Networked Dynamic Systems With Higher-Order Interactions - Stability Versus Complexity

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RESEARCH ARTICLE National Science Review

XX: output, Year



Networked dynamic systems with higher-order

interactions: stability versus complexity

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Ye Wang1 , Aming Li1,2,⇤ and Long Wang1,2,†

The stability of complex systems is profoundly affected by underlying structures, which are often

modeled as networks where nodes indicate system components and edges indicate pairwise
interactions between nodes. However, such networks cannot encode the overall complexity of
networked systems with higher-order interactions among more than two nodes. Set structures

provide a natural description of pairwise and higher-order interactions where nodes are grouped into
multiple sets based on their shared traits. Here we derive the stability criteria for networked systems

with higher-order interactions by employing set structures. In particular, we provide a simple rule
showing that the higher-order interactions play a double-sided role on community
stability—networked systems with set structures are stabilized if the expected number of common

sets for any two nodes is less than one. Moreover, although previous knowledge suggests that more
interactions (i.e., complexity) destabilize networked systems, we report that, with higher-order

interactions, networked systems can be stabilized by forming more local sets. Our findings are robust
with respect to degree heterogeneous structures, diverse equilibrium states and interaction types.
Keywords: networked systems, set structures, higher-order interactions, stability criteria
INTRODUCTION complex systems under different structures, lit-
tle attention has been paid to higher-order in-

Explaining the intricate effect of community

structures on the stability of complex systems teractions with more than two species, namely,
has been a long-lasting challenge in mathemat- the interaction between two species might be af-
fected by other species [30,31]. The hypergraph

ics, control, and ecology [1–11]. Stability, one

of the most important indicators in complex sys- formalism is a comprehensive framework for
tems, portrays the ability of a system to return studying higher-order interactions, which is fun-

to its equilibrium after external perturbations damentally equivalent to the set structure [32].
Center for Systems [12–17]. By analyzing the eigenvalue of the lin- Indeed, the set structure represents a typical
and Control, College of
earized community matrix, May first proves that community structure that incorporates both pair-

Engineering, Peking
University, Beijing for a random community where species interact wise and higher-order interactions. According
100871, China; randomly, achieving stability becomes increas- to ‘evolutionary set theory’ [33–35], species in

Center for Multi-Agent
ingly challenging as community diversity and the realistic system are typically distributed over
Research, Institute for
Artificial Intelligence, complexity rise [1,2]. Following May’s frame- sets, where species within the same set interact
with each other, and each species may belong

Peking University, work, both theoretical analysis and experiments

Beijing 100871, China
have shown that the underlying structure can sig- to multiple sets based on multiple criteria. For

nificantly affect the stability of complex systems, example, goldfish and lotus plants in the same
* Corresponding authors. pond could be considered members of the same

such as the heterogeneous, multi-layer, temporal,
⇤, and higher-order structures, etc. [18–22]. set based on their shared location, but they would
Previous studies generally use complex net- be classified into distinct sets based on their tax-
onomic differences. By grouping species into

works to model various community structures,

Received: XX XX Year;
where nodes represent species and edges repre- multiple sets, set structures offer a more com-

Revised: XX XX Year;
sent pairwise interactions [23–29]. Despite the prehensive perspective on species relationships
Accepted: XX XX Year
many deep insights gained about the stability of within a networked system. Indeed, previous
studies have demonstrated that the set structure

© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. This is an Open Access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

has a significant impact on the evolutionary dy- stability of the system near ^ ⇤ , which subse-
namics of networked systems [33–35]. quently gives
Nonetheless, compared with other exten-
sively studied network structures [30,36–38], the = diag ^ ⇤ Px(C) = Sx(C), (2)
effect of the set structure on the stability of dC
complex systems has been poorly understood. mf
Prior explorations have demonstrated that dif- where P = m^ and x(C) = ^ (C) ^⇤.
ferent network structures, such as heterogeneous diag ( ^ ) P is the community matrix of the sys-

