Synonym & Antoym, Right Form of Verb

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Topic 9: Synonym & Antonym

 কিছু িথা:
এর সময় প্রশ্নব াধি Word-টি যে Parts of speech-এ থািব , আমাবের Answer-ও এিই Parts of speech-এ
কেবে হব ।

Parts of Speech যেনার সহজ উপায়-

ty sion tion
y ment
ist Noun যেনার
সহজ উপায় hood
dom ce
ure cy
ur or th
Example: Passage,Truth,Collaboration,childhood  িযাপসুল:
Noun+ly – Adjective (Blood-bloody)
অন্যান্য Parts of speech যথবি Noun িরার কনয়ম: Adjective+y – Noun (honest- honesty)
Verb+y - Noun (injure- injury)

Parts of speech Noun Example

Ent enc Diligent – Diligence
Et or Collect – Collector
In er Train – Trainer
Te tion/cy Accurate – Accuracy
d ness Kind – kindness
fy iction Classify – Classify
Adjective যেনার সহজ উপায়
Example Example
al Legal ous Dangerous
able Suitable ble trouble
full Beautiful tive Informative
less Hopeless sive comprehensive
ic Domestic noun+ly=adj brotherly
 িযাপসুল:
Noun+al – Adjective (education-educational)
Verb+al - Noun (injure- injury)
Example: Childlike, Necessary, Extraordinary, Diplomatic, Wonderful

 িযাপসুল:
Verb যেনার Adjective+en- Verb (Short-shorten)
সহজ উপায় Noun+en - Adjective (Gold-golden)

ate, en, er, ish, ise, ize, se, fy

Example: Habituate, softer, Flatter, Punish, Womanize, Globalize

 িযাপসুল:
Noun+ly – Adjective (mother-motherly)
Adverb যেনার Adjective+ly - Adverb (bad-badly)
সহজ উপায়

Example: Truly, easily, specifically, suitably, badly.

❑ কেিন িথা:
✓ Le থািবল e াবে y suitable -Suitably
✓ E থািবল e াবে Ly,,, True- turly,,
✓ li থািবল ll+y full fully,,,
✓ Adj থািবল যেবে yথািবল yটা i হবয় োয় এ ং ly যোগ হব ,,,Easy easily
✓ Adj থািবল যেবে ic থািবল Ally যোগ হব , Economic - Economically
✓ নতুন েব্দ good, well.

 িযাপসুল:
কিভাব Technique এর মাধ্যবম সহবজ Synonym যথবি Antonym Anti- ক পরীে অবথ ণ
িরব া? ? Ante- পূব ণ অবথ ণ
স্থান, িাল, অনুোয়ী কনবের র্ ণগুবলা েবব্দর শুরুবে া যেবে যোগ িরবলই হব । Date-Antedate
Non De Un
Residential – Nonresidential Merits - demerits Reliable - Unreliable
Anti I Im
Corruption - Anticorruption Legally - illegally Possible – Impossible
Mal Mis Dis
Nutrition – Malnutrition Use – Misuse Able- Disable
In Ir Full - Less
Appropriate - Inappropriate Regular - Irregular Hopeful - Hopeless
1. Dhaka Board-19
(a) outer ( াইবরর) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ inner
(b) proletarian (স ণহারা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ working class, common
(c) launch (শুরু িরা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ introduction, inauguration
(d) began (শুরু) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ ended, finished
(e) prepare (প্রস্তুে িরা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ ready, get ready
(f) faultless (ত্রুটিহীন) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ defective, imperfect, wrong
(g) nausea ( কম কম ভা ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ vomiting, retching
(h) discomfort (অস্বকি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ comfort, ease
(i) maintain ( জায় রাখা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ sustain, continue
(j) later (পবর) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ earlier, before

2. Rajshahi Board-2019
(a) dynamic (গকেেীল) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ inactive, half hearted, static
(b) plan (পকরিল্পনা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ chance, Disorder, aimlessness
(c) aim (লক্ষ্য) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ objective, goal, target
(d) direction (কেি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ instruction, guidance
(e) profession (যপো) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ career, occupation, job
(f) suit (মামলা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ mismatch, conflict, misfit
(g) aptitude (যোগ্যো) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ allergy, aversion, dislike
(h) vary (পকর কেণে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ change, alter, differ
(i) educate (কেকক্ষ্ে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ teach, instruct, train
(j) citizen (নাগকরি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ Foreigner, stranger

3. Cumilla Board-2019
(a) different (কভন্ন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ dissimilar
(b) seek (োওয়া) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ pursue
(c) eager (আগ্রহী) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ disinterested
(d) observation (পেবণ ক্ষ্র্) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ comment, opinion
(e) mere (কনছি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻multiple, many
(f) alert (সেিণ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ vigilant, watchful
(g) latent (সুপ্ত) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ open, exposed
(h) instructor (প্রকেক্ষ্ি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ teacher, trainer
(i) guide (পথপ্রেে ণি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ misguide, leave
(j) way (উপায়) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ path

4. Jessore Board-2019
(a) virtue (পুণ্য) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ merit, grace, quality
(b) a lot (অবনি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ many things
(c) courteous (ক নয়ী) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ discourteous
(d) discourtesy (অসভযো) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ incivility,ungentle, manliness
(e) win (জয়) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ lose
(f) enemy (েত্রু) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ opponent, opposition, foe, antagonist
(g) ensure (কনকিে িরা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ confirm, assure
(h) anger (রাগ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ calm, ease
(i) remove (অপসারর্) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ dispel, move
(j) cordiality (যসৌহার্দ্ণ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ insincerity, crookedness

5. Sylhet Board-2019
(a) good-looking (সুেে ণন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ fine, lovely, charming
(b) dark (অন্ধিার) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ black, unlighted, dim
(c) flawless (ত্রুটিহীন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ in fact, unblemished, spotless
(d) shiny (েিেবি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unpolished, dull
(e) slender (সরু) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ fat, bulky
(f) graceful (ক্ষ্মাপূর্ ণ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ elegant, stylist, dignified
(g) stylishly (আড়ম্বরপূর্ ণ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unstylishly
(h) appreciate (প্রেংসা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ depreciate, devalue
(i) notice (যনাটিে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ overlook, ignore
(j) ambition (উচ্চািাঙ্ক্ষা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ aim, determination, goal

6. Dinajpur Board-2019
(a) ideal (আেে (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ model, perfect
(b) master (গুরু) (আেে ণ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ administrator, expert
(c) make ( ানাবনা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻destroy, ruin, break
(d) method (পদ্ধকে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ technique, way
(e) convincing (ক শ্বাসী) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ doubtful, unconvincing
(f) praise (প্রেংসা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ criticize, hate, condemn
(g) mistake (ভুল) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ fault, error, wrong
(h) angry (রাগাকিে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ calm,cool, pleased
(i) simple (সহজ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ complex, luxurious, gorgeous
(j) moral (ননকেি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ ethical, noble, virtuous

7. Chittagong Board-2019
(a) fascinating (কেত্তািেি) ণ (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ dull, unattractive
(b) interest (স্বাথ ণ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ enthusiasm, passion, attentiveness
(c) impatient (অধীর) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ patient, calm
(d) immoral (অননকেি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ indecent, wicked, evil
e) contain (ধারর্) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ accommodate, encompass, cover, comprise
(f) illogical (অবেৌকিি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ logical, legitimate, rational
(g) indifferent (উোসীন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ aloof, callous, disinterested
(h) perfect (কনখ ুঁে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ imperfect, immature, incomplete
(i) instructive (কেক্ষ্র্ীয়) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ enlightening, illuminating
(j) ethical (ননকেি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unethical, corrupt, illegal

