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Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

History of NLP Spell So, I thought it was worth really reinforcing the point that NLP is
made up if you like from some of the best bits of psychology of the
Checked last century or longer.
And one of the first people to start to put all this stuff down in
writing was Alfred Korzybski who in his 1933 book Science and
HI there and welcome back and in the previous lecture I gave you sanity who was responsible for the phrase that I am sure you will
a brief overview of the topics we will be covering in this course and have heard and will hear more of as you study NLP, ‘The map is
as you have probably gathered we have a lot to cover and that’s not the territory’…
fine, all you need to do is keep going with this course one lecture
at a time and by the time you get to the end of the course you will Now what Korzybski meant when he said this is that the words we
have an excellent knowledge of NLP. In the words of the King in use are not the events they represent. That a map is similar in
Alice in Wonderland. ‘Begin at the beginning go on till you come to terms of structure to that which it represents and that is why it is
the end and then useful, but that it is not the actual territory it represents at all
stop’ and you will Korzybski believed that people never really experience reality, but
have achieved your rather they only engage with perceptions of reality.
goal of learning
NLP. It was after the publication of Science and Sanity that the Human
Potential Movement started to gather momentum with Abraham
SO, in this lecture I Maslow writing his hierarchy of needs in which he describes
want to show you mental and emotional needs and desire for growth. The movement
some of the history itself was focused on the notion that and individual has unlimited
of NLP and you will potential and through the development of that potential they are
soon see that NLP able to live lives of happiness, success and contentment. Along
has its roots in some well-known and serious psychology. with Abraham Maslow are other proponents of the movement who
all contributed greatly, names such as, Victor Frankel, Virginia
I think it’s fair to say that NLP is nothing new in many ways. In fact,. Satire, William James, Carl Rogers, Aldous Huxley. To name a few.

So, let’s get to it and look at where this NLP stuff came from and So, what has this got to do with NLP, well, there is an
some of the influences in its development and then I will show you establishment from which a lot of these ideas came forth over the
the definitions of NLP the technical definitions and also my years and, where a lot of the most influential names in psychology
interpretation of them and then I will show you the 5 principals for would meet and debate ideas and provide lectures on new
success which you will want to learn and remember, and which are theories all with unlocking or releasing human potential as a main
absolutely key to you achieving great things in your life. focus. And that place is the Esalen Institute in Big Sur California.
Now the Esalen Institute was founded in 1962 by a couple of guys,
OK so to get to the beginning of NLP as we know it today we need Michael Murphy and Dick Price and it was founded for the very
to go all the way back to the early 1970’s and a gentleman by the purpose of human potential. And some of the work that ultimately
name of Richard Bandler then then a student at the University of became or was adapted to be included in what is now NLP
California at Santa Cruz, who was doing a project about the work originated from
of the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Fritz Perl’s. those meetings
and lecture
Now Fritz Perl’s was getting quite a name for himself at the time sessions.
for his work in gestalt therapy and was getting some great results
using this with clients. And as part of Bandler’s work at university Fritz Perls,
he was tasked with editing one of fritz Perl’s books and numerous Virginia Satir
papers on the process of gestalt therapy. And it was during that and Gregory
process that Richard thought to himself you know what, I reckon I Bateson all
could do that, and started to get involved in actually practicing spent time as
gestalt therapy with students and friends around the university. resident
And what he found was that he was something of a natural and got scholars at
great results by doing it. Bandler shared his experiences with John Esalen with Bateson staying there till his death.
Grinder, who was a linguistics lecturer at the time and Together,
the two observed another therapist, Virginia Satir, and noted And these early influences in what would become NLP really
similar characteristics in her dealings with her clients. should be acknowledged, their work ran deep into human potential