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and modularity structures [39,40], could lead to tem, which is often denoted by S, whose ele-
various stability criteria even under the same ment "8 9 describes the effect that species 9 has
interaction type. Based on the framework of on species 8, and "88 is the intrinsic effect of
‘evolutionary set theory’ and stability theory species 8. Mathematically, the stability of the
[12,33–35,41,42], here we investigate the impact linearized system near the equilibrium is deter-
of the set structure on the stability of complex mined by the largest real part among all eigen-
systems under various interaction types, and an- values of S, Re(_ S ,1 ). Specifically, a negative

alyze the corresponding stability criteria in set Re(_ S ,1 ) indicates an asymptotically stable sys-
structured systems. To further understand the tem near the equilibrium, while the equilibrium
role of set structures and higher-order interac- is unstable if Re(_ S ,1 ) is positive.

tions, we also compare the stability of set struc- In our model, we consider the effect of set
tured systems with that of corresponding un- structures on the stability of networked systems,

structured (set-free) systems [4,18]. Our results where nodes represent species and nodes within
indicate that the number of sets each species be- the same set can interact with each other. Let
longs to (K) and the overall number of sets (G) G denote the number of sets, and each node be-

determine the stability of set structured systems. longs to K randomly chosen sets (K  G), we
Surprisingly, we find that the destabilizing effect then construct the community matrix S as fol-

of increasing connectivity revealed by previous lows: (i) for any species 8 and set 6, 68 = 1 if
studies [1,43] can be counteracted in set struc- 8 belongs to 6 and 68 = 0 otherwise; (ii) for
tured systems by reducing the expected num-
ber of common sets for two randomly selected
A 6 6
any set 6, we define ("8 9 , " 98 ) as the interac-
tion strength between species 8 and 9 in set 6;
6 6
species (i.e., order, H = K 2 /G). Furthermore, (iii) we draw ("8 9 , " 98 ) from a bivariate distri-
we provide a simple rule, H < 1, to enhance sta- bution with probability ⇠ if both species 8 and
9 are in set 6 (68 6 9 = 1), otherwise we set

bility in set structured systems, which is suitable 6 6

"8 9 = " 98 = 0; (iv) for the community matrix
in various realistic scenarios such as heteroge- ÕG 6
neous structures, diverse equilibrium abundance, S, "8 9 = 6=1 "8 9 ; (v) for diagonal elements
and diverse interaction types. "88 , we set "88 = 3, where 3 is a positive con-

In classical studies on the stability of com-

RESULTS plex systems, the unstructured model supposes

Model that each pair of species interacts with proba-
Here we employ the classical ordinary differen- bility ⇠ (i.e., connectivity). The correspond-

tial equations to describe the dynamics of species ing community matrix Ŝ of the unstructured
interactions [4,18,43] system primarily indicates pairwise interactions

[8,38] (Fig. 1a,d). These assumptions facili-

d^ (C) tate the theoretical analysis of complex systems
= diag( ^ (C)) f ( ^ (C)), (1)

dC by focusing predominantly on pairwise interac-

tions within networked systems, which can be

where ^ (C) = [-1 (C), -2 (C), · · · , -( (C)] T denoted by edges. However, unstructured mod-
contains the abundance of each species at time els cannot comprehensively capture the dynamic

C and f ( ^ (C)) captures the specific interac- nature of real-world systems, where species in-
tions among species. The diagonal matrix teractions are not exclusively pairwise. In real-
diag( ^ (C)) has the elements of ^ (C) on its di-

ity, species are allowed to interact multiple times

agonal and zeros elsewhere. We call that ^ ⇤ = since they may belong to various common sets
[-1⇤ , -2⇤ , · · · , -(⇤ ] T is a feasible equilibrium

point satisfying f (^ ⇤ ) = 0 and -8⇤ > 0, 8 = Õ G system,

in the set structured whose community
matrix S = 6=1 S 6 incorporates both pair-
1, 2, · · · , (. wise and higher-order interactions (Fig. 1b,c,e).

