, = 6 cof COQ yi? A Cant’ sieb-2 cast $2, L3yaye d C2FTE SOIT = 446-15 Chk (21 2Gyr'y = A C26) galurgs 48-8 cok $3,924 + ataoped Cade 34528 Cok $3 8449 ed Bad ed Cou 1248 =20 case sengaynry = arenes Oude — 244628 CK SU SB YY ed faayr dia siep-3 cost LUGHAGY = AD BUA COSELHSUYINY jad Laat 4 CSE $8348] | =[a+ sot Cross) | 2 129,253 225 cork 318 GUN * AL 3244 Cost {2 QOY ft | ea Tae ESE LUE (are, Teas = C3ai253 =25 CE LG STBYNY a leary eae RZ gateuss £oS* S35 F 24 ee ris3, Cad red | = C2320 -23 Step . i Cok Su 2Gynye turd CE SYD 4d cusp eco BEGGD Ed LUGS ACE CaS 234i) earmin Sor 25 ,!54251 204 234 2TH 935,40 439 235 primi um dength= 35°. ol kmab sack —— ie : “pe $ i 56Y m2 w2$23,4sy Tu weights : v ; b gee ee ETS mm elo 0 0 O10, 0 07 s0n20 p 2 I 01GB Fob. ba rh oe | » tHe ads, & 2 2B ee Poo lo | 2 oe : G5 Ge 0 | p56 6 i | VG) sme {y, (giyead rv Cie} WUT PU IRYeDE ana sured wis oie est ee be mon § tI NC) +64 are =0 Ve 2y e-mon {yfu-i2d vl yotnesdt 6 srnonhy 1325, VCS FY mat {ve321y 2 =) _ mon pute 13 seman { VERS1, VEE 2T 484 eMar{wUn3sye os -, = 2 ‘ £o-1.3-5hh8 NV (413 rates Y cequy 7 MMA Yi Tey Gd, VIG-1, G2 SI46Y ermaniy L3G, VBE Y © OU LV.T36)) '¢ MG, 6) aman § NM ices: ate vt gi 651464 emar LVGT vOuws 1eey mon 6,084 n 26 ape . ama Su terls im tat Sb 46g Nn) ; : ~moan svat 932468. =o payee, mati : = ; Pi ui e-sT 464. - Lo 3” Trans Vega) = TORY a anon {VAS9I tasted 1 mont a 246) =B DeonaKaints a Trowel Sales person. : gn +1SP he Problem Should %each the initial point ablor the jounrtiey- | weed to find the , al +he given path. : AU tHe diaqonds.v Should be ‘ol: gn tris prod! optimal gdution and & aluss i na hix gan we meédo bind the tiem Vad ug: | & methods ao sdlve rntege LP 1 Rownd - fr wethod a-kmabsack Method. 3. Branch ond Bound q: Gory ‘method - i f ' an 1 i | 8) concebt dy obbaoxismation algcith tn she opium sdukions obtained im eke THethod axe’ Houmd- offs + she THEE | mean vua based. on fractional pont. ahi gives an abbuoxianate optimum Scluh on g ophrmuT value iMbtead of accurate optimum sdution and valuc- 6) cama S AR dowen | ebber bound JOwN pound bownd (D4 g(a ST pounds) - Vowet pound dh xegont oO objective Samchon aur pi ot a Sdtutions wm neg ep emnes2 R- zea B- ubberr bo und aa pbjectve tumich on of the bes* Sclub on- oT 6) dinea prognamm'ng problem and ing problem: Gkegen eee ygmleger PROQHETHTTNTS ages Umlegens go pend the opted ict Ponts gomdy's cat plane eae Man 2-4 Ar sub to 34,4290 €5 A225 aid, 208 yA Be inicqeis- Sol, Qe Ze KAM 30,4242 £5 =) ark 22 Si 5 A, $5 => A4+S2=2 Ay Aar Sr! $2770 Mon Z =) +A2+OSit OS2 gma) § duo ws Sy 28 | Sao