TRANSCRIPT-Towards and Away From Motivation

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Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

Towards and Away

But here is the thing, when you are motivated away from
something, it seems to be that there is a highly intense focused
high energy boost to get away from whatever it, is, followed by a
from Motivation period of almost relief and no action. Once you are away from the
pain, the threat is over, and the motivation to move away from it
is no longer there. And herein lies the problem.
Ok so as I mentioned in the previous lecture I wanted to slip this
one in between key 1 and 2 as I think you will find it really useful.
If you are motivated away from let’s say being broke, then when
And this is a brief discussion on Motivation and it follows on
the bank balance starts to look bleak, fear kicks in and a highly
nicely from the Stated in the positive key we just looked at, so
focused effort to get away from having now money begins, you
let’s take a look at towards and away from motivation now and
perform near miracles and dump a load of money into the
then we will carry on with the keys to an achievable outcome.
account, usually accompanied with a big sigh of relief, panic
over, and you relax. The trouble is that this is often when
OK so the fact of the matter is that we are motivated away from
boredom kicks in, and of course why wouldn't it, you are no
things we fear or will cause us pain and towards things that will
longer motivated. And your unconscious mind, knows the answer
bring us pleasure.
to this problem. You need a little more excitement, in your life,
you need to feel motivated.
Now this kind of makes sense, and you might be thinking, heck I
am motivated either way so what is the problem?
And the best most recent reference experience that the
Well if you have ever had the
unconscious mind can draw
experience that your life is a bit of
on is the time you were last
a roller coaster, I speak from
motivated away from poverty,
experience here. Then that is
so what does it do? It does its
most likely something to do with a
best to get you back to being
values issue.
broke again so that you can
become motivated again.
As I said, I know this feeling only
too well from personal experience
Which results in a life that has
and sure enough, most of my
extreme ups and downs.
focus was on away from values,
If this is sounding familiar,
that is I was motivated to move
you can relax, I had spent
away from some situation or
most of my life working in this
another. And whilst this is highly
way and its really stressful
effective at getting things moving,
and unpleasant.
and indeed in the short terms
If you now contrast that with
getting things done, there is a fundamental problem with it. Let
values that are moving towards an end objective or goal, then
me explain.
the difference is clear. It is a much more sustainable, constant
energy. That starts with a much lower energy which increases
Pain is a strong motivator, it gets you up and at em. Pleasure is
over time and the closer you get to the goal, the more motivated
also a strong motivator, but less though than pain in the short
you become.
term. Think about it logically, if you are sat in a chair, and by
getting up and walking across the room to tidy up your bookshelf
It’s a much more pleasant way to live. That said both have their
you will get pleasure from your living room looking tidy. Fair point,
very nice, and how motivated are you to get out of the chair and
actually do it?
Away from motivation is hugely powerful in getting people to
make the decision to create change, but for long lasting
Well you might be very motivated which would be great. But let’s
consistent change that is sustainable, we ideally want to be
say that the chair suddenly burst into flames, how motivated do
focused on towards values. And we would do this by working with
you think you would be to get out of the chair then? That’s right
the values with maybe a coach or therapist and by maybe using
a LOT more motivated.
self-hypnosis on a regular basis to reinforce them.

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

Ultimate NLP Practitioner Training Program

So why is all of this so important and relevant for us as nlp

practitioners. Well by the time we see a client, we have a great
set up. Think about it, the client has most likely chosen to come
and see us because they have a perceived ‘issue in their life, and
“the fact of the matter is
one that they no longer want. Which is great as it means they are
motivated to get the result, they want the change which means
that we are motivated away
they will most likely be less resistance as a client. What our goal
as an NLP Practitioner then must be is to communicate to the
from things we fear or will
unconscious mind an outcome that is compelling, and a picture
or goal to then chase after, that will bring them pleasure and start
cause us pain and towards
a towards motivation.
things that will bring us
Ok so that I hope gives you some insight into why your goal needs
to be stated in the positive. And I think it made sense to quickly
pleasure. “
shoot off and take a look at that, so now let’s get back to the keys
to an achievable outcome and the next one is Specify present
situation. See you there

© Matthew G Barnett 2018 | | |

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