Following the framework of stability theory, Indeed, the number of sets that any two species
we linearize the networked system to assess the have in common is defined as the order be-
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Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

a b c
Unstructured community Species interactions in different sets Set structured community
with 6 species with 6 species

Set I
Set I Set II
√ √ √ √

Set II √ √ √ √

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Set III √ √ √ √ Set III

d e
Unstructured community Set structured community
in large scale in large scale
Interaction Set
Species Number of sets: =4

Number of sets each
species belongs to: =2
Number of species: S=34
Number of species: S=34

Connectivity: C=0.1
Average connectivity
in each set: C=0.1

Figure 1. Construction of the unstructured and set structured systems. (a) Interactions between six species in the unstructured
system. Each species interacts with others in the random network, where grey lines depict the interaction between each pair of

species. (b) The distribution of six species over three sets. Each species belongs to two sets randomly among the three sets,
and the expected number of species in each set is four. (c) Interactions among six species in the set structured system. Each

species interacts with others within the same set with probability C , where colored lines correspond to specific interactions in each
set. (d) A large-scale unstructured (random) system. Each species is represented by a blue circle, and grey edges represent
interactions between species. Here the number of species S = 34 and connectivity C = 0.1. (e) A large-scale set structured

system. Each species (blue circle) belongs to two sets among four sets. Species within the same set interact with probability C
(grey edges). Except for the setting of sets, other parameters in the set structured system are identical to those in the unstructured
system (number of species, connectivity, etc.).

tween the two species. And the expected num- two species compete for limited resources, their
ber of common sets for two randomly chosen interactions are competitive. Conversely, when
species (H ) is the overall order of the set struc- two species cooperate for mutual benefit, their
tured system. Different from the classical net- interactions are mutualistic.

worked systems [37,44], here we explore the sta-

bility of set structured systems and reveal the ef-

fect of the combination of pairwise and higher- Stability criteria for diverse interaction types
order species interactions on community stabil- In contrast to classical unstructured (set-free)
ity. And for interactions between species, we systems where species interact with probabil-

mainly consider the following four types [4,18] ity ⇠ [43,45], here we study the stability of set
(see Supplementary information S1 for details): structured systems and investigate the effect of

(i) Random. Interaction strengths between two sets on community stability. We compare the
species are drawn from a normal distribution largest real part among all eigenvalues of S and
# (0, f 2 ) independently. (ii) Exploitative (+/ ). Ŝ, which is the community matrix of the cor-

Interaction strengths between two species have responding unstructured (set-free) systems. To

opposite signs. One is drawn from the dis- ensure a fair comparison, the parameters of both
tribution |# (0, f 2 )|, and the other is drawn set structured and unstructured systems are set to

independently from the distribution |# (0, f 2 )|. be identical, such as the number of species ((),
(iii) Mutualistic (+/+). Interaction strengths be- the connectivity (⇠), and the interaction types.

tween two species have positive signs and are Theoretically, we provide the stability criteria to
drawn from |# (0, f 2 )| independently. (iv) Com- estimate the stability of set structured systems.

petitive ( / ). Interaction strengths between Since a negative Re(_ S ,1 ) indicates a stable sys-
two species have negative signs and are drawn tem, we use Re(_ S ,1 ) and Re(_ Ŝ ,1 ) to rep-
from |# (0, f 2 )| independently. These interac- resent the stability of set structured and unstruc-

tion types can effectively describe complex real- tured systems, respectively [18,46].
world interaction scenarios. For example, when We find that, compared with the unstructured
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Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

a 0.76
b -0.3
1.0 +/-
Set structured -1.3

0.61 -2.3 -/-
0.46 -3.3
Unstructured -4.3 -0.5
Random Mutualitic (+/+)
0.31 -5.3
c 0.92
d 0.62

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Stability 0.86 0.48

0.80 0.34 Simulation

Exploitative (+/-) Competitive (-/-) Theortical prediction +/+
0.74 0.20 -3.5
100 140 180 220 260 300 100 140 180 220 260 300 100 140 180 220 260 300
Number of species, S
Figure 2. Set structures improve community stability. (a-d) The stability of set structured (blue) and corresponding unstructured
(orange) systems with an increasing number of species, S . Specific interaction types in each panel correspond to random, mutual-

istic (+/+) , exploitative (+/ ) , and competitive ( / ) , respectively. (e) Theoretical predictions (lines) and numerical simulations
(dots) on the stability of set structured systems under different interaction types (different colors). We set the number of sets G = 50,
the number of sets each species belongs to K = 6, connectivity C = 0.5, = 0.05, and vary the number of species S from 100 to

300. Each simulation result (box chart and dot) is obtained from over 50 replicates.

Table 1. Stability criteria for different interaction types in set structured and unstructured systems