Ssxp-! ed b- ace nities: at ON 3 iy | o ° ca Boag OOM See ouk <<, c os, 5 @ 2 ‘je © 0 So 7: oO 4 : ° \ Ag iw ot o 3 z-q: Cg ao) Z-G\? epee 227C2* Cetra-Ce = (03404371 = (ox24 0%!) -1 sty =-) > (O40 70) -© Sq 22 (O¥140%0)~0 =0 =0 mim noon aglay 14,70 S)az 166 2] =~ Second tabke Sa a or we yO aS cp BOB a, Au St ee \ a Sh, o * S2 : Zy-G 0 a3 3 D ds 2xkey element - 5*° 2xR- SHO ' 3 : 6/3 5f > Re =2 . W322 x0 A = 5 = 3/3 1 sy 03-140 3 ed: 3-5 7 BS x20 8) Zp = Gy = CINTA ZC. = Cixi goxoy! Be Re A + 73-1 =0 a ar M3 ped Cutts #04078 S$ -B 6) > Ci xo sox? = 0 mim Tal o agla,) 422° 513/213 2! ei sly 2 RAE = : anind table tacit —— eo; VFM 4 Jy, 3 (cg BB OT MR £1, 82 Poy ty OB ! : aa \ 42 > ° . . oe 5 0 \ 13 \-2x 2/ AR > 5h lee’ 8 1 \= ) : roe oxi-2/13%), - s. 9 MEA" Ma = 8 24-65 = CRAG Zo Cg = HOF ED -1 z\-1 z\-) $ DAH 40-9 : ‘3 Sp =(-2B¥14 LHL)-0 | Ve} - OX | 5 PBTOR Ls : = Gah 4ixo)7! a) _-2)eat = \i2 a'B A2=2 Man (1310) = "13 Since tw Soule Tow > MPS sing TeQakive IMIeGer g Positive \§ac Hon: -\a\ig= -2/3° > since VW SoUrle Tow \13 24,4 4s X so Krachonel cok constants ave Si/3 4 S2/3 > UR eal -$2/3 + Gy= -()3 Gq 1 fe) or.0 “E Bil ea os ¢ a, ".$2 Gy ee tome eye ol 0 Vio 6 Gi 3° © Be, 23-49 O ‘3 ‘20 co-3 Readle’s method Mon $ea)= A) 46% “ty 39" Sub +o A429) £4 19270 Sd = Ba) = G4 6A ay 342" 42% 2G => WA292 +8) Aida 5) 7,0 Here amet (con&taints) m=3 CvodtiabLes) ctg- Basic voniabdes ang - Bon Basic oti ales Op eas) | Ane =CA 42) aeration expres 18 § 417 dorm ah NB OF S > HA. $= 4 A172 42 Re Gq, 46% ~% 2342 to WT pind emkeninc vctiiable Positial denivahuedy ope Cay) at 2 S049 467g HP 7. 39") Bai? 3a 2 724,44 af ads a 2B corn ta ae oY ~ 61246 Ak apBe (M2) =9 | at. Pa 3m a a Since es os MOK pesitive $0, 42. & entering variable ob panics ~ yedriabse to bind deaing \ = $1 Ctake congtant) ey wakes Method Sep Jone al consa ™ £ SiQT Deomuek a constamls rato epality du cedin, Slack vaniable : D obtain KX KT conditions conpyune dacnersan er en UL Rtad- Nagad #9) - HF 18?) dk.o, at $a 0 dy aa aa x =O &) constuct madiied (pp using arkpicial Notable - 5) sdve by Simplex alggith™m by two HPhax metha- optimal sdution obtained optrmd Solurionto OPP lke in@w an Mani Te 224th A 2AM PWD” 2a ab to Wea s% 117270 os web alae all commteasnts 1 = 1 a MAA ZA YE? = 20, -A,e0 siebo> convent 10 equality Mam 27 ser KOT PH doy 292" subto Hitz S72 OM “aagreo AH anny $end ayo steb-3 ai : . conatiuct dagnanaion bec on Lea! sr iSp4.5g Mt us BD CGH 4692- Hy, LAVA ee =) (414 20124 St 2 2)- My (ea 42) — ph (12 45393 St 3a 7 ut, 22 ABT O 6b ok moda EN er 6-2 a a a gt — A UN - Sp*H DO UG 293- py sO =) OHARA mis, G- 20% = 497-2») Fg zo => 2 ANA AP AL A, Take $j = $2, we have MiSysO Mia) 0; ; 142.4250 and 1 FAS.) He 14370 SAcb-« comAKuck moditiect ¢PP Manimi OMIM 5 A y- Ar Sub +o i at £2 HA ALFA = Dep etyg +2 d- Mat A276 ee yt 204 S = 2 and 7 jysico Mier 1 Haas, Steb- itt SPS sapien algotith™m Hae ae G6 oe 0 Ohne ° ea Yen 12 A, Ag S, 8 7 - : ph a ele 142, Bays < oa al Behe? e Ay Ar bisigecdrgl - oo ce : Z\- GQ: CRUG con SCleue Cyx24 ot)-9 MDGCIX2 ae oe ~G-2 coe =-6 --6 CS (24000) -0 Uy S-1a)- 1 4000) -9 sie =| 3 sp DEMO) AED HOODS dred) H00)* | =) aX. : ) | pp eXerted FEOF CD) ee SN esfcice)- 10) +009) -\¥) =0 | &d => -1cuye\ C6) + o(2) | 2 G-86 eo o min Nakd * 3 1A = Mie) ua G = F 1,3 608 a i) ° O° 3 oO oO. =) | 0) By (ae >», wy Me po, A251 4G cg y-G O oe ae Voi Gg Oo \ Ue 1G “Yq Oly ‘glo a 4G ae 03g NR nec 19 S10 el : Ss - at 2 DAN Nl = - 3 | : 296 “ = - 6ly = 2/3) \ - a oe 6-4 . =2]y ac nC a) oe ¢ 0 = SG > 7/3 \3 2 GG 24 =12]y ase (a -\ \= Glos4t02) = 2 Iy = Vii |. GGD+20) aoa | Gieomekic Prognam TMT) ; we : Rode A Is te A742 W142 >0 [750 8g" el a ded ym a =A ya causes > (ge -.)H (2 ycgt $3 2g % : SP AE i £ 2 = Let 82 yaoi contre AVEIE S$ =O « )- $320 we Kmow that $+ 2+ 83! $= % $2 %3 Now BO eho oi : i Wey s . \ OK acts Aaya sl a= | Aysy Ay st : hae? 2 MIM Seqye Gey 4 20% 410% IF AA, >o ek vreS% ea UZ= tom! nD 80, Gy4U2443 a= er cay Ge aay Ge Ce) » (ome 208 ON Se $17 3 = Go-h370 , Git G2 ¥83 =! ‘at! $3 \ S13 “3 7190 [3 Dz (aye CY (i ) (38) =z) bet G5) “13 (G0) (3093 Ww Sy css (vsxu) 3 @\sxa3 y VA as} Cidaaa”? C1582) 13 Vv SAS KD = 30 _ a [oc $3 Sa. 2042 , (OAH \ Go 3 -toet = wou, 9 son “DOA owe . 5 NS Ck 2 x 2 hae. 27H =) 2g UA =! » Bag? =! Mage Me, 5 = 4 et “DA. Daye2 Aer 3 MIT Fea) = GQaras! ag! 4 COA: Sub to. og, UOT Fs 8 V3 173 ZO" . 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Ze 3nr4W + 2A 46N, 429 2.0 1 2 sub FO 22 = % 1 HAD %O Lek ue Z-8n Le Fata 42124 EH any AO BL GABAA OPE =O a 38% < ob 2 201+ 2Oy x 2 no —O Or a _Camrtr 7° paya274— Oar Q- 20 QD 42 OWT (6a patg 46) = (OHH ATES ray -242*t FO —@ Kio! @oand © aa abl . a-ha 7! Bey = yy Mae? Pot my =! ond os In @ pay + 2% 2-29 ae DALOIFIA=NAO Gare 2-AzO rad yo 1D ah. 8 Cay OF! Str. OAD et, 8 (enysaaa+ 6-2» ae ear 8a BL Bt Cangtayg 2d) = > dar bdr 4 6-2») Gaanger sapere) ote St (64,4292 = = ae AG 84, 0% 6A1d%D =k o ah Ok = om On pam att ab) | Ot 8? ON 0F2 : 1h, } ab gt gt Bt ANC. dae” ze ah e- 20-2 Wu-2) #1 4-8) =O 202) 41G2) = ~ G2 2-6 Zo. Zemin. 3A 4 WA INA + 6% 4301, i: 234 @ my ee) + Ct) 4202) 2 34 YE 4AGCHG = 2\ MNT Con nolo \. 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