Project I12

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Good evening teacher and classmate, today I would like to present my project about one of
the best products that I invented recently for the benefit of some peruvians artisans. Is
necessary to know that Perú is one of the countries more visited in Latinoamerican and is
because our country have to many touristic monuments like Machu Picchu or the Valley of
Colca, and this areas are visited all the years for some tourist of the world. So the rural
locals take advantage of the environment to sell different souvenirs that represent their
culture, in fact the sales of these handicrafts help peruvians communities that live/liv/ in rural
areas and to get money and have a more dignified life/laif/.

In other words, the product that I would like to present today is a conventional and original
electronic needle/nedl/ that I called Pinchikilla Yawai Pen, a product that has been created in
a proposal to break through the divide in society. The Pinchikilla Yawai Pen is made with
reused/riusd/ materials like plastic for the pen's body and rubber to create a soft and gentle

I would like to share an experience that I had this morning with one of my favorite customers
in Cusco, who told me that the Pinchikilla Yawai Pen increased his daily sales since he
obtained our product, because now he has more time to make other kinds of souvenirs. Also
he said: “I want to recommend you with other coworkers from the community, furthermore
this afternoon we are going to ask for a new order for Pinchikilla Yawai Pen”, that made me
so overwhelming happy but not for the amount of product that I’m going to sells, but because
the main objective of the product will be achieved: to help the native communities of Peru.

Inside the benefits that offer my product are that you can sewing more fast because the
special needle that had the Pichikilla Yawai, would sew on any textile material, as cotton,
wool, and leather. Also the cost of this product is more affordable and lightweight than other
expenses machines. I know that the locals can use either the common traditional needle or
the pinchikilla Yawei Pen, but neither other needle nor other textile products give the same
result that the Pinchikilla Yawei Pen. It's such an innovative product that many people would
like to have in your office, business and house.

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