Stability criterion Stability criterion
Interaction type
(set structured community) (unstructured community)

q p
Random (⇠ KG < 3
(⇠ < 3

f f

p p
Mutualistic ((

1) ⇠ KG
2/c <
f (( 1) ⇠ 2/c < 3
2 p
Exploitative (⇠ KG (1 2/c) < 3
f (⇠ (1 2/c) < 3

2 2 p p
Competitive (⇠ KG ) + ⇠ KG 2/c < 3
f (⇠) + ⇠ 2/c < 3

system, the set structure has a profound effect on General rule to stabilize complex
stabilizing the networked system if the number communities
of sets is much larger than the number of sets that Furthermore, we give a quantitative condition

each species belongs to (Fig. 2a-d), regardless of under which stability is enhanced in set struc-
the specific interaction types (random, exploita- tured systems, compared with that in unstruc-

tive, mutualistic, and competitive). tured systems. The expected number of com-
Next, we give the corresponding stability cri- mon sets, H , for two randomly chosen distinct
terion for different interaction types in set struc-

species is (see Supplementary information S2.1

tured systems in Table 1 [4,47–49] (see methods for details)

and Supplementary information S2 for details). K2

We verify our theoretical analysis of the stability H= . (3)

criteria in set structured systems through Monte
Carlo simulations, and our theoretical predic- Considering that species within the same set in-
tions are in good agreement with the numerical teract at probability ⇠, the expected interaction

results (Fig. 2e and Supplementary Fig. S1). times, ), for any two species is thus ) = ⇠H =
⇠ KG . According to Table 1, we find that ) is a

variable that describes ‘complexity’ in set struc-

tured systems, corresponding to the connectivity

⇠ in unstructured systems. Intuitively, increas-

ing connectivity ⇠ decreases the stability of net-
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Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

a S=200 b S=400 c S=800

Stability (unstructured)
Stabilization Random

0 0 0

Exploitative (+/-)

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0 0 0

Stability = Stability (set structured)

Mutualistic (+/+)
0 0 0


Competitive (-/-)
0 0 0

0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60 0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60 0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60

The expected number of sets any two species have in common,

Figure 3. Confirmation of the simple rule, K 2 /G < 1, to enhance stability in set structured systems. (a-c) The Stability of

set structured and corresponding unstructured systems with increasing K 2 /G in small (S = 200 ) , middle (S = 400 ) , and large
size (S = 800 ) communities, respectively, where Stability =Stability (set structured) stability (unstructured). Interaction types

from top to bottom panels are random, exploitative (+/ ) , mutualistic (+/+) , and competitive ( / ) , respectively. We highlight the
prediction of the critical ( K 2 /G) ⇤ under different interaction types. The simple rule accurately predicts the critical ( K 2 /G) ⇤ = 1
in random, exploitative, and mutualistic communities. The results suggest that K 2 /G < 1 is necessary but not sufficient in the

competitive community, as the critical ( K 2 /G) ⇤ < 1 when the interaction type is competitive. For set structured systems, we set
the number of sets each species belongs to K = 6, connectivity C = 0.5, = 0.05, and vary the number of sets G from 10 to 100.
For unstructured systems, we employ the same parameters (C , ) as those in set structured cases. Each result is obtained from
over 50 replicates.

worked systems since it increases the complex- stability in set structured systems, which is K 2 <
ity of the system [1,2]. Following May’s semi- G.
nal framework, species interact more frequently Our theoretical predictions are consistent

with increasing ) in set structured systems, mak- with Monte Carlo simulations when the interac-
ing the system more complex. Our results show tion types are random, exploitative, or mutual-

that the stability of set structured systems de- istic. We find that when the interaction type in
creases with increasing ), which increases the set structured systems is competitive, the critical
complexity (the expected interaction times for condition is more strict, and only a larger G can

any two species) of the whole system. stabilize the set structured system since the sta-
Surprisingly, we find that, the stability is neg- bility criterion is more sensitive to the varying G

atively correlated with the expected number of in competitive cases (Fig. 3a-c). Our findings in-
common sets H in set structured systems for dicate that higher-order species interactions (H )
random, exploitative, or mutualistic interactions. have a double-sided role in community stability,

Compared with the corresponding unstructured and the stability is enhanced only if H < 1. And

systems with the same coefficients, the set struc- these results are also applicable in more general
tured systems are more stable (i.e., Re(_ Ŝ ,1 )< cases, such as mixed interaction types (Supple-

