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CTET Paper Analysis

(10th Jan 2022)

By Himanshi Singh
Social Media Handles:

Instagram: Himanshisinghofficial

Facebook Page: letslearnforctet

Telegram Channel: LETSLEARNSQUAD

Q1. Statement (a) : The conformist !" #$% &'( )%*+,-./.01 2345
gender portrayal of male and ,*+67 89:;. #. 9<=> ?@A B#
female encourages children to CD98#. ;<1;E,% #E 9;F GHIJ.9:-
have role flexibility. #5-. :KL
Reason(r) : Gender is determined #.5> &M( N 2O8 #E J8P 2345
at birth. 9%Q.RS5- :KL
A. (a) and (r) both are false. T" &'( U5 &M( 0H%A )JIP :VL
B. (a) and (r) both are true. (r) is not W" &'( U5 &M( 0H%A JIP :VL &M(7 &'(
explain (a) #X Y.ZP. %:[ #5-. :K
C. (a) is true but (r) is false \" &'( J< :K ;EB#% &M( ]D^. :K
D. (a) and (r) are true, (r) is explain
_" &'( U5 &M( JIP :V7 &M(7 &'( #X
of (a)
Y.ZP. #5-. :K
Q2. Sensitive period for !" C.6. )9Q`:> #. Ja/E0%b1;
acquiring language : #.; N

A. Adolescence T" B#bH5./c$.

B. Early childhood W" G.5a 9C# ?.dP./c$.

C. Pre childhood \" ,D/R ?.dP./c$.

D. Adulthood _" /Pc# )/c$.

Q3. Which of the following !" 9%e9;9f- 83 JE #g%hJ. F#
is a negative emotion ? %#.5.I8# C./ :Ki

A. Jealousy T" jkP.R lE6

B. Curiosity W" 92m.J.

C. Pleasure \" f*b1

D. Affection _" nE:

Q4. The new Principal of the school !" #$% & $' () *+,+-. (' #$% & $' */-'$
has urged each student in the 0+1 2' 3(-345 67 2' -89 $:(' $+
school to do Yoga on a regular ;<= >$-+ =?@ A2$+ BC. -= =? >$ D
basis. This implies that - E" F*G327& $8 &95+ =? >$ -89 HI
A. The Principal thinks that yoga is 7J+K 3L5(+ =I L6:I =?
as important as studies M" 2HI 0+1 -89 $: :=' C' &'>$( N($'
B. All students were doing yoga but *+,+-. $' 67 4O $+-.H+: 2GH+&(' 2'
not regularly before he took over as 7=&' 3(-345 67 2' (=P
Principal Q" N($' $+-.H+: 2GH+&(' 2' 7=&' $8K
C. There was no yoga practice before -89 BR-+2 (=P C+
he took charge S" NT=O &95+ =? >$ -89 UVW $'
D. He feels that yoga is good for X+:IY:$ Z: 4+(32$ #[+#\- $' 3&)
physical and mental health of the B]0+ =?
Q5. What are the !" #$%&'()* (+ ,-.'/(
secondary agents of (%)( 0/% 123
socialization : 4" 56)7%)8 59:#
A. family, neighborhood ;" 56)7%)8 <(= >
B. family, school ?" <(= >8 @$A
C. School, religion B" C,DD%7(8 $',E/%
D. Guardian, media
Q6. NEP 2020 Emphasizes on- !" opq rsrs B#J ,5 2H5 0E-. :Kh

A. Multilingualalism T" ?tC.6./.0

B. Monolingualism W" F#C.6./.0

C. ? \" i

D. ? _" i
Q7. Students feel motivated to !" 2? #.PR :H-. :K -H u.= J1f%E
learn when task is : #E 9;F GES5- 8:JDJ #5-E :V

A. connected to their real world T" v%#X /.c-9/# 0*9%P. JE 2*w.

B. irrelevant #.PR

C. not at all challenging W" )G.Ja9x#

D. ? \" 9?d#* ; C1 <*%g-1,D>R %:[

_" i
Q8. The method of memorizing !" )y5A #X ;z?1 {|af;. #H uH}Eh
a long series of letters by fitting uH}E C.xH 83 J8*9<- #5#E P.0 #5%E
them into small parts is- #X 9/9Q :Kh

A. Chunking T" <a~#a x

B. Accommodation W" J8.PH2%

C. Assimilation \" •I8J.-1#5>

D. ? _" i
Q9. If a person argues that !" F# Y9€ )x5 -#R #5-. :K B#
society alone can determine #E /; J8.2 :1 9%P8A #H 9%Q.RS5-
rules and not any one person, #5 J#-. :K %. B# #Hj F# Y9€7 P:
this indicates the condition : #g%hJ1 )/c$. #H 0b.R-. :K N
A. Obedience and punishment T" •m.#.S5-. U5 0a4
B. Legal orientation W" #.%D%1 )9C9/OP.J
C. Universal ethical principles \" J./RCg98# %K9-# 9J•.a-
D. Social contract orientation _" J.8.92# )%*?aQ )9C9/OP.J
Q10. If a girl is given a car !" F# ;w#X #H #.5 &9f;g%.(
(toy) as a gift, she says, what 9x‚} 8E B0P. 2.-. :K -H /: #:-1 :K
is the use of this for me, this ƒJ#. 8*]E „P. #.8 :K PE -H ;w#H #E
is a thing for boys to play- fE;%E #X <12 :Kh