8. Barishal Board-2019
(a) require (প্রবয়াজন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ need, necessitate
(b) proficiency (েক্ষ্ো) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ incompetence, deficiency
(c) wonder (আিে)ণ (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ amazement, surprise
(d) tested (পরীকক্ষ্ে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ examined, assessed
(e) equally (সমানভাব ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unequally, discriminately
(f) disappointing (হোোজনি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ despairing, frustrating, shocking
(g) presumably (সম্ভ ে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ obviously, surely, certainly, definitely
(h) qualify (যোগ্যো) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ disqualify, unfit, fail
(i) Obviously (স্পষ্টেই) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ obscurely, presumably
(j) wrong (ভুল) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ mistaken, faulty, incorrect
9. HSC Combined Board Kh Set-2018
(a) unique (অনন্য) (antonym) common, matched
(b) mighty (েকিোলী) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ week, feeble
(c) humanity (মান ো) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ morality, mankind, human race
(d) reliable (কনভ ণরবোগ্য) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unreliable, doubtful
(e) valuable (মূল্য ান) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ valueless, worthless
(f) ritual (আোর) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ ceremony, convention, tradition
(g) worthless (মূল্যহীন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ valueless, futile, meaningless
(h) loneliness (এিািীত্ব) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ aloneness, solitariness
(i) ailment (অসুস্থো) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ disease, malady, illness
(f) happiness (সুখ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unhappiness, sorrows

10. HSC Combined Board Kha Set -2018, Rajshahi Board-2016

(a) Friend ( ন্ধু) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ foe, enemy, rival.
(b) need (প্রবয়াজন) (antonym)⸻⸻⸻ avert, repel, obviate, avoid
(c) sympathy (সহানুভূকে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ empathy, compassion, kindness
(d) prove (প্রমার্) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ appear, seem
(e) false (কমথ্যা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ true, correct, appropriate
(f) harm (ক্ষ্কে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ help, benefit, gain
g) laugh (হাকস) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ cry
(h) pleasure (আনন্দ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ joy, delight, enjoyment
(i) bring (আনা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ fetch, take, get
(j) idea (ধারর্া) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ conception, thought, opinion

11. Dhaka Board-2017

(a) popular (জনকপ্রয়) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unpopular, infamous
(b) form (ফম ণ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ sort, kind, method
(c) entertainment (ক বনােন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ enjoyment, pleasure
(d) organize (সংগঠিে িরা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ arrange, form, prepare
(e) sponsor (সংগঠিে িরা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ found, patronize
(f) multinational ( হুজাকেি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ national
(g) pay (প্রোন িরা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ default, owe
(h) watch (যেখা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ behold, see, observe
(i) maximum (সব ণাচ্চ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ minimum, lowest, bottom
(j) recognition (স্বীকৃকে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ disown, dishonors, ingratitude

12. Rajshahi Board-2017

(a) obviously (স্পষ্টেই) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ clearly, certainly, evidently, apparently
(b) prestige (প্রকেপকত্ত) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ honour, dignity, fame
(c) national (জােীয়) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ domestic, regional
(d) unique (অনন্য) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ common, public
(e) native (স্থানীয়) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ foreign, international
(f) variety (ন কেত্র্য) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ diversification, diversity, difference change
(g) emerge (আক ভূণে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ disappear, spoil, destroy
(h) control (কনয়ন্ত্রর্) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ comply, freedom, spare
(i) important (গুরুত্বপূর্ ণ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ significant, major
(j) intelligibility (য াধগম্যো) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unintelligibility, illegibility, obscurity

13. Cumilla Board-2017

(a) people (মানুে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ public, human beings
(b) conservative (রক্ষ্র্েীল) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ liberal, progressive
(c) early (োড়াোকড়) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ late, behind, delayed
(d) believe (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ trust, rely on, accept
(e) world (ক শ্বাস) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ earth, globe
(f) all (স ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ alone, one, each, nothing
(g) poverty (োকরদ্র্য) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ solvency, sufficiency
(h) sufferings (যভাগাকি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ pangs and pains, distresses
(i) overcome (পরাি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ defeat, conquer, succeed
(j) same (এিই) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ different, various

14. Jessore Board-2017; Barishal Board-2017

(a) success (সাফল্য) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ failure, collapse, disaster
(b) job (োিকর) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ work, service, duty
(c) great (মহান) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ ordinary, common
(d) because (িারর্) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ as, since
(e) know (জানা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ recognize, be informed, realize
(f) follow (অনুসরর্) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ neglect, avoid, ignore
(g) rule (কনয়ম) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ law, principle, regulation
(h) never (িখনই) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ constantly, always
(i) victory (ক জয়) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ success, win, conquest
(j) desirable (িাম্য) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ undesirable, unwanted

15. Sylhet Board-2017

(a) fertile (উ ণর) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ alluvial, rich, productive
(b) industrious (পকরশ্রমী) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ lazy, idle, inactive
(c) ceaselessly (অক রাম) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ continuously, perennially, relentlessly
(d) lazy (অলস) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ dull, inactive, idle
(e) love (ভাল াসা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ hate, dislike
(f) strong (েকিোলী) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ profound, deep
(g) moving (েলি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ static, still, food, standstill
(h) respect (সম্মান) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ honour, regard
(i) grateful (কৃেজ্ঞ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ ungrateful, thankless
(j) devotion (ভকি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ dedication, loyalty, sincerity

16. Chittagong Board-2017

(a) liberation (মুকি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ freedom, emancipation
(b) brutal (পােক ি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ kind, gentle, humane, generous
(c) massacre (হেযািাণ্ড) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ killing, murder, slaughter, genocide
(d) human (মান ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ inhuman, cruel, brutal
(e) located (অ কস্থে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ dislocated, vanished, destroyed
(f) called (ডািা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ said, named, known
(g) surrounded (য কষ্টে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ circled, enclosed, boarded
(h) started (শুরু) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ ended, finished, stopped
(i) killed (কনহে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ slain, murdered, assassinated
(j) largest (বৃহত্তম) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ smallest, minutest
17. Dinajpur Board-2017
(a) perplexing (ক ভ্রাকিির) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ enlightening, clear, easy, simple
(b) upsetting (ক রকিির) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ soothing, comforting, consolatory
(c) imperialism (সাম্রাজয াে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ colonialism, autocracy, dictatorship
(d) evil (মন্দ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ decent, good, sound, beneficial
(e) sooner (শুভস্য) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ later, next, afterwards
(f) chucked (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ left, given up, resigned from
(g) better (উত্তম) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ worse, lesser, inferior
(h) theoretically (োকিিভাব ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ hypothetical, apparently
(i) secretly (যগাপবন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ openly, frankly, in public, privately, personally
(j) oppressor (কনপীড়ি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ tyrant, dictator

18. Dhaka Board-2016

(a) Accepted (গৃহীে) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ rejected, left, refused
(b) sincerity (আিকরিো) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ insincerity, uncordiality, apathy, indifference
(c) responsibility (োকয়ত্ব) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ duty, dutifulness, liability
(d) complexity (জটিলো) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ simplicity, easiness
(e) envy (ঈো)ণ (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ goodwill, praise, admiration
(f) vices (কুফল) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ goodness, virtue, morality, piety
(g) impacts (প্রভা ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ influence, effect, impression, force, power
(h) importance (গুরুত্ব) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ significance, essentiality, vitality, cruciality
(i) out-come (ফলাফল) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ consequence, result, end
(j) awareness (সবেেনো) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ consciousness, mindfulness, carefulness

19. Cumilla Board-2016

(a) never (িখনই) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ always, ever
(b) weaker (দু ণল) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ sharper, stronger, brighter
(c) discourage (কনরুৎসাকহে িরা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ encourage, disheartening
(d) frustrating (হোোজনি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ disappointing, disheartening
(e) interest (স্বাথ ণ) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ attention, concern, likings
(f) ability (ক্ষ্মো) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ capability, power, strength
(g) dream (স্বপ্ন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ imagination, aim, vision, goal
(h) best (যসরা) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ worst
(i) success (সাফল্য) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ failure
(j) achieve (অজণন) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ obtain, win, gain

