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Yokogawa Indonesia - Student Paper Competition


Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe Transport System

for Efficient CO2 Transport in CCS
Nara Pangestu Apramada1, Yudhistira Septian Aptadi2, Pramudya Tedy Wijaya3
Department of Engineering Physics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Sukolilo, 60111, Indonesia

E-mail: naragalung16@gmail.com

Keywords: CCS, CO2, Stainless, Steel, Transport

The middle-income nation of Indonesia is going through a major transition right now. Driven
by swift economic expansion, industrialization, and urbanization, the country's energy terrain
is seeing a significant transformation. The demand for energy has increased steadily during
the last 10 years, growing by 3% on average every year. The average annual growth in energy
use since 2010 has been 3 percent. Even with this growing demand, fossil fuels still account
for a large portion of Indonesia's energy mix. In 2018, coal, natural gas, and oil accounted for
an astounding 91% of the nation's principal energy sources. Concerns concerning the
sustainability of the environment and price volatility in the global energy market are brought
up by this reliance on fossil fuels. For Indonesia, this position offers both possibilities and
problems. The country needs to figure out how to fulfill its expanding energy requirements
while maintaining environmental responsibility and long-term energy security [1].
A major concern is Indonesia's position as the world's fourth largest emitter of greenhouse
gases in 2015. CO2 emissions increased by an average of 4.4% per year from 2001 to 2018,
with the highest increase of 14.8% in 2011 and the lowest decrease of 7.5% in 2013. However,
air quality declined by more than 10%, which is a threat to Indonesia, according to World
Bank Indicators released in 2020. The World Bank estimates that by 2045, around 220 million
people in Indonesia will live in cities and towns. This shows that environmental quality will
deteriorate if CO2 emissions are simply discharged without considering the potential for
reutilization of CO2 gas emissions in Indonesia [2].
Currently, Indonesia's efforts to reduce CO2 emissions are to continue developing renewable
energy which has great potential in Indonesia. However, the results of the utilization of
renewable energy are still relatively insufficient to replace conventional energy [1]. One of the
right steps is to continue to develop Carbon Capture and Storage technology in Indonesia.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology is one of the breakthroughs by capturing CO2
emissions from industries and power plants. Once captured, the CO2 emissions will be
processed and transferred to be injected back into the earth [3].

Yokogawa Indonesia - Student Paper Competition

For the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), carbon capture and storage (CCS) has the
potential to be a game-changer. By storing CO2 emissions, CCS may directly address climate
change (SDG 13), as well as promote innovation in materials and infrastructure (SDG 9) and
greener energy generation (SDG 7). It can also encourage ethical manufacturing methods
(SDG 12) across a range of sectors. CCS does, however, come with certain difficulties. SDG 3
on leakage risks, SDG 6 on water consumption, and SDG 15 on possible consequences on
ecosystems all call for careful thought and mitigation measures. Strong governance (SDG 16)
is necessary to promote responsible development and deployment of CCS alongside ongoing
advancements in renewable energy sources, which is necessary for CCS to realize its full
When designing and running CO2 transport pipes, corrosion and material choice are important
factors to take into account. Prior to choosing a material, the operating parameters and stream
composition must be determined. Both steady state and dynamic excursion scenarios, such as
shutdown, startup, and disturbances, should be taken into account. Free water phase, CO2 and
O2 corrosion of carbon steel, corrosion-resistant alloys, stress corrosion, hydrogen damage,
liquid metal embrittlement, and deterioration of non-metallic components are some of the
corrosion mechanisms taken into consideration in the transportation of CO2. A few things that
work against CO2 pipeline corrosion prevention techniques include ignorance about the proper
application of metallurgy inhibitor tests and a lack of specific protection for low-grade carbon
steel components. The choice of materials should minimize financial impact while lowering
the likelihood of corrosion occurring. That is why choosing the right materials for pipeline
can maximize the impact of CCS [4].
Carbon steel with low alloy content is now the standard material for pipes used in carbon
capture and storage (CCS). Nonetheless, one important note to bear in mind is, Corrosion
Susceptibility, Carbon dioxide (CO2) may react with moisture to generate carbonic acid,
which corrodes steel. A number of tactics are used to solve this issue such as, Drying the CO2,
Carefully drying the CO2 stream reduces its moisture content and guards against corrosion.
Corrosion-Resistant Linings, Epoxy or other materials may be applied inside to pipelines to
improve corrosion resistance.
Alternative pipeline materials such as duplex stainless steel (DSS) are selected due to their
advantageous mixes of ferritic (bcc) and austenitic (fcc) phases. In conditions that are acidic,
caustic, or maritime, DSS has strong mechanical qualities and resistance to corrosion. The
strongest resistance to pitting corrosion is often seen by DSS with a ferrite/austenite phase
fraction close to 50:50. Since most weld thermal cycles include rapid cooling, welding may
cause the phase balance in DSS to be upset. DSS pipeline welding may present a covert risk
to production safety. In oil fields, cathodic protection is typically used to reduce or stop
external corrosion of subterranean metallic pipes [5].
Due to its remarkable mix of characteristics, duplex stainless steel (DSS) is an attractive
solution for a wide range of applications. Because of its superior resistance to corrosion, it is
perfect for severe situations. Furthermore, because of its great strength, constructions with
smaller weights and thinner walls are possible. strong weldability makes fabrication easier,
and strong toughness guarantees fatigue and impact resistance. Because of its exceptional
strength and resistance to corrosion, DSS has a longer service life and requires less
maintenance, which might make it more cost-effective. But some disadvantages must be

Yokogawa Indonesia - Student Paper Competition

taken into account. A high temperature or improper heat treatment might make an object
more prone to intergranular corrosion. Restricted availability may also result in increased
material costs and longer lead times. Careful surface preparation and passivation are
necessary to maintain its corrosion resistance, which could complicate manufacturing.
Certain situations can lead to localized corrosion, such as pitting or crevice corrosion, which
necessitates appropriate design and maintenance techniques. Lastly, its potential to perform
less well in heat transfer applications stems from its poorer thermal conductivity when
compared to other materials. Although the main benefits and drawbacks of DSS are outlined
in this synopsis, more investigation from different sources is advised for a more thorough
review [5].


[1] Z. P. Sutrisno, A. Artemis Meiritza, and A. Raksajati, “Understanding the Potential of

Bio-Carbon Capture and Storage from Biomass Power Plant in Indonesia,” 2021.
[2] D. M. Nihayah, I. Mafruhah, L. Hakim, and S. Suryanto, “CO2 Emissions in Indonesia:
The Role of Urbanization and Economic Activities towards Net Zero Carbon,”
Economies, vol. 10, no. 4, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.3390/economies10040072.
[3] T. Wilberforce, A. G. Olabi, E. T. Sayed, K. Elsaid, and M. A. Abdelkareem, “Progress
in carbon capture technologies,” Science of the Total Environment, vol. 761, Mar. 2021,
doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143203.

[4] V. E. Onyebuchi, A. Kolios, D. P. Hanak, C. Biliyok, and V. Manovic, “A systematic

review of key challenges of CO2 transport via pipelines,” Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, vol. 81. Elsevier Ltd, pp. 2563–2583, Jan. 01, 2018. doi:
[5] J. T. Yuan et al., “Insights into the corrosion perforation of UNS S32205 duplex
stainless steel weld in gas transportation pipelines,” Materials and Corrosion, vol. 68,
no. 8, pp. 858–867, Aug. 2017, doi: 10.1002/maco.201609341.

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