A. Gender Stereotypes T" 2345 +B…/.B0-.

B. Gender bias W" 2345 ,y,.-

C. Gender Equality \" 2345 J8.%-.

D. Social bias _" J.8.92# ,y,.-

Q11. What should a teacher !" 8D-R JaB†P.I8# )/c$. #E ?@A #H
not do while teaching children ,….-E tF F# 9b9y#. #H „P. %:[
of concrete operational stage?
#5%. <.9:F
A. Giving a problem that
T" ‡J1 J8cP. 0E%. 92J83 )8D-R-. #X
requires abstraction
•/ˆP#-. :H
B. Tangible Resources
W" 8D-R JaJ.Q%
C. Giving opportunities for
classification \" /x‰#5> #. )/J5 0E%.
D. Assigning tasks to serialize _" †8?• #5%E #E 9;F #.PR JŠ,%.
Q12. According to NCF-2005 !" o\‹ rssŒ #E )%*J.5 x9>-
feature of Maths curriculum : ,.•†8 #X 9/bE6-. N
A. Ambitious and coherent
T" 8:I/.#.ay1 U5 J*Jax-
B. Activity oriented
W" x9-9/9Q vO8*f
C. Include more number of
summative assessment \" )9Q# JaZP. 83 PHx.I8# 8DdP.a#%
D. Emphasis on procedures #H b.98; #5%.
and knowledge of formulae
_" J8] JE )9Q# GB†P.Ž U5 JD=A
over understanding
#E m.% ,5 2H5
Q13. In which stage !" B#J )/c$. 83 ?@3 83 Ja5y> •
conservation comes in the 2.-. :K
child? T" )8D-R JaB†P.I8#
A. Abstract operational W" Ja/E01x.8#
B. Sensory \" 8D-R JaB†P.I8#
C. Concrete Operational _" ,D/R JaB†P.I8#
D. Pre Operational
Q14. Cognition and emotion !" Jam.% U5 Ja/Ex #. Ja?aQ :Kh
are related to-
T" Jam.% U5 Ja/Ex F# 0DJ5E JE Ja?•
A. Cognition and emotion are
B. Cognition and emotion are W" Jam.% U5 Ja/Ex c/-a= :V
independent \" Jam.% #. Ja/Ex ,5 #Hj GC./
C. Cognition has no effect on %:[ ,w-.
_" Ja/Ex #. Jam.% ,5 #Hj GC./
D. Emotion has no effect on
cognition %:[ ,w-.
Q15. Education should be !" 9/bE6 •/ˆP#-. /.;E ?@A #H
made available to children
9by. v,;•Q #5.j 2.%1 <.9:F
with special needs :
T" )OP J.8.OP ?@A #E J.$
A. With other normal children
B. By methods developed for W" 9/bE6 9/•.;PA 83 9/bE6 ?@A
special children in special #E 9;F 9/#9J- ,•9-PA l.5.
\" 9/bE6 9/•.;PA 83
C. in special schools
_" 9/bE6 9/•.;PA 83 9/bE6 9by#A
D. by special teachers in
special schools l.5.
Q16. Do children have !" ?@A #H C.6. )2R% #5%E #X
problems with language J8cP. :H-1 :Ki
acquisition? T" G.5a 9C# ?.dP./c$.
A. early childhood W" ,‘ ?.dP./c$.
B. Later childhood \" B#bH5./c$.
C. adolescence _" bKb/.c$.
D. infancy
Q17. Sub skills of reading? !" ,…%E #. v, #gb;i

A. transcripting T" G9-;Ef1#5>

B. learn spelling W" /-R%1 J1f%.

C. recall event of story \" #:.%1 #X ’}%. #H P.0 #5%.

D. predicting _" C9/kP/.>1

Q18. Which bird has a shape !r“" #g% JE ,y1 #E ”9J5 ,5 8*#*}
like "crown on head and coin U5 ,Dau ,5 9J•.” 2KJ1 •#| 9-
on tail"- :H-1 :Kh

A. Peacock T" 8H5

B. Sunbird W" J%?4R

C. ? \" i

D. ? _" i
Q19. In which state is the !" #X} Cy1 ,gQ. 8*ZP-– B#J 5.—P
insect-eater plant mainly 8E ,.P. 2.-. :KL
found? T" 8E’.;P
A. Meghalaya W" 982H58
B. Mizoram \" 9?:.5
C. Bihar _" #%.R}#
D. Karnataka
Q20. Which bird's back is !" B#J ,y1 #E ,1uE #. 9:cJ. •;D
blue? :Ki

A. crow T" #g•

B. peacock W" 8H5

C. sparrow \" xg5K P.

D. ? _" i
Social Media Handles:

Instagram: Himanshisinghofficial

Facebook Page: letslearnforctet

Telegram Channel: LETSLEARNSQUAD

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