20. Jessore Board-2016

(a) allow (অনুমকে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ let, permit
(b) freedom (স্বাধীনো) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ liberty, emancipation
(c) opinion (মোমে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ view, idea, impression
(d) fair (ন্যায্য) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unfair, unjust
(e) equal (সমান) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unequal, uneven, discrimination
(f) division (ক ভাগ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ unity, union
(g) elect (কন ণাকেে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ choose, select, nominate
(h) system (পদ্ধকে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ method, process
(i) treatment (কেকিত্সা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ cure, remedy
(j) facility (সুক ধা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ advantage, waver

21. Sylhet Board-2016

(a) good (ভাল) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ bad
(b) speaker (কস্পিার) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ presenter, communicator, talker
(c) recitation (আবৃকত্ত) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ presentation, communication, narration
(d) impossible (অসম্ভ ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ possible, feasible
(e) lazy (অলস) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ active, swift, quick
(f) sincerity (আিকরিো) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ honesty, reliability, confidence
(g) seriousness (গুরুত্ব) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ sincerity
(h) possible (সম্ভ ) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ impossible, unfeasible
(i) intention (উবেশ্য) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ desire, purpose
(j) shine (েিমি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ succeed, prosper
22. Chittagong Board-2016
(a) precious (মূল্য ান) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ valueless, useless, cheap
(b) glitter (েিেবি) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ shine, flash, sparkle, glimmer
(c) attract (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ fascinate, charm, enchant
(d) outward ( াকিি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ inward, inner
(e) recognize (কেনবে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ admit, accept, recollect, recall
(f) fascinate (মুগ্ধ িরা) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ allure, charms, enchant
(g) glamour(গ্ল্যামার) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ dullness, unattractiveness, repulsiveness
(h) shine (েিমি) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ fade, dim, uglify
(i) intrinsic (অিকন ণকহে) (synonym) ⸻⸻⸻ inherent, essential, inborn
(j) morality (ননকেিো) (antonym) ⸻⸻⸻ immorality, wrongness, unrighteous

Topic 4: Right Form of Verb

 টিপস: Verb এর Form হবে পাবর যমাট ছয় ধরবনর । োহবল আমাবের উত্তর হব যমাট ৬ ধরবনর।
V1 Verb এর যেবে S/es
V2 Verb এর যেবে ing
V3 To + V1

 Passage solve িরার অকভন ২টি যটিকনি:

passage টি েকে অেীে যিাবনা ঘটনার Passage টি েকে যিান ক েবয়র (েরীর েো,ণ কপো-
হয় োহবল সিল verb হব past tense মাোর আনুগেয, পকত্র্িা পাঠ) উপর কভকত্ত িবর হয়,
এর। োহবল verb হব present tense এর।

৬টি যটিকনবি Right Form of Verb এর সমাধান!


Preposition + Verb + ing

The drivers are in the habit of---------(violating) traffic rules.

Preposition + to + Verb1

I am the last man to leave the place.

াবিয এিটা Verb এর পবর
Verb + Verb + ing আবরিটা Verb আসবল কিেীয়
Verb এর সাবথ ing বস।
I saw someone drawing a picture

Subject এর োয়গায় verb হবল verb +ing

Swimming is a good exercise.

with a view to /look forward to
 To+V1
 যভজাল To+ Verb+ing [I am going to market with a view to buying a shirt]

 Practice Part:
1. ------- (teach) a noble profession. (Cu.B.19)
2. He teaches his students with a view to ------ (give) the light of education. (Cu.B.19)
3. By ---------(get) the light of education, students can (enlighten) their inside. (Cu.B.19)
4. The students learn their lessons now as their teachers --------(instruct) them. (Cu.B.19)
5. People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in great cities of the
world you----------(find) figures of a conqueror or a general or a solider. (J B-17, Din B - 19, Mym
B - 22)
6. I hate--------- (sleep) alone. (S.B-19, D B - 22)
7. We --------- (take) care that no institution(close) down due to political clashes. (D,Din,J,S B-18)
8. -------(move) it in the air till his hands --------(get) moistened. (B.B-19, Raj B-16)
9. The king started----------(follow) the prescribed. (B.B-19, Raj B-16)
10. So, to ---------(form) a peaceful society one society (Ctg B-19)
11. In spite of---------(be) an orphan. (S.B-17)
12. His inimitable morality ----------(draw) his close to the writer. (S B-17)
13. Cultural function----------- (arrange)every night ---------(inspire)people to plant trees.
(Raj,Cu,Ctg,B B_18)
14. If all the children of Bangladesh------------ (go) to school. (D,Din,J,S,B B-18)
15. --------(get) rid of the curse of illiteracy. (D,Din,J,S B- 18)
16. Teachers --------- (need) to---------- (train) for good teaching. (D,Din,J,S B-18)
17. ----------(be) conscious about it. (D,Din,J,S B-18)
18. Recently it rised to an alarming rate -------(take) a heavy toll of human lives. (D B-17)
19. She started----------(show) affection for him. (S B-17)
20. In most cases, reckless driving ---------(cause) road accidents. (D B-17, B B - 22)
21. The drivers are in the habit of---------(violate) traffic rules. (D B -17, B B - 22)
22. Traffic rules must be maintained strictly with a view to---------(control) road accidents. (D B-
17,,B B - 22)
23. --------(be) a few of them. (Co B-17)
24. Besides, a student ---------(wish) to go for higher studies mist learn English because the books
on advanced education are mostly---------(write) in English. (Co B-17)
25. We should putted high importance on------- (learn) English to make room for ourselves in the
competitive world. (Co B-17)
26. So, the importance and demand of learning English in our country can, in no way, be----------
(ignore). (Co B-17)
27. He fabricated a lie---------(win) her heart. (S.B-17)
28. But it is constantly being---------- (pollute) in many ways. (B.B- 17)
29. Vehicles pollute air to a great extant by------- (burn) fuel. (B.B-17)
30. She along with others inspired millions with her voice -----------(raise) funds for the refugee
camps. (Ctg B-17)
31. They had performed patriotic songs and arranged puppet shows, besides, ---------(stage)
demands. (Ctg B-17)
32. So, I --------(make) up my mind to make a journey by train from Dhaka. (Din.B-17)
33. It arrange between two teams -------(contain) eleven players each. (D B-16)
34. It runs for an hour and a half with an interval after half of the time--------- (be)over. (D B-16)
35. The result--------(remain) almost unpredictable till the end because any team might win the
other team ----------- (score) a goal within seconds. (D B-16)
36. They-------- (start)------- (think)of-------- (nurse) and----------(bring) up their children. (Co B-
16, Ctg B - 22)
37. ------(call) her son, she told her son to give her a glass of water. (S B16)
38. But the men who don't give up the wrong ----------(suffer)surely. (Ctg B-16)
39. He committed a crime -----------(kill) a sea bird ----------(call) Albatross. (Ctg B-16)
40. The wind--------- (drop) down. (Ctg B-16)
41. Many events of great importance -------- (take) place during the last century. (Din B16)
42. Parents never mind --------- (take) pains for the upbringing of their off-spring. (Co B-16, Ctg
B - 22)
43. Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the pages of history -------
(be) greatest conquers and generals and soldiers. (J B-17, Din B - 19, Mym B - 22)
44. Steps --------- take) to preserve the beauty of the famous beach. (J B-19)
45. Then he waited --------- (stand) by her bad with a glass of water. (S B -16)
46. The movement for democracy --------- (become) prominent in many parts of the world. (Din B
- 16)
47. Kuakata, Locally --------- (know) as Sagor Kannya --------- (be) an uncommon scenic spot of
Bangladesh. (J B - 19)
48. --------- (acquire) knowledge is not limited to any age or time. (Co B - 22)
49. For example, Newton --------- (discover) a theory of gravitation and there are many famous
scientists who (l invented amazing things ---------make) life easy on the earth. (Co B -22)
50. I tried it for a month, and it was so enjoyable that kept--------- (do) it. (Din B -22)
51. Would you mind --------- (receive) my letter. (J B - 22)
52. I am extremely sorry for --------- (be) late. (JB - 22)
53. I have got myself engaged in rising awareness among people --------- (send) their daughters to
school. (J B -22)
54.COVID -19 is transmitted when people breathe in air contaminated by droplets and small
airborne particles --------- (contain) the virus. (S B - 22)

Answer sheet:
1.Teaching 15.getting 29.burning 43. are 16. need, train 30. raising 44.taking
3.getting 17. being 31.staged, staging 45.standing
4.instruct/ 18. taking 32.make 46.becoming
5.finding 19. Showing 33.contain 47. Known, is
6.sleeping 20. cause 48. accruing
7.take, closing 21. violating 35.remais, scoring 49.discovering,
8.moving 22. controlling 36.start, thinking, 50.doing
nursing, burning
9.following 23. being 37.calling 51.receiving
10.form 24.wishing, 38.Suffer/suffering 52.being
11.being 25.learning 39. Killing, called 53.sending/send
12. Drawing 26. ignoring 40.dropper/ 54.contaning
13. arrange, 27.wining 41taking
14.going 28.polluted 42.taking

Technique 02

Or এগুবলার উভয় পাবে সমজােীয় tense েথা
but verb এর এিই form হব ।

Example: Suddenly she woke up and (feel) thirsty.

