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Trabalhando os Gêneros: News and Biography

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Trabalhando o gênero Noticia através da personagem Mafalda e

também o gênero Biografia de seu criador Quino.
Após o trabalho de Compreensão das condições de produção dos
textos e da localização de informação específica, trabalhe o tema 1;
tópico 5.

Sugestão 1: Propor uma autobiografia dos alunos, ou que, em

pares, os alunos escrevam a biografia do colega, utilize inglês e
português, a compreensão dos gêneros aqui é o fator fundamental.

Sugestão 2: Em grupos de 2 a 4 alunos solicitar para que eles criem

uma notícia, podem ter por base algo que aconteceu na cidade, no
bairro, com um colega, ou a noticia de que alguém da familia vai
fazer uma festa para comemorar aniversário etc, lembrar que não é
anúncio nem convite, é notícia.


Mafalda´s 50th Birthday in 2014

Mafalda was first published on September 29th, 1964 in Primera
Plana Magazine. For Quino, that is the day Mafalda was born as
a strip character.

Any other birthday calculation is wrong.

The misunderstanding is due to the fact that in one of Quino´s strips,
published (on March 15th, 1966) in El Mundo Newspaper, she
would have been born in 1960 and that in the biography published
( on June 2nd, 1968) in Siete Días Magazine it reads: she was born
´in real life´ on March 15th, 1962. Neither one date, nor the other is
to be taken into account.
To think of a chronology for a strip character is difficult, Mafalda is
still a girl and will always be. This is the reason why Quino considers
Mafalda´s birthday to be the day of her first publication in the
graphic media, i.e September 29th, 1964.
We will celebrate in two years.


Joaquin Salvador Lavado, known as ‘Quino’, son of Andalusian

Spanish immigrants, is born in the city of Mendoza (Argentina) on
July 17. However, his birth date is incorrectly registered in the
official records as August 17.
From the time he was born, he was called Quino in order to
distinguish him from his uncle Joaquín Tejón, a painter and
commercial artist, with whom Quino discovered his own life vocation
at the age of three.
Quino begins primary school where he discovers that his real name
is Joaquin and he lives through some of the same difficulties faced
by one of his characters, Felipe: “I was so anxious in the first three
months that I had bad grades but I finished the year with pretty good
grades, although I was never number one and that made me angry.”

A great Argentine draughtsman,

creator of Mafalda and other fine
drawings that for several decades
have been charming the world with a
critical, intelligent and topical way of
making humour.

Quino, or Joaquín Salvador Lavado, was born on 17 July 1932 in

the city of Mendoza (Argentina). He got the nickname since he was
a kid, to tell him apart from his uncle Joaquín Tejón, a painter and
advertising draughtsman, who influenced Quino in discovering his
vocation at the age of 3. In the 40's, he lost his parents. After
finishing his primary studies he decided to enroll in the Fine Arts
School of Mendoza, which he would abandon years later to devote
himself to drawing cartoons and humour. In 1954, he settled
precariously in Buenos Aires and started to visit offices of every
newspaper and magazine looking for a job. Esto Es magazine
published his first page of graphic humour. Since then and until
today his humoristic drawings are being published without
interruption in countless newspapers and magazines of Latin
America and Europe. In 1960 he married Alicia Colombo. He did not
have any children. The honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro was his first
international trip. In 1963 he released his first humour book, Mundo
Quino, a recompilation of mute graphic humour drawings. In 1964
Mafalda appeared for the first time and since then several books
have been released in Argentina and abroad. He travelled to many
countries to show his work and was awarded several prizes of
international level, such as Draughtsman of the Year, in 1982.
Currently, he publishes new drawings every Sunday in the
magazine of Clarín newspaper.

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