Re(_ S ,1 )) if H < 1, namely mentary Fig. S5) and various community densi-
ties (Supplementary Fig. S2).
< 1. (4) To showcase the usefulness of our method

G and to provide quantitative comparisons with ex-


That means, in set structured systems, species isting work [4], we next generate a significant
may form more local sets to overcome the desta- amount of simulated data to validate the sta-
bilization effect of the increasing number of in- bilizing effect of set structures on community

teractions among species. Specifically, we pro- stability (see Supplementary information S3 for
vide a critical mathematical condition to enhance details). Our simulations track the dynamical
Page 5 of 11
Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

a Random b Exploitative (+/-) c Mutualistic (+/+) d Competitive (-/-)

2 Perturbation Stable Stable Stable Stable

Set structured
Recovery time Recovery time Recovery time Recovery time

2 Untable Stable Untable Untable

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Recovery time

0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
Time Time Time Time
e Small community (S=20) f Large community (S=500)

100% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% Set structured 98%
Proportion of stable




0.4 32%

0% 0% 0%
Random +/- +/+ -/- Random +/- +/+ -/-

Interaction type

Figure 4. Simulated data verifies the stabilizing effect of set structures on community stability. (a-d) Simulation results
illustrate the evolution of species abundance over time in set structured and corresponding unstructured systems with the same
perturbations. We find that set structures exhibit a significant stabilizing effect on community stability if K 2 /G < 1, irrespective

of specific interaction types, such as random, exploitative (+/ ), competitive ( / ), and mutualistic (+/+) interactions (from left to
right panels). Even though both set structured and unstructured systems with exploitative (+/ ) interactions return to equilibrium
after perturbations, set structured systems show a notably shorter recovery time. Parameters: S = 10, = 0.5, C = 0.25, G =
6, K = 2. (e-f) The proportion of stable communities among 1000 simulated set structured and corresponding unstructured
communities. In small communities (S = 20), both set structured and unstructured systems tend to maintain stability. However, in

large communities (S = 500), set structured systems sustain stability, while their unstructured counterparts grapple with instability.
Parameters: = 0.25, C = 0.25, G = 200, K = 2.

change of species abundance in both set struc- the same set interact randomly. However, re-

tured and unstructured systems following identi- lated studies have shown that the topological
cal external perturbations. These numerical ex- structures in empirical systems can also be non-

periments reveal that if the theoretical condition random and exhibit degree heterogeneity [50,
K 2 /G < 1 is satisfied, the relative abundance 51], indicating that species’ degree distributions
of each species converges more rapidly in set vary across different levels of generality. Specif-

structured systems than in unstructured systems, ically, degree heterogeneity refers to the un-
even when both systems are stable. And the set even distribution of connections of all nodes.

structured system can still be stable when the This concept signifies that within a network,
corresponding unstructured systems are unsta- some nodes possess a high degree of connectiv-
ble for K 2 /G < 1 (Fig. 4a-d). In addition, we

ity, whereas others exhibit a low degree. For

also calculate the proportion of stable commu- example, in transportation networks like air-

nities among numerous simulated communities line routes, certain airports serve as major hubs
and show that set structured systems are more with numerous direct flights to various destina-

likely to be stable in large complex communities tions, while smaller airports have fewer connec-
if G K 2 (Fig. 4e,f). tions. Next, we demonstrate that our frame-

work may analyze degree heterogeneous net-

works (see methods for details) and investigate

Effect of degree heterogeneity on the effect of degree heterogeneity on community

community stability stability of set structured systems (Fig. 5e,f).

We have investigated the effect of set structures Remarkably, our conclusions still hold in de-
on community stability where species within gree heterogeneous networks, indicating that set

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Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

a b c d
Random Exploitative (+/-) Mutualistic (+/+) Competitive (-/-)

0 0
Destabilization 0

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0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60 0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60 0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60 0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60
The expected number of sets any two species have in common,
e f
Scale-free community Set structured scale-free community