টিপস: এখাবন and এর আবগ Woke হবে Verb এর Past form সুেরাং and এর পবর feel এর past form হব ,
োই উত্তর হব Felt ।

Practice Part :
1. This is the most exciting and enjoyable game over ----- (paly) across the world. (D B 16)
2. The referee is to see whether rules and order ---------, (maintain) by the players. (D B16)
3. They start, thinking of nursing and --------- (bring) up their children. (Co B-16,Ctg B 22)
4. He --------- (get) bulky and could not move from one place to another. (Raj B -16,B B19)
5. He asked the king to buy a club and- -------- (move) it in the air till his hands getting moistened.
(Raj B-16)
6. They --------- (sit) idle and cherish no high ideal and lofty ambition in life. (J B-16)
7. They --------- (lead) an unhappy life and --------- (suffer) in the long run. (J B-16)
8. Suddenly she woke up and --------- (feel) thirsty. (S B-16)
9. She told her son to give her a glass of water and --------- (fall) asleep again. (S B-16)
10. After a while he--------- (come) back home with water and found his mother--------- (sleep). (S
11. We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a sea worthy boat or--------- (calculate)
the length of a year, but we --------- (know) all about the killers and destroys. (J B-17, Din B - 19,
Mym B - 22)
12. We make fire to cook food --------- (do) many works. ( S B- 17)
13. Air pollution also happen when coal and oil --------- (burn) mills and factories. (SB-17)
14. They--------- (perform) patriotic songs and arranged puppet shows. (ctg B-17)
15. She sang a lot of songs during that time and now --------- (feel) honoured to have been able to
inspire the freedom fighters. (Ctg B-17)
16. This eminent artiste wants to live performance of those moving songs on TV channel, at least
one song in a week and thus --------- (cover) all the year round. (Ctg B-17)
17. The English --------- (play) it here in this subcontinent and since then it --------- (become) an
integral part of our entertainment. (D B-19)
18. After a long time, the king of the state --------- (visit) the jail and the man told him that he was
innocent but a case--------- (file) against him by some of his enemies. (Raj B -19)
19. The king--------- (inquire) privately and --------- (find) that it was true. (Raj B-19)
20. He--------- (give) the men some money and set him free. (Raj B-19)
21. These birds unjustly --------- (imprison) and I like to --------- ( set them free. (Raj B-19)
22. This sandy beach --------- (slope) gently into the Bay and--------- (bathe) there is as pleasant as
is swimming or diving. (J B-19)
23. Fishing boats ply in the Bay of Bangel and--------- (surf) waves add to the vibrant colors of
Kuakata. (J B-19)
24. When I was a child --------- (be) afraid of the dark, and I --------- (go) to sleep with a light on.
(S B-19, D B - 22)
25. Often, I ran away from the room and --------- (sleep) on the floor at the foot of my parents’
bed. (S B -19,D B -22)
26. We do not know who first --------- (set) a broken leg or --------- (launch) a sea worthy boat or
--------- (calculate) the length of a year. (Din B -19, J B - 17, Mym B- 22)
27. I tried jogging, but that really --------- (wear) me out. (Din B - 22)
28. While waking, I could enjoy the scenery, talk to people l --------- (meet), and come back home-
-------- (feel) great. (Din B - 22)
29. Transmission also occur if splashed or--------- (spray) with community’s fluids in the eyes,
nose or mouth and rarely via contaminated surfaces. (S B -22)
30. People remain contagious for up 20 days, and --------- (spread) the virus even if they do not
develop symptoms. (S B -22)

Answer sheet
1.playing, played 9.fell 17.has played, has 25. Slept
2.are maintained 10.came, 18.visited, filed 26. Set,
sleeping launched,
3.bringing 11.calculaled, 19. Inquired, found 27.weared
know 20. were, felling
5.moved 13.burn 22. gave, set 29. Sprayed
6.sit 14. Performed 22. slopes, bathing 30. Spread
7.lead, suffer 15.feels 23.surfing
8.felt cover 24. Was, would
go/used to go

Part 01: Singular Plural

Subject Singular Verb Singular Am Are

is Were
Subject Plural Verb Plural was have

Example: The book is on the table.

They are students.

 There িারা যিাবনা sentence শুরু হবল

Verb Subject
Singular Singular

There Verb Plural

Example: There is a book.

There are books.


Gerund াবিযর subject হবল Verb হব Singular

Example: Teaching is noble profession.


Subject Singular Who Verb Singular

Subject Plural Verb Plural

Example: Idle person who kill their time are burdens


ONU ARE DOGS + Verb base form (V1)


O=occasionally A=always D=daily
N=normally R=regularly O=often
U=usually E=everyday G=generally
Example: He usually comes home every week.

❑ কেিন িথাাঃ

Noun +s/ es = Plural Verb + s/ es = singular

Books, pens Goes, does, plays

Example: Meena goes to school every day.

The sun rises in the east.
টিপস: Present indefinite tense-এ Subject 3rd person singular number হবল Verb এর যেবে S/es

YALOLa + Verb past form (V2)

Y= yesterday
La=last time,
month, year
Example: He went to London last week.

