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Presentation Outline

Maintaining the professionalism in the Workplace

The Presentation’s Purpose: Persuade
The main message: "Professionalism boosts teamwork, efficiency, and success in the

 Introduction: Professionalism in the workplace

o Multiculturalism in the Workplace.
o The complexities of interacting with people from another region of the world
like India (South-East Asia)
o The added layer of complexity brought on by the interaction of individuals
that are members of different generations.

 What calls to action are required to maintain professionalism in the workplace?

 Definition: How we act at work matters.
 Importance: It makes teams better and helps the company succeed.
 Objective: Learn why professionalism is crucial.

 Benefits of following professional behavior in different ways at supply chain.

 Why it's Important.
 Building Trust: Trust is crucial.
 Effective Communication: Helps avoid mistakes.
 Adaptability and Problem-solving: Stay calm and find solutions.
 Enhancing Reputation: Look good to others.
 How will assessment of improvements to situation be done?
 Canada, U.S., and India Comparison
 Punctuality: Be on time.
 Direct Communication: Speak clearly.
 Team Collaboration: Work together.
 Challenges and Opportunities
 Challenges: Different ways of communicating.
 Opportunities: Learn new things from each other.

 Conclusion
o Summary
o Closing remarks.

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