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Bitter - Having a strong, often unpleasant taste e.g. Salty - Tastes of salt.
coffee, dark chocolate. Tasty - Good flavour and is nice to eat.
Sweet - Usually an enjoyable taste of sugar. Sugary - Tastes of sugar.
Dry - Not wet. Greasy - Containing or covered with fat or oil.
Moist - A little wet. Scrumptious - delicious.
Bland - Boring, not interesting. Sour - Having a sharp taste e.g yogurt, lemon.
Spicy - Having strong flavours from spice. Piping hot -Very hot.
Savoury - Not sweet e.g. bread. Crunchy - Firm and making a loud noise when it is
Rich - Rich food has a lot of butter, cream, or eggs eaten.
in it.


Full name: ........................................................................... Date: ...................... Level: ..................

Complete the sentences using the correct adjective.

1. My cousin used to eat lemons for breakfast. I don't know how, they're so ___.
( ) bitter ( ) sweet
2. I don't like ___ food. I always use a lot of sauces or gravy.
( ) dry ( ) moist
3. Authentic curries are usually very ___.
( ) bland ( ) spicy
4. I love chocolate cake, but that one was so ___ I could barely finish it!
( ) savoury ( ) rich
5. Yuck! This soup is way too ___!
( ) salty ( ) tasty
6. I love pizza, but sometimes it’s a bit too ___.
( ) sugary ( ) greasy
7. Yuck! I think this milk is ___.
( ) scrumptious ( ) sour
8. I love ___ food, like chocolate, cookies and cakes.
( ) sweet ( ) savoury
9. Not only was the service bad, when the food arrived it was ___.
( ) lukewarm ( ) piping hot
10. I like really ___ salads, that have carrots and peppers in them.
( ) dry ( ) crunchy

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