 Practice Part:
1.The captains of both teams _________ (lead) their world. (D B -16)
2. It______(run) for an hour and a half an interval after half of the time being over. (D B16)
3. Their joys _____(know) no bounds. (Co B -16, Ctg B - 22)
4. They ____ (start) thinking of nursing and bringing up their children.(Co B-16,Ctg B 22)
5. They ____(remain) safe under the custody of their parents since birth. (Co B -16, Ctg B-22)
6. We ______never ( offend) our parents. (Co B -16, Ctg B - 22)
7. Once there ______(live) an idle king. (Raj B- 16)
8. He ____(get) bulky and could not move from one place to another. (Raj B - 16, B B 19)
9. He _______(call) in a doctor. (Raj B - 16)
10. If we _______(waste) our time in idleness. (J B - 16)
11. Idle persons who ________(kill) their time are burdens of society. (J B -16).
12. They _______(sit) idle and cherish no high ideal and lofty ambition on life. (J B- 16)
13. They ____(lead) an unhappy life. (J B -16)
14. This _______(indicate) that we should do everything at the right moment. (J B-16)
15. We ______(lead) a healthy and prosperous life only when we _______(follow) the routine
which we _____ (make) for our guidance. (J B -16)
16. When Bayazid went to the pitcher, he ______(find) it empty. (S B 16)
17. At once she _______(understand) what was the matter. B - 16)
18. Life ________(become) dull to them. (B B 16)
19. It also ________ (improve) our power of digestion and blood circulation. (B B - 16)
20. Physical exercise ______(make) our body active and them muscles strong. (B B - 16)
21. It ______(give) strength to our brain. (B B -16)
22. The old sailor _______(be) a wrong-doer in his long journey. (Ctg B - 16)
23. Many European colonies ______(gain) independence. (Din B - 16)
24. Two world wars______(break) out in this country. (Din B - 16)
25. Now we______ (hold) our held high in the community of nations. (Din B - 16)
26. Road mishap ______(happen) in our country almost every day. (D B-17, BB - 22)
27. Some people travel ______(climb) on the roof of the buses and trains. (D B - 17, B B - 22)
28. There are certain jobs which _____ (require) a good functional knowledge of English. (Co B-
29. Besides, a student _____ (wish) to go for higher studies must learn English. (Co B - 17)
30. It _______(rest) on a platform or terrace of red sandstone. (Raj B - 17)
31. Four slender white towers ____ (rise) from the Corners of the terrace. (Raj B - 17)
32. A large dome _______ (stand) above the center of the building. (Raj B - 17)
33. Around this large dome there ______(be) four smaller domes. (Raj B - 17)
34. Just inside the outer walls, there is an open corridor from which the visitors _______ (look)
through carved marble screens into a central room. ( Raj B - 17)
35. The bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife Momtaz ______(lie) in two graves below this room.
(Raj B - 17)
36. Most of the people who ______(appear) most often and most gloriously in this page of history
are great conquerors and generals and soldier, Whereas the people who really _____ (help)
civilization forward are often never ________(mention) at all. (J B -17, Din B - 19, Mym B - 22)
37. And i think that most people ______(believe) that the greatest countries are those that
______(beat) in the battle the greatest number of countries and ruled over them as conquerors. (J
B - 17, Din B – 19, Mym B - 22)
38. He ______(come) to the Orphanage at the age of four. (S B - 17)
39. This fire emits smoke which _____(contaminate). (B B - 17)
40. Air pollution also_______(happen). (B B - 17)
41. Otherwise we ______(suffer) a lot. (B B - 17)
42. Eminent artist Shaheen Samad______(join) Bangladesh Mukti Sangrami Shilpi Sangstha
during the Liberation war. (Ctg B - 17)
43. She along with others _____(inspire) millions. (Ctg B - 17)
44. They ______(perform) patriotic songs and arranged puppet shows. (Ctg B - 17)
45. Now she ________(wish) to hand it over to liberation war museum. (Ctg B - 17)
46. In the last autumn vacation I _____(get) sufficient time. (Din B -17)
47. So I _____(make) up my mind to make a journey by train from Dhaka to Chittagong. (Din B -
48. I ____(reach) the station about half an hour before the departure of the train. (Din B - 17)
49. After sometime hearing a whistle, the passengers _____(stand) in a queue before the ticket
counter. (Din B - 17)
50. It also _____(stand) in the line. (Din B - 17)
51. If all of the children of Bangladesh go to school,the country ____(get) rid of the curse of
illiteracy.( D, Din, J, S B - 18)
52. To boost up education, the government ____(spend) more money. (D, Din,J, S B - 18)
53. Subsidies must _____(give) in the education sector. (D,Din, J, S B - 18)
54. The fair________(inaugurate)yesterday by the DC of Kurigram. (Raj, Co, Ctg, B B - 18)
55. We______(save) our environment for other effects of climate change and natural disasters.
(Raj, Co, Ctg,B B - 18)
56. A huge procession ________(parade) the streets of the town after the inaugural. (Raj, Co, Ctg,
B B - 18)
57. A sense of brotherhood and fraternity ____ (create) among the playing nation through it. (DB
58. Our team _____(consist) of skilled players. (DB -19)
59. But it is a matter of sorrow that sometimes our players _____(play) so poorly that our
countrymen _____(become) astonished. (DB -19)
60. A teacher _____(teach) his students from the core of his heart. (Co B -19)
61. The students ____(learn) their lessons now as their teachers are instruct them. (CoB19)
62. Both the young and the old_____(get) pleasure from this game. (DB -19)
63. It _____(entertain) us with politeness and discipline. (DB -19)
64. But the students nowadays act as though they ____(know) everything. (Co B -19)
65. They are not ____(play) need to their teacher’s advice. (Co B -19)
66. They _____ (remain) always ill tempered. (B B - 16)
67. The building _____(make) of fine white marble with inlays of colored marble. (Raj B - 17)
68. Every sound I _____(hear) struck fear into me. ( SB -19, D B -22)
69. So, we all _____(think) of the greater interest of the society. (BB -19)
70. Kuakata ____(take) It's origin from the story of a "kua" or well-dug on the sea - shore. (JB)
71. It ____ (allow) a visitor to watch both the sunrise and sunset from the beach. (JB -19)
72. Even then, I feared that monsters_______(climb) in through my bedroom window. S B - 19,
D B - 22)
73. Rathet it_______ (destroy) the peach and happiness of others. (Ctg B - 19)
74. However, the level of a person’s knowledge ____ (develop) with his dedication, patience and
continuity. (Co B - 22)
75. The progress of human being largely ___ (depend) on the growth of knowledge in various
fields in positive and constructive ways. (Co B - 22)
76. For example, Newton ____ (discover) a theory of gravitation and there are many famous
scientists who ______(invent) amazing things making life easy on the earth. (Co B -22)
77. I swam for a while, but when the weather got cold, l ____ (quit). (Din B - 22)
78. But I could not find anyone ____ (play) with regularly. (Din B -22)
79. Due to lack of education, they do not know what they______(need). (J B - 22)
80. COVID -19 is transmitted when people______ (breathe) in air contaminated by droplets and
small airborne particles containing the virus. (S B - 22)
81. Transmission also_____(occur) if splashed or sprayed with communities’ fluids in the eyes,
nose or mouth and rarely via contaminated surfaces. (S B -22)

Answer sheet
1.lead 22.was 43.inspired 64.knew
2. runs 23.gained 44.performed 65.playing
3.know 24.broke 45.wishes 66.remain
4.start 25.hold made
5.remain 26.happens 47.made 68. would hear
6.should never offend 27.climbing /climb 48.reached 69.think
7.lived 28.require 49.stood 70.takes 29.wishing 50.stood 71.allows
9.called 30.rests 51.will get 72.would climb
10.waste 31.rise 52.spends 73. destroys
11.kill 32.stands giving 74.devlop
12.sit 33.are 54.was inaugurated 75.depand
13.lead 34.look 55. could save 76. discovered
14.indicates 35.lie 56.paraded 77. invented
15.lead, follow, make 36.appear crested 78. Play
16.found 37.believe, have beat 58.consists 79.need
17.understood 38.came 80.breath.
18.becomes 39.contaminates 60.teaches 81.occur
19.improves 40.happens 61.learn
20.makes 41.will suffer/may 62.get
suffer 42.joind 63.entertains

Technique 04

Verb + V1 Do, did, does

Verb + V3
Have, has. had

Example: Did you go yesterday?

Have you eaten rice?

JJAYLERS =have/has+ Verb3

J=Just L=late
J=Just now E=even
A=already R=recently
Y=yet S=since

Example: I have gone just now.

