Peculiarities of Developing E-Learning Tools Based On The Principles of Universal Design

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Introduction of the issue. In recent years, the integration of technology into education
has transformed the way how we learn, and e-learning tools are becoming increasingly
widespread. These digital resources offer flexibility, accessibility and adaptability to
meet the diverse needs of learners. However, while e-learning has the potential to
improve the education process for many, a crucial challenge remains: making sure that
these resources are inclusive and accessible to all, including people with special
education needs.
One approach that has gained popularity in solving this problem is the use of
universal design principles in the development of e-learning tools. By integrating
universal design into the e-learning process, it is possible to create e-learning tools that
are adapted to a wide range of students, including people with different learning styles,
abilities, and interests.
The Council of Europe's Disability Action Plan and the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities proves that the goal of ED is to
promote equal access for all [1; 6]. What is more, the Law of Ukraine on Education
defines UD as the design of facilities, environments, educational programs and
services to maximize their suitability for use by all persons without the need for
adaptation or special design. The concept of design is in line with the goals of the
New Ukrainian School (NUS), emphasizing an inclusive approach to education based
on design principles [7]. The implementation of design in education covers various
aspects, including the development of inclusive curriculum, flexible teaching
methods, and accessible learning materials. This approach ensures that educational
processes meet the diverse needs of learners, promoting equal access and
participation for all.
Current state of the issue. Universal design, which was developed to create an
accessible and comfortable environment, is now being actively implemented in
education. Its use in the development of e-Learning tools means that learning resources
can be adapted to a variety of special educational needs for students. International and
national standards and regulations on the accessibility of e-Learning resources have
already been developed (in particular, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, the
National Strategy for Creating a Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine until 2030, the
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Some Issues of Development of
Electronic Learning Tools", etc.) A number of Ukrainian and foreign scholars have
studied the issues of increasing the accessibility of the educational process (I.
Abrosimova, O. Kyzymchuk, V. Azin, L. Baida, Y. Hrybalskyi, O. Krasiukova-Annes,
M. Vasyunyk-Kulieva, O. Gayash, etc. ) However, according to the analysis of scientific
literature, there is a lack of practical tools ("guidelines," "explanations," "checklists,"
"samples") that would contribute to the establishment of educational materials that can
be successfully used by different groups of students, including people with disabilities
and persistent learning disabilities.
Aim of this article is to determine strategies for creating accessible e-learning
tools that meet the various needs of all learners.
Results and discussion.
Children with special educational needs demand a special approach to learning
English, as their perception, learning, abilities and difficulties may differ from other
children [4, p. 29]. In order to ensure effective and comfortable learning, the following
aspects should be taken into account:
1. An individual educational plan is a structured document created directly for a
child that takes into account his or her individual needs and capabilities [4, p. 21].
The main goal of this aspect is to provide the student with the opportunity to
achieve the maximum level of English language proficiency, taking into account
his or her individual needs.
2. Multi-sensory learning is the use of various sensory channels (visual, auditory,
kinesthetic, etc.) in teaching [4; 7]. This approach helps students with different
learning styles better absorb new information and develop communication skills.
In addition, having the opportunity to choose the channel of information delivery,
students with special educational needs have obvious advantages in using their
strengths in learning. In addition, visual and auditory aids help to increase
motivation by making the learning process more interesting and engaging,
facilitate the perception of information by ear or sight, and contribute to a deeper
understanding of the material.
3. Technological support is a set of tools, programs and devices designed to adapt
the learning process to the individual characteristics and needs of the child. These
technologies include adaptive software, voice assistants, tactile devices,
interactive whiteboards, virtual and augmented reality systems [2, p. 71-77].
4. A flexible learning schedule is a learning model that takes into account the
individual characteristics, needs, and limitations of the student, allowing for the
adaptation of the time, duration, and intensity of classes. Accordingly, it is
possible to choose a form of inclusive education (full, partial, or periodic
inclusion) that will suit the needs of the child [3].