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

and I would sincerely recommend researching particularly the approach was the complete opposite to that of Satir, and instead
work of Gregory Bateson to get a more rounded understanding of of becoming specific Erikson work ad results were achieved by
‘how stuff works’ that underpins what you will learn in NLP. You becoming more ambiguous.
certainly don't need to get great results in NLP, although It will help
you if you decide to go on to become a trainer of NLP. And again, I The two went on to write more books and modeled more people
think you would benefit greatly from reading and researching some with Frogs to Princes being published in 1979 as well as the
of the early proponents of the Human potential movement. outline of their studies and work being published in the book Neuro
Linguistic Programming in 1979. And NLP was born.
The best book I have ever read, and I mean ever, is in my opinion
Gregory Bateson’s, Mind and Nature, which is such a fantastic So, as you will see and certainly when you get the Key Influence in
read that it will leave you contemplating things for weeks after. NLP study modules, NLP didn't happen overnight, and in fact we
have barely scratched
Again, there is more about Bateson in the key influences in NLP the surface of the
section, and Bateson’s input into psychology, his work in influence in the
Cybernetics and systems theory and human behavior was way “what makes NLP so development of NLP
ahead of its time and we are only now really beginning as a global which draws from
society to understand some of his visions and ideas. He was an
special is that in work by Carl Jung,
incredible man. If you want to spend some money on a couple of many ways it is the Miller Pribram and
the best books you will ever read, you have Bateson’s Minds and Galanter specifically
Nature and Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of mind, neither of pulling together of in terms of Strategies
which are a particularly easy read, and are simply awesome. in NLP and based on
loads of the good their work in applying
So, we have this center of activity in California, where some of the
greatest minds on the planet were hypothesizing and lecturing on
stuff from Psychology computational theory
to Human Behavior in
human potential which is great and how does that all tie in to what and turning it into a what is known as the
we know as NLP today TOTE model. Ivan
practical process that Pavlov and his work in
Well it was 1970 when a linguistic professor, based at the conditioned
University of Santa Cruz whose specialty was transformational can be learned.” Response. amongst
grammar a man by the name of John Grinder, was getting involved many other theories
along with others such as Noam Chomsky, George miller Eugene and principals firmly
Galanter as part of the cognitive psychology movement and his planted in the history of Psychology. Bandler and Grinder
work as we will find out was the beginning of what we now know essentially found what worked through modeling some of the best
as Neuro Linguistic Programming. John Grinder, became friendly minds at the time and turned their behavior into a process that
with a man also at Santa Cruz a man by the name of Richard could be learned. It was a stroke of genius, that has resulted quite
Bandler who used to run Gestalt groups at Santa Cruz University, possibly the most powerful set of techniques in Personal
based on the work of Fritz Perls the founder of Gestalt therapy development ever known. And that has its roots in the potential of
where he applied the principals of linguistics. human beings, the Human Potential movement and those great
thinkers such as Bateson and Perls, Jung, and Korzybski. And NLP
And the two were a natural match, Individually John Grinder wrote maintains that ethos, with regards to setting free the mostly
a book called a Guide to Transformational Grammar and together untapped potential in each and every one of us, sure, we can get
Bandler and Grinder started their work into NLP. They modeled the rid of a phobia very quickly and we can stop people eating
success of Virginia Satir and analyzed the language she used in chocolate by associating it to the sub-modalities of dog waste, but
her therapeutic work namely her skill in becoming really specific NLP is more than that, it is about a state of mind, a state of mind
with her clients and the systematic questioning techniques she that recognizes freedom and choice, and a vast unlimited potential
naturally used, and as a result the widely used Meta Model was that resides in each and every being on the planet
born, with Bandler and Grinder first publishing work on the meta
Model in their 1975 book The Structure of Magic. So, I guess we should take a look at the technical definitions of
NLP Neuro Linguistic programming, so we will do that in the next
Bandler and Grinder went on to model the hypnotherapist Milton lecture and then we will hit the 5 Principals for success. So, carry
Erikson and analyzed the language patterns he used to get the on now to the next lecture and I will see you there.
results his clients enjoyed and published the book The Hypnotic
Language Patterns of Milton H Erikson in 1975, which outlined
and formed the Basis of the Milton mode, Interestingly Erikson's

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

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