I have already finished my work.
 Practice Part:
1.He _____(not undergo) physical labour. (Raj B - 16, B B - 19)
2.He did not _____(prescribe) any medicine (Raj B - 16, B B - 19)
3.They _____(not support) themselves (J B - 16)
4.they ______(fall) victim to many disease (B B - 16)
5.Recently, it ______(rise) to am alarming rate (D B - 17)
6.it_______(have) eight sides
7.He ______(lose) his parents in his infancy (S B - 17)
8.The beach _______(have) a typical natural setting (J B - 19)
9.He____(have) freedom of choice thought and expression (Ctg B - 19)
10.they_____(have) the some right (Ctg B - 19)
11.Selfishness ______(not help) the society(Ctg B-19)
12. There are many people who____(not take) physical exercise (B B - 16)
13.It also ______(witness) in the misuse atomic energy (Din B - 16)
14. It _______(rise) to an alarming rate (D B - 17, B B - 22)
15.Then he ____(commit) to the care pf the Orphanage (S B - 17)
16.various government and non- government organizations _____(set) up stalls displaying
saplings of different varieties. (Ctg,Co,Raj,BB -18)
17. I obviously do better than what I _____ (do) as a child ( S B - 19, D B - 22)
18.A person _____(have) some new knowledge through regular observation and
experimentation. (Co B - 22)
19. I have tried a lot of different exercise, but I have never ____ (stick) with any of them. (Din B
- 22)
20. Then one day, I read in a magazine about a form of exercise that i did not even ______(
consider) exercise. (Din B -22)
21. Had i had any massage about you illness, I _____( visit) you. (J B -22)
22.I have got myself _____(engage) in rising awareness among people send their daughters to
school (J B -22)
23.Due to lack of education, they _____(not know) what they need. (J B - 22)
24. People remain contagious for up 20 days, and spread the virus even if they ____ (not
develop) symptoms. (S B -22).
Answer sheet
1.did not undergo 7.lost 13.has witnessed, 19.sticked
2.prescribe 8.has 14.has risen 20.considered
3.cannot support 9.has 15.was committed 21.had visited
4.fall 10.have 16.have set 22.engaged
5.rised 11.does noy help 17.did 23.they do not know
6.has not take 18.have not develop

Technique 05:
সময় Subject টা হয় ক েয়
কেিন িথা: Passive এ

া স্তু। অথ ণ: হয়, িরা হয়,

হবয়কছল, িরা হবয়কছল।
am,is are,
was, were, V+ing Active
Has been,
have been
V3 Passive

I use internet
I am speaking English.
I am using internet English is spoken by me.
Internet is used by me.

 Practice Part:
1. Two cities of Japan were completely _______(destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs
( Din B - 16)
2.It _____(arrange) between two teams( D B - 16)
3.parents____(be) blessing of Gob to us (Co B - 16, Ctg B - 22)
4.When a child ______(bear) (Co B - 16, Ctg B- 22)
5.the doctor_____(be) clever and wise(Raj B - 16, BB _ 19)
6.His mother ______(sleep) (S B- 16)
7.Thay themselves ______(ruin) their health (B B - 16)
8.The ship ___ (leave) in the icy sea (Ctg B - 16)
9.Significant advance _____(make) in the field of science and technology (Din B - 16)
10. After a bloody war of nine months Bangladesh ____(bear) (Din B - 16)
11.English ____(be) the most widely used international language (Co B - 17)
12.It ______(learn) to communicate with the foreigners for various purpose (Co B - 17)
13.It____(be) one of the most beautiful buildings in the world (Raj B - 17)
14.The building _____(make) of fine white marble with inlays of coloured marble (Raj B - 17)
15.Air ______(be) an important element of environment (B B -17)
16.Shaheen Samad said, "liberation War always_____(be) an inspiration for me (Ctg B - 17)
17.Most of the people who appear most often and mostly glorious in the pages of history ____(be)
great conquers and generals and soldiers ( J B - 17,,, Din B - 19,, Mym B - 22)
18. It ______(be) then a very busy time (Din B - 17)
19. Rickshaw, motorcars and other vehicles_____(come) to tha station with passengers (Din B -
20.Coolies ___ (run) behind them (Din B - 17)
21. There _____(be) Shouts and rush of the passengers and the coolies (Din B - 17)
22. It __ (organise) by the local administration and the Department of social forestation.
(Ctg,Co,Raj,BB -18)
23. Cultural functions __ (arrange) every night inspiring people to plant trees.(Ctg,Co,Raj,BB -
24. We take care that no institution _____(close) down due to political clashes (D,Din,J,SB -18)
25.Thus the king _____(relieve) of this problem ( RB - 16, BB -19)
26. Now that, I ____(be) almost twenty, (SB -19,,, D B - 22)
27 .However, I ____(be) still scared of bedtime.(S B - 19,,, D B - 22)
28.I double check every door and every window to make sure that they ____(be) locked. (SB -19,
D B - 22)
29.There _____(be) many persons in the society and they have the same right that one
_____(expect) from one Society. (BB -19)
30.In fact, cricket _____(call) the gentleman's game. (DB -19)
31. It ___ (be) like unlimited wealth which can never finish (Co B - 22)
32. I _____(play) badminton for a few weeks (Din B - 22)
33. I tried it for a month, and it ______(be) so enjoyable that kept doing it.( Din B -22)
34. In this country, girls _____(deprive) of proper education and guidance. (J B - 22)
35. For years, they _____(neglect) in society. (J B - 22)
36.COVID -19 _____(transmit) when pepole breathe in air contaminated by droplets and small
airborne particles containing the virus. ( S B - 22)
37.The risk of breathing these in _____(be) highest when people _____( be) in close proximity. (S
B - 22).
Answer sheet
1.destroyed 21.were arranged learnt 22.has been organised 32.have been playing
3.are 23.are being arranged 33.was born made 24. is closed 34.has been deprived
5.was 25.was relived 35. had been neglected
6.was sleeping transmitted
7.are running 17.are 37.are, are
8.was left 18.was 28.are
9.were made 19.were coming 29.are
10.was born 20.were running 30.expected

Technique 06:

Modal Verb + Verb1

I can do it. Passive

Modal verb + be + Verb3

It can be done by Abdur Rahim.

Modal verb + have + Verb3

You must have followed the rules and regulations.

❑ টিপস: মাবে মাবে াবিয Modal verb থািব না, েখন আমরা াবিযর অবথ ণর আবলাবি Modal verb কলখবে হব ।

Practice Part:
1. They can hardly _____(realize) that (B B -16)
2. He may _____(forgive) (Ctg B -16)
3. In the long run, he ______(will take) to the land of death (Ctg B- 16)
4. Road accident can be ______(lessen) if the drivers drive their vehicles carefully (D B - 17, B
B 22)
5. We should ______(put) high importance (Co B - 17)
6. He could hardly ____ (recollect) his parents' memory. ( S B - 17)
7. Factories can be _____(hold) responsible for this pollution (B B - 17)
8. The cultural troupe used to ______(travel) to refugee camps and different areas in Mukta
Anchal (Ctg B - 17)
9. Students can _____(enlighten) their studies (Co B- 19).
10. But everybody should ___ (consider) that he is not the only person in a society (Ctg B-19)
11. All of us ___ (adore) the great men of the world (Din B -19, J B - 17, Mym B - 22)
12. We_____(build) good health and sound mind though strong (B B 16)
13. It can ____ (gain) by any person all through the life. (Co B 22)
14. But I could not find anyone _____(play) with regularly.
15. But they ___ (inhale) over longer distance, particularly indoors. (S B 22)

Answer sheet
1.realize 5.put 9. enlighten 13 be gained forgiven 6.recollect 10. consider
3.will be taken 7.held 11. should adore 15.should inhale
4.lessened 8.traveling 12. should build

 Bonus
It is time
As if
As though
Would you mind

এগুবলার ব্য হার Right form of Verbs-এ আবছ কিন্তু এগুবলার আবলােনা পূব ণর টকপিগুবলাবে িরা হবলা । োই এগুবলার
আবলােনা আর এই অধ্যাবয় িরা হবলা না।

 Practice Part:
1.He did not make any sound lest she ____(wake) up (S B - 16)
2.But the students must be careful in their studies lest they ________(fail) to secure good marks.
(Co B - 19)
3. Although he______(do) no wrong. (Raj B - 19)
4. If we _____(waste) our time in idleness, all sorts of evil thoughts will crowd our brain (J B -
5.Besides, a student _____(wish) to go for higher studies must learn English (Co B - 17)
6.It is high time we ___ cheek air pollution. (B B - 17)
7.If all the children of Bangladesh _____(go) to school. (D, Din, J, S B -18)
8.The English plays it here in this subcontinent and since then it ___ (become) an integral part of
our entertainment (D, Din, J, S B-18)

