Chapter 02 - The Magic of Service

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Chapter 02
The magic of service

After having his films rejected by psychographic factors.

distributors, Walt learned an important lesson Demographic factors are the
about the power of the public, he came to physical attributes of a group, such as who the
understand that customers were the most customers are, where they come from, etc.
important judges. From there, Walt went on to These factors help ensure that the quality care
collect cycle is correctly targeted.
collect the opinions of customers and
incorporate the advice received into the Psychographic factors are the category of

adjustment of their ideas. customer survey data that help you understand

Guestology, Disney's term for market and the mental state of your guests. These factors

customer research, is the job of figuring out indicate what customers need, what they

who customers are and what they expect when want, what notions preconceived they bring

applied in a large
they arrive number
for a visit. Sheof
is techniques such as: with them and what emotions they

surveys, listening stations dedicated to experience. In Disney these indicators are

answering questions and solving problems, categorized as: needs, desires, stereotypes

comment cards and observation of guests. All and emotions, and are characterized as four

information developed with the techniques of main points of a compass – the compass of

Guestology are used to create and improve all Guestology.

elements of the quality care cycle. The surveys Needs are the easiest point of
of Guestology must should be performed identification of the compass, they tend to be
regularly to be useful, since it helps to monitor obvious and correspond to the products and

the constantly evolving scenario of the guest services that a company offers.

and offers information necessary to adjust the The desires are less evident and

provision of care. suggest

suggest a client's deepest purposes.
When defining Guestology, we also def Stereotypes are the preconceived
defined the two main types of information notions that each customer has of their
collected: demographic factors and business or industry.
psychographic factors.
Demographic factors are the

Emotions are the feelings that mind of the guests always be a priority.

customers experience in contact with your The standard of courtesy service

organization. requires that each guest be treated as a VIP –

The theme of service represents what a very important person, acknowledging and

the company means and because it exists, it recognizing and respecting their emotions,
creates the basis for the public image of the abilities, and cultures.
company, it defines a larger goal and acts as a
company, The standard of attendance of the
rallying point for the entire organization. The show comes down to bringing exceptional and
topic of care is not something that can be simply uninterrupted entertainment to the guests.
stated, it is not just a sentence on a sign, it is The standard of care of efficiency operational
about a living theme that must satisfy three efficiency is the fourth and final driver in the

critical needs: defining the purpose of the realization of the theme of service and

organization, conveying a message internally, requires smooth operation in theme parks and

and creating an image for the organization. resorts.

Since the theme of service acts as a At Walt Disney there are three main

promise to customers and purpose to systems of service delivery. Care systems are

employees, the question arises: "how to fulfill the methods by which quality care is

this promise and realize this purpose?” The implemented. They are: cast, scenario and

answer is to set the standards of care. process.

The standards of care are the The cast consists of the employees

operational criteria that ensure that the theme who work in the organization.

of care will be systematically transmitted. The scenario is the physical resources

Disney's standard of service consists of safety, of the organization, it is where the

courtesy, spectacle, and efficiency. peoplecome into contact with the teams.

The standard of safety care consists The process, according to W Edwards

of ensuring that well-being and the peace of Deming, is the main determining factor of the

quality of the product and represents the

various series of operations used to offer
products and services to customers.


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