TRANSCRIPT-Operate From A Physiology and Psychology of Excellence

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Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

other people or events for your success? or do you lap up the

Operate from a glory knowing that you alone brought about your experience
and the goal that you are now enjoying? It’s funny how we only
Physiology and really blame other people or external events for our; failures’ - if
that’s what you want to call them. don’t you think?

Psychology of Ok. So, if you want to achieve your goal then, if you are like
most people you are going to want to pay attention to this.
Excellence To become the type of person you want to be, and to achieve
the sorts of things you are wanting to achieve You are going to
need to become that person, because it is that type of person
Hi There and welcome back and in the previous 4 key principles that gets what it is you want. Make sense?
for success we covered quite a lot of big stuff, however without
this final key you are going to make hard work of achieving your So, if excellence is what you want? A model of excellence is
goals. Actually, what you will need to be. And of course, that means that you
that’s true for need to operate with a physiology and psychology of excellence.
all of them,
“In NLP we teach you and they all So, what do I mean by that, well let’s take the physiology. If you
need to be recall, our internal representations, the pictures in our minds,
a process that you present for you are linked to our physiology, and our physiology is linked to our
behavior which affects the type and quality of results we get.
can learn that will to easily
achieve your
So that exercise, that we did a moment ago is really important,
teach you how to goals yet it’s
as it gives you the opportunity to experience the physiology and
this one,
model excellence in operate from a the internal representations of what success ‘is’ where your
goal is concerned. And of course, to start with you can
Physiology and
others, not only the Psychology of consciously behave in the same way and carry yourself with the
excellence that same physiology. Acting ‘As if’ being a strategy that you can use
way they think but is the one that to really good effect.
will let you
also their physiology know just how
Ok, now when we refer to the Psychology of excellence we are
referring to the general mental attitude that we have, is it
as well.” serious you or
your client are
basically positive, and forward thinking for example. And
possible most importantly are you on the cause side of the
cause and effect equation. As we already learned in the earlier
achieving your
lectures, the cause and effect equation is a vital aspect to living
goals. Like I said before it’s a big one, so let’s get stuck in.
an empowered life. And knowing that, you can begin to really
take control of your future.
Do you Remember at the very beginning of the 5 principles for
success we worked on knowing our outcome.? Well in this And to be
lecture we are going to take a look at the final key to an honest with
achievable outcome and that is to operate with the physiology you, that
and with the psychology of excellence. You may remember, I mindset the
said to you to take a mental snapshot of that time when you mindset that
have just achieved your goal. embraces
the cause an
Well I would like you to recall that memory now., so if it helps,
close your eyes and just go out to that time again now, float
down into your body see what you can see, hear what you can
needs to
hear and feel all the feelings of having achieved your goal. And
start NOW,
just enjoy that for a moment. And then ask yourself how do you
because I am telling you, until you do that, and unless your
carry yourself? What is your personality like?
client does that if they don’t stop blaming other people or
And here is an interesting question, that has a lot to do with the events outside of yourself for where they are in life then they
cause and effect equation and responsibility. Do you blame will not truly move forward toward the life of their dreams.

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

In NLP we teach you a process that you can learn that will teach
you how to model excellence in others, not only the way they
think but also their physiology as well.

So. Remember that there is a mind body connection what you

think affects your physiology, and your physiology affects the
way you think and feel and as such your physiology should be
aligned with your thinking, so find some examples of people
who are good
models for you
and your goal,
and ask
yourself how do
they stand,
breathe talk,
what is their
posture like,
how do they
move etc. And
then you can
consciously act ‘as if’ you can do that naturally.

When you have the physiology of excellence aligned with the

psychology of excellence or your thinking. Then you are really
heading towards achieving your goals.

So, there you have it the 5 principles for success which I think
you will find really useful as you go through life and through this
course as well. And I think it might be useful for you to give a
little thought to what is you want to get out of studying NLP and
taking this course. So, if you have a look in the resources
section you will see that there is a sheet like this which will
enable you to do just that in alignment with the 5 principles for
success. So why don't you take a few minutes now to go
through that and fill out some of your goals for choosing to
learn NLP and I will see you in the next lecture where I want to
show you the difference between a STATE and a goal and why
this is important, and you may find that you will tweak your
goals a little afterward to make them really compelling.

Ok so let’s go on to the state versus goal lecture and

then we will move on to the keys to an achievable outcome, so
you can assess your goal and determine the likelihood of you
achieving it in precisely the way you desire. See you there.

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

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