2 Simple Present Affirmative - DAVI 16.06.2024

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Simple Present Tense I

Ta rg e t a u d i e n c e : E FII

Affirmative Form
The Simple Present Tense is used to express:

• facts • universal truths

• habitual actions • future actions related to pre-established time

• Verb in the infinitive form, without “to”

e.g.: To go > go > I go to school everyday.
To dance > dance > I dance every Saturday.

• 3rd person singular (he, she, it): add “-s”; “-es” (verbs that end in ss, sh, ch, x and o) or
“-ies” (verbs ending in “y” preceded by a consonant)
e.g.: “-s” She dances everyday.
He likes chocolate.

“-es” She goes to work by car.

He watches TV at night.

“-ies” She studies in Africa.

He flies to Europe every year.

* Exception: To have > has > She has a new car.

Meet Mike. He’s a student in Cape Town, South Africa.

Hi, I’m Michael, but you can call me Mike. I study at the Belville Elementary School in Cape Town. This is my day:
I usually get up very early – at about 6 o’clock. I have breakfast with my family and then leave for school at 7. I take the school
bus in front of my house and get to school before 8.
I have classes from 8 to 2:30. We study very hard – math, English, geography, science… I have lunch at the school cafeteria
at 12:30, but the food isn’t good.
After school, I play soccer with my friends at the community center. I arrive home at 5 and do my homework. My parents get
home from work at 6 and we all have dinner together at about 7:30.
In the evening I watch TV with my parents and sometimes play videogames. I usually go to bed at 10.

Complete the table with Mike’s activities.

Time Activity
Pay attention to the example:
6:00 He gets up.
7:00 He leaves for school
8:00 - 2:30 He has classes
12:30 He has lunch at the school cafeteria
5:00 He arrives home and does his homework
7:30 He has dinner with his parents

Now write a paragraph describing your day. 10:00

He goes to bed
__Open answer_________________________________________________________________________________________

For a more detailed explanation and further exercises see The Richmond Simplified Grammar of English
(Units 22, 23 and 24 – Simple Present Tense)
Photocopiable – Teacher‘s copy
Simple Present Tense I
Ta rg e t a u d i e n c e : E FII

Affirmative Form
The Simple Present Tense is used to express:

• facts • universal truths

• habitual actions • future actions related to pre-established time

• Verb in the infinitive form, without “to”

e.g.: To go > go > I go to school everyday.
To dance > dance > I dance every Saturday.

• 3rd person singular (he, she, it): add “-s”; “-es” (verbs that end in ss, sh, ch, x and o) or
“-ies” (verbs ending in “y” preceded by a consonant)
e.g.: “-s” She dances everyday.
He likes chocolate.

“-es” She goes to work by car.

He watches TV at night.

“-ies” She studies in Africa.

He flies to Europe every year.

* Exception: To have > has > She has a new car.

Meet Mike. He’s a student in Cape Town, South Africa.

Hi, I’m Michael, but you can call me Mike. I study at the Belville Elementary School in Cape Town. This is my day:
I usually get up very early – at about 6 o’clock. I have breakfast with my family and then leave for school at 7. I take the school
bus in front of my house and get to school before 8.
I have classes from 8 to 2:30. We study very hard – math, English, geography, science… I have lunch at the school cafeteria
at 12:30, but the food isn’t good.
After school, I play soccer with my friends at the community center. I arrive home at 5 and do my homework. My parents get
home from work at 6 and we all have dinner together at about 7:30.
In the evening I watch TV with my parents and sometimes play videogames. I usually go to bed at 10.

Complete the table with Mike’s activities.

Time Activity
Pay attention to the example:
6:00 He gets up.
8:00 - 2:30

Now write a paragraph describing your day. 10:00


For a more detailed explanation and further exercises see The Richmond Simplified Grammar of English
(Units 22, 23 and 24 – Simple Present Tense)
Photocopiable – Student’s copy

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