Figure 5. Confirmation of the simple rule, K 2 /G < 1, in heterogeneous systems. (a-d) The Stability of set structured

and corresponding unstructured systems with increasing K 2 /G in degree heterogeneous communities under random, exploitative
(+/ ) , mutualistic (+/+) , and competitive ( / ) interaction types (from left to right panels). We highlight the critical ( K 2 /G) ⇤ ⇡
1 in degree heterogeneous communities. (e) Degree heterogeneous (scale-free) system. Each species is represented by a blue

circle, and grey edges represent interactions between species. Here the number of species S = 34 and average connectivity
C = 0.2. (f) Set structured degree heterogeneous (scale-free) system. Each species (blue circle) belongs to two sets among four

sets, and other corresponding parameters are identical to those in the unstructured system (number of species, average connectivity,
etc.). In (a-d), we set the connectivity C = 0.2, and other parameters are the same as those in Fig. 3a. For unstructured systems,

we employ the same parameters (C , ) as those in set structured cases. Each result is obtained from over 50 replicates.
structures play a dominant role in community dance [52,53], to verify the robustness of our
stability. Although degree heterogeneity can findings.
lead to fluctuating results, we show that the crit- Here we investigate the effect of local sym-

ical K 2 /G is consistently around 1 (Fig. 5a- metric structures with heterogeneous degree dis-
d), irrespective of specific interaction types (ran- tributions on the stability of set structured sys-
dom, exploitative, mutualistic, and competitive). tems. Specifically, the average degree in unstruc-

Moreover, our results are robust for mixed inter- tured systems is equivalent to that in each set in
action types (Supplementary Fig. S6). set structured systems (see methods for details).

Following May’s framework, related studies And in local symmetric structures, the complex-
show that increasing connectivity (‘complexity’) ity of set structured systems is higher than that of
decreases stability in networked systems, regard- unstructured systems, as the overall average de-
less of the degree distribution of the system [4]. gree is higher than the average degree in each set

However, our results reveal that increasing the in set structured systems. Surprisingly, despite
number of sets G overcomes the destabilization the higher complexity of set structured systems

effect of increasing connectivity in set struc- in local symmetric structures, set structured sys-
tured systems in both degree homogeneity and tems can still be more stable than unstructured

heterogeneity networks. And the general rule systems if G K 2 . And under different inter-

K 2 /G < K 2 /G ⇡ 1 is a critical condition to

actions (random, exploitative, mutualistic, and

enhance stability in set structured systems com- competitive), the critical K 2 /G varies in lo-

pared with unstructured systems. cal symmetric structures (Fig. 6a-d).

Moreover, we explore the effect of equilib-
rium abundance on the stability of set structured

Model extension and unstructured systems. In realistic systems,

After exploring the effect of degree heterogene- species may have different equilibrium abun-

ity on the stability of set structured and un- dances, and previous studies have shown that
structured systems, we extend our models to these differences can significantly affect commu-

more complex scenarios, including local sym- nity stability. In previous sections, we postulate
metric structures and diverse equilibrium abun- that the equilibrium abundance -8 ⇤ = 1, 8 =
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Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

a Random b Exploitative (+/-) c Mutualistic (+/+) d Competitive (-/-)

Local symmetric
Stabilization 0
0 0

Destabilization 0


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0.01 0.02 0.36 0.01 0.02 0.36 0.01 0.02 0.36 0.01 0.02 0.36
e f g h

Diverse equilibrium
0 0 0


0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60 0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60 0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60 0.36 0.53 1.00 3.60

The expected number of sets any two species have in common,
Figure 6. Forming more local sets can improve the stability in local symmetric structures and with diverse equilibrium

abundances. The Stability of set structured and corresponding unstructured systems with increasing K 2 /G in local symmetric
communities (a-d) and with diverse equilibrium abundance in homogeneous communities (e-h) under random, exploitative (+/ ) ,
mutualistic (+/+) , and competitive ( / ) interaction types (from left to right panels). We highlight the critical ( K 2 /G) ⇤ ⇡ 1 among

all panels. (a-d) The average degree in both set structured and unstructured systems k = 4. (e-h) The equilibrium abundance is
drawn uniformly from the interval [ 0.75, 1.25 ] . We set parameters identical to those in Fig. 3a, and vary the number of sets G from
100 to 1000 (a-d) or 10 to 100 (e-h). Each result is obtained from over 50 replicates.