Answer sheet
1. should make 3. did 5. wished 7.go
2. should fail 4. waste 6. cheeked 8.become
Board Questions
1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with correct form of verb: (Dhaka Board-2022)
When I was a child, I (a) …………(be) afraid of the dark, and I always (b) …………. (go) to sleep
with a light on. Even then, I feared that(c) ………… (climb) in through my bedroom window and
kill me. And every sound I (d) ………… (hear) struck fear into me. Often, I ran away from the
room and (e) ………… (sleep) on the floor at the foot of my parent's bed. Now that I (f) ……….
(be) almost twenty years old, I obviously do better than what I (g) ………. (do) as a child.
However, I (h) ………… (be) still scared of bedtime. I dislike (i) ………… (sleep) alone, and I
still keep a tiny night light on. And before I go to bed, I double-check every door and every window
to make sure that they (j) ………… (be) locked. Indeed, imaginary beings do not invade from
outside, they exist in our superstitious beliefs.
অনু াে: আমার েখন অল্প য়স কছল েখন আকম অন্ধিার খ ই ভয় যপোম এ ং আবলা জ্বাকলবয় যরবখ ঘুমাবে যেোম। আকম ভা োম
োন না ক োল প্রকেমূকেণ আমার ঘবরর জানালা কেবয় উঠব আর আমাবি হেযা িরব । েখনই যিাবনা েব্দ শুনোম, েখনই আমার
মবধ্য অসহনীয় এি ভয় িাজ িরবো। প্রায়ই আকম আমার ঘর যছবে া া-মাবয়র িাবছ কগবয় শুবয় থািোম। এখন আমার য়স প্রায়
২০ আর েখন ো ো িরোম, ভয় যপোম এখন আকম এর যেবয় ভাবলাভাব আমার জী ন পকরোলনা িরকছ। আকম এখবনা ঘুমাবনার
সময় ভয় পাই। এিা ঘুমাবনাবি এখবনা অপছন্দ িকর এ ং আকম ঘুমাবনার সময় এিটি যছাট লাইট জ্বাকলবয় রাকখ। ঘবরর প্রবেযিটা
েরজা জানালা লি িরা আবছ- এই েথ্য কনকিে িরার পর আকম ঘুমাবে োই। প্রকৃেপবক্ষ্, এস যি ল িল্পনা োর াইবর যথবি
আক্রমর্ িরার ক্ষ্মো নাই েকেও কুসংস্কারােন্ন হবয় এখবনা যেঁবে আবছ মানুবের মবন।
(a) was (b) went (c) would climb (d) heard (e) slept (f) am (g) did (h) am (i) sleeping (j)are

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with correct form of verbs: (Chattogram board 2022)
Parents (a)………… (be) the blessings of God to us. When a child (b) ……….. (bear),their joys
(c) ……… (know) no bounds. They begin to (d) ……….. (start) (e) ………. (think) of (f) ………..
(nurse) and (g) ………. (bring) up their child. Children (h) ……….(remain) safe under the custody
of their parents since their birth. Parents never mind (i) ………. (take) pains for the upbringing of
their offspring’s. We (j) ……….. (offend) our parents.
অনু াে: কপোমাো আমাবের িাবছ সৃকষ্টিেণার যথবি আেী ণাে সরূপ। এিটি কেশু েখন জন্মগ্রহর্ িবর েখন োবের আনবন্দর াুঁধ
ভাঙ্গা উল্লাস যেখা োয়। সিানবের যেখাশুনা, লালন পালন আর য বে ওঠার যক্ষ্বত্র্ োবের ভা না শুরু হয়। া া মাবয়র আরবের
ছায়ােবল কেশু স বেবয় য কে কনরাপে থাবি। সিানবি লালল পালবনর জন্য কপোমাোর যে িষ্ট আর সংেবমর পকরেয় কেবে হয় োবে
োরা িখবনা আবক্ষ্প িবর না।।োই আমাবের িখবনাই োবের িষ্ট যেয়া এ ং োবের অ াধ্য হওয়া উকেে না।
(a) are (b) is born (c) known (d) start (e) thinking (f) nursing (g) bringing (h) remain (i) taking
(j)should never offend

3. Read the text and fill in the gaps with correct forms of verbs per subject and context:
(Cumilla board 2022)
(a)…………(acquire) knowledge is not limited to any age or time. It can(b)………….. (gain) by
any person all through the life. It (c)………… (be)like unlimited wealth which can never
(d)………….(finish).However the level of a person's knowledge (e) ………….. dedication,
patience and continuity. A person (f)…………(have) some new knowledge through regular
observation and experimentation. The progress of human being largely (g)……….. (depend) on
the growth of knowledge in various fields in positive and constructive ways. For example,
Newton(h) …………. (discover) a theory of gravitation and there are many famous scientists who
(i) ……….. (invent) amazing things (j)………..(make) life easy on the earth.
অনু াে: সময় আর য়বসর মবধ্য জ্ঞানাজণন সীমা দ্ধ নয়। যে যিউ যেবিাবনা সময় জ্ঞান অজণবনর িাবজ কনবজবি কনবয়াগ িরবে পাবর।
এটি অগাধ সম্পবের মে যেটা িখবনা যেে হ ার নয়। নধে,ণ সাধনা আর ধারা াকহিোর িারাই এিজন মানুবের জ্ঞাবনর মাত্র্ার উন্নয়ন
হয়। কনয়কমে পেবণ ক্ষ্র্ এ ং পরীক্ষ্া ও প্রবয়াগ এর মাধ্যবম এিজন মানুে কনেয নতুন জ্ঞাবনর সাবথ পকরকেে হবে পাবর। মানুবের
অগ্রগকে মূলে ইকে ােি এ ং গঠনমূলি উপাবয় ক কভন্ন যক্ষ্বত্র্ কেক্ষ্ার উন্নয়বনর ওপর কনভ ণর িবর। কনউটন মধ্যািে ণর্ েকির েি
আক ষ্কার সহ অন্যান্য আবরা ক জ্ঞানীর আক ষ্কৃে কজকনস এই ধরর্ীর বুবি আমাবের জী নবি আবরা সহজ িবর কেবয়বছ।
(a) acquiring (b) be gained (c) is (d) be finished (e) develops (f) may have (g) depends (h)
discovered (i) invented (j)making/ to make

4. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs as per subject and
context: (Dinajpur Board 2022)
I have tried a lot of different exercises, but I have never (a)…………(stick) with any of them. I
swam for a while, but when the weather got cold, I (b)………….(quite). I tried jogging, but that
really (c) ……….. (wear) me out.I (d) ………… (play) badminton for a few weeks, but I could
not find anyone(e)………(play) with regularly. Then one day,I read in a magazine about a form
of exercise that I did not even(f) …………. (consider) exercise. That was plain walking! I tried it
for a month, and it (g) ………. (be) so easy and enjoyable that I kept (h) ……………(do) it. While
walking, I could enjoy the scenery, talk to people (i) ………..(meet), and come back home
(j)………….(feel) great.
অনু াে: আকম ক কভন্ন রিম ব্যায়াবমর অবনি যেষ্টা িবরকছ।কিন্তু িখবনাই এগুবলার যিাবনাটির সাবথ যলবগ থািবে পাকরকন।আকম কিছু
সমবয়র জন্য সাুঁোর যিবটকছ,কিন্তু ঠাণ্ডা আ হাওয়ায় ো যছবড় যেই।জকগং এর যেষ্টা িবরকছলাম,কিন্তু যসটা আমাবি ক্লাি িবর
যেয়।িবয়ি সপ্তাবহর জন্য ব্যাডকমন্টন যখবলকছলাম,কিন্তু কনয়কমে যখলার জন্য যিাবনা সঙ্গী পাইকন। োরপর এিকেন এি ম্যাগাকজবন
এমন এি ব্যায়াম সম্পবিণ জানবে পাকর ো যি আকম িখবনা ব্যায়াম কহবসব ক ব েনা িকর কন।বসটা কছবলা হাুঁটাহাুঁটি িরা।এি মাবসর
জন্য আকম এর যেষ্টা িকর এ ং এটি কছল খ ই সহজ এ ং আনন্দোয়ি আর ো আকম োকলবয় যেবে থাকি। হাুঁটার সময় আকম প্রকৃকে
উপবভাগ িরবে পাকর,মানুেজবনর সাবথ সাক্ষ্াৎ ও িথা লবে পাকর এ ং াকড় যফরার পর অবনি ভাবলা অনুভ িরবে পাকর।
(a) stuck (b) quit (c) wore (d) played (e) to play (f) considered (g) was (h)doing (i) met (j) feeling