Можливо, цю інформацію скоротити, і зробити таблиці з більш детальною
інформацією, яку можна додати в додатки?
E-learning tools play a key role in creating a high-quality and accessible
educational process. In turn, the process of developing such tools is complex and multi-
stage, covering both technical and pedagogical aspects. The key stages of the
development process include:
1. Analyzing the target audience is the first and important step in understanding
who will use the tool, what their needs and characteristics are. It takes into
account: audience segmentation (by common characteristics, such as age group,
level of knowledge); needs research (surveys, observations, conversations,
interviews, etc. to find out what knowledge, skills or disabilities users have, what
motivates them and what their special needs are); determination of goals and
expectations (acquiring new knowledge, improving skills, preparing for a certain
type of work or solving specific tasks, as well as: user expectations regarding the
usability of the tool and the availability of materials).
2. Designing the structure of an e-learning tool implies establishing a general
organization and logical structure that helps to effectively present the learning
material. At this stage, learning methods are selected that best suit the project's
purpose and the needs of the target audience. In addition, content should be
organized in a logical and consistent manner ensuring clarity and accessibility [ 3,
с 201-226].
3. Content development is the crucial stage in the process of creating learning
materials. At this level, a variety of learning content is created, which may include
textual materials, videos, images, audio recordings, and other resources. The main
goal of content development is to provide content that is clear, meaningful, and
relevant to learners' needs and the curriculum.
4. Clarity and accessibility is important that the structure of the electronic means is
logical, understandable and uses the UD to meet the needs of all audiences.
To assess whether electronic tools are suitable for students with disabilities, it
is necessary to analyze this tool according to the principles of universal design.
1. Equal access:
 Provide access for learners of all ages, abilities, and cultural backgrounds.
 Equivalent products are available for students with disabilities.
 Respectful, safe and reliable use is provided.
 The product has an attractive design for all users.
2. Flexibility in use:
 Adaptation to the user's pace.
 Ability to adjust fonts, contrast.
 Ability to choose how to use the product.
3. Easy and Convenient Use:
 Intuitive interface.
 No extra effort is required to use it.
 Information is placed according to its importance.
 The product meets the expectations of users.
4. Perception of information:
 Multichannel.
 Clarity of the material and simplification of wording.
 Efficiency of information transfer regardless of external conditions.
 Separation of the most important and additional information.
 Clarity of the most important information.
 Compatibility of the product with various technologies and facilities for people
with disabilities.
5. Tolerance to errors:
 The presence of features that offset risks and harmful consequences.
 Providing warnings of dangers or possible errors.
 Accessibility of the most frequently used elements and isolation of hazardous
 Preventing dangerous consequences in the event of equipment damage.
 Predicting or blocking the possibility of unconscious user actions.
 Designing automatic error correction functions.
6. Low Physical Effort:
 Providing a comfortable position and convenience for users.
 Ensure that users do not become fatigued as a result of repetitive actions or
prolonged physical effort.
7. Availability of appropriate size and space:
 Consideration of the required size and space for easy access, handling, and use of
the product by all users.
 Sufficient space for the use of auxiliary and compensatory aids or a personal
 Ensure that important elements of the product are visible and accessible to users,
regardless of their position.
 Consider the different hand sizes and grip strengths of users [5].
Therefore, evaluating electronic tools for their suitability for students with
disabilities requires careful consideration based on universal design principles. The
criteria described cover different aspects that are crucial to providing equal access and
usability for all users, regardless of their abilities or background.
Conclusions and research perspectives. The integration of electronic tools into
education, especially for students with disabilities or special educational needs, presents
both opportunities and challenges. Through the application of universal design principles
and careful consideration of individual needs, these tools can greatly enhance the
accessibility and effectiveness of the learning environment.
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6. 21. The Council of Europe in «Disability Action Plan»

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