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A Day in The Kitchen

Our experience began when our group started mixing the ingredients of the pizza.

Preparing the dough

First, we put 750g of flour in a bowl and made a hole in the center. With that done,
we mixed yeast with sugar to make it liquid. Once finished, we mixed the yeast and the
flour and added water. Right after it we started kneading the dough until we made a ball.
When we finished, we left the dough to rest for the yeast to make effect. To do it, we
covered the dough with a towel. During this process, carbon dioxide is formed and this
gas starts expanding because of the heat that the towel is providing and it is because of
this that In the meantime, we made Mayonnaise.

Preparing the mayonnaise

In the meantime, we made Mayonnaise. At the beginning we thought it would be
difficult, but ended up being easy. The ingredients for mayonnaise are oil, eggs and
lemons. To start with we introduced 2 eggs in a whisker and whisked them together to
break the barrier between the egg white and the egg yolk. Next, we agreed to put 200ml of
oil per egg, which means that we ended up using 400ml of oíl. Then, we squeezed lemons
to make juice. Once with the juice made, we added it to the mix and whisked it. After a
while whisking, a process called emulsification occurred and the mayonnaise was ready.

how we prepare the pizza and the talitas

Then we went back to check the dough, after this, we divided that piece of dough into
four. Those four pieces were used to make pizza and talitas. While we were cooking the
pizza and the talitas, we started to heat the oven until it reached 250°C. With the oven
heating, we put the dough in a metal tray to give it shape and then, we put the tomato
sauce on the top of the dough. Without spending much time, we take the pizza to the
oven. As time passed, the pizza was left there until it was cooked. When the pizza was in
the oven, the ethanol that was formed evaporated and the dough was cooked. Last but not
least, we left the pizza on the kitchen table while we prepared the “talitas” to be eaten
with mayonnaise. With the talitas happened the exact same thing as with the pizza as they
are both made out of dough.

Our curiosities
When the pizza and the “talitas” finished, we were curious about how many calories were
used to make them. This led us to ask for help from our teacher and with our combined
efforts we were able to develop an equation that cleared our doubts. And even though we
had discovered how many calories we used, another question came to our minds, what
nutrients does pizza give us? Well this question was a bit easier to answer. We asked our
Chemistry teacher, and also searched on the internet to clear out doubts. And it resulted
that pizzas have macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

The end
By the end of the activity we were able to socialize with our classmates and discover
new things of chemistry, physics and also abilities of our classmates that we didn’t
even expect. We ended up eating the pizza and although it was a little bit raw, it tasted
good anyways.

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