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with correct form of verbs: (Mymensingh board 2022)
People who (a) …………. (appear) most often and most gloriously in the pages of history (b)
………..(be) great conquerors and generals. Whereas, the people who really (c) …………… (help)
civilization forward are often never (d) …………. (mention) at all. We do not know who first (e)
…………… (set) a broken leg or (f) ………….. (launch) a sea worthy boat or (g) …………..
(calculate) the length of a year. The great men are those who (h) …………. (work) ceaselessly to
quicken the pace of civilization. On the contrary, the condemned men are those who (i) …………
(cause) bloodshed and violence in the world. All of us praise the great men of the world. We are
highly indebted to those great men who contributed a lot to (j) ………… (flourish) the civilization.
অনু াে: ইকেহাবসর পাোয় োরা প্রায়েই এ ং স বেবয় যগৌর ময়ভাব আক ভূণে হয় োরা হবলন মহান ক জয়ী এ ং যজনাবরল।
অন্যকেবি,োরা সভযোর অগ্রগকেবে িাজ িবর োবের ওইভাব ইকেহাবস মে ণাো যেয়া হয় না। যি স ণপ্রথম সমুবদ্র্ োোয়াে এর
াহন কনম ণার্ িবরবছ কিং া যি প্রথম ছর গর্না িবরবছ। মহান মানুে যো োরাই োুঁরা কনরক কেন্ন ভাব সভযোর গকেবি ত্বরাকিে
িরবে িাজ িবর। অন্যকেবি কনকন্দে োরাই োরা পৃকথ ীবে রিারকি আর সংঘে ণ ঘটায়। আমরা প্রবেযবিই মহান মানুেবের প্রেংসা
িকর। আমরা কের কৃেজ্ঞ ওই সমি মানুবের প্রকে োরা সভযোবি অলঙ্কৃে িবরবছ োবের উবল্লখবোগ্য িম ণক কধ িারা।
(a) appear (b) are (c) helped (d)mentioned (e) set (f) launched
(g) calculated (h) worked (i) caused (j) flourish

6. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of verbs: (Sylhet board 2022)
as per subject and context: COVID-19 (a) ………. (transmit) when people (b) ……………
(breathe) in air contaminated by droplets and small airborne particles (c) ………….. (contain) the
virus. The risk of breathing these in (d) (be) …………. highest when people (e) ………… (be) in
close proximity, but they (f)……….. (inhale) over longer distances, particularly indoors.
Transmission also (g) ……….. (occur) if splashed or (h)………….. (spray) with contaminated
fluids in the eyes, nose or mouth, and rarely via contaminated surfaces. People remain contagious
for up to 20 days, and (i) ……….. (spread) the virus even if they (j) …………… (not develop)
অনু াে: যিাকভড সংক্রমর্ হয় েখন যলাবিরা ভাইরাসযুি যফাুঁটা এ ং যছাট ির্া িারা য কষ্টে দূকেে াোবস শ্বাস যনয়। কনশ্বাস
গ্রহর্এর এই ঝ ুঁকি স বেবয় য কে থাবি েখন যলািজন এবি অপবরর খ িাছািাকছ থাবি েকেও দূর যথবি এই যরাগ ছোবনার ঝ ুঁকি
ও িম নয়। যোখ, নাবি া মুবখ দূকেে েরল যে িরা হবল এ ং িোকেৎ দূকেে পৃবের মাধ্যবমও সংক্রমর্ ঘবট থাবি। যিাবনা রিম
লক্ষ্র্ যেখা না কেবলও ২০ কেন পে ণি এই যরাগ মানুবের যথবি সংক্রকমে হবে পাবর।
(a) is transmitted/ transmits (b) breathe (c) containing (d) is (e) are
(f) can be inhaled (g) occurs (h) sprayed (i) spread (j) do not develop

7. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with correct form of verbs as per subject and
context: (Barisal board 2022)
Road mishap (a) ………… (happen) in our country almost everyday. Recently, it (b) …………
(rise) to an alarming rate (c) ………… (take) a heavy toll of human lives. The members of a family
remain anxious if someone (d) ………… (travel) in a bus. In most cases, reckless driving (e)
………… (cause) road accidents. The drivers are in the habit of (f) ………… (violate) traffic rules.
Road accidents can (g) ………….. (reduce) if the drivers drive their vehicles carefully. People
should be conscious in this respect. While (h) ……… (cross) the road, they should be careful.
Some people travel (i) ………… (climb) on the roof of the buses and trains. Traffic rules (j)
…………. (maintain) strictly with a view to controlling road accidents.
অনু াে: প্রায় প্রকেকেনই আমাবের যেবে সেি দুঘ ণটনা ঘটবছ। সাম্প্রকেি সমবয় এটা অবনিগুন য বে েবলবছ এ ং মানুবের প্রার্ হাকন
ঘটবছ। াবস এিজন োত্র্ী ভ্রমর্িাবল োর পকর াবরর যলাবিরা উকিগ্ন থাবি। অকধিাংে যক্ষ্বত্র্ য পবরায়া গাকে োলাবনাই দূঘ ণটনার
িারর্। োলবিরা ট্রাকফি আইন লঙ্ঘবন অভযি। োলবিরা সেিণভাব গাকে োলাবল সেি দুঘ ণটনা হ্রাস িরা সম্ভ । মানুেবি এ ক েবয়
সবেেন হবে হব । রািা পারাপাবরর সময় সেিণ থািবে হব । কিছু যলাি াস এ ং যট্রবনর ছাবে উবঠ ভ্রমর্ িবর। সেি দুঘ ণটনা
কনয়ন্ত্রর্ িরবে হবল িবঠারভাব সেি আইন যমবন েলবে হব ।
(a) Happens (b) has risen (c) taking (d) travels (e) causes (f) violating
(g) can be reduced (h) crossing (i) climbing (j) should/ must be maintained

1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as: (Jessore board 2022)
Would you mind (a) ……….. (receive) my letter. I am extremely sorry for (b) ……….. (be) late.
Had I had any message about you (c) ………... (visit) you. Believe me, since my return from
Australia, I have got myself (d) ……….. (engage) awareness among people (e) ………. (send)
their daughter to school. In this country, girls (f) ……….. (deprive) of proper education and
guidance. Due to lack of education, they (g) ……….. (not know) what they (h) ……… (need) .
For years, they (i) ……….. (neglect) in society.
অনু াে: েকে কিছু মবন না িবরা েব তুকম কি আমার পত্র্ টি গ্রহর্ িরবে পারব ? আকম আিকরিভাব দুাঃকখে যেকর িরার জন্য। আকম
েকে যোমার অসুস্থোর খ র যপোম োহবল অ শ্যই যোমাবি যেখবে আসোম। ক শ্বাস িবরা, অবেকলয়া যথবি যফরার পর যথবি
আকম মানুবের মবধ্য "নারী কেক্ষ্া" র গ্রহর্বোগ্যো আর গুরুত্ব কনবয় সবেেনার বৃকদ্ধর িাজ এ অবনি ব্যি হবয় পবেকছলাম। আমাবের
এই যেবে, যমবয়রা োবের সঠিি কেক্ষ্া আর পথকনবে ণে যথবি কিে হয়। উপযুি কেক্ষ্ার অভাব োরা জাবন না কি কি োবের
প্রবয়াজন। ছবরর পর ছর ধবর, োরা োই অ বহলার স্বীিার হবয় আসবছ।
(a) receiving (b) being (c) would have visited (d) engaged (e) no sending
(f) are deprived (g) do not know (h) need (i)have been neglected

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