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Diet Plan

Morning 7:30 am

Drink copper water (raat ko paani rkhna hai

copper jug me and usi ko subha garm krke
peena hai. Copper jug ka paani steel ke
container me nahi lena hai. Copper jug me or
dusre copper cointainer me garm krke peena

Some streching and 20 to 30 mins exercies.

Four teaspoon Amla juice. 4 teaspoon

aloevera juice with fiber, 4 teaspoon
ashwagandha leaf juice (NOTE- Ashwagandha
ki roots ka juice nahi lena hai or na hi koi or
item ashwagandha ka like powder or
something else) Thumb size ginger - crush i,
mash it, pinch of black pepper and pinch of
turmeric. 14 teaspoon warm water. Mix all
these things and drink it.
Breakfast 8:45 am (After 1 hr of taking
Sprouts (avoid onions) 3 times a week
Besin chilla with mint
Moong dal dosa with chutney
Boiled chana chaat with veggies (kala chana)
Millet daliya (Thuli)
Multigrain daliya
Vegetable soup
Sattu drink. If sweet- add mishri, If salty add
salt, jeera. According to your taste.

Lunch 12:00 PM

Note- Roti and rice should not be together. (Avoid

eating together.)
2 Multi grain roti, seasonal sabzi with salad.
Homemade masala oats.
Idli samber
Evening Snack 4:00 pm
4 soaked almonds (remove chilka) 2 soaked
walnut, 2 soaked anjir.
Ayurvedic Herbal tea recipe - 500ml water
at medium heat add 2 pinch ginger
carademon, cinnamon sticks, mint leaves, 1
teaspoon honey, boiled it till the water gets
half. Now strain it and add 1/2 lemon
according to your taste. Drink this 3-4 times
a week / daily.
Fruit salad
Vegetable salad
Rosted Makhana (normal)

Dinner 7:00 pm
Mix vegetable soup
loki soup (is the best)
Tomato soup
moond daal and uska water fried.
1 multigrain roti
Item that should not be taken in dinner -
Jackfruit, aalu, rataalu, masoor dal (avoid all
Drink water / warm water - 4 liter pura din ka paani juice ,
soup is included .

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