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MONDAY TEST I (2023-24)


Duration: 1 Hour 20 Minutes MM: 40

No. of Pages: 4
General Instructions:
1. This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
2. Section A has 10 MCQs carrying 1 mark each.
3. Section B has 3 questions carrying 02 marks each.
4. Section C has 2 questions carrying 03 marks each.
5. Section D has 2 questions carrying 05 marks each.
6. Section E has 2 case based questions of 04 marks each with subparts of the values of
1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively.
7. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice in 1 question of 2 marks,
1 question of 3 marks and 1 question of 5 marks has been provided. An internal choice
has been provided in the 2 marks questions of Section E.
8. Draw neat graphs wherever required.


Section A consists of 10 questions of 1 mark each.

Choose the correct option:
1. The product of the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial f(x) = x2 + 3x – 5 is 1
(a) 3 (b) –3 (c) –5 (d) 5

2. A pair of linear equations which has a unique solution x = 2, y = −3 is 1

(a) x – y = −1 and 3x – 3y = −5 (b) 2x + 5y = 11 and 4x + 10y = −22
(c) 2x − y = 1 and 4x – 2y = 2 (d) x − 4y −14 = 0 and 5x – y – 13 = 0

3. The graph of y = f(x) is given below. Find the number of zeroes of f(x). 1

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 5

4. The pair of linear equations 2x + 4y + 5 = 0 and –3x – 6y + 1 = 0 have 1

(a) a unique solution (b) exactly two solutions
(c) infinitely many solutions (d) no solution

5. The degree of the zero polynomial is 1
(a)0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) not defined

6. If 1 is a zero of the polynomial x2 + 7 x – 8, then the other zero is 1

(a) 2 (b) −8 (c) 8 (d) 1

7. The area of the triangle in the given graph is 1

(a) 9 sq.units (b) 18 sq.units (c) 36 sq.units (d) 72 sq.units

8. The line represented by 3x – 2y = 6 intersects the x-axis at 1

(a) (0, –3) (b) (–2, 0) (c) (2, 0) (d) (0, 3)

Direction: In question number 9 and 10, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by

a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct option.

9. Assertion (A): If the product of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 1

x2+3x+5k is –10 then value of k is – 2.
Reason (R) : Product of the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial ax2+bx+c is a .

(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct
explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

10. Assertion (A): A pair of linear equations x + 2y + 3 = 0 and 4x + 8y + 12 = 0 has 1

infinitely many solutions.
a � �
Reason (R): A pair of linear equations has no solution, if a1 = �1 ≠ �1 .
2 2 2

(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct
explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.


Section B consists of 3 questions of 2 marks each.

11. Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose zeroes are 3 and –28 2
respectively. Hence, find the zeroes.

12. �
A fraction becomes � when 2 is subtracted from the numerator and it becomes 2
1 2
when 1 is subtracted from the denominator. Form a pair of linear equations to
represent this situation algebraically.
The monthly incomes of A and B are in the ratio 5:4 and their expenditure are in the
ratio 7:5. Each saves ₹3000/- per month. Form a pair of linear equations to represent
this situation algebraically.

13. Given the linear equation (– 5)x + 7y = 2, write another linear equation in two 2
variables such that the geometrical representation of the pair so formed is
(a) intersecting lines
(b) parallel lines


Section C consists of 2 questions of 3 marks each.

14. Find the solution of the pair of linear equations 3
37x + 43y =123, 43x + 37y = 117
In the figure, ABCDE is a pentagon with BE ∥ CD and BC ∥ ED. BC is
perpendicular to CD. If the perimeter of ABCDE is 13 cm, find the value of x and y.

15. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 10. If the digits are reversed, the new number 3
is 72 more than the original number. Find the number.


Section D consists of 2 questions of 5 marks each.

16. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 21y2 – 11y – 2 and verify the 5
relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients. If the zeroes of the given
polynomial are represented by  and  then find the value of (� + 1)(� + 1).

17. Solve the pair of linear equations x – y = 5 and 3x + 5y = 15 graphically. Also, find 5
the area of the triangle formed by these lines and the y-axis.
� �
Solve the pair of equations: � x+ � y= a + b2; x + y = 2ab


Case study based questions are compulsory.

18. While playing in garden, Sahiba saw a honeycomb and asked her mother what is
that? She replied that it’s a honeycomb made by honey bees to store honey. Sahiba
represented the shape of honeycomb by using graph as shown below.

On the basis of the above information, answer the following questions: 1
(i) What is the shape of graph obtained by Sahiba? 1
(ii) Write the zeroes of polynomial represented by the graph.
(iii) Find the expression of the polynomial represented by the graph. 2
Using the above graph, if zeroes of the polynomial are given by  and  then
find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 2 and 2.

19. A test consists of 120 ‘True’ or ‘False’ questions. One mark is awarded for every
correct answer while 4 mark is deducted for every wrong answer. A student knew
answers of some of the questions. Rest of the questions he attempted by guessing.
He answered all the questions and got 90 marks.

On the basis of the above information, answer the following questions:

(i) Find the marks obtained by the student if he attempts all answers correctly. 1
(ii) Form the pair of linear equations in two variables from this situation. 1
(iii) How many questions did he answer correctly? 2
How many questions did he answer incorrectly?


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