Sentence Transformation

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1. Vietnamese firms need to prepare plans to adapt to Industrial
Revolution 4.0. (HIGH)

=> It is high time Vietnamese firms prepared plans to adapt to Industrial

Revolution 4.0
It’s high time + S + V ( qkd ) : đến lúc phải làm gì
2. I wished I had studied Math more properly for the 10th grade entrance
examination. (ONLY)
=> If only I had studied Math more properly ………..
3. In 1788, Quang Trung’s troops marched so fast that the Qing army was
taken by surprise. (SUCH)
=> Such was the speed at which Quang Trung’s troops marched that ……
4. An apple a day may benefit your health. (WONDERS) = have a good
effect on sth
=> An apple a day may do wonders for your health
5. The university entrance examination system has long been a fiercely
debatable subject in our country.(BONE)
=> The university entrance examination system has long been a bone of
contention in our country
A bone of contention : sth that causes arguments between people
7. The prices were very roughly calculated - it looked as though he'd
done them in a rush. (ENVELOPE)
 But for him having done the prices on the back of an envelope, the
prices wouldn’t have been so roughly calculated
On the back of an envelope : used to describe a calculation or plan that is
written down quickly on any available small piece of paper
8. I won’t change my mind, no matter what you say ( BLUE )
=> I won’t change my mind until you are blue in the face
Until you are blue in the face : wasting your efforts because you will get
no results
9. You’d better start studying seriously ( KNUCKLED )
=> You’d better knuckle down
10 Because of his arrogance, nobody was willing to help him ( FULL )
 Had he not been full of himself, everybody would have been willing
to help him
11 There’s no way he cancels the trip so near the departure date
There is no question of him cancelling the trip so near the departure date
12 Helen was so sorry that she couldn’t attend Susan’s birthday party
( MAKE )
 Helen greatly regretted not being able to make it to Susan’s birthday
Make it to = attend

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