1, 2, · · · , (. Here we extend this assumption within the same set, potentially encompassing

by allowing for diverse equilibrium abundances interactions of any order within the community.
and investigate their effect on the stability of
set structured and unstructured systems in both A
This general and innovative approach promises
to greatly enhance our comprehension of intri-
homogeneous and heterogeneous communities. cate community dynamics. By incorporating

Our findings reveal that the critical K 2 /G re- both pairwise and higher-order interactions, set
mains close to 1, regardless of the diverse equi- structures effectively capture the complexity of

librium abundances (Fig. 6e-h). We also ex- interactions in networked systems.

amine different equilibrium abundance distribu- Indeed, as a kind of hypergraph [32], set
tions, such as log-normal and half-normal distri- structures are ubiquitous in both nature and

butions, and find that they do not qualitatively al- human society, from microorganisms and ani-
ter our results (Supplementary Fig. S3). We fur- mals to human populations [33,34]. Specifi-
ther consider degree heterogeneous communities cally, species may belong to multiple sets si-

and demonstrate that the critical K 2 /G is still multaneously under different classification crite-
near 1 under diverse equilibrium abundances in ria, playing different roles and functions in each
such communities (Supplementary Fig. S4, S7- set. For example, whales are both marine and

S9). mammalian in the sea system, while sharks are

marine but not mammalian. Previous studies

demonstrate that set structures qualitatively in-

DISCUSSION fluence the evolutionary outcomes of complex

Higher-order interactions are of paramount im- systems [34,35]. Here we consider complex sys-
portance in various fields such as network sci- tems with higher-order interactions by introduc-

ence, ecology, mathematics, and sociology [30– ing set structures, and investigate the stability of

32]. In particular, extensive research has been set structured systems. We establish the stabil-
devoted to understanding the impact of higher- ity criteria in set structured systems. Our find-
order interactions on complex systems by con- ings demonstrate that, contrary to the classical

sidering third or fourth-order interactions [30, ‘diversity-stability debate’ [1,2], increasing the
31]. Our study introduces set structures, equiv- number of sets, G, has a stabilizing effect on

alent to hypergraphs [32], as a novel framework set structured systems, which can overcome the
for analyzing higher-order species interactions. destabilization effect of increasing connectivity.

Within this framework, species are organized Surprisingly, we find that, compared with the
into distinct sets and interact with other species corresponding unstructured systems, there exists

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Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

a simple general rule to stabilize set structured systems [18,46]. By investigating the role of
systems. Moreover, we have theoretically de- higher-order interactions in these realistic com-
rived that the set structured system is more sta- plex systems, we can better understand the sys-

ble when K 2 /G < K 2 /G ⇡ 1, irrespective tem stability. This exploration also highlights
of interaction types. Furthermore, we find that that higher-order interactions impact not only the
set structures play a significant role in commu- stability and complexity of complex systems but
nity stability, and the effect of set structures on also their fundamental functions. For example,
system stability is robust under various parame- by identifying the sets most critical to commu-

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ters, including the number of species, connectiv- nity stability, we can prioritize conservation ef-
ity, etc. Remarkably, we also discuss the effect of forts and develop targeted interventions to pro-
degree heterogeneous structures, diverse equilib- tect those sets. These extensions will help us
rium abundance, and mixed interaction types on understand more about the system stability and
the stability of set structured systems. And our have profound theoretical and practical implica-
rule still holds when considering these realistic tions, which also significantly enrich the investi-
factors. Overall, our study provides a new per- gation of the effect of set structures on the stabil-

spective on understanding the role of set struc- ity of complex systems.
tures in community stability and offers a general
framework to study the role of set structures in

complex systems. METHODS
Our model employs set structures as a frame- Heterogeneous community matrix

work to investigate the impact of higher-order In each set 6, (6 = 1, 2, · · · , G), we construct
interactions on the stability of networked dy- a scale-free network M g with connectivity ⇠,
namic systems. It is worth noting that there where nodes represent species and edges capture

exist various ways to characterize higher-order interactions. The construction process of scale-
interactions, such as hyperedges and simplicial free networks typically follows the preferential

complexes. Therefore, the exploration of multi- attachment mechanism [50], where new nodes
ple definitions of higher-order interactions holds
the potential for a comprehensive examination
of their impact on the stability and complex-
are more likely to connect to existing nodes with
high degrees. If species 8 and 9 are in the same
set 6 (68 = 6 9 = 1) and there exists an edge be-
ity of networked systems. Additionally, the sta- 6 6
tween them, we sample ("8 9 , " 98 ) from a given
bility of complex systems in the real world is 6 6
bivariate distribution, otherwise "8 9 = " 98 = 0.

