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Weekly Agenda Schedule Electives Date: Feb 12th to Feb 16th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Les Prepositions
Adjectives Les Prepositions de Entrainment
de lieu
possessive lieu Students can
Content Students can use
French Students can use
Prepositions in a
Students can use identify the meaning
possessive Prepositions in a full of the new
full correct
adjectives correct sentence vocabulary words
sentence Na
collage design: collage design:
collage design:
collage design:
_ Students will be _ Students will be
_ Students will be
able to reflect able to reflect
_ Students will be able able to reflect their
their knowledge their knowledge of
to reflect their knowledge of
of different media different media
knowledge of different different media
skills. skills.
media skills. skills.
_ Students will be _ Students will be
_ Students will be able _ Students will be
Graphic Design Content able to distinguish able to distinguish
to distinguish collage able to distinguish
collage design. collage design.
design. collage design.
_ Students will _ Students will
_ Students will practice _ Students will
practice the practice the
the knowledge to practice the
knowledge to knowledge to
develop a finalized knowledge to
develop a develop a
work of art. develop a finalized
finalized work of finalized work of
work of art.
art. art.

Business Business Pricing

Business Studies Content
Business Ethics Business Pricing

Students to use Students to use
Students to use CSS Students to use CSS
Web Design Content CSS height/width CSS box model in
outline in HTML text in HTML
5.3 Mendelian Study unit4 for test2. 5.4 Non mendelian
5.3 Mendelian
AP Biology Content
Genetics All the materials are genetics
uploaded on TEAMs
and college board.
Test 2:
(3.2 Properties of
3.3 Solids, Liquids and
3.10 Solubility 3.12 Photoelectric 4.1 Introduction for
3.11 Spectroscopy Effect Reactions
3.4 Ideal Gas Law
AP Chemistry Content and the 3.13 Beer-Lambert
3.5 Kinetic Molecular
4.2 Net Ionic
Electromagnetic Law Equations
3.6 Deviation from
Ideal Gas Law
3.7 Solutions and
Programming Machine Learning: Machine Learning: Machine Learning:
Content Learning: python
(Python, C++) libraries
python libraries python libraries python libraries

Spanish Los Animales Los Animales

Los Animales
Los Animales NA
1- Student 1- Student 1- Student
1- Student memorizes
memorizes the memorizes the memorizes the
the animals' names.
animals' names. animals' names. animals' names.
Content 2-Stdent uses the
2-Stdent uses the 2-Stdent uses the 2-Stdent uses the
animals names around
animals names animals names animals names
him in correct
around him in around him in around him in
correct correct sentences. correct sentences.
Topic- Present Topic- Present Topic- Present value of Topic- Present value
value of lump value of lump sum lump sum of lump sum
sum Students will be Students will be Students will be
Personal Finance Content
Students will be calculating the calculating the calculating the
calculating the present value present value present value
present value
●"Redefining TED TALK
Masculinity Embracing
Embracing Vulnerability and TED TALK: "The Power
Public Speaking Content
Vulnerability and Emotional of Storytelling Power of
Emotional Intelligence" Storytelling

Creative Writing News Gathering Observation and Data

Content Source Building Data Collection
(journalism) Techniques Review
What are the four What are the four
major symptoms that major symptoms that
Understanding How common are
can help identify can help identify
Psychology Content Psychological psychological
psychological psychological
disorders. disorders.
disorders? - Research disorders? -
work Discussion
AP Computer Content Machine Learning: Machine Learning: Machine Learning:
Learning: python
python libraries python libraries python libraries

General Guidelines
Final Project is a topic that is closely relevant to your concentration. This will constitute 10% of the student’s final grades of
(6 to 12).
Rubric Criteria: Excellent: 9-10 Good: 6-8 Developing: 2-5 Basic: 1-2

The planning clearly relates to the The planning clearly relates to The planning generally relates to the The planning of the
purpose of the main topic and the main topic and includes at main topic however, no examples or work doesn’t relate to the main topic and limited or
Quality of Work includes new concepts, and least two examples or facts to facts have been provided. The little work has been produced and no ITusage.
(Presentation) information. The work also includes
support the purpose of the main presentation of the work is generally of
supporting information such as
examples, facts and independent topic. The presentation of the a satisfactory standard along with
research information. The work is of a good standard limited usage of IT.
presentation of the work is during the planning preparation
consistently of a high standard and and the student has made good
has made effective usage of IT. use of IT.

The student displays critical- Some critical thinking and The student responds to directed The student does not respond to any questions
thinking during planning meeting reflection have been questions only and does not openly asked by the teacher and/or peers during the
Critical Thinking discussions with peers relating to demonstrated during planning engage in any reflection during the discussions in planning meetings.
the main topic and the student is
meeting discussions with peers discussions in planning meetings.
forward thinking and able to offer
insightful contributions and make and has made some relevant
relevant suggestions. suggestions.

The student uses varied vocabulary The student uses varied The student uses a limited and The student’s vocabulary, sentence structure
and an appropriate writing style vocabulary and an appropriate somewhat repetitive vocabulary and punctuation show very limited command
Spelling and Grammar consistently throughout their work. writing style frequently throughout their work. of the language.
throughout their work.

The work is fully completed within The work is mostly completed The work is not fully completed within The work is late and/or not completed.
the set timeframe / deadline. within the set timeframe / the set timeframe / deadline.
Deadlines deadline.

The assignment should be created on Microsoft ppt or prezi and uploaded on Google classroom or Edmodo on the due date set by the
teacher. Any delay in submission (TBD) will cause deduction in your marks.

For ideas and projects: https://my.pblworks.org/

Rubric for Project Video

Category Exceeds Standards Nearly meets Standard Doesn’t meet Standard Score

8 to 10 6 to 8 Below 6

Concept (2) The video clearly demonstrates a The video somehow The video doesn’t demonstrate a
key concept. demonstrates a key concept. clear concept.

Design (2) The quality and materials in the The quality and materials in the The quality and materials in the
video are very well organized video lacked some organization. video are not organized and lack
and understandable. clarity.
50% clear.

Videography (2) A lot of different shots, sound Little different shots, sound A little effort has been made to
effects and an adequate use of effects and an adequate use of provide variety to the video.
zooming providing variety in the zooming providing variety in the
video. video.

Use of language (2) There are no mistakes in spelling There are some mistakes in There are many mistakes in
or grammar. spelling or grammar. spelling or grammar.

Final Product (2) Final product looks professional Final product looks decent and Final product looks unrefined
and the concepts were visibly the concepts were somewhat and the concepts were not
demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated.

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