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Good afternoon teacher and classmates, today I would like to present my project about the
man and some consequences of the recurrent activities that could be a big threat for
population, destroying its environment.

I would like to start with the first activity that will damage/damij/ the peruvian sea and their
production of seafood in a few years, the overfishing in the north of Perú. Actually, the
overfishing is one of the activities that is not allowed/aloud/, some fishermen unknow about
this activity and the/di/ importance of just extract the necessary. I've ever seen much news in
TV about this trouble during the last years in departments like Tumbes and Piura, places where
fishing is very productive, but the government hasn’t given drastic laws for decrease this
activity yet.


Other overfishing’s consequence, that is important to know: if a fisherman throws out death
fishes to the sea, they will damage the nutrients of the marine ecosystem/icosistem/ in a near
future. Furthermore, overfishing will take Peruvian fishing in a fatal direction causing/cousing/
the famine in communities that live so far of the sea and reducing the seagull’s
lifespan/laifspan/ and other animals that eat fish or shellfish.


Another consequence of its activities that could be a big threat for population and the
environment is the reforestation.

The Peruvian Amazon is in the top 10 of the most biodiverse places in the world and this forest
is an essential part of the indigenous communities’ lives that their alimentation depends on
natural recourses like fishing and farming, also the palm trees’ crops. These communities
usually live in wood houses on stilts that protect them of the torrential rain, wild animals and
floods because the weather in the Amazon is hot, foggy and rainy.

For example, the Amak resort located in Iquitos since 2017 is a special place where the tourists
can take a beautiful experience. This resort was created by the hand of local communities. It
started like a small hotel and the locals worked like tourist guides. The owners have worked
with farmers and fishermen and they created a unique and sustainable space.

Also, we need to become more conscious with our practices because they can affect and
damage the environment and causes some natural disasters like water pollution and
greenhouse effect, that is the reason that we must avoid throwing garbage in the ocean or on
the streets and use less plastic because it has harmful chemicals.

Finally, around this project, we have been learning and knowing the concept of the overfishing
and the reforestation, so I hope you have enjoyed it and be eco-friendly.

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