subject to various factors such as stochasticity,

Different interaction types correspond to distinct
nonlinearity, and reactivity [46,54–57]. Future
bivariate distributions. And we have
work based on our framework can further con-
sider these factors, contributing to a more thor- ’

ough understanding of complex systems. Fur- "8 9 = "8 9 . (5)
thermore, exploring real-world networks with set 6=1

structures and diverse species interactions repre-

In the corresponding heterogeneous unstruc-
sents a promising direction for future research
tured systems, we first construct a scale-free net-
based on our theoretical findings, with the key
work M with connectivity ⇠. And for any species

challenge being the acquisition of relevant data.

8 and 9, we sample ( "ˆ 8 9 , "ˆ 98 ) from the same
Therefore, efforts to obtain and analyze such
distribution as that in heterogeneous set struc-

data can greatly enhance our understanding of

tured systems if ⌧ 8 9 = ⌧ 98 = 1, otherwise
the stability of empirical systems. In addition,
"ˆ 8 9 = "ˆ 98 = 0.

previous work has pointed out that environmen-

tal feedback plays a pivotal role in shaping the

dynamics of complex systems [56]. Combining Local symmetric structure community

environmental feedback with higher-order inter-

actions can extend our work into the broader
In each set 6, we construct a scale-free network
context of co-evolutionary dynamics research,
M g whose average degree is :. If 68 6 9 = 1 and

deepening our understanding of the impact of

there exists an edge between species 8 and 9, we
higher-order interactions on the stability of net- 6 6
sample ("8 9 , " 98 ) from a given bivariate distri-

worked dynamic systems. 6 6

bution, otherwise "8 9 = " 98 = 0. Then, we have
Another potential extension points to the fu- ÕG 6
ture application of our model in more realis- "8 9 = 6=1 "8 9 .

tic scenarios, such as multi-layer and time-delay In the corresponding unstructured systems,
we also construct a scale-free network M whose
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Natl Sci Rev, Year, Vol. XX, output

average degree is :. And we sample ( "ˆ 8 9 , "ˆ 98 ) Data and code availability
from the same distribution as that in set struc- All data analyzed can be reproduced us-
tured systems if ⌧ 8 9 = ⌧ 98 = 1, otherwise ing the codes provided, which are available
"ˆ 8 9 = "ˆ 98 = 0. at
The codes are written in MathWorks Matlab
Stability criteria
(1) Random. When interactions between species

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are random, for the community matrix S, we Supplementary data
have E "8 9 8< 9 = 0 and Var "8 9 8< 9 = Supplementary data are available at NSR online.
K2 2
⇠ G f ,where G is the number of sets and K is
the number of sets each species belongs to. The
above relations give the corresponding stability
criterion for random interactions as shown in Ta- We thank four anonymous referees for construc-
tive suggestions.

ble 1 (see Supplementary information S2.2 for
(2) Exploitative (+/ ). For the exploita-

tive case that interactions between species in
each set are exploitative, we have E "8 9 8< 9 = This work is supported by the National
K2 Key Research and Development Program of

0, E "8 9 " 98 = ⇠ E2 (|- |) and
8< 9 G China (2022YFA1008400), National Natu-
Var "8 9 8< 9 = ⇠ G Var (-), where - ⇠ ral Science Foundation of China (62036002
# (0, f 2 ). The above relations give the corre- and 62173004), and Beijing Nova Program

sponding stability criterion for exploitative inter- (Z211100002121105).

actions as shown in Table 1 (see Supplementary
information S2.3 for details).
Author contributions
(3) Mutualistic (+/+). In the mutualistic case,
6 6
("8 9 , " 98 ) are drawn from the distribution |- | A
All authors developed the model, performed the
with probability ⇠ if species 8 and 9 both be- research, and wrote the paper.
long to the set ⌘. And for the community ma-
2 Conflict of interest statement. None declared.
trix S, we have E "8 9 8< 9 = ⇠ KG E (|- |) and
⇣ ⌘2

2 2
Var "8 9 8< 9 = ⇠ KG E - 2 ⇠ KG E (|- |) ,
where - ⇠ # (0, f 2 ). The above relations give

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