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Candidate’s Name: _______________________________________

Name of the School: ______________________________________


Phone No: 0685061517/0742861038
Time: 1:30 Hour Wednesday 24th April, 2024
1. This paper consists of Sections A, B and C with a total of Eight (8)
2. Answer all questions in each section.
3. Write your answers in the space provided in each question.
4. All answers must be written in blue or black pen.
5. Cellular phones, and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the
assessment room.
6. Write your Name and Name of your School in the space provided at
the top right corner of every page
Candidate’s Name: _______________________________________
Name of the School: ______________________________________
SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter
in the brackets provided.
i. Food from the mouth passes through the food pipe to the stomach. From there, which is the immediate part
it passes as digestion continues?
A. small intestines B. anus C. oesophagus D. colon E. liver [ ]
ii. Which of the following are the raw materials that plants need for making their own food?
A. Water, sunlight, carbon dioxide and warmth D. Water, carbon dioxide, sunlight and chloroplast
B. Water, carbon dioxide, warmth and chlorophyll E. Carbon dioxide, water, sunlight and chlorophylls
C. Water, oxygen, temperature and chloroplast [ ]
iii. Living things possess distinctive characteristics which differentiate them from non-living things. Which
characteristic involves the process by which living things obtain and use food for growth, metabolism and
repair? [ ]
A. Excretion B. Sensitivity C. Nutrition D. Reproduction E. Respiration
iv. Suppose you are asked to educate the citizens of Kalanga village on the farming practices that do not affect
the quality of the soil. Which farming practice among the following would you suggest for them?
A. Monoculture C. Use of pesticides E. Cultivating on steep slopes
B. Intercropping D. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers [ ]
v. Soil is composed of different substances. What is the total percentage of both water and air in the soil?
A. 25% B. 5% C. 30% D. 50% E. 45% [ ]
vi. Air is a mixture of gases like oxygen, nitrogen and carbondioxide. Which among the following is not a
correct property of air?
A. it is invisible C. it occupies space E. it has no smell [ ]
B. it is a liquid state D. it has weight
vii. Which among the following devices protects computers from increase of electric current?
A. circuit breaker B. CPU C. lightning conductor D. UPS E. fuse [ ]
viii. Renewable energy is the kind of energy produced from resources that are continuously self-replenishing
(don’t get exhausted). Which among the following is not renewable? [ ]
A. sun light B. water falls C. biogas D. wind E. petrol
ix. As an upcoming seventh grader who has learned well about characteristics of living things. Which of the
statements below is not correct about movement in organisms?
A. All living things move D. Movement in plants involve a whole plant
B. movement in plants is very slow E. Locomotion does not occur in plants [ ]
C. growing also involves movement in plants
x. Ntibazonkiza was conducting an activity of grouping organisms in different groups. If he collected
millipedes, rats and lizards, which group among the following can he place them basing on their habitat?
A. vertebrate B. aquatic C. insects D. amphibians E. terrestrial [ ]

2. Match the explanations in Column A with the correct tabs of excel program in Column B by writing the letter of
the correct answer in the brackets provided
i. Movement of plants towards light A. Matter
ii. Movement of plants towards water B. Geotropism
iii. Movement of plants towards touch C. Hydrotropism
iv. Movement of plants towards gravity D. Phototropism
v. The process whereby plants E. Thigmotropism
manufacture their own food
F. Photosynthesis
G. Hidrotropism
Candidate’s Name: _______________________________________
Name of the School: ______________________________________
3. Choose the correct answer from the box provided and write it in the blank spaces

Cholera, Tuberculosis, Measles, Chickenpox, Tetanus, Cancer, Diabetes, Constipation, Trachoma

i. __________________________ is an infectious disease caused by a virus, infects the nose and throat.
ii. An airborne infectious disease caused by bacteria and usually affects the lungs is called
iii. ________________________ causes high fever, tightening of the jaw muscles which lead to difficult
swallowing and breathing.
iv. Which disease develops itching, skin rashes and fluid filled blisters? ____________________________
v. Which disease may occur due to the failure of the pancreas to produce enough insulin?

SECTION B (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section
4. Answer the following questions by writing the correct answers in the spaces provided
i. Explain why carbon dioxide is used to put off fire?
ii. What is the best type of soil for crop farming?
iii. Which organ is responsible for passing nutrients and air from the mother to an embryo during
pregnancy? ________________________________________________________________________

5. Answer the following questions by writing the correct answers in the spaces provided
i. It has been known that renewable energy is better than all other types of energy. Give two advantages
of renewable energy
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. When Standard Six pupils visited Zoo they saw group of animals which live in both aquatic and
terrestrial habitat. What is that group of animals called?
iii. Why is water one of the essential needs for plants growth? Briefly explain using two points
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________

6. Write the correct answers in the spaces provided

i. Is a bicycle a simple or complex machine? Give a reason to your answer
ii. Name the types of web browsers commonly used to browse websites
iii. What is the largest Wide Area Network in the world?
Candidate’s Name: _______________________________________
Name of the School: ______________________________________
SECTION C (10 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
7. Answer the following questions by writing the correct answers in the spaces provided
i. Find the value of K in the figure below

ii. A standard six pupil connected the electric circuit as shown by the diagram below. Determine the total
resistance of the below circuit

iii. An electric current of 0.8 Ampere passes through a conductor of 25 Ohms. Which voltage will be read if
the voltmeter is fixed in this circuit?
8. Observe the diagram below then answer the questions that follow:

i. What will happen immediately in the following food chain if the lions will disappear?
ii. What can make the number of lions to decrease in the food chain above?

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